Confederates were Patriots, Antifa and BLM are SCUM of the Earth!



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Or how all the blacks they captured in the South, were forced to fight for the Union, and thrown at the front line. Slaves knew this too.


Domestically feral
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United states
Or how all the blacks they captured in the South, were forced to fight for the Union, and thrown at the front line. Slaves knew this too.

You know people are set in their narratives and emotionally invested in them, are not open minded at all to anything that could change the narrative they like.

They enjoy seeing themselves as being on the side of some civil rights movement and like feeling as though they are fighting oppression. They WANT to view America as this racist, oppressive place because they get an emotional boost seeing themselves as warriors against oppresion.

Sometimes I get the feeling they know it's all bullshit....but they are emotionally invested in seeing democrats as the "good guys" and everyone else as stupid, racist, et. They dont WANT to see or know anything that could contradict what they WANT to believe. That's why I call it a cult. They are far more likely to lash out and attack than just hear anything out.

Its deeply ironic, because most of them see themselves as the open minded ones.

It's entirely all rooted in how they see and feel about themselves and what they want to think about others. It's how the media gets away with lies and distortions....its the narrative they want. They want reasons to hate those who are different.

They are never going to view our history in all its layers and nuance, they got their narrative that makes them feel good and the rest of the country has to cater to it or we are villains.


Factory Bastard
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Benzo, an old man who joined the cunt wranglers, an internet flame gang that spammed transsexual porn. Then this older man would call people "faggot" all day.

That right there tells you something is very wrong with him.

Then when Dovey challenged him, on a forum no less, he went all jazz hands and put her on ignore like he was a small child who did not get a cookie.

He is like a male version of Joy Reid.


Domestically feral
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United states
Benzo, an old man who joined the cunt wranglers, an internet flame gang that spammed transsexual porn. Then this older man would call people "faggot" all day.

That right there tells you something is very wrong with him.

Then when Dovey challenged him, on a forum no less, he went all jazz hands and put her on ignore like he was a small child who did not get a cookie.

He is like a male version of Joy Reid.

What on earth happened to Blandscape? He just went over the edge over there(FT)?


Factory Bastard
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Benzo, an old man who joined the cunt wranglers, an internet flame gang that spammed transsexual porn. Then this older man would call people "faggot" all day.

That right there tells you something is very wrong with him.

Then when Dovey challenged him, on a forum no less, he went all jazz hands and put her on ignore like he was a small child who did not get a cookie.

He is like a male version of Joy Reid.

What on earth happened to Blandscape? He just went over the edge over there(FT)?

We requested for anyone to post a "non flame" poem for a collab project and CW posted one. Blandscape went totally bonkers and posted a snarky poem of his own. He was told it was not good at all and would not be used in a collab. He then rewrote CW's poem in a snarky manner.

Blandscape then started spamming more of those bizarre call out demands and multiple, one sentence posts. CW moved most of his shit to the dumpster and gave him a perm or temp ban (not sure) for mental health reasons.

He had gotten many warnings before to not spam up the forum with call outs and multiple posts that that go on for 3 pages but say nothing at all.

He seems to be stuck in "flame mode" circa Third Rail, 24 hours a day.


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“Black civil rights activists and their white liberal supporters who are attacking the Confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic black ancestors who marched, fought and died to protect their homeland from what they saw as Northern aggression. They don't deserve the dishonor.” Walter Williams



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"Let us be certain that our children know that the War Between the States was not a contest for the preservation of slavery, as some would have them believe, but that it was a great struggle for the maintenance of Constitutional rights, and that the men who fought were warriors tried and true who bore the flags of a nation's trust, and fell in a cause, though lost, still just, and died for me and you."
J. Taylor Ellison


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We [Southerners] are in one important way, unlike most stateless peoples. We are more American than those who call themselves Americans who now rule us. We are the original Americans, the true Americans, so we may say that Americans have no power in what is now the empire called “American.” As a friend of mine puts it, the War for Southern Independence was a war between the Americans and the Yankees [a minority of overbearing and peculiar people].
-Clyde Wilson


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"If I am asked what is to be done when a people feel themselves intolerably oppressed, my answer is ready: OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT." Patrick Henry, 1799.

Why is this Virginian a patriot when 62 years later other Virginians followed his advice and are labeled rebels and traitors; and considering the Virginians of 1861 did not seek to overthrow the government, they simply wished to be left alone…


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The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.


Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.


Factory Bastard
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The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.
Then you have no God given inalienable rights. STFU and quit using them, asshole.

God and allah are not the same and if your uneducated ass read a koran (also available in 2-ply) you'd know.

Am I a jew? Just as much as you're a nigger I suppose.

Think on that, douchebag.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.
Then you have no God given inalienable rights. STFU and quit using them, asshole.

God and allah are not the same and if your uneducated ass read a koran (also available in 2-ply) you'd know.

Am I a jew? Just as much as you're a nigger I suppose.

