The Founding Fathers did not include a reference to “Almighty God” into the U.S. Constitution.
The Confederate Constitution did the reference to God and the national motto of the Confederacy is Deo Vindice: God will vindicate.
The Union won!
Kinda says a lot about what side god was on.
By forcing people to fight for them when they hopped off the boats. Sure, very Godly like of them. Dipshit.
If you dont know what the South was fighting for by know, you truly are a "lost cause".
Fact is
you don't even know.
Fact is you were bitterly defeated.
Fact is Grant made Lee grovel.
Davis was hunted down and imprisoned.
Federal military bases were scattered throughout the south to ensure peace.
Soon to be renamed baha!
I dont need some Yankee telling me my own area's history. We know what you tyrants did to our beloved homeland. It will never be forgotten, bet.
All the name changing is a waste of money. But as long as it soothes y'all's widdle feelings, Im sure its ok if more homeless folks go without.
Dude, you've made plenty of mistakes just about Lee. I just choose not to contradict.
I've been studying the Civil War for years. Courses, books, anecdotal accounts.
The kind of history not on the internet. You have to read books. Like from a university library.
You need to stick with talking about moonshine.
For the best-