My Ignore list


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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More Alpha than Alpha.
You can't ignore me if you can't see me, Checkmate Ignorfags.
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Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Dude....I went back-and-forth so many times....I was on waiting lists for years, so I had a lot of time to do different builds online....

I was sold on the dark metallic red. Then I decided black with carbon fiber accents. Then I was set on the bright blue with in-your-face bright orangish racing stripes. Then the base red with white stripes.

I was all over the place. I would have never considered white until I saw one in real life. It was at a dealership and I was there to see the dark metallic red. My wife kept saying "TP, check out the white one. I like it."

I think all the engineering wizardry that went into fine-tuning the suspension in the car would be FUCKED if some as heavy as @Lily sat in my car.

It is not really a concern, though.

She would not fit.
Mrs Prowler has good taste. :Happy5:

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
You can't even take down your own underwear without the help of a local authority provided care assistant Cookie. Your podcast's sound like they are filtered through the Daily Mail's below the line comment section, while you simply remind us all why you should have been sectioned long ago.

Now don't be going and getting your panties in a bundle laddie, as you seek to retain a modicum of dignity and self-respect as you go potty.

I will always listen to you, beyond the girth that amounts to the circumference of your pencil dick, that you shaft no-one wiff. A dick that has never had a rubber attached to the end of it to allow for mistakes, or rubbed itself out over a willing, or unroofied female.

My posting career remains virgo-intacto, while you drool over just why you are compelled to fantasise about a happy ending - like a Disney Princess trapped in the raging torrent of a teenage boys' wet dream.

Being fanatical about being right, does not make you right!

Your'e not smart, you are simply confused by someone else's despicable rhetoric.

I am however giving you a like for yer optimism..

Well it didn't take you that long to start obsessing about my cock, and you appear not to know what a narcissist is. FFS I identify as a muppet on line you fucking wet lettuce.


peace through anarchy
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You're so full of yourself. Damn.

I just might approve, but I'm not saying.

I'd rather anyone of us be so full of ourselves than be full of anyone else.

Fucksakes, girl. You know this.

"Perish the thought." - George Frideric Handel


peace through anarchy
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I hold no animosity toward you. I have no reason to tell you to fuck off. Now, if on your own, you want to fuck off, well, I won't stop you either.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't, maybe I do, maybe I don't, maybe I scold, maybe I fold, maybe I trust, maybe I bust, but know I won't leave every stone/opinion unturned/unheard.


peace through anarchy
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A pretty speech and I'd be lying if I said it didn't resonate a few harmonic notes with my own appreciation for collectivism but you didn't actually give me any *reasons* to take Lily specifically off my Ignore list.

And *that* is what we have come together here to suss out.

What particular redeeming quality does she possess, in your opinion, that I may be missing out on by not reading her poasts? What exactly makes reading her more enriching to my forum experience than not reading her?

These are the things I want to know.

Evolution grows by difference. Difference is the redeeming quality.

Difference keeps us gowing. Difference keeps us glowing.

Shiny points

The blade is sharpended far more by discourse than slashing.

A cut to cut someone down is far more self destructive to yourself than a cut of temperance
If you know of someone on my Ignore list you don't believe should be there, tell me why. Convince me to remove them from the list. I will seriously consider all responses that aren't stupid, silly, trolling, or otherwise pointless.

I'm as fallible as anyone else so I do try to rely, at least in part, on others' perspectives to self-correct.

This isn't a game... I'm genuinely interested in hearing rational, reasonable points of view.

Evolution embraces difference as strength. Shouldn't you?

If god fearing...

God embraces free will ala differences as strength. Shouldn't you?

What makes another piece of the puzzle better than us? Difference. Rather than same old same old.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Evolution grows by difference. Difference is the redeeming quality.

Difference keeps us gowing. Difference keeps us glowing.

Shiny points

The blade is sharpended far more by discourse than slashing.

A cut to cut someone down is far more self destructive to yourself than a cut of temperance

Bashing a blade against an unchanging self-satisfied lump of rock isn't going to sharpen that blade.

At best it's only a waste of time.

One can not have a reasoned discussion with someone who has abandoned reason.

At best it's only a waste of time.

A good-faith debate is only possible if all the participants engage in good faith.

Otherwise at best it's only a waste of time.

Your arguments do not bear any relation to the nature of her interactions with me.

Those arguments are, at best, only a waste of time.

Evolution embraces difference as strength. Shouldn't you?

I embrace difference.
I don't embrace futility.

If god fearing...



peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Bashing a blade against an unchanging self-satisfied lump of rock isn't going to sharpen that blade.

At best it's only a waste of time.

One can not have a reasoned discussion with someone who has abandoned reason.

At best it's only a waste of time.

A good-faith debate is only possible if all the participants engage in good faith.

Otherwise at best it's only a waste of time.

Your arguments do not bear any relation to the nature of her interactions with me.

Those arguments are, at best, only a waste of time.

I embrace difference.
I don't embrace futility.


Good faith arguments
Bashing a blade against an unchanging self-satisfied lump of rock isn't going to sharpen that blade.

At best it's only a waste of time.

One can not have a reasoned discussion with someone who has abandoned reason.

At best it's only a waste of time.

A good-faith debate is only possible if all the participants engage in good faith.

Otherwise at best it's only a waste of time.

Your arguments do not bear any relation to the nature of her interactions with me.

Those arguments are, at best, only a waste of time.

I embrace difference.
I don't embrace futility.


Arguments are never ever a waste of time. They are a stepping stone to a greater understanding.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Good faith arguments

Arguments are never ever a waste of time. They are a stepping stone to a greater understanding.

The first lesson for creating a useful database:

Garbage in, garbage out.

Same principle applies in developing an "understanding" based on interactive communication.