Think on that, douchebag.
Let me respond:
Deez Nutz on your god and I still enjoy my 'rights'.
Actually, the god of the Jews, yours, and allah are all the same god.
Case in point why I don't believe any of this shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.
Then you have no God given inalienable rights. STFU and quit using them, asshole.

God and allah are not the same and if your uneducated ass read a koran (also available in 2-ply) you'd know.

Am I a jew? Just as much as you're a nigger I suppose.

Think on that, douchebag.
Let me respond:
Deez Nutz on your god and I still enjoy my 'rights'.
Actually, the god of the Jews, yours, and allah are all the same god.
Case in point why I don't believe any of this shit.
Oh I totally understand that you shit stains wanna sponge up all the benies without any of the commitment. Its why gaytheism should be a capital crime. The Bible directly contradicts the quee-ran, idiot. But again, you're a willfully uneducated idiot.
Your disbelief is a matter of convenience.
If forced at the end of a gun, you'll be on a prayer rug 5 times a day.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Nobody even knows who wrote the Bible, or how many times it was changed.
There are hundreds of gospels.
And organized religion always have their hands out.
Forget that mess.
I doubt you even go to Temple.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nobody even knows who wrote the Bible, or how many times it was changed.
There are hundreds of gospels.
And organized religion always have their hands out.
Forget that mess.
I doubt you even go to Temple.
Dodging and deflecting, ehh? Sure sign of a fukin loser. One more time:The Bible directly contradicts the quee-ran, idiot. But again, you're a willfully uneducated idiot.


Domestically feral
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United states
Nobody even knows who wrote the Bible, or how many times it was changed.
There are hundreds of gospels.
And organized religion always have their hands out.
Forget that mess.
I doubt you even go to Temple.

The bible is collection of canonized books written over the span of thousands of years and had several authors.

And yes we do know the authors who wrote them, and who the audience and contexts are. It's called hermeneutics and it's a whole scope of study.

But for some reason, people think we know nothing about the bible. Forget that mess, eh?

Christian's dont use temples.


Put your glasses on!
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The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.

By forcing people to fight for them when they hopped off the boats. Sure, very Godly like of them. Dipshit.

If you dont know what the South was fighting for by know, you truly are a "lost cause".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.

God and allah are not the same

Yes they are. Allah (the actual word) means "God," and God is a title like Mister or Miss is a title.

Every spirit is a God but the lord of all gods or Lord God is Jehovah ( English) Yahweh (Hebrew), yahwa (Arabic).


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.

God and allah are not the same

Yes they are. Allah (the actual word) means "God," and God is a title like Mister or Miss is a title.

Every spirit is a God but the lord of all gods or Lord God is Jehovah ( English) Yahweh (Hebrew), yahwa (Arabic).
The declaration was that the false god of the koran and the God of The Bible are one in the same. They are absolutely not. If you read the koran AND the Bible and compare the two, they are NOT the same. They do not have the same system of justice, mercy, or salvation. Very different.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Nobody even knows who wrote the Bible, or how many times it was changed.
There are hundreds of gospels.
And organized religion always have their hands out.
Forget that mess.
I doubt you even go to Temple.
Dodging and deflecting, ehh? Sure sign of a fukin loser. One more time:The Bible directly contradicts the quee-ran, idiot. But again, you're a willfully uneducated idiot.
From your demented point of view-
I just keep laughing..

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.

By forcing people to fight for them when they hopped off the boats. Sure, very Godly like of them. Dipshit.

If you dont know what the South was fighting for by know, you truly are a "lost cause".
Fact is you don't even know.
Fact is you were bitterly defeated.
Fact is Grant made Lee grovel.
Davis was hunted down and imprisoned.
Federal military bases were scattered throughout the south to ensure peace.
Soon to be renamed baha!

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.

The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.

The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
Its God, you piece of Shit.
I don't believe in god, Cokmo. You're well aware of that.
Your god and the god of Islamic extremists are one and the same.
And aren't you Jewish?
There's a war of gods in your head.
This explains a lot.

God and allah are not the same

Yes they are. Allah (the actual word) means "God," and God is a title like Mister or Miss is a title.

Every spirit is a God but the lord of all gods or Lord God is Jehovah ( English) Yahweh (Hebrew), yahwa (Arabic).
The declaration was that the false god of the koran and the God of The Bible are one in the same. They are absolutely not. If you read the koran AND the Bible and compare the two, they are NOT the same. They do not have the same system of justice, mercy, or salvation. Very different.
Prove they're not!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nobody even knows who wrote the Bible, or how many times it was changed.
There are hundreds of gospels.
And organized religion always have their hands out.
Forget that mess.
I doubt you even go to Temple.
Dodging and deflecting, ehh? Sure sign of a fukin loser. One more time:The Bible directly contradicts the quee-ran, idiot. But again, you're a willfully uneducated idiot.
From your demented point of view-
I just keep laughing..
Naw, nothing to do with me. Get off your lazy ass sometime and read.