Im TIRED of it


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?

You CANT be serious. Exactly what argument is that? That since sometimes in liberal democracy, the candidate you vote for doesnt win.....that NO ONE has voting power? Would you say this to the dumb fucks who voted Biden? "Oh look. Your vote worked out!"

Who is the rep of your congressional district? Because decisions on the local level go farther on the federal level when the people are involved.

Please, go learn how the US government works. You won't like when we actually DONT have a liberal order anymore.

Stop this inner city "everything is futile" mentality. It's a trick played on the poor. That's why they keep voting to fuck themselves.

And yes I brought up KIDS AND Brooke Sheilds as an example of how MEDIA has been sexualizing kids for years. Settle down.
The fact is, you have no voice. None.

If you really think a vaccine is taking away your freedoms, then idk what to tell you. If you think it's going to harm you, idk what to tell you.

As for the sexualization of minors thru the media, it took you how many years to finally open your eyes?

The fact is, YOU think we don't have a voice because you dont know you DO. And this is exactly how your government has yeeted your constitutional RIGHTS and made Chicago the most dangerous city for gun violence with the most gun control regulations. The only ones with guns are the criminals.

How's THAT working? How many babies get shot a week over there?

You gonna trust that pigmy dyke that looks like a physical manifestation of morning breath to make YOUR medical decisions? I just cant.

This is why riots happen....people in poor inner cities have no idea how powerful the votes ARE.

You need to go learn. Go watch your local government. Drop this mind fuck you've been indoctrinated into. Because odds are good a small chunk of your city even bothers and the rest is filled in by bullshit votes.

If all you assholes in these places had a clue how this actually works, youd be out there running that shit. But as long as you are surrounded by those who think the system is their provider and punisher that they have no power over, we end up with shit like Jihad Joe and CHAZ zones. And forced vaccines. They WANT you to think you are powerless.

Get your shit together ffs.
Srsly, why do you give a fuck about Chicago or mayor Beetlejuice?

I give zero fucks about any of that drivel because it doesn’t effect me. Either way, there’s going to be gun violence in this wonderful city. You think the cops here are saints? Get real. A cop will kill you just as fast as a criminal. Should we take away all guns?

I think you missed the memo that in certain parts of the city the gangs are the police force on account of the cops are too chicken shit to enter, and in those hoods ppl leave their doors unlocked and keys in their cars again.

the point being, bitching about shit to whomever does nothing, going out and doing something about it does a lot.

Chicago ain’t no joke. No pussies live in Chicago.


I really dont, tbh. I would prefer if all the democrat inner cities just clustered up together and went ahead and split from the rest of us and kicked off their progressive socailist shit hole they all want.

But when you start talking about federal mandates and how we should all just give up and embrace the boot because inner cities that's a conversation.
Actually, it’s about moving forward.

If I didn’t make all that money on Doge I would be struggling along with everyone else. If you have to force these idiots into taking a shot to open the world back up, I’ll be first in line to hold them the fuck down by the head telling them “obey” softly in their ear.

Anti vactards should go find an island and move there. I hear Epstein’s island is available

The government shouldn't be allowed to shut down businesses either.

This isnt about "moving forward". This is about fundamentally changing America.

I mean you communists are welcome to go to Cuba, no one is allowed to disobey daddy government there. It's already got the government you get moving. Itll be less work and less eventual blood shed than trying to infringe on Americans.
No you


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Now your losing it.

Proof positive you can only debate with Dovid in small doses.

Like the same amount they put in a syringe for a vaccine


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Hollywood has helped create the drama. The shootings as a whole are nothing in comparison to other countries, and what they deal with every single day.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Now your losing it.

Proof positive you can only debate with Dovid in small doses.

Like the same amount they put in a syringe for a vaccine

I'm 100 percent correct, and you are showing it.

Do you get your flu shot every year? Yes or no.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Now your losing it.

Proof positive you can only debate with Dovid in small doses.

Like the same amount they put in a syringe for a vaccine
Oi..cunt features...go bleed back on your piss-poor forum you little drama-Queen!


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Hollywood has helped create the drama. The shootings as a whole are nothing in comparison to other countries, and what they deal with every single day.

Socail engineering is all Hollywood is. That and marketing.

Did you guys have that gawd awful "rustic farmhouse chic" fad over there or was that just a consumerist American thing?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe

My condolences :/


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Now your losing it.

Proof positive you can only debate with Dovid in small doses.

Like the same amount they put in a syringe for a vaccine

I'm 100 percent correct, and you are showing it.

