January 6th, "gonna be wild"

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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In other news: AOC is also getting shit on by that greasy turd licker who fornicates with goats.

Squad vs squad? Lmao


Factory Bastard
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I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

It would be so glorious to watch these noodle neck soy turds get bright red with anger to the point they burn their own backyards down again.

The pussies on the left know better than to try that shit in red states. THey'd get turned into taco meat if they tried

It's gonna ba 4 long years for ya in the Wilderness, eh Bigly?

Who knows? It could be another 8 if Trump runs again in 2024 and splits the Republican vote.

But good luck in the next 4, eh?

It's only "wilderness" if you dont know what's gonna happen.

And everyone knows what a Biden presidency will be....in reality....except the Biden voters.

It will be the same old job crushing, poverty driving, western imperialism, empty platitudes and cronism that always comes with career politicains.

I'm glad millions are kicking and screaming.

It's just weird when people are like "hur hur the government is gonna fuck us all and bomb civilians in others and we cant wait its gonna aaawweesone! Fuck your criminal justice reform and peace deals!!"

Lotus may be left but at least shes not delusional about Biden. She just believes the same about Trump....which I clearly disagree with her on.

Ignoring the fact that tens of millions of people will not view Biden as a legitimate presidency isnt gonna change it.

Biden's a 1 term president at most Dovey.

So, save your ammo cuz he won't even be around in 2024.

The Republicans will have a different target to shoot at it by then.

The Democrats know this, and already they're PLEASE ASS BOX ME! his successor.

It's a bit like the old USSR in 1980 which fielded all these over-the-hill Presidents before that country's breakup.

Old men are traditionally caretaker presidents, don't last long and are merely a means to an end for the Party Establishment.


Put your glasses on!
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Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!



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I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.



Put your glasses on!
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I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

Ummm, there's a lunatic in the WH who is claiming that, though he lost by 7 fucking MILLION votes, somehow he was cheated, and his braindead Trumpeciles believe it!!!! LMFAO You people are tragic.

Please, please tell me you dont think that all those votes Biden "won" by, are legitimate.


Factory Bastard
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Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!


Put your glasses on!
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what's a yuge ?? is it a device you two use to suck E-cock ??

No, yuge is the amount of food I fed your coon the past few weeks, cheap skate! Yeah! Yo bitch been at MY house kneegrow!!!



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You thoughted I read these things :LMAO:
You thoughted I read these things :LMAO:
Well, be sure to ask him... I wanna hear his answer. If he has that Gandolf cane in his hand, wait for a more opportune time.

What, you dont keep up with the president of our country? Yuge is the accent Trump makes when saying HUge, ya fuckin' commie bastard.



Put your glasses on!
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I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

It would be so glorious to watch these noodle neck soy turds get bright red with anger to the point they burn their own backyards down again.

The pussies on the left know better than to try that shit in red states. THey'd get turned into taco meat if they tried

It's gonna ba 4 long years for ya in the Wilderness, eh Bigly?

Who knows? It could be another 8 if Trump runs again in 2024 and splits the Republican vote.

But good luck in the next 4, eh?

It's only "wilderness" if you dont know what's gonna happen.

And everyone knows what a Biden presidency will be....in reality....except the Biden voters.

It will be the same old job crushing, poverty driving, western imperialism, empty platitudes and cronism that always comes with career politicains.

I'm glad millions are kicking and screaming.

It's just weird when people are like "hur hur the government is gonna fuck us all and bomb civilians in others and we cant wait its gonna aaawweesone! Fuck your criminal justice reform and peace deals!!"

Lotus may be left but at least shes not delusional about Biden. She just believes the same about Trump....which I clearly disagree with her on.

Ignoring the fact that tens of millions of people will not view Biden as a legitimate presidency isnt gonna change it.

Of course it will be. But how did you people get suckered into thinking Trump was better? Mystifying beyond belief.

Trump is the better of the two running. There were others, of course but in the end it was Biden or Trump. I say choose the lesser of two evils. Trump may be a pervert but Biden is a pedophile. "I'll take the pervert for $300, Alex".

I liked Trump, wish he would have just kept his mouth shut ... he was his own worst enemy

No lie, his mouth got him in trouble more than anything lol.

BUT! Hes just like us Bastards! He dont take no shit! And he dont give a fuuuuuuuuuck lol. Trump said FUCK the haters hahaha.


Put your glasses on!
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You people have done a damn good job of proving to the deep state that they can feed you any line of horseshit they want, and you will not only believe it, but you will take up arms against democracy in support of your spurious belief. What a bunch of fucking tools. Deep state tools. Congrats.

You expect me to break out the pompoms for PLEASE ASS BOX ME! Joe!? For Fucking Beijing Biden!? Come on now! Get a grip woman!


Put your glasses on!
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You people have done a damn good job of proving to the deep state that they can feed you any line of horseshit they want, and you will not only believe it, but you will take up arms against democracy in support of your spurious belief. What a bunch of fucking tools. Deep state tools. Congrats.

No, the lefties took the democracy the day they decided to cheat to win the election. Don't blame it on the patriots.

You are an idiot. You have no proof anyone stole the election. All you have is a bunch of partisan nutjobs claiming it happened. NO EVIDENCE. NONE. Whinging fucking sore looser babbies. You're not a patriot. You're a fool.

I've posted plenty of proof! Dont be blind!


Put your glasses on!
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Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.


