Middle Aged folks in the US compared to other countries


Factory Bastard
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Midlife was once considered a time to enjoy the fruits of one’s years of work and parenting. That is no longer true in the U.S.

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have been increasing for the past decade. Today’s middle-aged adults – ages 40 to 65 – report
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, compared to middle-aged adults during the 1990s. These trends are most pronounced for people who attained fewer years of education.

Although these trends preclude the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19’s imprint promises to further exacerbate the suffering.

Frank J. Infurna, Associate Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University
Sun, September 12, 2021, 8:09 PM

My colleagues and I
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, which is currently in press, that provides insights into how U.S. middle-aged adults are currently faring in relation to their counterparts in other nations, and what future generations can expect in the post-COVID-19 world. Our study examined cohort differences in the health, well-being and memory of U.S. middle-aged adults and whether they differed from middle-aged adults in Australia, Germany, South Korea and Mexico.

US is an outlier among rich nations

We compared people who were born in the 1930s through the 1960s in terms of their health and well-being – such as depressive symptoms and life satisfaction – and memory in midlife.

Differences between nations were stark. For the U.S., we found a general pattern of decline. Americans born in the 1950s and 1960s experienced overall declines in well-being and memory in middle age compared to those born in the 1930s and 1940s. A similar pattern was found for Australian middle-aged adults.

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Domestically feral
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United states
How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

This will be used as a reason to push more of the problems that caused this.

I mean maybe we should lower taxes and costs, create more opportunities, start promoting actual health care and healthy lifestyles and give chronic pain patients their fucking pain meds back.

That all might help a bit.

I mean driving costs way up, raising taxes and forcing people to have to work two jobs to survive and saying "this is why capitalism fails" when it's actually the government interfering with capitalism in ways that goes beyond protecting human and constitutional rights is pretty ridiculous.


The country and indeed the world is getting worse day by day and year by year. That's why Men turn to groups like the Taliban.


Domestically feral
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United states
The increase in middle aged deaths especially among middle aged whites is almost entirely due to the drug abuse crisis.

Some of that happens when people are suddenly taken off, they end up going to the streets.

I know of someone who didnt get proper pain relief for chronic pain until they shot themselves in the chest trying to commit suicide.

It's entirely all messed up. We went from pushing narcotics and creating addicts.....all the way to the other extreme where now valid serious pain is under treated.

And it's all completely unnecessary. Dependence and addiction are treatable....there is no need to let people suffer.


Factory Bastard
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The increase in middle aged deaths especially among middle aged whites is almost entirely due to the drug abuse crisis.

And mental health and lack of medical care are unrelated? Is that your claim?

Clearly you didn't read the article. It's not about death, it's about quality of life. It's right there in the op.

"Our study examined cohort differences in the health, well-being and memory of U.S. middle-aged adults..."

ALL of you who are commenting need to read past the first paragraph. It's not about death.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

Actually, we're not.

Why wouldnt you ask why he says that? I actually agree with him considering the new use of the term "liberal".... but by definition I agree with you. It's anything but liberal to have all these added taxes, failed and mismanaged socail programs and 200k regulations no one voted for.

And look.... the general well being of the public suffers for it. You are pointing out why we are so critical of democrat policies. AND part of why we supported Trump.


Domestically feral
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United states
Too much white cane sugar is a hidden toxic poison added to many foods...

American food processors need to stop sneaking that poison in food.

Yeah. If people stopped buying the shit and going for healthier options.....it wouldnt get used. We have all these regulations on bullshit but no regulations on what manufactures can put in our damn food.

Part of our problem with the general health is that people wont go to the doctor until there is a problem....so it's more "sick care" than health care. And many people are noncompliant with their care plans.

It would be nice if we focused on health in schools.....as well as literacy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

Actually, we're not.
Who in their right mind would aledge that we are less liberal today? Our taxes are way higher and there's a fucking social program for everything!

Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research. Also, unions have almost disappeared, higher education isn't free anymore, and all the advances FDR made with the New Deal are being eroded by conservatives.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I walked into an OP Shop next to our supermarket a few years back and this old stately lady glared at me when I said something like, "we're in big trouble because who will look after us when we get old? ....because the younger generation are a bunch of no hopers."

My generation are looking after the oldies AND the young ones who quite frankly are drug fucked. I have druggies in my family... They're wasted. We've got 5 oldies left,... the oldest 90, the youngest 73 and to top it all off, covid knocking at the door and governments making threats about vaccines.

Why wouldn't we all be deliriously happy?
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

Actually, we're not.
Who in their right mind would aledge that we are less liberal today? Our taxes are way higher and there's a fucking social program for everything!

Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research. Also, unions have almost disappeared, higher education isn't free anymore, and all the advances FDR made with the New Deal are being eroded by conservatives.

Your solution is to give more money and power to the government, rather than giving more of our own wages back to us, giving more opportunities, and limiting government reach. And leftist refuse to compromise with others. If anyone sees a flaw in something you guys want(and want us to pay for), the response is always some bad faith accusation that we just want everyone to die or some other hysterical accusation.

And none of you are fair in your judgements of Trump and you guys often just call everything we supported that was benefiting the public a "lie".

So advancing in this discussion is very difficult. We had essential meds....insulin....all way down and affordable but Biden fucked that. Everything Trump did he fucked.

And now just like every Democrat, he is raising taxes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dove, wars cost money, a military costs money. THAT is what all western nations are paying for AND we borrow money from the enemies, Arabs and Chinese who hate our guts.

Your great grandchildren (if they live) will be paying off the money spent today.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

Actually, we're not.
Who in their right mind would aledge that we are less liberal today? Our taxes are way higher and there's a fucking social program for everything!

Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research. Also, unions have almost disappeared, higher education isn't free anymore, and all the advances FDR made with the New Deal are being eroded by conservatives.
Taxes are lower? Bullshit! I pay MORE! And before you start that 90% taxation bullshit, remember, nobody actually paid that amount because your masters had tax shelters galore!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I know of someone who didnt get proper pain relief for chronic pain until they shot themselves in the chest trying to commit suicide.

I can identify with that person, Dovey.

Recently I broke a tooth & went to the dentist today. Told me it'll cost $2000 to replace it.


....I mean, ouch!

It costs money ta be middle aged, yanno.

Guess I'd better fork over lest I end up like yer friend in a couple of years writhing in pain from a future toothache.

Oh well.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Dove, wars cost money, a military costs money. THAT is what all western nations are paying for AND we borrow money from the enemies, Arabs and Chinese who hate our guts.

Your great grandchildren (if they live) will be paying off the money spent today.

Oh I know. I HATE it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I know of someone who didnt get proper pain relief for chronic pain until they shot themselves in the chest trying to commit suicide.

I can identify with that person, Dovey.

Recently I broke a tooth & went to the dentist today. Told me it'll cost $2000 to replace it.


....I mean, ouch!

It costs money ta be middle aged, yanno.

Guess I'd better fork over lest I end up like yer friend in a couple of years writhing in pain from a future toothache.

Oh well.

This is wasnt a "friend"......he was a patient.

This man got shot in Afganistan, and I'm not kidding you....his body was full of fragments. His CT scan looked like a confetti bomb went off in his body. I didnt even know that could happen to a person. It was unbelievable. They were EVERYWHERE. Legs. Arms. All in his body. All these bright white spots all over(as seen in a CT....like a confetti bomb went off inside him)

So he chronic and severe pain....just bad all over body pain. And all they were giving him? 5mg Vicodin. Are. You. Kidding?

And I get it....addiction is viscious. I know that my addiction started with painful medical issues....so I'm not ignorant about it can start. But really, Joe I cant and wont blame ANYONE but myself. I was at a bad point in my life, one of my closest friends had suddenly died, I was in the middle of a stressful break up, and I noticed taking an extra pain pill made all my bad feelings go away. It also made me more socail, more talkative, and gave me a huge euphoric energy boost. All my ptsd symptom just went away and I felt awesome. So I GET it. I do.

