Confederates were Patriots, Antifa and BLM are SCUM of the Earth!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

So many of these lol

Bruh... all your opinions are partisan. Even on medicine. We let you we have Jihad Joe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What the south did was enshrined in The Declaration of Independence:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
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and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
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Are you arguing that slavery was/is a Law of Nature?

That is what they seceded for, to protect their fascist system.
They decided to secede. They had the right. They still do. Its a God given inalienable right.
The Union said they didn't have the right. And forced the issue. Too bad for your god.
Doesnt matter. Its written in The Declaration. Secession is a God given inalienable right. Read it and weep.
Prove it
A: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
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and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
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B: "We hold these truths to be
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, that
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, that they are endowed by their
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with certain
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, that among these are
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.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
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,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
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, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
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, it is their right, it is their duty, to
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, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

C: YUO should go slam a bucket of dix at the local tranny house, faggit!!!!!


Factory Bastard
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.

You know where our other monuments in Richmont went? On the ground at the septic treatment plant. Disgraceful.

Here ya go.....


...and for extra credit, concerning this thread.....


Im AM from the South!! I AM from Virginia!! I wont let these fucks dictate what I dont know!!!!

plus the north kept recuiting from the UK... I think the South were ahead at one time.


Factory Bastard
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.

You know where our other monuments in Richmont went? On the ground at the septic treatment plant. Disgraceful.

Here ya go.....


...and for extra credit, concerning this thread.....


Im AM from the South!! I AM from Virginia!! I wont let these fucks dictate what I dont know!!!!

plus the north kept recuiting from the UK... I think the South were ahead at one time.
the irish were recruited right off the boats!


Factory Bastard
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.
You aren't the voice of the people, Dove.
Fact is, it's down. Warehoused.
There's plenty of others around, including at Gettysburg.
Btw, you shouldn't point the hyperventilating finger with your long-winded pointless bullshit rants few if any read.

Ahem, the PEOPLE of Virginia did NOT want it down!!!!!

ALL votes in counties here where it was put to the people to have a monument come down, it was over 85% NOT to!!!

They never gave us the chance to vote on none of this!!!

This was to appease BLM!!! They hoped it would all go away!! Richmond is a shithole now!!! Have you seen the crime rate? The boarded up shops?

Hell even those that lived on that street tried to sue and the judge tossed that out too!!

BTW, you dont even know what warehouse. So shut it, cause last time they said "storage" it was thrown on the ground at the septic treatment plant!!
Dude, it was in a city that was like 60 percent black, yes?
They have the say, not you.
Get your own local statue.

And? You know there are a lot of black people in the south that have an entirely different narrative about the south, and the Confederacy? I met SEVERAL black people on the gulf coast, MS and NOLA who had Confederate flags and taught me why.

It's like everyone just up decided what our history is going to be, whether it's true or not.. because it's useful to fucking democrats.
Ok, so you're saying you have the right to dictate to blacks, even if they're in the majority.
Am I understanding this?

The politicians do dictate to the's not a black versus white thing EVERY CULTURE has an aristocrisy... EVERY CULTURE, through out man's history... If you live under a good Lord, you prosper, if you live under a bad one, you revolt I guess.

This won't be a popular comment however we all have to do as we are told... And if you think it would have been better back in Africa, it wasn't, it was 10,000 worse.


Factory Bastard
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.
You aren't the voice of the people, Dove.
Fact is, it's down. Warehoused.
There's plenty of others around, including at Gettysburg.
Btw, you shouldn't point the hyperventilating finger with your long-winded pointless bullshit rants few if any read.

Ahem, the PEOPLE of Virginia did NOT want it down!!!!!

ALL votes in counties here where it was put to the people to have a monument come down, it was over 85% NOT to!!!

They never gave us the chance to vote on none of this!!!

This was to appease BLM!!! They hoped it would all go away!! Richmond is a shithole now!!! Have you seen the crime rate? The boarded up shops?

Hell even those that lived on that street tried to sue and the judge tossed that out too!!

BTW, you dont even know what warehouse. So shut it, cause last time they said "storage" it was thrown on the ground at the septic treatment plant!!

I keep trying to tell him it was a well funded leftwing activist group. That most people oppose the destruction of history

Why is it so hard? We see where this shit goes and people dont listen.

America wasnt even supposed to have political parties and this shit is why :(
Easy answer for you Dove:
Stop trying to tell me things.
I don't read much of your crap,
Nor do I ask you to post it in my direction.
Do us both a favor.

