Liberal vermin scum don't even respect our fallen

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.

Zionist Jews and Israel are the reason for US occupation of Middle East countries.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.

Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex in his farewell address and look where we are now SMH


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.

Zionist Jews and Israel are the reason for US occupation of Middle East countries.

Profits are the number one driving force behind that, and the alliance with Zionist Israelis certainly makes their profit mongering easier, but it's not the driving force behind organizations like Halliburton, Blackwater (Xe), Chevron, and all the other war profiteers. It's purely money, and everyone wants it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.

Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex in his farewell address and look where we are now SMH

Yup. Everything he was worried about has come to pass.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
It is so very American to act like people who were killed in wars for profit were some kind of heroes.

They were cannon fodder. I find that to be a very tragic way to die young.

The people who vandalized the flags were probably vets. I had some of them in my classes. They literally despised the USA after doing three, four, five tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They knew what a crock of shit the whole thing is.
Sure after you brainwashed them :LOL3:

I never said jack shit to them about any of it. I was not a propagandist, and I was not about to disrespect young men and women who sacrificed so much. They came to me with their complaints. They were used up and spit out by the military. Many of them had pretty bad PTSD. It was tragic.

In spite of the fact that I am very open about my political beliefs here, in my work, as a professional, I kept the discussions in my classrooms to verifible facts, and left my students free to come to their own conclusions. It's not my fault that awareness of facts usually makes people liberal.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

No. Basically, Republicans AND Democrats, both of whom get lots of money from defense contractors and all the peripheral war profiteers. All you have to do to know this for a fact and end the arguing is look up every member of Congress and see who their donations come from. The defense industry gives money to Dems and Cons alike, and you can see from their voting records that both Dems and Cons vote for wars.

Dems used to be more anti-war, but they haven't been for several decades now. At least since war monger CLinton took office.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

No. Basically, Republicans AND Democrats, both of whom get lots of money from defense contractors and all the peripheral war profiteers. All you have to do to know this for a fact and end the arguing is look up every member of Congress and see who their donations come from. The defense industry gives money to Dems and Cons alike, and you can see from their voting records that both Dems and Cons vote for wars.

Dems used to be more anti-war, but they haven't been for several decades now. Al least since war monger CLinton took office.
The defense industry hated trump

So you lost your credibility then and there


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Shitting on soldiers and vets is a leftwing thing. Always was.

The rest of us understand the problem is the authority the military is under.....and not the men/women who die.

These people who vandalized flags, will just continue voting the same way.

I have never shit on a vet. Never. I have always been respectful to them. I have never blamed a soldier for any of it. I do feel bad that they are duped, but I don't blame them.

You always accuse liberals of thinking things that they don't actually think, @Dove. It's a really ugly characteristic you have, and why I give you so much grief. You need to stop accusing people and start having conversations with them instead. You don't even try.

Admin is a vet, and so is Spoon. So was Duke. All liberals.

Okay maybe YOU havent but it's still a leftwing thing. All the way back from spitting on Veitman vets.

And every single person here can say that I HAVE tried several times to have conversations but all you guys do is throw insults, say "bullshit", accuse people of lying and so on. And the constant "cons!" that you guys do.

It's like you guys have no self awareness or grasp of "treat others as you wish to be treated" because all of us are responding to the way you guys treat us. Funny you dont like "accusations" flung at you, but you accused me of being a child abuser more than once because I oppose abortion. I've tried many times to have conversations about that.

You dont like when we say things about the "leftists/libs".....but somehow, you fail to see how your "Cons!!" shit is the same thing.

So I'm not sure where you think there is conversation potential here. I think you guys just want to put all the socail responsibility on us to be respectful and try really hard to have conversations while you guys just shit on everyone not left. And instead of clarifying your stances, you basically just call us stupid.

Whatever standards you have placed on us, you should try meeting them. You would be surprised how quickly we WOULD go back to having conversations.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wonder how many of these protesters are from single parent homes… the wave of disrespecting asshole children who all got a trophy is about to PIMP slap us all in the face.

My kids were raised in a military family… so they show RESPECT.
Make sure you go look in the mirror and repeat the words "I did this".

I didn’t do this, buttmunch.

you have no clue who I am or what I represent… but I’ll give you a hint

I stayed married to a coast guard officer because I knew my children would be better.
Thanks for your contribution, libtard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

No. Basically, Republicans AND Democrats, both of whom get lots of money from defense contractors and all the peripheral war profiteers. All you have to do to know this for a fact and end the arguing is look up every member of Congress and see who their donations come from. The defense industry gives money to Dems and Cons alike, and you can see from their voting records that both Dems and Cons vote for wars.

Dems used to be more anti-war, but they haven't been for several decades now. Al least since war monger CLinton took office.
The defense industry hated trump

So you lost your credibility then and there

Everyone hated Trump. All the profiteers wanted him out because he had no diplomatic skills, not because he was too conservative for them. That doesn't make a single thing I said untrue.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Wait... we're talking about who created the modern day Al Qaeda and you think that Carter winning the nobel peace prize has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that HE funded and helped establish them as you pointed out earlier?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

No. Basically, Republicans AND Democrats, both of whom get lots of money from defense contractors and all the peripheral war profiteers. All you have to do to know this for a fact and end the arguing is look up every member of Congress and see who their donations come from. The defense industry gives money to Dems and Cons alike, and you can see from their voting records that both Dems and Cons vote for wars.