Do you get your flu shot every year? Yes or no.
Why are you even conversing with this cretin after the shit that he pulled with you? And so publicly at that. If this cunt tries that shit outside of his state, he’d be fucking chopped up and buried.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Now your losing it.

Proof positive you can only debate with Dovid in small doses.

Like the same amount they put in a syringe for a vaccine

I'm 100 percent correct, and you are showing it.

Do you get your flu shot every year? Yes or no.
No Dovid, your wrong on this one.

I just know from personal experience how stubborn and granite headed you are when it comes to your mentally challenged convictions and ideals and instead of thinking “hey, she has a point” I just roll my eyes and tell myself “eh, it’s just Dovid” and scroll on by.

Ive actually put phones down and fallen asleep listening to you, dear.

Flu shot? I might this year. I never did before on account of I would get paid off from work catching it but needed proof.



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You can all have this little worm bleating on about what’s tough and what’s scary, but the little drip would shit himself if he were thrown into real political drama. “No pussies live in Chicago”. You do you fucking little cunt! @King Martini

Inner cities in America THINK they are hard. They are just slightly more 3rd worlded.

If you havent noticed, they are the biggest babies and the most well trained establishment bitches in the country.

So much so......they burn down their OWN communities when mad they got what they vote for.....and they hyperventilate when people scare politicains at the Capitol.
Hollywood has helped create the drama. The shootings as a whole are nothing in comparison to other countries, and what they deal with every single day.

Socail engineering is all Hollywood is. That and marketing.

Did you guys have that gawd awful "rustic farmhouse chic" fad over there or was that just a consumerist American thing?
No...South Africans (English) are British-orientated. Australia is more Americanised.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe

My condolences :/
Beats living in the stix


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe
Oh who gives a flying fuck dweeb!? I’d put a bullet in the centre of your skull given the chance.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe

My condolences :/
Beats living in the stix

I VERY much disagree on every level.

You just enjoy whatever you find enjoyable about that place for the short time you still can. I dont get it......but to each their own.

You are one black out away from deadly chaos and you cannot defend yourself. You'll eventually rue the day you let Beetlejuice shit your rights away. None of you know how to survive. Gangs will destroy you and then.....people like me will be picking them off to protect our food.



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe

My condolences :/
Beats living in the stix

I VERY much disagree on every level.

You just enjoy whatever you find enjoyable about that place for the short time you still can. I dont get it......but to each their own.

You are one black out away from deadly chaos and you cannot defend yourself. You'll eventually rue the day you let Beetlejuice shit your rights away. None of you know how to survive. Gangs will destroy you and then.....people like me will be picking them off to protect our food.

He’s a weak little thing innit? :LOL3:


Domestically feral
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United states
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe

My condolences :/
Beats living in the stix

I VERY much disagree on every level.

You just enjoy whatever you find enjoyable about that place for the short time you still can. I dont get it......but to each their own.

You are one black out away from deadly chaos and you cannot defend yourself. You'll eventually rue the day you let Beetlejuice shit your rights away. None of you know how to survive. Gangs will destroy you and then.....people like me will be picking them off to protect our food.

He’s a weak little thing innit? :LOL3:

They dont know any better. They dont even know they run their own government. Fucking shit lol


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)

I'm fully vaccinated by a competent vaccine (J& and done. A reliable viral vector shot)

But that was MY decision. Other people have a right to make their own.

I don't give a shit what others no offense taken. I'm not some democrat/prog who has bug eyed spasms and tantrums when other people make choices I find dumb.
So your bitching about vaccines yet are vacc’d…..

Heroin really fucked your head up

I'm bitching about TYRANNY, obviously.

Are you kidding? Use your brain, Poof. No one is bitching about VACCINES. They are bitching about MANDATES and coercion.

it should be mandated. It’s a fucking shot. Your not giving up your children for crying out loud.

So the government should get to decide what goes into our bodies.

And you dont see how that IS giving up your children because you are saying we are state property.

No they should NOT be mandated. Medical intervention is a INDIVIDUAL choice, between patient and doctor. Not public and state.

Poofer! Are you hearing yourself?
Loud and clear.

This bullshit has gone on long enough. A year from now none of this shit is going to matter.

My GF’s dad dropped her daughter off at the door one day and said “you got alot of tattoos “. I told him “ Give it a week and you won’t even notice them”

same thing here

In a year we wont have a country.

You should consider bailing on Chicago.
I’ll never leave this city.