How about if you cant have a reasonable discussion about these topics, you shouldnt join them if all you are gonna do is act like a fucking baby?
I'm not getting thru to you.
Let me put it this way:
Which is the bigger idiot?
The idiot or the one who argues with an idiot?
I don't want to be the bigger idiot.

They did a show in Australia and they have done UK ones as well where they do real reinactments of what living 200 years ago would have been like. Mostly seriously bloody hard work. Still more idyllic than today in many ways.

so when the northern armies raided the south of food and destroyed homes, what happened to the slaves/farm hands and their women folk and their uneducated children? Were they living by trapping possums and fishing out of the creeks, living on the wildlife? Robbing wherever could scrounge... where did their clothes come from? How about treating kids ear infections, other afflictions?

I am so glad I listened to the stories of my grandmother who lived in a hessian shack as child and ended up a multi-millionare through the lobster industry...

you know, blacks weren't the only ones who went through tuff times..... EVERYBODY 200 years and less did.

so why aren't we counting our blessings?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

If you want to put people on ignore then just do it without all the bragging about it. BTW it says more about you than anything else that you have difficulties arguing your position then get angry and put multiple posters on ignore.
Last edited:

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
What the south did was enshrined in The Declaration of Independence:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
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and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
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Are you arguing that slavery was/is a Law of Nature?

That is what they seceded for, to protect their fascist system.
They decided to secede. They had the right. They still do. Its a God given inalienable right.
The Union said they didn't have the right. And forced the issue. Too bad for your god.

It wasnt the Union, it was Lincoln and the Radical Republicans, that wanted their MONEY!!! "what of my tariffs!" quote Lincoln!
Lincoln never wanted to emancipate the slaves until halfway through the war. Had the Southern states agreed to no slavery in the new territories, there would have been no war, and slavery in the South may have continued for another twenty years.
But, hindsight is 20/20.

Actually, you are kinda on the right track, and thank you for admitting the war wasnt over slavery!!!

Lincoln did indeed did not want to emancipate the slaves, it was a war tactic, hoping the slaves would revolt, because he was losing.

Hell, if it was over slavery, the South.... and the North since they had slaves too, would have accepted the original 13th amendment, the Corwinn amendment, that would've allowed slavery in the Constitution forever, but the South said "fuck your high taxes! Peace out!"

Yeah, it would've lasted another 20 years, but 20 years is nothing! Slavery was on the way out, the cotton gin had been invented. They were trying to figure a way out to release the slaves, with out hardship on either the master or the slave. The master for financial reasons, the slave for educational and self support reasons.

When the slaves were "freed", most were worse off than they were, and died of starvation and such.
I said is was over slavery. States rights about slavery means the same thing. Also your facts are wrong.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.
You aren't the voice of the people, Dove.
Fact is, it's down. Warehoused.
There's plenty of others around, including at Gettysburg.
Btw, you shouldn't point the hyperventilating finger with your long-winded pointless bullshit rants few if any read.

Ahem, the PEOPLE of Virginia did NOT want it down!!!!!

ALL votes in counties here where it was put to the people to have a monument come down, it was over 85% NOT to!!!

They never gave us the chance to vote on none of this!!!

This was to appease BLM!!! They hoped it would all go away!! Richmond is a shithole now!!! Have you seen the crime rate? The boarded up shops?

Hell even those that lived on that street tried to sue and the judge tossed that out too!!

BTW, you dont even know what warehouse. So shut it, cause last time they said "storage" it was thrown on the ground at the septic treatment plant!!
Dude, it was in a city that was like 60 percent black, yes?
They have the say, not you.
Get your own local statue.

Why you gotta be racist?

Blacks that are in the know value their heritage and involvement in that. You act like none do, thats racist.

I do have a local one, one is down, the other is coming down. Aint right.

I been fighting for the one my great great grandad fought for, and will keep doing so!!!
Post some statements from these 'knowing' blacks. Lol

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!

If you want to put people on ignore then just do it without all the bragging about it. BTW it says more about you than anything else that you have difficulties arguing your position then get angry and put multiple posters on ignore.
Go fuck yourself off somewhere. I'd rather read sandpaper than your shit.
You gots to go-
Buh-Bye you Cunt!

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.
You aren't the voice of the people, Dove.
Fact is, it's down. Warehoused.
There's plenty of others around, including at Gettysburg.
Btw, you shouldn't point the hyperventilating finger with your long-winded pointless bullshit rants few if any read.

