Here is a much more honest version of Kyle's actions


Philosopher King
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West Coast
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But to actually quash my factual arguments is a different matter altogether.

Okay, I am going to quote what LettuceButt said in this thread.

And then we can all have a good laugh at what she thinks is an "argument".

than the bullshit propaganda peddled by his legal team and swallowed whole by con cucks. Read it if the truth holds any interest for you.

Not an argument.

They're going to be wailing and gnashing their teeth and wetting their pants all over this thread, but not one of them will know what's in the article.

Not an argument.

You forgot that Kyle is a murderer.

Not an argument.

Evidently, LettuceButt does not even understand the meaning of the word "argument".


They dont get this.

Sometimes I ask them for their argument. They just make false statements.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.
The guy that has me disappointed is Trayvon Martin's murderer, I was sure he would be dead by now.

Yeah you know.....Rosenbuam, and the other two kinda pulled a Zinmerman and tried to attack a 17 year old.

The fact is you guys are hypocrites. You go with whatever your media tells you.

It was WRONG for Zimmerman to attack a kid. It was WRONG for Arberys killers (and btw it was)....but Kyle was fair game because he "shouldnt have been there"


Martin and Arbery had a right to their lives. But not Kyle Rittenhouse.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

Mostly its left wing activists who want him dead. Because he apparently was supposed to die when Rosenbuam decides to kill him.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.
The guy that has me disappointed is Trayvon Martin's murderer, I was sure he would be dead by now.

Yeah you know.....Rosenbuam, and the other two kinda pulled a Zinmerman and tried to attack a 17 year old.

The fact is you guys are hypocrites. You go with whatever your media tells you.

It was WRONG for Zimmerman to attack a kid. It was WRONG for Arberys killers (and btw it was)....but Kyle was fair game because he "shouldnt have been there"


Martin and Arbery had a right to their lives. But not Kyle Rittenhouse.

Please rewrite in standard American English


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.
The guy that has me disappointed is Trayvon Martin's murderer, I was sure he would be dead by now.

Yeah you know.....Rosenbuam, and the other two kinda pulled a Zinmerman and tried to attack a 17 year old.

The fact is you guys are hypocrites. You go with whatever your media tells you.

It was WRONG for Zimmerman to attack a kid. It was WRONG for Arberys killers (and btw it was)....but Kyle was fair game because he "shouldnt have been there"


Martin and Arbery had a right to their lives. But not Kyle Rittenhouse.

Please rewrite in standard American English

Why is it everyone else can understand my post but you cant?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

The trial was such a shit show. In the end all the facts were disregarded & it became a showdown between the alt-right & the msm blm/antifa alliance. I don't believe that Judge acted in the best interests of Americans or even Kyle Rittenhouse.

As an outsider to the US I thought it seemed more like an American family feud being played out as opposed to a proper trial.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

The trial was such a shit show. In the end all the facts were disregarded & it became a showdown between the alt-right & the msm blm/antifa alliance. I don't believe that Judge acted in the best interests of Americans or even Kyle Rittenhouse.

As an outsider to the US I thought it seemed more like an American family feud being played out as opposed to a proper trial.

What the fuck?

WHAT facts were disregarded? The FACTS were the only things that were permitted in the trial. It was the political stupid shit that got disregarded.

You guys are actually claiming your political biases are the facts and the facts are just "right wing" whatever. Its fucking bizzare and scary.

And define "alt right"?

This is nuts. The charges themselves were purely political and never should have happened. I've explained WHY many times. We have even cited the laws, backed every claim we made with facts.

So what facts were disregarded?


An Claidheam Anam
I find it mildly disturbing that both Levon from the West Coast and Admin admit in this thread that they would feel happiness and glee if some deranged hate-filled Registered Democrat assassinated Kyle Rittenhouse and that white hispanic guy that offed the Skittles™ kid.

I only find it mildly disturbing because we all know how Lefties are all hate-filled crazy jagoffs. Wishing death on people they don't even know just for a cheap political fix is par for the course for those people/


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

The trial was such a shit show. In the end all the facts were disregarded & it became a showdown between the alt-right & the msm blm/antifa alliance. I don't believe that Judge acted in the best interests of Americans or even Kyle Rittenhouse.

