Im TIRED of it


Domestically feral
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United states
Starting Sept. 22 my province is implementing vaccine passports to enter non-essential businesses. Their websites to get the QR code are not even functional yet.

The bureaucrats are totally incompetent and beyond fucked up: COVID is proving it every single day.

For example, to dine in a restaurant I'll have to show proof of vaccination but the staff that works there do not have to be vaccinated. The person handling my food or serving it doesn't require vaccination but as a patron I must be. WTF?

An unvaccinated person is allowed to dine at a restaurant patio and can even go inside to use the restroom but they can't dine inside. Again WTF?

To visit an old age home you have to be vaccinated but the staff that work there do not? Holy shit, the people at the highest risk of dying from COVID are not protected from unvaccinated staff. Not that full vaccination even means that you can't get COVID. Political brains at work.

Employers can make it company policy that workers be vaccinated but are told to seek legal council before doing so. Basically putting the onus on the employer if this turns out to be illegal or an unjust reason for termination of employment.

Even better - Every day on the news they will report the number of people in hospital that are not fully vaccinated. A reporter just asked how many people in the hospital with COVID are fully vaccinated and the Chief Medical Officer said they can't disclose that because of confidentiality. The same people who are governing vaccine passports can't disclose how many people in hospital from COVID are fully vaccinated because of confidentiality?

Are these people for real? They are as stupid as the people who are protesting at the hospitals. The hospitals and their staff are not the ones making these stupid rules. Protest these dumb fuck politicians and their minions not hospitals. They won't arrest you for protesting at a hospital but run on the field at a Blue Jays game and they will take you to jail for mischief, at the very least.

They've had almost two years to come up with reasonable guidelines in the event that the epidemic not go as they expected and this is the mishmash of illogical rules they've come up with in all that time? We have an election coming in a few days and NONE of the candidates are campaigning on COVID rules.

US federal rules are just as fucked up as ours. I can fly to the USA but I'm not allowed to drive there? I can jump in my boat and go across the lake and be in the USA in five minutes, the chances authorities are going to check where I came from and turn me back are almost zero.

I'm getting angry with the level of incompetence or even common sense this pandemic is being handled with. Who's with me?

It's not incompetency. The pandemic is being used for another more global agenda. It's about control.


Factory Bastard
noun: incompetence; plural noun: incompetences

  1. inability to do something successfully; ineptitude.
    "allegations of professional incompetence"

I thought it was about public health and nobody knowing what to do about it, incompetence.

What is this control theory you have?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
noun: incompetence; plural noun: incompetences

  1. inability to do something successfully; ineptitude.
    "allegations of professional incompetence"

I thought it was about public health and nobody knowing what to do about it, incompetence.

What is this control theory you have?


Factory Bastard
Hey Prowler, I remember you ump - Good point about the media, they are showing all the politicians talking about hospital protests as well just to pretend they are doing something. You're absolutely correct about those in the healthcare profession being upset and protesting too. Their opinions about COVID and the vaccine reflect that of the general public.

Now about that beer ... can't! The wife is PMSing and won't let me do nothing.

Told her to take a Midol ... she just glared at me and said she preferred to stay bitchy.


Domestically feral
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United states
noun: incompetence; plural noun: incompetences

  1. inability to do something successfully; ineptitude.
    "allegations of professional incompetence"

I thought it was about public health and nobody knowing what to do about it, incompetence.

What is this control theory you have?

Well if it were about the pandemic, yes its incompetence.

If it's about crashing economies and removing liberties....its pretty effective.

Are you familiar with the "great reset"? Its not a conspiracy at all.

There was even a whole "pandemic simulation" done right before this where they predicted everything. Using a corona virus outbreak from China. A whole simulation where everything was predicted.....and it was STILL somehow a fuckery.

Here I'll link it all

The great reset

"The Great Reset | World Economic Forum"
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Event 201 (long videos but interesting)

"Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


Factory Bastard
Dovey, I can't watch all that ... poor people are the least of my worries.

