Hey Oink WTF is wrong with you


Domestically feral
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United states
Harrassing people in PM ranting about this old situation with my job?

Where exactly do you get this delusion that I think I'm "more moral" than other people? Because I dont agree with your politcal stances and I can actually argue my own?

YOU are the one who is ALWAYS treating people like shit, acting holier than thou, openly claiming you are better than everyone. YOU are the one who does that. So I must have made your fragile sense of self feel threatened.

Pretty interesting how im one of the LEAST judgemental people here and pretty down to earth and after a few years of two sanctimonious cunts who actually DO think they are better and smarter than anyone who stands up to them steady cycling through the SAME desperate shit trying like hell to tear me down because you cannot just argue your bad politcal stances.....you are gonna start wailing and ranting to people in PM about how IM the one who thinks I'm "moral"?

Bitch you have attacked me personally FIRST. And repeatedly before I started shitting on you right back. You've trashed my looks. You've trashed my intelligence. You've trashed my parenting. You've tried to degrade me sexually. You've used my drug addiction as ammo. You take shots over my house. You've claimed to have "befriended" me out of pity and in doing so admitted you've completely disrespected my time and my good nature. There isn't a thing about me you havent tried to tear me down with. You very obviously have some pretty low opinions of others up until the Holidays when you suddenly want to pretend you care about the very people you shit on the rest of the year.

ALL you are accomplishing is showing what an arrogant and self righteous asshole YOU are. You think any of this shit you spew offends ME? Bahahahaha. I would rather be trailor trash and a skank than be like you. I'm completely at peace with my flaws. I have absolutely NO need to be better than anyone. None. I'm waaaayyyy past that. Pretty funny how out of the 3 of us, I'm not the one who talks about my life like I'm trying to prove something. And you are such a cluster b dullard that YOU think it's me talking about my "hurt life". Idiot. My life is not hurt....you are just a fucking snob who looks down on people who are better and happier than you.

Who comes to a board like these to try to look better than they are? You know how sick and disconnected from reality that is?

You are a disgusting, hateful, narcissistic unstable miserable woman and YOU are so insecure you cannot deal with anyone who challenges you. You respond with anger and hate and immediately start personal attacks. You are VERY childish and bitter. I simply don't care if you approve of my house, or my looks, or my parenting. I didnt get born into this world with the fucking goal of meeting the approval of some fat miserable cunt in CA who hates America and wants to destroy my rights.

Stop harrassing people with your dysfunctional obsession with trying to put ME down. You NEVER will. You wont ever accomplish whatever your stupid goal is. You've got an impressive history of ranting in peoples PM boxes trying to either start drama or suck people into your drama. Its pathetic.

Get help. I'm not a fucking prop who is here to take upon myself all your character defects that you hate about yourself. So please remove your giant ego off of me and deal with yourself.

You fucking sociopath.


Domestically feral
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United states
This is how bitter ass Oak tries to control people and suck them into her bullshit.

She did this same kind of shit about other people. When ever someone challenges or stands up to this control freak....she starts filling up pm boxes trying to get others involved or get mods and admins to take action. At SG she was trying to get Flea to not trust other posters. Like Bone. She didnt want Deport Liberals on the boards. She didnt want Farmer on the boards. She used to have issues with Murd and vice versa.

Bottom line shes a vindictive psycho who constantly needs to get her way and feel in control of other people.

Here she brings her drama to Shamp. Doesnt ask him how he is doing or anything because she doesnt give a fuck about him outside of how she can use him in her petty bullshit with me.




He doesn't care if these are posted and he said he did NOT go to her. She decided to hit him up for "support" in this pathetic BS.

Oak....you are not better than anyone. Get way the fuck over yourself.

And dont bother whining about PMs getting posted. You are doing dirty and I have absolutely no respect for the privacy of anyone who has no respect for MINE. So before you even say it....shove it up your ass. You are Murd are scum bags on par with Poofer and as much as you slime balls love using private info and now you are obsessing over MY real life issue with my job? Yeah no fuck your PMs. You have no right to be discussing anything about my business with others so have it in the open.

Firstly shes lying - I most certainly did not show her anything. And Murd asked to see it a few times and I never showed her either. And I'm definately NOT abusive.

I think that exchange I posted shows who the abusive bitch here is. Immediately she starts blathering her supposed "virtues" while lying and then she attacks Shamp because he doesnt care about her drama. THIS is how she treats people.

Also if you want to talk abusive? I dont approach people and try to make friends with them even though I "hate them" because I "feel bad" for the person I hate. Only to publically turn on them because they dont echo MY stances. I've said a few times....I feel bad for the people in this bitter, narcissistic womans life. You know shes got them all on eggshells.
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Domestically feral
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United states
I’m sitting here like wtf. This is what she does on Christmas Day?

Merry Christmas!

I know it.

Comes on this morning to pick a stupid fight with me in the general thread about what's for dinner.

Then shes bothering Shamp ranting to him about the whole picture of a patient issue that happened like what....4 years ago?

Shes having a ridiculous hate spiral.

This is what happens when you piss of a narcissist. They jump from one pile of shit to the next just desperate to "defeat" their target. And it consumes them.