Arguing merely for arguing's sake doesn't promote understanding and when there's no understanding to be gained from arguing there's no reason to do so other than for arguing's sake.

I don't embrace garbage, either.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
One can not have a reasoned discussion with someone who has abandoned reason.

At best it's only a waste of time.

A good-faith debate is only possible if all the participants engage in good faith.

Otherwise at best it's only a waste of time.

Reasoned is relative.

Disscussion is def.

Would you rather ignore a difference of opinion than block it?

I would rather let multiple warheads crash upon my shore than question my own shoreline.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
The first lesson for creating a useful database:

Garbage in, garbage out.

Same principle applies in developing an "understanding" based on interactive communication.

Arguing merely for arguing's sake doesn't promote understanding and when there's no understanding to be gained from arguing there's no reason to do so other than for arguing's sake.

I don't embrace garbage, either.

Anyone who disseminates, emanates.

Your database first lesson is mmarbage in, garbage ouf


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Would you rather ignore a difference of opinion than block it?

You still refuse to grok it.

We aren't talking about merely "a difference of opinion".
If that were the case there'd be nothing to talk about because none of this would have occurred.

There's a huge chasm between being maliciously disingenuous and having a different opinion.

Only the latter can ever be productive to engage in good faith.

Get specific and particular to one of the people on my Ignore list or please stop wasting my time.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
The first lesson for creating a useful database:

Garbage in, garbage out.

Same principle applies in developing an "understanding" based on interactive communication.

Arguing merely for arguing's sake doesn't promote understanding and when there's no understanding to be gained from arguing there's no reason to do so other than for arguing's sake.

I don't embrace garbage, either.

Do what you want, then.

But between your ignore list and people like Lily & Admin making their profile here private, I think y'all are a little too funny & walled off to be making such pronouncements.

In my opinion, the ignore function is worthless. The making your profile private is worthless and even though I've thrown some positive reps at people because the option is there, the whole idea of pos & especially neg repping peeps because you're a failure at words is pretty goddamned laughable at best and reeks of kindergarten paste eating, you're a doodoo head, at best.

Maybe Lily & Admin just sit in their private profiles & admire all the joy joy rep vibes they lumped on each other not unlike an alien facehugger planting seeds down their throats, it makes their chests burst with pride and all for only the small price of constantly face fucking each other.

But I still would ever ignore those commie bastards, for the boot has no quarrel with the pissants. lol
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You still refuse to grok it.

We aren't talking about merely "a difference of opinion".
If that were the case there'd be nothing to talk about because none of this would have occurred.

There's a huge chasm between being maliciously disingenuous and having a different opinion.

Only the latter can ever be productive to engage in good faith.

Get specific and particular to one of the people on my Ignore list or please stop wasting my time.

You miss things like the "Poopy Pants" Story, though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Bashing a blade against an unchanging self-satisfied lump of rock isn't going to sharpen that blade.

At best it's only a waste of time.

One can not have a reasoned discussion with someone who has abandoned reason.

At best it's only a waste of time.

A good-faith debate is only possible if all the participants engage in good faith.

Otherwise at best it's only a waste of time.

Your arguments do not bear any relation to the nature of her interactions with me.

Those arguments are, at best, only a waste of time.

I embrace difference.
I don't embrace futility.


^^ This scrote surrounds himself with the most disingenuous and least rational "trolls" on these common forums and has the gall to pretend he holds contempt for the whole "troll"/"flame" endeavor.

He could be at another type of forum, one that is moderated to reduce, if not eliminate, this game we all play to some extent or another.

I call bullshit and any honest individual would.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
^^ This scrote surrounds himself with the most disingenuous and least rational "trolls" on these common forums and has the gall to pretend he holds contempt for the whole "troll"/"flame" endeavor.

He could be at another type of forum, one that is moderated to reduce, if not eliminate, this game we all play to some extent or another.

I call bullshit and any honest individual would.

He will not see that.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Well it didn't take you that long to start obsessing about my cock, and you appear not to know what a narcissist is. FFS I identify as a muppet on line you fucking wet lettuce.

Show me how mentioning your pencil dick once in 20 years, can be construed as a compulsive behaviour.

Listen up laddie, stop trying to force yourself into a conversation and an obscene scene, that you once accidently appeared in as a mere extra playing a floating corpse.

You had your podcast that attained 17 views across multiple platforms, and it has attired you intellectually in nuffing, but a rags to rags story of you confusing fact, with the familiarity of your own failure.

Your self-identification and ownership as a mere hand puppet should tell you all you need to know, in regard to your inability to respond to me.

You shid let this go!

Maybe a season at a right wing pier end in Clacton-On-Sea or Blackpool, or indeed the Blue Cashew wid suit your senseless sense and sensibilities more. I hear the weather there is quite temperate this time o'year.

We can't have you wheezing your way through your theories of nothing in particular, in every thread.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Only the latter can ever be productive to engage in good faith.

Get specific and particular to one of the people on my Ignore list or please stop wasting my time.

Are you sure that you are on the right site to be espousing the value of gid faith laddie?

Diss whole fucking thread is a non-sequitur.

You started it, while actually providing the evidence for your own failure to finish it.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Who fucking even truly cared who you ignored, it's just you trying to look cool in the collusion between your ability to create interest in what yo have to say, with our inability to successfully interact with our own ability to be bored.

I enjoyed this thread because there wasn't much else worth responding too.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Are you sure that you are on the right site to be espousing the value of gid faith laddie?

My principles and standards are not situational and/or detachable.

I bring them with me everywhere I go and that would include here at BF.

Diss whole fucking thread is a non-sequitur.

You started it, while actually providing the evidence for your own failure to finish it.

11 pages and counting yet so far nobody has actually taken me up on my offer.
Oh there's plenty of failure contained herein, but it's not mine.