My kids love it here and I know everyone who is anything. My daughter is in a modeling school and my oldest is going to school to be an NBA referee and refs local prep and college.

Chicago is the center of my universe

My condolences :/
Beats living in the stix

I VERY much disagree on every level.

You just enjoy whatever you find enjoyable about that place for the short time you still can. I dont get it......but to each their own.

You are one black out away from deadly chaos and you cannot defend yourself. You'll eventually rue the day you let Beetlejuice shit your rights away. None of you know how to survive. Gangs will destroy you and then.....people like me will be picking them off to protect our food.

Da fuck new video game you just read off on and is it available on ps5?


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
I didn't watch it, I just saw clips of 10 yr old girls twerkin' and thought WTAF?

They were testing the waters like they always do to see how far they can push things and what they can get away with...

I wouldn't mind betting that in a few decades or so, that kind of shit will be deemed normal and featured in loads of movies and TV shows, similar to how gays kissing was frowned up only a couple of decades or so ago, but now you see it all the time.

Decades ago there was an even worse movie made called KIDS that everyone just forgot about.

And the sexualizing a Brooke Sheilds. She was actually featured posing nude when she was fucking TEN years old in some Playboy sponsored filth called "Sugar and Spice".

The sexualizing of children has BEEN a problem.
Kids is a groundbreaking film that hit mainstream recognition.. The borders were pushed years before with with Ken Park


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I didn't watch it, I just saw clips of 10 yr old girls twerkin' and thought WTAF?

They were testing the waters like they always do to see how far they can push things and what they can get away with...

I wouldn't mind betting that in a few decades or so, that kind of shit will be deemed normal and featured in loads of movies and TV shows, similar to how gays kissing was frowned up only a couple of decades or so ago, but now you see it all the time.

Decades ago there was an even worse movie made called KIDS that everyone just forgot about.

And the sexualizing a Brooke Sheilds. She was actually featured posing nude when she was fucking TEN years old in some Playboy sponsored filth called "Sugar and Spice".

The sexualizing of children has BEEN a problem.
Kids is a groundbreaking film that hit mainstream recognition.. The borders were pushed years before with with Ken Park

Sure. I'm just saying the sexualizing of children in media is absolutely not new.

KIDS was just more my era.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?
Speaking of 12 year old girls and freakshows who abuse them

where is the disgusting noseless monster?
Prolly circle jerking with Twat watching hacked security cameras at Target for the little boys dressing rooms.

Since DumbZo is such a historian of this community, maybe somebody should ask him what happened to Peaches nose?
You have a problem with my long memory, huh?
Yours is very short. In ALL ways I've heard.
As far as Peaches goes, I only came across him at Fleas board before SG.
And personally, I'm above going after a lack of a nose. I've seen far worse.
Also, Peaches and I historically don't get along regardless of political leanings.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I didn't watch it, I just saw clips of 10 yr old girls twerkin' and thought WTAF?

They were testing the waters like they always do to see how far they can push things and what they can get away with...

I wouldn't mind betting that in a few decades or so, that kind of shit will be deemed normal and featured in loads of movies and TV shows, similar to how gays kissing was frowned up only a couple of decades or so ago, but now you see it all the time.

Decades ago there was an even worse movie made called KIDS that everyone just forgot about.

And the sexualizing a Brooke Sheilds. She was actually featured posing nude when she was fucking TEN years old in some Playboy sponsored filth called "Sugar and Spice".

The sexualizing of children has BEEN a problem.
Kids is a groundbreaking film that hit mainstream recognition.. The borders were pushed years before with with Ken Park
Ken park came out after kids.

Kids is culturally significant but don’t tell old Dovid that much


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?
Speaking of 12 year old girls and freakshows who abuse them

where is the disgusting noseless monster?
Prolly circle jerking with Twat watching hacked security cameras at Target for the little boys dressing rooms.

Since DumbZo is such a historian of this community, maybe somebody should ask him what happened to Peaches nose?
You have a problem with my long memory, huh?
Yours is very short. In ALL ways I've heard.
As far as Peaches goes, I only came across him at Fleas board before SG.
And personally, I'm above going after a lack of a nose. I've seen far worse.
Also, Peaches and I historically don't get along regardless of political leanings.
What “long standing “ memory?

You wernt anything at BH, yet you want to make believe you were, you were laughed off turd fail for being over zealous with searching for tranny gifs, and we’re mother gunned by flea at SG

What part of anything I just typed is wrong? Remember, I was a mod at BH for years and had LoCos admin access.

You remember LoCo, right?