Ahem, the PEOPLE of Virginia did NOT want it down!!!!!

ALL votes in counties here where it was put to the people to have a monument come down, it was over 85% NOT to!!!

They never gave us the chance to vote on none of this!!!

This was to appease BLM!!! They hoped it would all go away!! Richmond is a shithole now!!! Have you seen the crime rate? The boarded up shops?

Hell even those that lived on that street tried to sue and the judge tossed that out too!!

BTW, you dont even know what warehouse. So shut it, cause last time they said "storage" it was thrown on the ground at the septic treatment plant!!

I keep trying to tell him it was a well funded leftwing activist group. That most people oppose the destruction of history

Why is it so hard? We see where this shit goes and people dont listen.

America wasnt even supposed to have political parties and this shit is why :(
Easy answer for you Dove:
Stop trying to tell me things.
I don't read much of your crap,
Nor do I ask you to post it in my direction.
Do us both a favor.

How about if you cant have a reasonable discussion about these topics, you shouldnt join them if all you are gonna do is act like a fucking baby?
I'm not getting thru to you.
Let me put it this way:
Which is the bigger idiot?
The idiot or the one who argues with an idiot?
I don't want to be the bigger idiot.

They did a show in Australia and they have done UK ones as well where they do real reinactments of what living 200 years ago would have been like. Mostly seriously bloody hard work. Still more idyllic than today in many ways.

so when the northern armies raided the south of food and destroyed homes, what happened to the slaves/farm hands and their women folk and their uneducated children? Were they living by trapping possums and fishing out of the creeks, living on the wildlife? Robbing wherever could scrounge... where did their clothes come from? How about treating kids ear infections, other afflictions?

I am so glad I listened to the stories of my grandmother who lived in a hessian shack as child and ended up a multi-millionare through the lobster industry...

you know, blacks weren't the only ones who went through tuff times..... EVERYBODY 200 years and less did.

so why aren't we counting our blessings?
War is hell.
To the Victor's go the spoils.
'Nuff said really.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Benzo needs to go back to twitter and circle jerk his 3 imaginary followers or spam memes all fucking day cause he sure the fuck can't handle getting his shit arguments tossed back at him

But what do you expect from a so called CT liberal who spent his internet career calling people "fags" and posting tranny porn.


Factory Bastard
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.
You aren't the voice of the people, Dove.
Fact is, it's down. Warehoused.
There's plenty of others around, including at Gettysburg.
Btw, you shouldn't point the hyperventilating finger with your long-winded pointless bullshit rants few if any read.

Ahem, the PEOPLE of Virginia did NOT want it down!!!!!

ALL votes in counties here where it was put to the people to have a monument come down, it was over 85% NOT to!!!

They never gave us the chance to vote on none of this!!!

This was to appease BLM!!! They hoped it would all go away!! Richmond is a shithole now!!! Have you seen the crime rate? The boarded up shops?

Hell even those that lived on that street tried to sue and the judge tossed that out too!!

BTW, you dont even know what warehouse. So shut it, cause last time they said "storage" it was thrown on the ground at the septic treatment plant!!

I keep trying to tell him it was a well funded leftwing activist group. That most people oppose the destruction of history

Why is it so hard? We see where this shit goes and people dont listen.

America wasnt even supposed to have political parties and this shit is why :(
Easy answer for you Dove:
Stop trying to tell me things.
I don't read much of your crap,
Nor do I ask you to post it in my direction.
Do us both a favor.

How about if you cant have a reasonable discussion about these topics, you shouldnt join them if all you are gonna do is act like a fucking baby?
I'm not getting thru to you.
Let me put it this way:
Which is the bigger idiot?
The idiot or the one who argues with an idiot?
I don't want to be the bigger idiot.

They did a show in Australia and they have done UK ones as well where they do real reinactments of what living 200 years ago would have been like. Mostly seriously bloody hard work. Still more idyllic than today in many ways.

so when the northern armies raided the south of food and destroyed homes, what happened to the slaves/farm hands and their women folk and their uneducated children? Were they living by trapping possums and fishing out of the creeks, living on the wildlife? Robbing wherever could scrounge... where did their clothes come from? How about treating kids ear infections, other afflictions?

I am so glad I listened to the stories of my grandmother who lived in a hessian shack as child and ended up a multi-millionare through the lobster industry...

you know, blacks weren't the only ones who went through tuff times..... EVERYBODY 200 years and less did.

so why aren't we counting our blessings?
War is hell.
To the Victor's go the spoils.
'Nuff said really.

