Establishment cucks like Oak have terrible sex


Domestically feral
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United states
Which makes me sad for them.

You got Oak telling us all how bad her sex life and how she doesnt want to have sex "all the time"

Dont put that on "most women" Oak. I see you liking that awful "men arent needed" post and going off on Blazor projecting your bad sex life on all of us.

So what's going on there, Oak? Does your partner have a "broke dick" too....if you know what I mean?

You are Murd commiserate on not being able to get your man excited?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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In not one but TWO threads up in general she's giving us some keen insight into her rather deplorable sex life. With detailed references one could only conclude she's had first hand and personal experience with.

That is sad actually.

And do not think it has escaped my notice how she refers to her significant other with sterile terms such as "partner" and never "my man" , "my boo" , "hubby" , "bae" etc etc. The way any woman in a happy and fulfilling relationship would. As if he is a room mate or something. And for all intents and purposes, given the amount of time she spends caterwauling on internet forums he more than likely is just that. A fact he is more than likely very thankful for.


Domestically feral
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United states
In not one but TWO threads up in general she's giving us some keen insight into her rather deplorable sex life. With detailed references one could only conclude she's had first hand and personal experience with.

That is sad actually.

And do not think it has escaped my notice how she refers to her significant other with sterile terms such as "partner" and never "my man" , "my boo" , "hubby" , "bae" etc etc. The way any woman in a happy and fulfilling relationship would. As if he is a room mate or something. And for all intents and purposes, given the amount of time she spends caterwauling on internet forums he more than likely is just that. A fact he is more than likely very thankful for.

No shit.

We arent even together and I talk about you in a more fond and passionate manner than she does about her "partner"

Ahahahahaha no wonder they hate me. I have blood pumping through all area of my body. Also explains why there is so much foaming at mouth and drama when she claims I "share my adventures all over the internet" when I havent even ONCE got into any explicit details of any of the sex I've had.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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when I havent even ONCE got into any explicit details of any of the sex I've had.
Whereas she's given us some rather distasteful details on dirty moldings and such which seem to be a staple in her habitat


Domestically feral
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United states
Whereas she's given us some rather distasteful details on dirty moldings and such which seem to be a staple in her habitat

And let's not get into the broken dick thing.

I'm not sharing fucking details about MY sex life or talking about other peoples bodies.

Yet I "share my adventures".....right. They wish.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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And let's not get into the broken dick thing.

I'm not sharing fucking details about MY sex life or talking about other peoples bodies.

Yet I "share my adventures".....right. They wish.
Broken dicks are something I'm certain they are very familiar with -- all context considered

Just sayin


Factory Bastard
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My man is a term that is usually reserved for a sex toy such as a dildo or vibrator...for example, a woman may say, "My man was fully charged up last night, so I took him down to electric avenue where he gave me good vibrations until I screamed excitations."

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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"my partner"

LMAO -- might as well be saying "the guy who sleeps in the extra bedroom who helps me with the rent" :LOL3:


Domestically feral
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United states
Well if I'm gonna talk about bad sex I have to talk about Kevin and I dont want to.


Domestically feral
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United states
Things that are not sexy to real men.

1. Not needing them

2. Claiming most men are bad at sex (because we know that's a game)

3. Being ANY sort of "boss bitch"

4. Assuming everything a man does is a chess move.

Things that are sexy to real men

1. Hats

2. Being feminine. Let them know they ARE needed. Theyll do anything you want.

3. Knowing when to shut the fuck up

4. Just let him be who he is and appreciate simple things.



Domestically feral
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United states
And being funny definately helps.

Any woman can be pretty. Literally any woman. Even fat ones can be "pretty".

But being confident and funny is definately not something any woman can do. It's not compatible with control issues really gotta let all that go. You wanna be a person a man is comfortable with. Like genuinely comfortable. A peaceful fun place.

Avoiding bad sex really starts with attitude.

I can teach these bitter bitchs if they listen. Gotta stop hating so hard though lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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And the sad thing is that offensive beasts like Oak deep down do want to be desired by men but poor genetics and a foul mood resultant from the same will always prevent that from happening

it's like a self perpetuating cycle

Perhaps we can do the benevolent thing here and discuss ways Oak can improve her personality to make her more sexually appealing? So that she doesn't have to stare at the ceiling molding and wonder when the last time it was dusted as her "partner" tries to get the hell outta dodge before he vomits all over her?

You know, as I write this it brings a tear to my eye? It really does, as the gentlemen in me wants to help such tortured souls. I really do.

It's time for some inspiring music I'm afraid

As I am about to climb atop my soap box and stand a full 6 feet 2 inches tall to pontificate to the rest of you about the perils of our ways.

We have to do better friends. We must not gaze upon the hopelessness and ill repute with contempt any longer! Dismissing and condemning our scabby little brethren for their many flaws and oddities in their lifestyles. We must not remind them how they are beneath us but instead build them up, accept them and all of their disabilities into our folds and remind them not of their leprous dispositions. Inspire them we must! Commend them even in the absence of anything meriting praise. We must strive to be Pius and bestow mercy upon them. For they know not what they do, they are not responsible for what they are.

Please friends, join me now, hands held together high, as I spearhead the very bold and noble forgive Lily foundation and lead the charge unto the straight and narrow path that leads to life ever-after

May God have mercy upon all of us.


