My Ignore list


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
11 pages and counting yet so far nobody has actually taken me up on my offer.
Oh there's plenty of failure contained herein, but it's not mine.

There is no offer, your principles like your opinions metamorphosise into nuffing but a cloud of vapor like a chain smoker vanishing in a hall of broken mirrors.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
There is no offer, your principles like your opinions metamorphosise into nuffing but a cloud of vapor like a chain smoker vanishing in a hall of broken mirrors.

And you base that on... the condition that nobody even tried?

Looks more like you're stating a fact not supported by the evidence.
A rookie failure to do logic properly.

Are you feeling okay?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
And you base that on... the condition that nobody even tried?

Looks more like you're stating a fact not supported by the evidence.
A rookie failure to do logic properly.

Are you feeling okay?

Yeah, I feel strangely fine today, watching you struggle unfortunately for you and Cookie, has never been a struggle for me G.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Yeah, I feel strangely fine today, watching you struggle unfortunately for you and Cookie, has never been a struggle for me G.

Glad to hear it yet also a bit concerned about the lack of self-awareness it displays.

Or maybe you've been spending too much time jousting with the squires and stableboys; gotten a bit lazy perhaps? Unaccustomed to joining the lists against someone who actually knows which end of a horse does the thinking?

I understand.
We'll take it slow until you're back in fighting form.

<sips coffee>

In your own time.
And don't forget to do some stretches first... wouldn't want to sprain a frontal lobe.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Or maybe you've been spending too much time jousting with the squires and stableboys; gotten a bit lazy perhaps? Unaccustomed to joining the lists against someone who actually knows which end of a horse does the thinking?
<sips coffee>

You seem to be off your tits on coffee quite a lot now G.

I appreciate your intervention, I can only hope upon hope that you do not hope you are on my lists.

After all, running over squires and stable-hands on my heavy horse gives me no pleasure. Watching you tilt, find the lance too heavy and then plummet at a trot into the ground while impaling yourself, only serves to provide kudos to the ol'adage,
if you can't beat them, join them.

Your metaphorical horse knows more than you do, and is already stampeding through the training protocols of an unhinged rider, while I am reduced to traducing myself at a light gallop.

We are not tilting at the lists, I am just reminding you you are not on them.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
You seem to be off your tits on coffee quite a lot now G.

Same as ever, actually.
I guess you were just too busy hammering the dents out of your helmet to notice.

Or did you think
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was not as serious as your commitment to over-engineering clever-sounding turns of phrase? I assure you it is and was from the start.

I appreciate your intervention, I can only hope upon hope that you do not hope you are on my lists.

Perish the thought m'lord, if only because that hen-scratch you call penmanship precludes me not only from reading your lists but from discerning a list from anything else you feel necessary to immortalize in your peculiar brand of hieroglyphic notation.

We are not tilting at the lists, I am just reminding you you are not on them.

Are you sure?
The squiggle near the top of this page looks like it could be a "G".

Although now that I look again it could also be some sort of pictogram representing a...

...turtle? Maple leaf? Bird of some sort?

Honestly ol' pal: you should really work on improving that handwriting.

You don't really expect us to blithely take your word that a sheaf full of semi-random scrawl is not only a list but that it contains or doesn't contain something in particular?

Be reasonable!

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter
TERF Island.
Show me how mentioning your pencil dick once in 20 years, can be construed as a compulsive behaviour.

You had your podcast that attained 17 views across multiple platforms, and it has attired you intellectually in nuffing, but a rags to rags story of you confusing fact, with the familiarity of your own failure.
Dont even pretend we have any kind of history as I barely noticed you before BF and not much since.

The reason was made clear, I skim forums for about 5 mins to half an hour. I'm fucked if I am spending it listening to one of your incoherent bore fests for 20 mins.

Most traction was 160 on rumble but whatever my motives are multiple and you missed all of them, learning new tec, having fun and establishing part of an underground network post authoritarianism.

You prob wont get another response as you've already exhausted anything to use as a prop. 4 sentences, short and sweet, well mini paragraphs I'm in the third week of the icky so you got lucky.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Who fucking even truly cared who you ignored, it's just you trying to look cool in the collusion between your ability to create interest in what yo have to say, with our inability to successfully interact with our own ability to be bored.

I enjoyed this thread because there wasn't much else worth responding too.