One of our older friends is a Vietnam vet. I asked him what is was like... he said, "99% boredom, 1% shit yourself."

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.
You aren't the voice of the people, Dove.
Fact is, it's down. Warehoused.
There's plenty of others around, including at Gettysburg.
Btw, you shouldn't point the hyperventilating finger with your long-winded pointless bullshit rants few if any read.

Ahem, the PEOPLE of Virginia did NOT want it down!!!!!

ALL votes in counties here where it was put to the people to have a monument come down, it was over 85% NOT to!!!

They never gave us the chance to vote on none of this!!!

This was to appease BLM!!! They hoped it would all go away!! Richmond is a shithole now!!! Have you seen the crime rate? The boarded up shops?

Hell even those that lived on that street tried to sue and the judge tossed that out too!!

BTW, you dont even know what warehouse. So shut it, cause last time they said "storage" it was thrown on the ground at the septic treatment plant!!

I keep trying to tell him it was a well funded leftwing activist group. That most people oppose the destruction of history

Why is it so hard? We see where this shit goes and people dont listen.

America wasnt even supposed to have political parties and this shit is why :(
Easy answer for you Dove:
Stop trying to tell me things.
I don't read much of your crap,
Nor do I ask you to post it in my direction.
Do us both a favor.

How about if you cant have a reasonable discussion about these topics, you shouldnt join them if all you are gonna do is act like a fucking baby?
I'm not getting thru to you.
Let me put it this way:
Which is the bigger idiot?
The idiot or the one who argues with an idiot?
I don't want to be the bigger idiot.

They did a show in Australia and they have done UK ones as well where they do real reinactments of what living 200 years ago would have been like. Mostly seriously bloody hard work. Still more idyllic than today in many ways.

so when the northern armies raided the south of food and destroyed homes, what happened to the slaves/farm hands and their women folk and their uneducated children? Were they living by trapping possums and fishing out of the creeks, living on the wildlife? Robbing wherever could scrounge... where did their clothes come from? How about treating kids ear infections, other afflictions?

I am so glad I listened to the stories of my grandmother who lived in a hessian shack as child and ended up a multi-millionare through the lobster industry...

you know, blacks weren't the only ones who went through tuff times..... EVERYBODY 200 years and less did.

so why aren't we counting our blessings?
War is hell.
To the Victor's go the spoils.
'Nuff said really.

One of our older friends is a Vietnam vet. I asked him what is was like... he said, "99% boredom, 1% shit yourself."
Depends. Lots of boredom, that's true.


Put your glasses on!
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"Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the radical left, and we can't let that happen!" Trump's statement concluded. "If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don't have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!"

Why do you need him? You have 5,800 nuclear warheads.

I dont wanna breathe that shit!! lol

Nah, we are on our own, we cant wait for Trump. America will not be able to endure this much longer.
Lol. Times change Blaze. Maybe you should move to Mississippi.
Btw. Lee lost. Where's the 'genius'?

If it was to be taken down from the public square, it should be placed in a museum.

Something about destruction of history and room for revision really tends to rub people wrong. Especailly people who have read Orwell.

It's really gross that a statue of Lenin is allowed to stand on American soil but people are hyperventilating over Lee.

You know where our other monuments in Richmont went? On the ground at the septic treatment plant. Disgraceful.

Here ya go.....


...and for extra credit, concerning this thread.....


Im AM from the South!! I AM from Virginia!! I wont let these fucks dictate what I dont know!!!!

plus the north kept recuiting from the UK... I think the South were ahead at one time.

Yup, South was ahead. They were drafting immigrants as soon as they landed, the Union. Also, UK was gonna help the South originally. The World was seeing how bad the North was being towards the South, and was about to intervene. But when it became a war tactic halfway after the war began, to free the slaves, the UK backed away. The Union did get help from certain countries, but I cant remember which.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Benzo is wrong.

And Benzo must wait for black quotes, cause Im about to go sing Sea Shanties.

..... its mostly slave ship songs, sung by the whippers of slaves.

Im KIDDING!!!!! hahahaha

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Benzo is wrong.

And Benzo must wait for black quotes, cause Im about to go sing Sea Shanties.

..... its mostly slave ship songs, sung by the whippers of slaves.

