Open War of Words


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I guess no one here really knows what genuine callouts look like, and they don't. I'll be overly generous within reason on the stips and judges and post count etc etc and on and on. The only rule I demand is no run-ins, just me and you...

- None but the brave.


Factory Bastard
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Ever walk into a public restroom, daintily open the stall door and peer into the toilet bowl and see the most disgusting mixture of piss and shit you have ever seen?

This is the type of shit that is 3 different colors, one of them being fluorescent orange.

A shit so malformed that it looks like the man's asshole was shape shifting mid shit.

Then you have piss drizzled all over it like icing on a hot cross bun.

What the fuck is going on here??

Did I forget to mention the 5 jelly beans floating merrily in this dookie mixture?

This is the type of bowel movement that should not exist.

Why was it not flushed?

How long has it been here?

Did the shitter want it to be seen by others?

What if a small child who had to take a dump walked in on this spectacle?

How would his mother comfort him?

How would that effect him later in life?

Maybe the person responsible for this shit got scared and took off hoping the poor Mexican janitors would deal with it

It's about this time that the stench hits you and you are forced to back out of the stall and...RUN.

What else can you do, you aint gonna flush that shit, FUCK THAT.

Probably wont even go down the toilet, the janitors will wind up shoveling it out and burying it in the middle of the woods.

Who did this, why did they do it, these are questions that deserve an answer, but I can not give you one.

(from archive)

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Ever walk into a public restroom, daintily open the stall door and peer into the toilet bowl and see the most disgusting mixture of piss and shit you have ever seen?

This is the type of shit that is 3 different colors, one of them being fluorescent orange.

A shit so malformed that it looks like the man's asshole was shape shifting mid shit.

Then you have piss drizzled all over it like icing on a hot cross bun.

What the fuck is going on here??

Did I forget to mention the 5 jelly beans floating merrily in this dookie mixture?

This is the type of bowel movement that should not exist.

Why was it not flushed?

How long has it been here?

Did the shitter want it to be seen by others?

What if a small child who had to take a dump walked in on this spectacle?

How would his mother comfort him?

How would that effect him later in life?

Maybe the person responsible for this shit got scared and took off hoping the poor Mexican janitors would deal with it

It's about this time that the stench hits you and you are forced to back out of the stall and...RUN.

What else can you do, you aint gonna flush that shit, FUCK THAT.

Probably wont even go down the toilet, the janitors will wind up shoveling it out and burying it in the middle of the woods.

Who did this, why did they do it, these are questions that deserve an answer, but I can not give you one.

(from archive)
Benazis dinner


Factory Bastard

Ever walk into a public restroom, daintily open the stall door and peer into the toilet bowl and see the most disgusting mixture of piss and shit you have ever seen?

This is the type of shit that is 3 different colors, one of them being fluorescent orange.

A shit so malformed that it looks like the man's asshole was shape shifting mid shit.

Then you have piss drizzled all over it like icing on a hot cross bun.

What the fuck is going on here??

Did I forget to mention the 5 jelly beans floating merrily in this dookie mixture?

This is the type of bowel movement that should not exist.

Why was it not flushed?

How long has it been here?

Did the shitter want it to be seen by others?

What if a small child who had to take a dump walked in on this spectacle?

How would his mother comfort him?

How would that effect him later in life?

Maybe the person responsible for this shit got scared and took off hoping the poor Mexican janitors would deal with it

It's about this time that the stench hits you and you are forced to back out of the stall and...RUN.

What else can you do, you aint gonna flush that shit, FUCK THAT.

Probably wont even go down the toilet, the janitors will wind up shoveling it out and burying it in the middle of the woods.

Who did this, why did they do it, these are questions that deserve an answer, but I can not give you one.

(from archive)


Factory Bastard
If ye were 50 in 97 Proxy, whit age does dat make me now?

you are older than me, move on.

If you were 50 in 97 according to TWAP, and he shid know, how does that make me older than you?

You are in your 70's now. Don't get me wrong, you still seem actually aware of your own surroundings while still always asking where you are and why you are here. That's to be commended.