I've heard enough of the refugees already ... Wyclef Jean and Lauryn Hill are alright.


Factory Bastard
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Many people are under the impression they can't get it if they've been vaccinated and have returned to risky behaviour.

Who is to say some of the vaccinated have symptoms so mild they don't even know they are infectious?
My son in law has days were the ONLY covid positive people he sees are vaxed!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Many people are under the impression they can't get it if they've been vaccinated and have returned to risky behaviour.

Who is to say some of the vaccinated have symptoms so mild they don't even know they are infectious?

That is not what St Dr Fauci said as he was providing his last sermon on the Mount!!!!!!!!!!

so ...neener neerer neener neeener neener


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
There should be a choice- vaccination, or concentration camp.

Move forward with this shit already

So you’re okay with your little ones getting jabbed with an experimental shot that does NOT prevent infection?
But, if you do catch covid you won't die from it.

Living in a fucking bubble isn't the way to live. I'm not into this whole paranoia bullshit like some ppl are and it seems those locking themselves away from this shit are using it as a crutch for their political lean.

This ain't the mark of the beast, ya know. It's a frigging vaccination so you don't die or have a miserable quality of life if you do catch it.

Morons on the internet use it to bitch like used up Karen's. They're the same dolts who complain in public about masks.

If your anti-vac, you are a Karen


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I didn't watch it, I just saw clips of 10 yr old girls twerkin' and thought WTAF?

They were testing the waters like they always do to see how far they can push things and what they can get away with...

I wouldn't mind betting that in a few decades or so, that kind of shit will be deemed normal and featured in loads of movies and TV shows, similar to how gays kissing was frowned up only a couple of decades or so ago, but now you see it all the time.

Decades ago there was an even worse movie made called KIDS that everyone just forgot about.

And the sexualizing a Brooke Sheilds. She was actually featured posing nude when she was fucking TEN years old in some Playboy sponsored filth called "Sugar and Spice".

The sexualizing of children has BEEN a problem.

Ahh yeah, wasn't it from the 70's or something? I remember hearing about that.

Like you say, people just forget and move on. If the MSM doesn't make a big song and dance about something, the masses rarely remember.

The Brooke Sheilds thing was but KIDS was from the 90s

And yes...if corporate media doesnt tell people to get mad....they dont. And if media tells them to be mad....they are. Whether it's over something truthful or not.
Are you fucking high?

All of the actors in KIDS were of age who were sexualized. If you really wanna go down this slope, then why was Jodie Foster playing a hooker at 14 years old in Taxi Driver? Why does Scorsese get a pass?

You don't think Disney channel sexualizes minors who are actual minors? How many of them have music videos where they're dancing suggestively?

I'm not a fan of KIDS, but Bully, by the same director, is a fucking masterpiece, again, with adults portraying minors.

You are having a hard time grasping what isn't real and what is reality here. If KIDS had any cp it never would have been released and everyone involved would have been locked up. If you are assuming any of the kids were underage and sexualized, that's cp.

It didn't happen.

Now, if you want to talk about that movie Ken Park, which is banned pretty much everywhere, you might have something.....

The Countess

Hood with it
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There should be a choice- vaccination, or concentration camp.

Move forward with this shit already

So you’re okay with your little ones getting jabbed with an experimental shot that does NOT prevent infection?
But, if you do catch covid you won't die from it.

Living in a fucking bubble isn't the way to live. I'm not into this whole paranoia bullshit like some ppl are and it seems those locking themselves away from this shit are using it as a crutch for their political lean.

This ain't the mark of the beast, ya know. It's a frigging vaccination so you don't die or have a miserable quality of life if you do catch it.

Morons on the internet use it to bitch like used up Karen's. They're the same dolts who complain in public about masks.