Im KIDDING!!!!! hahahaha
I bet the 'knowing blacks' are humming in the background of the shanties.
Guaranteed Blaze has tasted 'knowing black cock' if they ever gave him food or drink.
'Massuh Blazuh! How's that fried catfish I served yuh?'
'Real good boy. You's done a real good job.'
'My jism tasted sweet?'
'Nuthin' boss. Heh'


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, Blazor should have no problem demolishing Benzo's arguments especially since this creep is now talking about how jism tastes. <CRINGE>

Only a matter of time before Blazor causes another benzo melty and gets put on ignore.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well, Blazor should have no problem demolishing Benzo's arguments especially since this creep is now talking about how jism tastes. <CRINGE>

Only a matter of time before Blazor causes another benzo melty and gets put on ignore.

Benz strikes me as one of those white leftists who think most white people havent mingled much with "the blacks". And he knows about "the blacks" because he had a few black friends.

Just a feeling I have.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Well, Blazor should have no problem demolishing Benzo's arguments especially since this creep is now talking about how jism tastes. <CRINGE>

Only a matter of time before Blazor causes another benzo melty and gets put on ignore.

I could, but all I would get would be a "Peace out!!!" lol.

That nigga already passed out from drinking Mad Dog 20/20, bet.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Well, Blazor should have no problem demolishing Benzo's arguments especially since this creep is now talking about how jism tastes. <CRINGE>

Only a matter of time before Blazor causes another benzo melty and gets put on ignore.

Benz strikes me as one of those white leftists who think most white people havent mingled much with "the blacks". And he knows about "the blacks" because he had a few black friends.

Just a feeling I have.

He aint got no clue lol.

I bet he aint ever grew up in Section 8.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well, Blazor should have no problem demolishing Benzo's arguments especially since this creep is now talking about how jism tastes. <CRINGE>

Only a matter of time before Blazor causes another benzo melty and gets put on ignore.

Benz strikes me as one of those white leftists who think most white people havent mingled much with "the blacks". And he knows about "the blacks" because he had a few black friends.

Just a feeling I have.

He aint got no clue lol.

I bet he aint ever grew up in Section 8.

It's pretty obvious lol


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I wonder what he would think of the Slave Narratives I've read, here are a few......

“The Un-Reconstructed”, “Twarn’t a fair fight, they starved us out!”

(Part 7) by Bill Vallante
Remarkably, though perhaps not surprisingly, accounts of black men who had served in Confederate armies often mirrored the strongest sentiments expressed by some of the whites who served. These men left absolutely no question as to where their loyalties lay. Once again, contemporary historical “wisdom”, which usually asserts that black men served because they had no choice, is happily left with egg on its face.

“Black Southerners in Confederate Armies”, Segars and Barrow “Uncle Richmond Tells Why the Yankees Won”, Page 153-154
“We all could er whipped dat fight easy enough”, he said, “ef we jes had the Yankees demselves ter fight, but when dy went out en picked up Irishmen en Dutchmen en dingoes en Cubians en all de other nations ter help’em, dey wuz too many fer us, en das whut I tole Gineral Lee one day”.

Gus Brown, Alabama, (from the Slave Narratives)
"Then de war came and we all went to fight the Yankees. I was a body servant to the master, and once a bullet took off his hat. We all thought he was shot but he wasn't, and I was standin' by his side all the time. "I remember Stonewall Jackson. He was a big man with long whiskers, and very brave. We all fought wid him until his death. We wa'n't beaten, we was starved out! Sometimes we had perched corn to eat and sometimes we didn't have a bite o' nothin', because the Union mens come and tuk all de food for theirselves….

Wiley Brewer, Mississippi, (from the Slave Narratives)
"Yas'm, I went to de war. Marster took me wid him, and I fit, too, I killed a thousand Yankees... You look like you don't believe dat, Miss, but it's de truth. Mistis always told me to tell the truth, and I ain't never told nobody no lies. Some ub dem Yankees I shot and some uv 'em I drowned...

...Marster always told me Yankees was de worst friends I had, so when dey come round after de war telling me de Government was gonna give us 40 acres and a mule, I knowed it wan't so and went back to Marster. He let me work for him, part de time as wage hand and part as sharecropper till he died. I saved my money and bought me a mule, and en about 32 years ago I bought me a farm. Dat's where me and my wife lives now, just a few miles from Columbus.