Factory Bastard
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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Find a tag partner. Me and Toefactor VS you and somebody else.

Now *that*, would be something. Hey I know, maybe Bastard Factory himself would roll with me! Kidding. What if Toe was actually an angry Bra1n determined to gimme some payback that he probably, no, deservedly owes me?

I honestly can't think of a teammate worthy of that, not anymore.

Hey, this may sound odd, but did you know BumSpud still occasionally peeks in here? How would I know that? Because I was the one who saw and identified that guy trying to nicswitch at BH to "Silverback". Too bad he wrote a few things he'd already done before, and I busted him. So fuck no, he could never try to pretend he was all good as being my teammate when in fact he'd be on you and TOE's team, which would be too much for anyone, anywhere to handle by themselves.

How about me v TOE? He stepped into FH before you were the mod and I naturally got up all in the Canadian's face (about nothing, naturally). After just a few posts back-n-forth, I straight up told him that it was fuckin' on -- first person to call the Feds loses. He *laughed* and never showed up to BH again. What a surprise, it was at BH -- not that friendly faggotry called FC he was popular at. Not that anyone needed to be popular at BH where anything goes/went.

*smiles* Do you remember the biggest Callout of all time, anywhere? Yeah, BH, between ATVile and Buzzsaw after AT was the first to ever genuinely beat that guy who was so undeniably great, that he "accidentally" turned F4$ into an orphanage that all the kids tried their hardest to sound something like Buzz. Buzz had no fucking choice but come to BH to challenge AT to a Callout that ended up getting over 25K clicks? Along with the best, hardest core post of all time from AT that turned the Match Discussion thread into what may have been the most chaotic, hysterical (<- in a bad way) unthinkably, lawless disaster in internet history.

ATViles' first post after Buzzsaw's long bore about BH, not solely on AT:

"That sucked, you big fag."

If I ever fall into a fucking coma someday, my family, friends, and a few goats who were all holding my hands, whispering lovely bullshit in my ears, the only and last thing I'd ever find the strength to murmur to them all would, of course be -- "That sucked, you big fags." *bleh* -- leaving the tiny group of gatherers expecting inheritances all looking at eachother with tears in their eyes, softly saying "I knew that's what he'd say with his dying breath." Now where is the goddamn lawyer at?

- You and TOE v me and ATVile? Pack your fucking bags fulla nothing, not even the last tiny bit of self-respect that you may still have at the moment.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I re read Caskur's Freddy Pickles flame, that is a cult classic like Plan Nine From Outer Space.

what did I write? I can never remember..

Once upon a time there was a nancy boy named Freddy Pickles. His mother was a Romany from the Eastern Bloc in Europe and was brought up by a pack of wolves until she was discovered and rescued by nuns. They took her into their convent to work cleaning the latrines for a couple of slices of bread and moldy cheese per day. Their generosity knew no bounds and every now and then for some cunnilingus action, they threw her a pair of used leather shoes. Good leather mind you cuz the nuns were fine charitable Christians.

Well as the story unfolded, the young Romany maiden grew into a lovely girl between barking and howling she sang sweetly and at times showed signs of lucidity. Then one day while the nuns were suffering their silence, Freddy Pickles Romany mother took a wrong turn down a wrong corridor into the forbidden zone where all the criminal nut cases were housed. No one knows how she got in their quarters or why she could not escape. Sadly, those disgusting animals sexually abuse her to near death. It was a miracle she survived the onslaught but survive she did. Somehow she managed to regain consciousness, squeeze through the bars and run off far, far away from the convent. Secretly, she was already with child by one of the insane inmates. She was only 14.5 yrs old.

Not long after releasing herself from her captives, cold, hungry and bruised all over, a pack of Romanies found her wandering in the woods. One recognized her as a possible sister. Inbreeding was common amongst the group and they all looked the same. Related. Since she was a female and quite pretty they thought she would fetch a good price if they sold her to a foreigner... So the old woman in the tribe checked her over, saw her hymen wasn't intact and sewed her up for reselling.