As an outsider to the US I thought it seemed more like an American family feud being played out as opposed to a proper trial.

What the fuck?

WHAT facts were disregarded? The FACTS were the only things that were permitted in the trial. It was the political stupid shit that got disregarded.

You guys are actually claiming your political biases are the facts and the facts are just "right wing" whatever. Its fucking bizzare and scary.

And define "alt right"?

This is nuts. The charges themselves were purely political and never should have happened. I've explained WHY many times. We have even cited the laws, backed every claim we made with facts.

So what facts were disregarded?

Actually I think that trial should have been decided by a panel of judges and not 1.

And there is a way to administer justice without actually punishing the accused & finding a way to resolve & heal a country so obviously divided. However the US isn't that kind of society. Rather it's justice system is based upon a zero sum game.

I thought probation for all parties involved in this incident (and not just Kyle) would have been a better outcome. Vindicating none of them but following a path of reform instead.

Evidently the gun laws in the US need massive reform but it's never likely to happen with a Right Wing US Supreme Court whose rash decision a decade ago led to the Kenosha incident.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I thought there was guilt on both sides in the Kenosha incident. Maybe 1 side was more guilty than the other but they were both guilty to some extent & the verdict should have reflected this culpability.

I thought Kenosha was more like a car accident where 2 vehicles collide & there is blame on both drivers after which a split decision is reached by the claims adjusters assignING liability to each.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I find it mildly disturbing that both Levon from the West Coast and Admin admit in this thread that they would feel happiness and glee if some deranged hate-filled Registered Democrat assassinated Kyle Rittenhouse and that white hispanic guy that offed the Skittles™ kid.

I only find it mildly disturbing because we all know how Lefties are all hate-filled crazy jagoffs. Wishing death on people they don't even know just for a cheap political fix is par for the course for those people/
I find it perplexing why your PCP doesn't have you on a strict Seroquel regimen.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

Mostly its left wing activists who want him dead. Because he apparently was supposed to die when Rosenbuam decides to kill him.
Those soy cretin cowards ain't gonna do shit but piss, weep and moan like the bitches they are

3 of them already tried to kill him on August 25th and we all saw how that ended for them



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

He must be watching his back every day hoping the alt-right militia will protect and keep him alive.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Liberals have got to be the most whiney, sniveling little cunts on the planet that are so full of virtue they truly believe they have the right to assault anybody that disagrees with them... The downside for them is that they're usually feminine fahgets built like the side of a £5 note and get REKT every time thus enhancing their victim status...

Says the woman beater...hahahahahahaha
Sometimes, women need beat to death. I see bitches like that on my news feed daily.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.
The guy that has me disappointed is Trayvon Martin's murderer, I was sure he would be dead by now.
LOL! Poor tiny lil tray tray. Another nigger that got his just deserts! WHITE MEXICAN POWER!!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

The trial was such a shit show. In the end all the facts were disregarded & it became a showdown between the alt-right & the msm blm/antifa alliance. I don't believe that Judge acted in the best interests of Americans or even Kyle Rittenhouse.

As an outsider to the US I thought it seemed more like an American family feud being played out as opposed to a proper trial.

You didn't bother to watch the trial nor do you have the slightest clue what you are talking about.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.
The guy that has me disappointed is Trayvon Martin's murderer, I was sure he would be dead by now.
LOL! Poor tiny lil tray tray. Another nigger that got his just deserts! WHITE MEXICAN POWER!!!!!

I love how the fat bald gay guy still hasn't figured out that Trayvon attacked the other guy who then defended himself. That was the legal finding of fact..

Leftist hate facts because it gets in the way of their lies.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean I stand by the fact that being approached by a dude with a gun really would make someone feel a need to defend themselves.

That being said I agree with the verdict in the Martin case because the charge didnt match the evidence. The prosecution decided to play politics on that one.