Isaac Stier, Mississippi, (from the Slave Narratives)
When de big war broke out I sho' stuck by my marster. I*fit de Yankees same as he did. I went in de battles 'long side o' him an' both fit under Marse Robert E. Lee. I reckon ever'body has heard 'bout him. I seen more folks dan anybody could count. Heaps of 'em was all tore to pieces an' cryin' to Cod to let 'em die. I toted water to dem in blue de same as dem in gray. Folks wouldn' b'lieve de truf if I was to tell all I knows 'bout dem ongodly times. "Fore de war I never knowed what it was to go empty. My marster sho' set a fine table an' fed his people de highes'. De hungriest I ever been was at de Siege o' Vicksburg. Dat was a time I'd lak to forgit. De folks et up all de cats an' dogs an' den went to devourin' de mules an' hosses. Even de wimmin an' little chillun was a-starvin'. Dey stummicks was stickin' to dey backbones. Us Niggers was sufferin' so us took de sweaty hoss blankets an' soaked 'em in mudholes where de hosses tromped. Den us wrung 'em out in buckets an' drunk dat dirty water for pot-likker. It tasted kinda salty an' was strength'nin', lak weak soup…..

..."I tell you, dem Yankees took us by starvation. Twant a fair fight. Dey called it a vict'ry an' bragged ' bout Vicksburg a-fallin', but hongry folks aint got no fight lef' in 'em. Us folks was starved into surrenderin'.

Lewis Adams, Mississippi, (from the Slave Narratives)
The War Between the States, according to Uncle Lewis, was as follows:
"I was wid de South, I loved her ways. My best friends was Southern boys. But de hardships and de trubbles, hongry, an' sich, an'so'n - little bit er grub an' fightin' guns - I says it can't last long. I sits down an' thinks very sad like, ass my friens' dead er dyin', and I study; Captain Seibe frum ma home town an' his boy, Jake Seibe, shot thu' de haid; Lieutenant Carl Lindsay killed in battle; an' I says whut de use er fighting; den months er hell an' dat fine old man, General Robert E. Lee, say 'Let's quit.'

Doc Quinn, Arkansas (from the Slave Narratives)
"I was born March 15, 1843, in Monroe County, Mississippi, near Aberdeen, Mah Mahster was Colonel Ogburn, one ob de bigges' planters in de state of Mississippi. Manys de time he raised so much cotton dat dem big steamers just couldnt carry it all down to N'Awlins in one year. But den along came de Civil War an' we didn't raise nothin' fo' several years. Why? Becase most uf us jined the Confederate Army in Colonel Ogburn's regiment as servants and bodyguards. An' let me tell yo' somethin', whitefolks. Dere never was a war like dis war. Why I 'member dat after de battle of Corinth, Miss., a five acre field was so thickly covered wid de dead and wounded dat yo' couldn't touch de ground in walkin' across it. And de onliest way to bury dem was to cut a deep furrow wid a plow, lay de soldiers head to head, an' plow de dirt back on dem."

"About a year after de war started de Mahster got one ob dese A.W.O.L.'s frum de Army so we could come to Miller County, where he bought de place on Red River now known as de Adams Farm…

...Mah young marster was Joe Ogburn. Me and him growed up togedder an' I was his boddy guard durin' de wahr. Many's de day I'ze watched de smoke ob battle clear away an' wait fo' de return ob mah marster. All de time I felt we was born to win dat wahr, out God knowed bes' an' you know de result.

The Confederate Negro, Page 177, “Black Southerners in Confederate Armies”, Segars and Barrow By Joseph A. Mudd, Hyattsville, Md., for the Confederate Veteran, Vol XXIII, 1905
The Confederate Negro is the proudest being on the earth. A few weeks ago I was standing at the counter of the water office, Municipal Building in Washington when in came a negro, who, standing near by, began his business with one of the clerks. He was rather shabbily dressed, but evidently one of the “old stock”, as black as ink and as ugly as Satan, eyes beaming with intelligence and a great depth of human sympathy, a countenance one loves to rest one’s gaze upon, and with a bearing of modest and courteous dignity.
His business over, I said to him, “Where did you come from”? I could see his chest swelling, and I knew the answer before it was spoken, “From Ferginny suh.” Were your people in the war? “Yes suh”, with a smile of enthusiasm and a bow that bespoke reverence for the memories of the olden days”. They tell me you people “fit” some. I could almost see the lightening dart from his eyes as he straightened himself up – “Fit? Why they outfit the world suh. Never did whip us, suh. If dey hadn’t starved us out, we’d be fightin’ yit”. As he passed me going ot of the office he said” “I was wid’em foh years suh,. I cahd my young master off de field once when I din’t think he’d live till I got him to de doctor, but he’s living yit”. I did not tell him I was a Confederate soldier and he didn’t seem to care. He knew what he was and that was enough…..