OK, then. Bye.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What’s the point in wanting people who don’t agree with you to leave? Diversity makes a good forum.

I have NEVER, on any forum I've ever been on, felt the need to get rid of anyone..... til MaxiRoach. Fuck that scum, patoooo!

I’m talking about Lotus. Im starting to notice a trend now. Make so and so leave.

Where is the fun of there is no one to fight with?

Lotus said she was leaving multiple times, we all just smiled and waved lol. Lotus is like the female Dilf, says she leaving, but comes right back like a raccoon at X's house hahaha.

Although I do recall Lotus wanting Breakfall gone. Is that the trend you're talking about?

I think I can speak for myself, and the majority, that the only motherfucker we actually wanted gone was Q after that bullshit he pulled.

No one wants you gone either Countess, this aint some mass Hispanic Witch Hunt lol. Take your tinfoil hat off :Grin3:

I’m just having some fun. Way too stale in here lately. I give it ten minutes before they start using PI. Remember I said it

I like fun!!!

It has been a tad slow lately. I been busy, only reason I aint been around much past several days.

You can’t have fun with some of these people. It’s all extremely serious. Life or forum death even:facepalm:

Oh I know :SadFace:

Hell I tried having fun with Lotus, she tells me "its not your place to tell me what I think is fun!" lol. Then tells me she thinks Politics is fun :facepalm:

Lotus is funny as fuck., I know she’s very serious, which makes it all more funny.

Which is why all these people attempting a whack ass dogpile is so amusing

I take your word on it lol. I still cant picture her with a smile though lol. I ALMOST did, a couple weeks ago when she posted in my Southern music thread lol, was so close. One side of her lips slowly started to rise, almost a half smile :Grin3:

She’s unintentionally hilarious

Which is more I can say for Dovey and the midget cabbie. They don't even "flame" or "troll." Which is why I don't even answer Dovey anymore. Those two just take the fun out of the forums.
Did DOvey break your internetz?

Or just your will to live?

Is there anything a priest can do?

This psycho spazz brings me up constantly. Even on FT.

What a fucking obsessive wackjob.
Victims tend to act that way

So do midget cab drivers.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
It was only a matter of time before Poofer was mentioned :facepalm:

I’d rather bitch bout lotus being bullied. At least that drama don’t have real life issues in it.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

"THe cunting" A movie about FLynn and a foot and some really bad breath

Do you use a booster chair when eating out?
Do you shave your armpits with a weed wacker?

I'd ask you to do it but you can't reach.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
What’s the point in wanting people who don’t agree with you to leave? Diversity makes a good forum.

I have NEVER, on any forum I've ever been on, felt the need to get rid of anyone..... til MaxiRoach. Fuck that scum, patoooo!

I’m talking about Lotus. Im starting to notice a trend now. Make so and so leave.

Where is the fun of there is no one to fight with?

Lotus said she was leaving multiple times, we all just smiled and waved lol. Lotus is like the female Dilf, says she leaving, but comes right back like a raccoon at X's house hahaha.

Although I do recall Lotus wanting Breakfall gone. Is that the trend you're talking about?

I think I can speak for myself, and the majority, that the only motherfucker we actually wanted gone was Q after that bullshit he pulled.

No one wants you gone either Countess, this aint some mass Hispanic Witch Hunt lol. Take your tinfoil hat off :Grin3:

I’m just having some fun. Way too stale in here lately. I give it ten minutes before they start using PI. Remember I said it

I like fun!!!

It has been a tad slow lately. I been busy, only reason I aint been around much past several days.

You can’t have fun with some of these people. It’s all extremely serious. Life or forum death even:facepalm:

Oh I know :SadFace:

Hell I tried having fun with Lotus, she tells me "its not your place to tell me what I think is fun!" lol. Then tells me she thinks Politics is fun :facepalm:

Lotus is funny as fuck., I know she’s very serious, which makes it all more funny.

Which is why all these people attempting a whack ass dogpile is so amusing

I take your word on it lol. I still cant picture her with a smile though lol. I ALMOST did, a couple weeks ago when she posted in my Southern music thread lol, was so close. One side of her lips slowly started to rise, almost a half smile :Grin3:

She’s unintentionally hilarious

Which is more I can say for Dovey and the midget cabbie. They don't even "flame" or "troll." Which is why I don't even answer Dovey anymore. Those two just take the fun out of the forums.
Did DOvey break your internetz?

Or just your will to live?

Is there anything a priest can do?

This psycho spazz brings me up constantly. Even on FT.

What a fucking obsessive wackjob.
Victims tend to act that way

So do midget cab drivers.
Do they?



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

You slept with a dude off the forums on a dirty mattress.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

"THe cunting" A movie about FLynn and a foot and some really bad breath

Do you use a booster chair when eating out?
Do you shave your armpits with a weed wacker?