But this poor man....he wasnt just wanting to be high. He was SUFFERING. And it got to the point where he didnt want to live anymore because he was in constant agony. His quality of life was in the toilet. He got tired and he shot himself in the CHEST.

His neighbor heard the gunshot and was on it, his life was miraculously saved. He missed every vital organ.. .it really is a miracle he didnt die. It went right through him JUST missing everything in his chest and went clean through his back without even nicking a lung. Total freak incident....but clearly God wanted this man alive.

So when he was in the hospital recovering, he was finally getting enough pain relief and obviously he was working with mental health....he was finally able to get the long term pain management that he had needed. But its fucked up that he had to blast his chest with a shot gun to get taken seriously.

Obviously this was all before I ever met him. When I met him, he was recovering from a surgery involving some of the fragments he has in his body from the war. They are just in there....moving around....and sometimes they remove "problematic" ones in surgeries. They cannot get all of them though.....there are A LOT. So until they shift into a bad place, his doctors just leave them.

And yes he does get infections a few times a year. What led to the surgery that saw him on my floor was sepsis.

I think about this guy everytime the topic of pain meds and addiction comes up. There are so many genuinely suffering people paying the price because of bad choices made by people like me. And it really sucks, and we need a better way of taking care of ALL patients, EVEN the ones with addiction disorders.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I fucking HATE Drs who are getting whackier by the year... might have something to do with litigation and being sued for malpractice.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I fucking HATE Drs who are getting whackier by the year... might have something to do with litigation and being sued for malpractice.

That's what it is. The government cracks way down on DOCTORS.

So if you start getting addicted to your meds and you tell your doctor? They have to just take it away. Or if they think you have a problem they take it.

So at this point it's very difficult for them to prescribe much at all. If you have ongoing pain, you have to go to a pain specialist and sign a contract saying if they call you to come in for a pill count or drug test(or both) you have to go immediately. Which obviously isnt always possible for everyone.

But because of regulations they have to be that strict.

And what WILL drive people to the streets is exactly that. If you get taken off suddenly and you have been on for while, you are going to start withdrawing and people have sought out street pills or heroin just to stop the pain and withdrawal. People who would have never touched that shit will go use it because of withdrawal.

AND people suffering severe, unmanaged pain will go to the streets for relief. Or try to commit suicide.

So a lot of these really tight regulations actually still FUEL addiction and illicit drug use, just in another way.

So it went from these opiate meds being pushed and given way too much and causing addiction.....to being so tight with them that people with real issues are suffering and it drives illicit drug use.

I wonder if a common sense balance ever occurred to whoever makes these decisions. Treat genuine pain patients and keep an eye on those taking them. And if someone starts getting addicted....fucking TREAT that. Help that patient. Dont just rip them off the meds and send them off where they are gonna go try to get relief on the street.

It would be much better if the government stayed out of it, really. Let the doctors be the doctors. My doctors know all about me and I have a really good pain management plan with them for when my kidney tries to kill me and I have to have surgery. I am SO glad i have good ones and good relationship with them. I never need anything that strong on a regular basis, thank God. I cannot imagine suffering like that and getting so much hassle to get help. But people are going through it and it sucks.

I hate our government lol
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How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

Actually, we're not.
Who in their right mind would aledge that we are less liberal today? Our taxes are way higher and there's a fucking social program for everything!

Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research. Also, unions have almost disappeared, higher education isn't free anymore, and all the advances FDR made with the New Deal are being eroded by conservatives.
Certainly - conservatives have turned the US into a corporatocracy in which the wealth disparity is ever hugening. The once "middle class" are no more than wage slaves who can not afford the good education needed to improve their station in today's high tech business environment.
..and who are then shoved aside for educated (but low rent) foreign workers (yeah - that's your doing conservatives) and left to compete even on lower levels with undereducated imports and illegals (yeah - illegals are your doing also). Then, of course there are those heroic conservative applauded success stories like the Waltons sucking the life out of whole communities and killing those once beloved mom and pop businesses.