If your anti-vac, you are a Karen

I love ya but :facepalm:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I didn't watch it, I just saw clips of 10 yr old girls twerkin' and thought WTAF?

They were testing the waters like they always do to see how far they can push things and what they can get away with...

I wouldn't mind betting that in a few decades or so, that kind of shit will be deemed normal and featured in loads of movies and TV shows, similar to how gays kissing was frowned up only a couple of decades or so ago, but now you see it all the time.

Decades ago there was an even worse movie made called KIDS that everyone just forgot about.

And the sexualizing a Brooke Sheilds. She was actually featured posing nude when she was fucking TEN years old in some Playboy sponsored filth called "Sugar and Spice".

The sexualizing of children has BEEN a problem.

Ahh yeah, wasn't it from the 70's or something? I remember hearing about that.

Like you say, people just forget and move on. If the MSM doesn't make a big song and dance about something, the masses rarely remember.

The Brooke Sheilds thing was but KIDS was from the 90s

And yes...if corporate media doesnt tell people to get mad....they dont. And if media tells them to be mad....they are. Whether it's over something truthful or not.
Are you fucking high?

All of the actors in KIDS were of age who were sexualized. If you really wanna go down this slope, then why was Jodie Foster playing a hooker at 14 years old in Taxi Driver? Why does Scorsese get a pass?

You don't think Disney channel sexualizes minors who are actual minors? How many of them have music videos where they're dancing suggestively?

I'm not a fan of KIDS, but Bully, by the same director, is a fucking masterpiece, again, with adults portraying minors.

You are having a hard time grasping what isn't real and what is reality here. If KIDS had any cp it never would have been released and everyone involved would have been locked up. If you are assuming any of the kids were underage and sexualized, that's cp.

It didn't happen.

Now, if you want to talk about that movie Ken Park, which is banned pretty much everywhere, you might have something.....

First scene in the movie is one of the main characters (Telly?) convincing a 13 year old to let him fuck her. She even looks 12. Then they show the sex scene.

It doesnt matter if the actors were "of age", because they look like children and we are supposed to see "children" in a sex scene.

The point was sexualizing children in media isnt a new thing just recently starting with a movie like Cuties. It's been going on.

And the government has no place forcing anyone to accept a medical intervention of any sort, least of all a vaccine. If you are comfortable with the state making your decisions for you as if you are property.....and making decisions for your kids as if they are state property... I dont know what to tell you. You DO have rights you should be more concerned about.

Viruses pass. Tyranny is much more deadly.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I didn't watch it, I just saw clips of 10 yr old girls twerkin' and thought WTAF?

They were testing the waters like they always do to see how far they can push things and what they can get away with...

I wouldn't mind betting that in a few decades or so, that kind of shit will be deemed normal and featured in loads of movies and TV shows, similar to how gays kissing was frowned up only a couple of decades or so ago, but now you see it all the time.

Decades ago there was an even worse movie made called KIDS that everyone just forgot about.

And the sexualizing a Brooke Sheilds. She was actually featured posing nude when she was fucking TEN years old in some Playboy sponsored filth called "Sugar and Spice".

The sexualizing of children has BEEN a problem.

Ahh yeah, wasn't it from the 70's or something? I remember hearing about that.

Like you say, people just forget and move on. If the MSM doesn't make a big song and dance about something, the masses rarely remember.

The Brooke Sheilds thing was but KIDS was from the 90s

And yes...if corporate media doesnt tell people to get mad....they dont. And if media tells them to be mad....they are. Whether it's over something truthful or not.
Are you fucking high?

All of the actors in KIDS were of age who were sexualized. If you really wanna go down this slope, then why was Jodie Foster playing a hooker at 14 years old in Taxi Driver? Why does Scorsese get a pass?

You don't think Disney channel sexualizes minors who are actual minors? How many of them have music videos where they're dancing suggestively?

I'm not a fan of KIDS, but Bully, by the same director, is a fucking masterpiece, again, with adults portraying minors.