I'd ask you to do it but you can't reach.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

How "empiracle" of you!!!!!!11111


Such a fresh clever post! You even still have the "1111" in place of the exclamation point11111

Hey1 It's just as fucking stupid as it was the first 500 times you cried about it111

Are you gonna call Big short again now? How CLEVER and RIVETING!!111+1+


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What’s the point in wanting people who don’t agree with you to leave? Diversity makes a good forum.

I have NEVER, on any forum I've ever been on, felt the need to get rid of anyone..... til MaxiRoach. Fuck that scum, patoooo!

I’m talking about Lotus. Im starting to notice a trend now. Make so and so leave.

Where is the fun of there is no one to fight with?

Lotus said she was leaving multiple times, we all just smiled and waved lol. Lotus is like the female Dilf, says she leaving, but comes right back like a raccoon at X's house hahaha.

Although I do recall Lotus wanting Breakfall gone. Is that the trend you're talking about?

I think I can speak for myself, and the majority, that the only motherfucker we actually wanted gone was Q after that bullshit he pulled.

No one wants you gone either Countess, this aint some mass Hispanic Witch Hunt lol. Take your tinfoil hat off :Grin3:

I’m just having some fun. Way too stale in here lately. I give it ten minutes before they start using PI. Remember I said it

I like fun!!!

It has been a tad slow lately. I been busy, only reason I aint been around much past several days.

You can’t have fun with some of these people. It’s all extremely serious. Life or forum death even:facepalm:

Oh I know :SadFace:

Hell I tried having fun with Lotus, she tells me "its not your place to tell me what I think is fun!" lol. Then tells me she thinks Politics is fun :facepalm:

Lotus is funny as fuck., I know she’s very serious, which makes it all more funny.

Which is why all these people attempting a whack ass dogpile is so amusing

I take your word on it lol. I still cant picture her with a smile though lol. I ALMOST did, a couple weeks ago when she posted in my Southern music thread lol, was so close. One side of her lips slowly started to rise, almost a half smile :Grin3:

She’s unintentionally hilarious

Which is more I can say for Dovey and the midget cabbie. They don't even "flame" or "troll." Which is why I don't even answer Dovey anymore. Those two just take the fun out of the forums.
Did DOvey break your internetz?

Or just your will to live?

Is there anything a priest can do?

This psycho spazz brings me up constantly. Even on FT.

What a fucking obsessive wackjob.
Victims tend to act that way

So do midget cab drivers.
Do they?


Of course it is. Because that's what "millionaires" do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

You slept with a dude off the forums on a dirty mattress.
Is it the mattress that sends your envy meter into a tailspin?

you still sleeping on newspapers or something?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

How "empiracle" of you!!!!!!11111


Such a fresh clever post! You even still have the "1111" in place of the exclamation point11111

Hey1 It's just as fucking stupid as it was the first 500 times you cried about it111

Are you gonna call Big short again now? How CLEVER and RIVETING!!111+1+

Sorry if the fucking truth hurts

Cry somewhere else, please.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

You slept with a dude off the forums on a dirty mattress.

And YOU havent been fucked since your step dad got wasted and thought he was in the dog cage.

What's your fucking point? That you should spam every gotdamn forum because two adults fucked and triggered your assburgers fit?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

You slept with a dude off the forums on a dirty mattress.
Is it the mattress that sends your envy meter into a tailspin?

you still sleeping on newspapers or something?

Or I could be "envious" of not getting banged by a garden gnome in the back of a Hyundai?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

You slept with a dude off the forums on a dirty mattress.

And YOU havent been fucked since your step dad got wasted and thought he was in the dog cage.

What's your fucking point? That you should spam every gotdamn forum because two adults fucked and triggered your assburgers fit?

That was...was...so......."empiracle."



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

How "empiracle" of you!!!!!!11111


Such a fresh clever post! You even still have the "1111" in place of the exclamation point11111

Hey1 It's just as fucking stupid as it was the first 500 times you cried about it111

Are you gonna call Big short again now? How CLEVER and RIVETING!!111+1+

Sorry if the fucking truth hurts

Cry somewhere else, please.

Exactly Flyn.

Go fucking cry elsewhere. Your posts are fucking stupid.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

How come you can't talk about the word, "empiracle?"

C'mon, Dovey. You're an expert at everything else.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh dear, seems flynn has hit a speed bump and will remain on repeat for the remainder of the evening


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
See, Dovey. I don't need to post novels to put your sorry on the defensive and I have yet to start in on you.

Tell me Dovey, tell me about the "communist manifesto." If you can.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

How come you can't talk about the word, "empiracle?"

C'mon, Dovey. You're an expert at everything else.



1. Your posts are fucking stupid


2. Your posts are fucking stupid.

Now go shove your fucking self in a wood chipper and try not to bust it with your neanderthal 8 head.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

How "empiracle" of you!!!!!!11111


Such a fresh clever post! You even still have the "1111" in place of the exclamation point11111

Hey1 It's just as fucking stupid as it was the first 500 times you cried about it111

Are you gonna call Big short again now? How CLEVER and RIVETING!!111+1+

Sorry if the fucking truth hurts

Cry somewhere else, please.

