Multipolarity gains more steam


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BRICS is meaningless. Really. It has no free trade agreement, it has no policy agreements at all. It is just a photo op for politicians. India remains isolationist, South Africa is practically a failed state, Brazil remains a poor protectionist country which only exports agricultural goods (even that is being threatened both by government actions as well as by the fertilizer shortage), Russia is an economic cripple. That just leaves communist China who is extremely protectionist and only interested in exports while it's economy faulters, it's tech is sanctioned and dying, and it's demographics are terminal.

They will never agree on a currency, they don't meaningfully trade with each other (other than communist China), and there is no trust. So it truly is just a photo op.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BTW communist China is dying. Literally, dying. They are the most heavily indented country on earth compared to ability to pay and now it has few young people and the numbers just getting worse and worse.