You are having a hard time grasping what isn't real and what is reality here. If KIDS had any cp it never would have been released and everyone involved would have been locked up. If you are assuming any of the kids were underage and sexualized, that's cp.

It didn't happen.

Now, if you want to talk about that movie Ken Park, which is banned pretty much everywhere, you might have something.....

First scene in the movie is one of the main characters (Telly?) convincing a 13 year old to let him fuck her. She even looks 12. Then they show the sex scene.

It doesnt matter if the actors were "of age", because they look like children and we are supposed to see "children" in a sex scene.

The point was sexualizing children in media isnt a new thing just recently starting with a movie like Cuties. It's been going on.
That it has, but not since KIDS. If you are going to throw it all under the bus, then you have to start with Shirley Temple wearing short dresses and dancing for dirty old men. There's a reason why actor kids are all fucked up in the head and it isn't because they're not famous any more.

But, if your really on the whole "but telly was banging a 12 year old" train, then you have to start questioning and pointing the finger at the media as a whole, not just Hollywood. Fox has how many talk shows where children go into great detail about sexuality, isn't that the same thing? Back in the day, 21 jumpstreet had an episode where the Jonny Depp guy had an affair with his school teacher. Same thing?

Holly wood has protected Roman Polanski for how many years and given the guy standing ovations and nominated his movies for awards and only up until recently where actors walked out when he won one, nobody gave a flying fuck that he luud'ed up a 14 year old and ass raped her. You think they give a fuck what you think?

Kathleen Kennedy is making a new Indiana Jones movie with a woman instead of Harrison Ford. They don't give a fuck.
And the government has no place forcing anyone to accept a medical intervention of any sort,
No, common sense does. Nobody is telling you to stay in this country if your going to Karen up something as trivial as getting a fucking shot that will help your quality of life moving forward if you actually catch covid. This ain't the Walking Dead where your corpse is going to be reanimated after death and even still, who fucking cares? Your dead already.
least of all a vaccine. If you are comfortable with the state making your decisions for you as if you are property.....and making decisions for your kids as if they are state property... I dont know what to tell you. You DO have rights you should be more concerned about.

Viruses pass. Tyranny is much more deadly.
More fluffulated nonsense.

Like it or not, the state and government already make all your decisions for you and you live in this facade you suddenly have any type of freedom? Give your head a shake.

Go buy groceries naked. The fact you will get arrested is now tyranny? Use your fucking brain.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
There should be a choice- vaccination, or concentration camp.

Move forward with this shit already

So you’re okay with your little ones getting jabbed with an experimental shot that does NOT prevent infection?
But, if you do catch covid you won't die from it.

Living in a fucking bubble isn't the way to live. I'm not into this whole paranoia bullshit like some ppl are and it seems those locking themselves away from this shit are using it as a crutch for their political lean.

This ain't the mark of the beast, ya know. It's a frigging vaccination so you don't die or have a miserable quality of life if you do catch it.

Morons on the internet use it to bitch like used up Karen's. They're the same dolts who complain in public about masks.

If your anti-vac, you are a Karen

I love ya but :facepalm:
Sorry, but this over indulgence in paranoia over a frigging shot is embarrassing and pathetic.

If all this internet bile being shat out the mouths of assholes helped everyone on skid row, nobody would be homeless in this world.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own because you dont vote or follow.

Smh. This is why inner cities always vote democrat. This right here. And it's why School Choice was it stays this way.

Who is your rep, Poofer? Of your congressional district? Do you know? Do you know you have one? Do you know what district you are in?
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
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The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?
Speaking of 12 year old girls and freakshows who abuse them

where is the disgusting noseless monster?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?

You CANT be serious. Exactly what argument is that? That since sometimes in liberal democracy, the candidate you vote for doesnt win.....that NO ONE has voting power? Would you say this to the dumb fucks who voted Biden? "Oh look. Your vote worked out!"