Much like in the Rittenhouse case. The fact that charges were even brought was political.

The political motives that have infected our criminal justice system need to be purged out. Justice needs to be blind and balanced.

People think they want this activist partisan shit in court but when it starts to really impact society or they or someone they care about gets impacted by it they see how bad it really is to be partisan in your judgements like this.

Taking a position against Kyle is taking a position against your own self. You are saying if people with a leftwing political motive attack you or attack your town you DONT want the law on YOUR side as a regular American. You are trying to forfeit your rights as well as everyone elses.

Its sick and sad and those of you lefties here who swallowed the political bait need to clear your minds of politics and look at this objectively in light of human rights and existing law. Ask yourself if you would like to be able to defend yourself if your life is being threatened. No one should ever be charged for being forced to kill in self defense.

Where is this compassion and empathy the left claims to have?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I mean I stand by the fact that being approached by a dude with a gun really would make someone feel a need to defend themselves.

That being said I agree with the verdict in the Martin case because the charge didnt match the evidence. The prosecution decided to play politics on that one.

Much like in the Rittenhouse case. The fact that charges were even brought was political.

The political motives that have infected our criminal justice system need to be purged out. Justice needs to be blind and balanced.

People think they want this activist partisan shit in court but when it starts to really impact society or they or someone they care about gets impacted by it they see how bad it really is to be partisan in your judgements like this.

Taking a position against Kyle is taking a position against your own self. You are saying if people with a leftwing political motive attack you or attack your town you DONT want the law on YOUR side as a regular American. You are trying to forfeit your rights as well as everyone elses.

Its sick and sad and those of you lefties here who swallowed the political bait need to clear your minds of politics and look at this objectively in light of human rights and existing law. Ask yourself if you would like to be able to defend yourself if your life is being threatened. No one should ever be charged for being forced to kill in self defense.

Where is this compassion and empathy the left claims to have?
As I recall, Zim didnt approach Trayvon with a gun. The gun fell out during the struggle at which point its alleged Trayvon went for it stating he was going to kill Zim.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I mean I stand by the fact that being approached by a dude with a gun really would make someone feel a need to defend themselves.

That being said I agree with the verdict in the Martin case because the charge didnt match the evidence. The prosecution decided to play politics on that one.

Much like in the Rittenhouse case. The fact that charges were even brought was political.

The political motives that have infected our criminal justice system need to be purged out. Justice needs to be blind and balanced.

People think they want this activist partisan shit in court but when it starts to really impact society or they or someone they care about gets impacted by it they see how bad it really is to be partisan in your judgements like this.

Taking a position against Kyle is taking a position against your own self. You are saying if people with a leftwing political motive attack you or attack your town you DONT want the law on YOUR side as a regular American. You are trying to forfeit your rights as well as everyone elses.

Its sick and sad and those of you lefties here who swallowed the political bait need to clear your minds of politics and look at this objectively in light of human rights and existing law. Ask yourself if you would like to be able to defend yourself if your life is being threatened. No one should ever be charged for being forced to kill in self defense.

Where is this compassion and empathy the left claims to have?

I thought the Rittenhouse trial was a case of both Left & Right in America injecting excessive & irrational biases to support their positions.

Rittenhouse & his attackers both seemed like a bunch of hoodlums who broke the law & behaved badly that night.

I thought they were both guilty to some degree. Perhaps one more than the other but both had strikes against them as each broke the law.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean I stand by the fact that being approached by a dude with a gun really would make someone feel a need to defend themselves.

That being said I agree with the verdict in the Martin case because the charge didnt match the evidence. The prosecution decided to play politics on that one.

Much like in the Rittenhouse case. The fact that charges were even brought was political.

The political motives that have infected our criminal justice system need to be purged out. Justice needs to be blind and balanced.

People think they want this activist partisan shit in court but when it starts to really impact society or they or someone they care about gets impacted by it they see how bad it really is to be partisan in your judgements like this.

Taking a position against Kyle is taking a position against your own self. You are saying if people with a leftwing political motive attack you or attack your town you DONT want the law on YOUR side as a regular American. You are trying to forfeit your rights as well as everyone elses.