Exactly Flyn.

Go fucking cry elsewhere. Your posts are fucking stupid.

So. That a "no" on telling me what the definition of "empiracle?"


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Can't pull your stupid bullshit there, can you weakling?

Yeah, can't tell them to do better a couple of times without panties making their way deep inside asscracks

who knew.

Hi, my name is John, what's yours?

So that's a "yes" to you not being able to spam FT?
It's a yes to your smile looking like a piano.

DOes that count?

Would you like a pair of clean socks for your birthday?

Maybe you can accuse me also of being a pedophile? Yes?
You'd have to escape the trailer to do that.

Why bother? You'll never be faster nor more clever than me when it comes to posting.

I like the desperation, though. When does your cab shift start? Will you be taking out the Hyundai?

Mostly because you post the same gotdamn shit over and over where as everyone else actually types out responses.

You are the only who thinks you are clever, though. The consensus is "generic", "repetitive", and "angry".

How come you can't talk about the word, "empiracle?"

C'mon, Dovey. You're an expert at everything else.



1. Your posts are fucking stupid


2. Your posts are fucking stupid.

Now go shove your fucking self in a wood chipper and try not to bust it with your neanderthal 8 head.

But you still can't spell, "empiracle."

We all know who's really, "fucking stupid."



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
See, Dovey. I don't need to post novels

No shit! You have the same exact three fucking stupid posts you just cut/paste over and over.

What you need to do is grab the ajax from under the closet sink and snort that shit until your eyes bleed out.

Times are hard and you should do your part for the community.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
See, Dovey. I don't need to post novels

No shit! You have the same exact three fucking stupid posts you just cut/paste over and over.

What you need to do is grab the ajax from under the closet sink and snort that shit until your eyes bleed out.

Times are hard and you should do your part for the community.

Can you spell, "empiracle?"



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


that was a cunting

Where? A cunting is when someone actually flames and it applies to the person they’re trying to flame. I don’t wear mascara nor do I drink or do drugs. Looks like hypocrisy if anything. But I’ll let you go on and cheerlead
you seem miffed tho.

So I'd say "direct hit" starboard. You're beginning to list

maybe benzo can lend a hand ?

Says the fucking gremlin that meatshields that nasty, stupid and mentally ill theif, Dovey.

You know what? Why is it always you AND Dovey ALWAYS causing real life fucking drama on the boards?

Truthfully, you and that stupid ignorant bitch Dovey should really leave the forums. What are you here for? Dovey tries to act "smart" and pilfer anything she can swindle off anyone. YOU, sit on your smallish but mutated ass and enable that fucking chickenhead.

Like I said before, you're both forum killers because that's all you fucking clowns do is kill forums with your mile high bullshit that isn't even funny nor smart.

If you shut the fuck up about the car Big bought for me ten years ago when we were a real life couple, and shut the fuck up about other real life shit that that scum bag fucktard Pooptini drug to the internet in his year long tantrum, absolutely fucking no one would be starting "real life shit"

It YOU, you stupid spamming retard.

And Bastard Factory doesnt give a single gotdamn shit about how retard spamming Flyn thinks a forum should run.

If you do not like this board, then go log out and post somewhere else more to your liking. No one asked you to be some gotdamn cyber Batman and join random forums so you can spew your unsolicited generic cryfests about how you think their board would be "succesfull". Fuck right off.

Go start your own board and run it how you think it should run, you stupid fucking freakshow.

How "empiracle" of you!!!!!!11111


Such a fresh clever post! You even still have the "1111" in place of the exclamation point11111

Hey1 It's just as fucking stupid as it was the first 500 times you cried about it111

Are you gonna call Big short again now? How CLEVER and RIVETING!!111+1+

Sorry if the fucking truth hurts

Cry somewhere else, please.

Exactly Flyn.

Go fucking cry elsewhere. Your posts are fucking stupid.

So. That a "no" on telling me what the definition of "empiracle?"

Are you still alive and spamming the same posts because you dont have a gun to swallow?

Because you CAN borrow mine. I'm a very generous person.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh dear, seems flynn has hit a speed bump and will remain on repeat for the remainder of the evening

It seems that I will continue telling the truth no matter who I upset.
that's mighty righteous of you.

Some people consider bathing and brushing their teeth essential

Not you tho. Telling people the TROOF on the internetz is your life calling.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lmaoooo Flynn is now just blubbering over a misspelling from a year ago like it's some heavy hitting shit that's just pwning the fuck outta me.

What a fucking weak ass waste of bandwidth.

Maybe everytime Flynn posts "empiracle" we could donate 5 bucks to pay off Pooptards child support bill. Do something positive with this retards spam.