Who is the rep of your congressional district? Because decisions on the local level go farther on the federal level when the people are involved.

Please, go learn how the US government works. You won't like when we actually DONT have a liberal order anymore.

Stop this inner city "everything is futile" mentality. It's a trick played on the poor. That's why they keep voting to fuck themselves.

And yes I brought up KIDS AND Brooke Sheilds as an example of how MEDIA has been sexualizing kids for years. Settle down.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?
Speaking of 12 year old girls and freakshows who abuse them

where is the disgusting noseless monster?
Prolly circle jerking with Twat watching hacked security cameras at Target for the little boys dressing rooms.

Since DumbZo is such a historian of this community, maybe somebody should ask him what happened to Peaches nose?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Maybe we should started a thread entitled

What happened to Peaches nose

just to see how long it takes for @Levon to wet his pants and show an all too vested interest in the matter


Domestically feral
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United states
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The entire point I'm making is I'm blaming the media as a whole.

The fuck?
You keep bringing up that "evil" movie KIDS. This isn't the first time you've done it and surely won't be the last.

If you are going to wear that tiara, know that it's been going on forever and just didn't pop up with some movie made by a fucking creeper with a fascination with teenagers, k?

Fast times at ridgemont high? Didn't Jennifer Jason Leigh look like she was 12 years old?

And no the government doesnt make our decisions for us. YOU think this way because you dont follow local government or ever vote. The laws that exist in your state were decided by elected officials and voted on by the people.

You cant buy groceries naked.....because the PEOPLE voted for modesty legislation.

You dont know how legislation is decided, Poof. Take a few moments to go learn how your state government works, how laws are decided, how state and federal interact. Because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this, so you cannot recognize the tyranny at hand.

Just because YOU dont get involved in your government and vote on bills....doesnt mean the people dont.

And no one is going to let the government coerce and force a fucking medical treatment (which is against the Nuremberg code btw.....the nazis did this shit) because you dont understand how legislation occurs and you think the government just does things on it's own.
Didn't you vote trump?

How'd that work out?

You CANT be serious. Exactly what argument is that? That since sometimes in liberal democracy, the candidate you vote for doesnt win.....that NO ONE has voting power? Would you say this to the dumb fucks who voted Biden? "Oh look. Your vote worked out!"

Who is the rep of your congressional district? Because decisions on the local level go farther on the federal level when the people are involved.

Please, go learn how the US government works. You won't like when we actually DONT have a liberal order anymore.

Stop this inner city "everything is futile" mentality. It's a trick played on the poor. That's why they keep voting to fuck themselves.

And yes I brought up KIDS AND Brooke Sheilds as an example of how MEDIA has been sexualizing kids for years. Settle down.
The fact is, you have no voice. None.

If you really think a vaccine is taking away your freedoms, then idk what to tell you. If you think it's going to harm you, idk what to tell you.

As for the sexualization of minors thru the media, it took you how many years to finally open your eyes?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I seriously wonder if life threatening aspect of COVID would persist in a person without a nose?

Would a person like that still have trouble inhaling when they're actually capable of snorting chlorine tablets whole without a grimace?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The vax isnt nearly as effective as advertised and the side effects are frequent enough, especially in people under 25, that mandating it is irresponsible.
All bullshit.

Anti- vactards would make you believe your going to spawn fucking antlers and hooves from getting a damn shot.

It's a personal risk, because you can still catch it AND spread it with the vaccine. (Which is established fact. .anti vaxx loonacy aside)

That's not the point, though. This isnt China where daddy government swoops in to protect the health of anyone. People have rights to refuse.
Yet, if you catch it while vacc'd you won't die or have a horrible quality of life after recovery.

I'll take those odds over dying and no offense, I'm living long enough to take a huge, watery shit on twats tombstone just because I can't stand the rotten dweeb.

Keep fighting the good fight that nobody cares about (woof woof)