Its sick and sad and those of you lefties here who swallowed the political bait need to clear your minds of politics and look at this objectively in light of human rights and existing law. Ask yourself if you would like to be able to defend yourself if your life is being threatened. No one should ever be charged for being forced to kill in self defense.

Where is this compassion and empathy the left claims to have?

I thought the Rittenhouse trial was a case of both Left & Right in America injecting excessive & irrational biases to support their positions.

Rittenhouse & his attackers both seemed like a bunch of hoodlums who broke the law & behaved badly that night.

The TRIAL itself? The judge did a very good job NOT tolerating the political bullshit.

And incredibly enough, leftists actually THAT was bias. The judge not tolerating partisan bias in the court room was the bias.

Here is where the politcs were in the Rittenhouse case

*The riot was political violence. KYLE was a politically neutral LOCAL who was out there to help protect businesses and give first aid.

When he was attacked and defended himself, the MEDIA plastered a political narrative onto him and turned him into some right wing figure. He was NOT. He was only 17 ffs

*The charges themselves, that were brought BEFORE an investigation even concluded....were politically motivated. And the prosecution knew they wouldnt stick.

That's it. That's the political stuff in the Rittenhouse trial.

Of course it was made so political that no one can give an honest opinion based on facts without being called "right wing". That doesnt mean anything though.

The facts of the case show plainly that charges never should have even been brought. Obvious cases of self defense do not see court rooms. The only reason this one did? Partisan theater.

The kid didnt break a single law. He was turned into some punching bag for the left because the left decided Kyle was some physical manifestation of "teh right".


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
I find it mildly disturbing that both Levon from the West Coast and Admin admit in this thread that they would feel happiness and glee if some deranged hate-filled Registered Democrat assassinated Kyle Rittenhouse and that white hispanic guy that offed the Skittles™ kid.

I only find it mildly disturbing because we all know how Lefties are all hate-filled crazy jagoffs. Wishing death on people they don't even know just for a cheap political fix is par for the course for those people/
No one is "wishing death" on anyone, feces flinger. All I ever said was that whatever fate awaits Kyle this year, I'm willing to make a buck (figuratively speaking) on it. Kinda like the day trader in yer office who just went long on toilet paper futures.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have I mentioned that I'm probably the only forum member who has Kyle in the 2022 Death Poll sweepstakes?

Just playing the odds, folks.

Because you know how the left really is.

It's not about the left, Dove. It's about the odds, and the odds of his dying due to actions by "the left" are only part of the numbers.

The trial was such a shit show. In the end all the facts were disregarded & it became a showdown between the alt-right & the msm blm/antifa alliance. I don't believe that Judge acted in the best interests of Americans or even Kyle Rittenhouse.

As an outsider to the US I thought it seemed more like an American family feud being played out as opposed to a proper trial.

You didn't bother to watch the trial nor do you have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

Well have you ever thought that a Justice system doesn't have to be zero sum game?

And I thought that judge pandered to the whims of one side without thinking about the long term consequences of rash verdicts. Just like that one by the USSC in 2008 which has resulted in gangs openly carrying weapons in the streets of America.

Likewise, I could build a bomb in my basement because I felt that it's my right to bear arms and 'defend' myself. But of course, the end result could be catastrophic and I could blow up the whole block and kill everyone in it.

There has to be a balance in the laws where all the facts are taken into consideration and a verdict is reached in the best interests of the defendent and the society.

ie - after that verdict, numerous people are coming forward and using the 'Kyle Defense' .

Or 15 year olds getting their hands on semi automatics and gunning down an entire school.

"Yeah I'm innocent, and I just had to kill him/her."

"That store clerk - I had to kill him, because even tho I was robbing the joint, he pulled out a gun and therefore I shot. him in self defense."

America is turning into a 'shoot first/ask questions later' society.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There may have been mitigating factors which may have made Kyle less liable in this incident and a verdict which favored him, but he didn't seem entirely innocent either.