Domestically feral
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United states
And the sad thing is that offensive beasts like Oak deep down do want to be desired by men but poor genetics and a foul mood resultant from the same will always prevent that from happening

it's like a self perpetuating cycle

Perhaps we can do the benevolent thing here and discuss ways Oak can improve her personality to make her more sexually appealing? So that she doesn't have to stare at the ceiling molding and wonder when the last time it was dusted as her "partner" tries to get the hell outta dodge before he vomits all over her?

You know, as I write this it brings a tear to my eye? It really does, as the gentlemen in me wants to help such tortured souls. I really do.

It's time for some inspiring music I'm afraid

As I am about to climb atop my soap box and stand a full 6 feet 2 inches tall to pontificate to the rest of you about the perils of our ways.

We have to do better friends. We must not gaze upon the hopelessness and ill repute with contempt any longer! Dismissing and condemning our scabby little brethren for their many flaws and oddities in their lifestyles. We must not remind them how they are beneath us but instead build them up, accept them and all of their disabilities into our folds and remind them not of their leprous dispositions. Inspire them we must! Commend them even in the absence of anything meriting praise. We must strive to be Pius and bestow mercy upon them. For they know not what they do, they are not responsible for what they are.

Please friends, join me now, hands held together high, as I spearhead the very bold and noble forgive Lily foundation and lead the charge unto the straight and narrow path that leads to life ever-after

May God have mercy upon all of us.

That was hot lol


Domestically feral
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United states
All she would have to do is calm the fuck down.

She always has to be controling. People can't relax around someone like that.

You think with her massive (lol) insecurities she ever let's him feel manly? She always has to be smarter than everyone. Imagine having to constantly cater to someones ego and trying to get sex OVER WITH while they are staring at the crown moulding.

And God forbid he initiates because shaming him for wanting sex is probably a normal thing.

Poor guy.

And even when people like this want sex....they are gross. Establishment leftists make sex off putting. Always trying to "normalize" if that is even needed. Sex already is normal and fine how it is. We dont need it in our faces constantly they way these people keep pushing it.


Domestically feral
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United states
It always funny watching Murd and Oak sit and talk back and forth because it so obviously fake to the rest of us.

Watching hollow sociopaths sit and say things they think make them sound like normal, healthy and fulfilled people is ghoulish lol.

You can tell they are trying to sell it to the rest of us and using eachother as props to sound off on.

Sad as fuck lol

I've never counted the days that I havent logged on. Mostly because I dont care or see it as anything that deep LOL.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Perhaps we can augment our responses to her with tranquil music?

Don't they do that in barns when the livestock become agitated? I could have sworn I read that some where. Follow tried and true procedure I say

Calming music. Soft and tranquil.. as the breathing begins to slow and the hoofs are no longer digging trenches we can then begin to reason with her and promote all the beauties a meaningful relationship with a human being of the opposite sex has to offer?

Perhaps this theme can be entered into the catalogue ?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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If I may.

I'd like to introduce the following track into the sooth the swamp pig collection. It's so relaxing and is not utterly boring like elevator music or that shit you are forced to listen to when you're on hold because the airlines fucked up your travel plans again



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
This is from Gershon Kinglsey's album 'Much Silence' which to this day I consider the pinnacle of "New Age" music. Kitaro is good, as is Jean-Michael Jarre and Philip Glass and the rest... but this album (Much Silence) is my go-to close my eyes and relax music.



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Good stuff!
The parts of Dead Can Dance's discography that is suitable for relaxing/mediation is excellent for the purpose but a lot of every album is just good tunes generally speaking.

Same with Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil.


Domestically feral
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United states
Good stuff!
The parts of Dead Can Dance's discography that is suitable for relaxing/mediation is excellent for the purpose but a lot of every album is just good tunes generally speaking.

Same with Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil.

So how can a beast like Oak calm it down and be a different kind of beast?

The kind that doesnt stare at the crown mouldings while her desperate and panicked "partner" tries to get it over with?



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
So how can a beast like Oak calm it down and be a different kind of beast?

The kind that doesnt stare at the crown mouldings while her desperate and panicked "partner" tries to get it over with?


I'd need to know a whole lot more about her and her musical tastes (the kind of music she can't stand as well as the music she likes) before I could even begin to put together a playlist.

This stuff isn't one-size-fits-all.


Domestically feral
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United states
I'd need to know a whole lot more about her and her musical tastes (the kind of music she can't stand as well as the music she likes) before I could even begin to put together a playlist.

This stuff isn't one-size-fits-all.

Fair enough!

All of my friends fell out with me
Because I kept your company
But let them say whatever they will
I love my love with a free good will"

Last edited:


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Of course we might be approaching this from the wrong direction entirely; instead of serenity maybe what she needs is something to stoke the fires...



Domestically feral
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United states
Of course we might be approaching this from the wrong direction entirely; instead of serenity maybe what she needs is something to stoke the fires...

It's really hard to watch that and NOT giggle LOL

The silver suits....the goofy dancing.....hahahahaha


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Which makes me sad for them.

You got Oak telling us all how bad her sex life and how she doesnt want to have sex "all the time"

Dont put that on "most women" Oak. I see you liking that awful "men arent needed" post and going off on Blazor projecting your bad sex life on all of us.

So what's going on there, Oak? Does your partner have a "broke dick" too....if you know what I mean?

You are Murd commiserate on not being able to get your man excited?




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'd need to know a whole lot more about her and her musical tastes (the kind of music she can't stand as well as the music she likes) before I could even begin to put together a playlist.

This stuff isn't one-size-fits-all.

I don't even know what the hell is going on with this thread. Someone invented a thing about me and apparently it needs a soundtrack? Is that right?