And I didnt do shit to this cretin, except have different politcal views and boundaries where I dont tolerate being bullied.


Domestically feral
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United states
Why the sudden outrage? Didn’t this shit happen back in 2019?
Yeah and she knew what actually happened and was on my side of the issue.

Now that calling me ugly, attacking my parenting, all that other shit isnt working shes probably drunk thinking this is will do whatever the fuck she wants to see done.

Shes desperate and full of hate. That's it.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah and she knew what actually happened and was on my side of the issue.

Now that calling me ugly, attacking my parenting, all that other shit isnt working shes probably drunk thinking this is will do whatever the fuck she wants to see done.

Shes desperate and full of hate. That's it.

This is a whole new level of troll board craziness...imagine being so invested in retaliating against a perceived forum enemy that you do such a thing on a holy day... I would expect this type of deranged behavior from an 18-year-old pimple-faced kid with control issues...but a grandma doing this leaves me speechless...and I am quite verbose, so that says a lot.


Factory Bastard
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People really shouldn't be harassing other people by PM. That is just abusive. BTW it would be far better if people started "arguing the argument" instead of resorting to personal attacks when they can no longer defend their own argument.


Domestically feral
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United states
This type of activity firmly proves this fat whale isn't trolling but rather this is really her. She really is miserable and hateful and bitter for being a broken Pork queen.

She did the same exact thing at SG

No One

Factory Bastard
I know it.

Comes on this morning to pick a stupid fight with me in the general thread about what's for dinner.

Then shes bothering Shamp ranting to him about the whole picture of a patient issue that happened like what....4 years ago?

Shes having a ridiculous hate spiral.

This is what happens when you piss of a narcissist. They jump from one pile of shit to the next just desperate to "defeat" their target. And it consumes them.

And I didnt do shit to this cretin, except have different politcal views and boundaries where I dont tolerate being bullied.

I’m sitting here like wtf. This is what she does on Christmas Day?

Merry Christmas!
Lol...she sent an email saying "go fuck yourself" to me as well. I think she even tried not to poast much to "prove" she is spending teh day with family like a normal granny. But then we see behind the curtain and lo and behold the hate is just as strong.

Thank you @SHAMPAIN


Domestically feral
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United states
Oak is forum AIDS. Big and I never wanted to believe that until we witnessed firsthand her performance at SG.

Big has shown me dozens and dozens of PMs she sent to him complaining about nearly everyone and demanding them to be banned

I can only imagine what poor BF goes through here with that crazy cow up in his inbox.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lol...she sent an email saying "go fuck yourself" to me as well. I think she even tried not to poast much to "prove" she is spending teh day with family like a normal granny. But then we see behind the curtain and lo and behold the hate is just as strong.

Thank you @SHAMPAIN

That is despicable.


Domestically feral
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United states
Were any of you around when she had her super-size colossal meltdown at SG when they trolled her into believing her then arch nemesis Lotusbud was made a moderator?

She went Hamburger for real.

No One

Factory Bastard
Were any of you around when she had her super-size colossal meltdown at SG when they trolled her into believing her then arch nemesis Lotusbud was made a moderator?

She went Hamburger for real.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Domestically feral
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United states
Lol...she sent an email saying "go fuck yourself" to me as well. I think she even tried not to poast much to "prove" she is spending teh day with family like a normal granny. But then we see behind the curtain and lo and behold the hate is just as strong.

Thank you @SHAMPAIN


Good fucking grief.

This is where someone like me would normally feel bad for her and end up allowing her to weasel into MY PM box and foster some weird fake friend over the course of several months while she secretly hates me

Who DOES that?!


Domestically feral
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United states
I hereby deem this a support thread for everyone who has had TPO2Fs unhinged hatred thrusted upon them for no real or rational reason.


Factory Bastard
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I have to agree with Shamp that Lily doesn't give a shit about the people in the photos. She is dragging up 4 yr old offences of Dovey because Dovey's post crushed Lily's ego. I can safely say no one wants to revisit The Summer of Poofer. No one.

Let me remind you fine American young ladies, somewhere in the Bible it says, "pride before a fall"...

Dovey, I digress, how do you guys keep warm in your mobile home?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What happened there?

At STOMPING Groundz KM and Dove met in real life, it fell apart rather quickly and the revenge pron went on and on and on for months and years...spilling into The Blue Cashew and even here.

No, no, we all fought like big cats and hyenas ... e-blood was let. It was VERY VERY ugly.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
At STOMPING Groundz KM and Dove met in real life, it fell apart rather quickly and the revenge pron went on and on and on for months and years...spilling into The Blue Cashew and even here.

No, no, we all fought like big cats and hyenas ... e-blood was let. It was VERY VERY ugly.


He knows.
He was just being an arsehole and you dived right into it like a fucking arse-diving idiot trying to qualify for the olympic arse-diving competition. I hope your gold medal is fake and turns your tits green.


Domestically feral
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United states
Last Christmas the pig was cheering the murder of innocent children because they were white

This Christmas the pig is logging in here to say "fuck you" in PM to random strangers because they wont ally with her phony grievances.

It's kinda progress when you think about it, yanno?