. Thanks cons.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I fucking HATE Drs who are getting whackier by the year... might have something to do with litigation and being sued for malpractice.

med mal is one of the toughest things to prove… the problem is the malpractice premiums are so high that it’s no longer a lucrative career with the rising costs of education factored in with patients who just don’t have health insurance.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How can this be? We're much much much more liberal than we were 100 years ago!

Actually, we're not.
Who in their right mind would aledge that we are less liberal today? Our taxes are way higher and there's a fucking social program for everything!

Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research. Also, unions have almost disappeared, higher education isn't free anymore, and all the advances FDR made with the New Deal are being eroded by conservatives.
Certainly - conservatives have turned the US into a corporatocracy in which the wealth disparity is ever hugening. The once "middle class" are no more than wage slaves who can not afford the good education needed to improve their station in today's high tech business environment.
..and who are then shoved aside for educated (but low rent) foreign workers (yeah - that's your doing conservatives) and left to compete even on lower levels with undereducated imports and illegals (yeah - illegals are your doing also). Then, of course there are those heroic conservative applauded success stories like the Waltons sucking the life out of whole communities and killing those once beloved mom and pop businesses.

. Thanks cons.

Amazing how all the corporate elites and wealthy monopolies all back the democrats, isnt it?

They dont seem very grateful.

How much did the big corporations profit due to the democrat slaughtering of our small businesses? It was in the billions last I looked.

Now they are getting yet ANOTHER bail out and more corporate welfare in that infrastructure bill.

So really.....thank YOU guys. Maybe you should try reading something that ISNT corporate media once in a while. You know like bills...policiy...legislation.

You seriously live in lala land. If you guys ever actually paid attention and watched what the people in office do, instead of spewing hate at other Americans? You would know how dumb and uninformed you look actually saying garbage like that post.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Dove look up pictures in google of Calciphylaxis... If you think cancer is the worse pain, you don't know calciphylaxis... and you need to know about it since it might effect you one day with your kidney issues.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm sure all those "cons" whose businesses had to be permanently closed would say "you're welcome" to all these democrat voters.

How about those eviction protections where renters didnt have to pay rent.....but the landlord still had to pay the mortgage?

I'm sure corps are gonna love the property grab when peoples properties get foreclosed on. But wait.....you guys think only wealthy corps are landlords, right? There are no mom and pop landlords in America, right? That was something I learned recently from leftists. No regular ass people rent out property.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Dove look up pictures in google of Calciphylaxis... If you think cancer is the worse pain, you don't know calciphylaxis... and you need to know about it since it might effect you one day with your kidney issues.

Yikes I will.

I'm actually getting the lower part of my kidney removed. It's not some immediate surgery I have to get right away, but my urologist wants to do it.

It's just been my one kidney with the problems. And over the past few years my function in that kidney improved. It's like 95% now, 5 years ago it was like 87%.

But the lower part is a mess, there are stones down there that are never gonna move enough to come out. I havent had infections from it in a few years, thankfully. But that lower part also is mess up from all the lipthotripsies(where they blast your kidney to break up stones).

So if I start having problems again, my urologist is just gonna remove it. Really I could schedule it anytime and he will do it.....but if I'm not having problems I'm not really eager to get back on the OR table for a surgery that intense. At least until I know I wont have to do much for at least a week. I have no idea what that recovery could look like.

I really underestimated that tube I had to have placed through my back into my kidney.....that was rougher than I expected lol.

I do get bladder crystal's and that HURTS.

I'm not in any danger of renal failure.....at least not yet. Maybe if I live into my 80s, that could be what ultimately kills me. I joke that my kidney is trying to kill me.....and I'm probably right lol.