I just read plenty of trans are getting murdered.
2021 has been the worst year yet.
People that are the objects of irrational fear are quite often victimized, I'm surprised you didn't know this.
Except no one is scared of trans people and the fear isnt irrational as women and girls are being actively preyed upon.
Again.....you are too stupid to understand the problem. So you stay locked in your narrow thinking that the issue is actual transpeople.
Answer this. If transwomen are trans and passable.....why do we need a law allowing any MEN into womens spaces? What's wrong with how its ALWAYS been with them just coming in?
Explain that one, dipshit.
Is it irrational for a woman to be scared of ger very male cellmate who is doing a enlightened sentence for rape and murder.....and told the judge he was a woman? Mansplain THAT.