Dems used to be more anti-war, but they haven't been for several decades now. At least since war monger CLinton took office.

So since you know this, why do you guys hate the few Republicans who are actually representing the people who voted for them?

And why are you guys not rallying behind the 2 democrats who were about the people? You Tulsi?

I see a lot of attacking being directed at the wrong people.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of rebel resistance fighters.
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Wait... we're talking about who created the modern day Al Qaeda and you think that Carter winning the nobel peace prize has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that HE funded and helped establish them as you pointed out earlier?

You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of young military resistance fighters who defected from their government.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of rebel resistance fighters.
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Wait... we're talking about who created the modern day Al Qaeda and you think that Carter winning the nobel peace prize has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that HE funded and helped establish them as you pointed out earlier?

You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of young military resistance fighters who defected from their government.

Yes. Except I wouldn't use the term "Marxist" to describe the brand of communism the USSR was under. I'd just call it "Russian communism." It was its own thing.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

No. Basically, Republicans AND Democrats, both of whom get lots of money from defense contractors and all the peripheral war profiteers. All you have to do to know this for a fact and end the arguing is look up every member of Congress and see who their donations come from. The defense industry gives money to Dems and Cons alike, and you can see from their voting records that both Dems and Cons vote for wars.

Dems used to be more anti-war, but they haven't been for several decades now. At least since war monger CLinton took office.

So since you know this, why do you guys hate the few Republicans who are actually representing the people who voted for them?

And why are you guys not rallying behind the 2 democrats who were about the people? You Tulsi?

I see a lot of attacking being directed at the wrong people.

Tulsi - now there’s a Democrat I can get behind in more ways than one


Factory Bastard
Right wingers always being so dramatic and hysterical about EVERYTHING. And it never stops they're always rabid about something. Just look at the way post with their mouths frothing.. hilarious lmfao


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of rebel resistance fighters.
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Wait... we're talking about who created the modern day Al Qaeda and you think that Carter winning the nobel peace prize has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that HE funded and helped establish them as you pointed out earlier?

You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of young military resistance fighters who defected from their government.

Yes. Except I wouldn't use the term "Marxist" to describe the brand of communism the USSR was under. I'd just call it "Russian communism." It was its own thing.

The leader of Afghanistan at this time was siding with Russia.

It was Regan who jumped face first into this with the National Security Divisions Directive.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Right wingers always being so dramatic and hysterical about EVERYTHING. And it never stops they're always rabid about something. Just look at the way post with their mouths frothing.. hilarious lmfao

There there. Someone will be along shortly to give you a star
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of rebel resistance fighters.
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Wait... we're talking about who created the modern day Al Qaeda and you think that Carter winning the nobel peace prize has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that HE funded and helped establish them as you pointed out earlier?

You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of young military resistance fighters who defected from their government.

Yes. Except I wouldn't use the term "Marxist" to describe the brand of communism the USSR was under. I'd just call it "Russian communism." It was its own thing.

The leader of Afghanistan at this time was siding with Russia.

It was Regan who jumped face first into this with the National Security Divisions Directive.

Regan? Not carter like we already established?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of rebel resistance fighters.
I do not respect the elites who use the military for their own private profit seeking adventures across the globe.

You mean the Zionists who use American soldiers as though they're toys ?

I mean everyone who is responsible for sending young people to fight wars for profit. I find it to be despicable and utterly evil.
So basically - democrats

I seriously don’t think it’s as black and white as this.

So are you really naive enough to believe we will not be meeting the Taliban once again on the battlefield some time very soon?

I believe that the Bush family is thee biggest culprit and has gained the most from our 30+ year war in the Middle East.

They are Republicans… but I don’t think every Republican is a war monger.
But who was the one that allowed Biden Laden and the Taliban to fester long enough to carry out effective attacks after the first world trade center hit?

The Taliban is a result of our occupation of Afghanistan dating back to before the Cold War. We funded them and created this beast.
Although U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s focus was more on Iran during the months before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he initiated a covert program through the CIA to financially support the Afghan rebels, the mujahideen, in July 1979.

thanks for substantiating my claim

Democrats created that beast back then and they just created a new and more fearsome beast now

except it’s much more complicated then this and you have a tendency to prematurely declare victory…. you’re also referring to the Democratic president who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving international conflict.

The fact of the matter is the US didn’t know what to do when the Marxists took over this war torn country and we slowly began funneling money towards resistance groups.
Wait... we're talking about who created the modern day Al Qaeda and you think that Carter winning the nobel peace prize has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that HE funded and helped establish them as you pointed out earlier?

You’re forgetting that our main competitor prior to the Cold War in Afghanistan was the USSR… so as Marxism was taking over, our biggest focus was still the USSR… not a bunch of young military resistance fighters who defected from their government.

Yes. Except I wouldn't use the term "Marxist" to describe the brand of communism the USSR was under. I'd just call it "Russian communism." It was its own thing.

The leader of Afghanistan at this time was siding with Russia.

It was Regan who jumped face first into this with the National Security Divisions Directive.

Regan? Not carter like we already established?

Nope… they didn’t know what to do as I have already outlined herein