I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

Ummm, there's a lunatic in the WH who is claiming that, though he lost by 7 fucking MILLION votes, somehow he was cheated, and his braindead Trumpeciles believe it!!!! LMFAO You people are tragic.

Please, please tell me you dont think that all those votes Biden "won" by, are legitimate.
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  • Bruce Bartman, a 70-year-old from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been charged with voter fraud.
  • He pretended to be his dead mom to vote for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election and registered his dead mother-in-law to vote, prosecutors said.
  • Prosecutors said it was the only voter-fraud case they found after hundreds of tips.
  • Voter fraud is extremely rare in the US, but Republicans have claimed it's a major problem and sought to pass laws restricting voting.


I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

Ummm, there's a lunatic in the WH who is claiming that, though he lost by 7 fucking MILLION votes, somehow he was cheated, and his braindead Trumpeciles believe it!!!! LMFAO You people are tragic.

Please, please tell me you dont think that all those votes Biden "won" by, are legitimate.
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  • Bruce Bartman, a 70-year-old from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been charged with voter fraud.
  • He pretended to be his dead mom to vote for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election and registered his dead mother-in-law to vote, prosecutors said.
  • Prosecutors said it was the only voter-fraud case they found after hundreds of tips.
  • Voter fraud is extremely rare in the US, but Republicans have claimed it's a major problem and sought to pass laws restricting voting.
The election should be re-run, with only in person voating allowed. Even one fraud undermines our confidence in the process. What are Democrats so afraid of??


Put your glasses on!
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I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

Ummm, there's a lunatic in the WH who is claiming that, though he lost by 7 fucking MILLION votes, somehow he was cheated, and his braindead Trumpeciles believe it!!!! LMFAO You people are tragic.

Please, please tell me you dont think that all those votes Biden "won" by, are legitimate.
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  • Bruce Bartman, a 70-year-old from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been charged with voter fraud.
  • He pretended to be his dead mom to vote for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election and registered his dead mother-in-law to vote, prosecutors said.
  • Prosecutors said it was the only voter-fraud case they found after hundreds of tips.
  • Voter fraud is extremely rare in the US, but Republicans have claimed it's a major problem and sought to pass laws restricting voting.

There is much, much more than that.


Put your glasses on!
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I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

I can't wait.....it's like holding back that huge orgasm during some bangin' ass sex.....and once you explode....ahhhh the heavenly bliss..... Biden is fucked without the feeling!!!! Bwahahahaha!!! @X honey, where you at? I'm horny now. :LMAO2::LMAO::Excited1::EvilOne2:

Are you saying you're going to have a big orgasm when Trump finally gets kicked out on his ass. You and a few billion other people. LMAO.


We all know it's not gonna work out that way. Too much evidence is stacked against this election. If Biden gets it, everyone (besides the lefties) know he cheated his way in. How come no other election has EVER been fought over like this in history??? Lack of voter fraud, much? Why do Republicans care so much about THIS election in general and not so much other elections in history??? Why??? Think about it.
These silly bums actually believe the Pentagon cut off briefings to the BIden fraudsters because of the Christmas holiday

Like christmas on Dec 25th is some brand new thing during an incoming presidents transition


Hasn't changed any other year.....wonder whats so different this time??? Bwahahahaha!!!!

Ummm, there's a lunatic in the WH who is claiming that, though he lost by 7 fucking MILLION votes, somehow he was cheated, and his braindead Trumpeciles believe it!!!! LMFAO You people are tragic.

Please, please tell me you dont think that all those votes Biden "won" by, are legitimate.
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  • Bruce Bartman, a 70-year-old from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been charged with voter fraud.
  • He pretended to be his dead mom to vote for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election and registered his dead mother-in-law to vote, prosecutors said.
  • Prosecutors said it was the only voter-fraud case they found after hundreds of tips.
  • Voter fraud is extremely rare in the US, but Republicans have claimed it's a major problem and sought to pass laws restricting voting.
The election should be re-run, with only in person voating allowed. Even one fraud undermines our confidence in the process. What are Democrats so afraid of??

And without Dominion voting machines.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Well all the same, it's too Bad Liberals have Jobs and won't be able to point at laugh at the Maga mutts on the 6th...but you kids have fun!


Put your glasses on!
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Well all the same, it's too Bad Liberals have Jobs and won't be able to point at laugh at the Maga mutts on the 6th...but you kids have fun!

You mean the same liberals that had a "Summer of Love"? those liberals?

I wish I could go, sadly I have to work lol. Now if it was on a Saturday, it would be tempting.

Gonna be interesting either way, considering a decision is suppose to be made on the 6th, and you'll have a ton of patriots there.


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True to form, on Friday a pro-Trump lawyer named L. Lin Wood, who spearheaded
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, lodged a new suit on similar lines, signing off his complaint that it he made his claims under “plenty of perjury,” rather penalty of perjury.

“I declare and verify under plenty of perjury that the facts contained in the foregoing Verified Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief are true and correct,” Mr Wood, an accomplished libel attorney with a large conservative following online, wrote in
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Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Well all the same, it's too Bad Liberals have Jobs and won't be able to point at laugh at the Maga mutts on the 6th...but you kids have fun!

You mean the same liberals that had a "Summer of Love"? those liberals?

I wish I could go, sadly I have to work lol. Now if it was on a Saturday, it would be tempting.

Gonna be interesting either way, considering a decision is suppose to be made on the 6th, and you'll have a ton of patriots there.
The 6th is a formality butt munch. It is a done deal, it's all over but for your potatriot tears.