It was at this time the American Military were in town and the old woman took her to the train station where there were a lot of ugly homesick Americans. Not many of the soldiers had money on them. They were flat stony-broke having spent most of their meagre pay at the bar and brothels. One guy looked over the girl, thought she was a bit of alright and bought her for a block of chocolate and half a packet of opened cigarettes. The old granny was delighted with her recent bargained spoils, stuck a fag in her mouth and tottled off into the sunset.

The ugly homesick American turned towards his new charge and took her by the hand. He was quite shocked when he held the Romany's hand and she howled like a wolf. He told her to be quiet because back home in America where he came from, they shot wolves, so Freddy Pickles Romany mother, stayed understandably silent.

Honestly, you can't make this shit up!~


Nine months later and safety in the USA Freddy Pickles' mother gave birth to him, named him Freddy and mercifully died shortly after, freeing up his step father to "remarry," It was best that way because the language barrier proved restrictive in any case, dumb GI Joe verses Wolf Howling Romany. Plus his new grandparents didn't like gypsies.

If you've read this far then you're probably wondering where this story is going. In actual fact it going no where pretty much the same as Freddy Pickles flame career and his phony title that Bra1ndead disposed on his pointy head. Downhill all the way. Freddy Pickles has outlived most of the flamers around as he is a true believer and in this day and age of facebook and twitter, true believers are a rarity.

Welcome to Nightmare On TRF!~

Matinee 11.30 am


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Find a tag partner. Me and Toefactor VS you and somebody else.

Now *that*, would be something. Hey I know, maybe Bastard Factory himself would roll with me! Kidding. What if Toe was actually an angry Bra1n determined to gimme some payback that he probably, no, deservedly owes me?

I honestly can't think of a teammate worthy of that, not anymore.

Hey, this may sound odd, but did you know BumSpud still occasionally peeks in here? How would I know that? Because I was the one who saw and identified that guy trying to nicswitch at BH to "Silverback". Too bad he wrote a few things he'd already done before, and I busted him. So fuck no, he could never try to pretend he was all good as being my teammate when in fact he'd be on you and TOE's team, which would be too much for anyone, anywhere to handle by themselves.

How about me v TOE? He stepped into FH before you were the mod and I naturally got up all in the Canadian's face (about nothing, naturally). After just a few posts back-n-forth, I straight up told him that it was fuckin' on -- first person to call the Feds loses. He *laughed* and never showed up to BH again. What a surprise, it was at BH -- not that friendly faggotry called FC he was popular at. Not that anyone needed to be popular at BH where anything goes/went.

*smiles* Do you remember the biggest Callout of all time, anywhere? Yeah, BH, between ATVile and Buzzsaw after AT was the first to ever genuinely beat that guy who was so undeniably great, that he "accidentally" turned F4$ into an orphanage that all the kids tried their hardest to sound something like Buzz. Buzz had no fucking choice but come to BH to challenge AT to a Callout that ended up getting over 25K clicks? Along with the best, hardest core post of all time from AT that turned the Match Discussion thread into what may have been the most chaotic, hysterical (<- in a bad way) unthinkably, lawless disaster in internet history.

ATViles' first post after Buzzsaw's long bore about BH, not solely on AT:

"That sucked, you big fag."

If I ever fall into a fucking coma someday, my family, friends, and a few goats who were all holding my hands, whispering lovely bullshit in my ears, the only and last thing I'd ever find the strength to murmur to them all would, of course be -- "That sucked, you big fags." *bleh* -- leaving the tiny group of gatherers expecting inheritances all looking at eachother with tears in their eyes, softly saying "I knew that's what he'd say with his dying breath." Now where is the goddamn lawyer at?

- You and TOE v me and ATVile? Pack your fucking bags fulla nothing, not even the last tiny bit of self-respect that you may still have at the moment.
If you can get HIVpile, I can get Toe.

I’ve swung HIV around threads at BH with my pinky up one of his nostrils. You might be the only person who thinks he was anything other then just another contestant at an open hand slap competition. A taller version of Yoda, he was not. His parents should have plan B’d his ass and saved the many readers at BH his unfunny, finger painted vomit he passed off as “teh flamez” back then.

I mean… calling EB “senor” was like god tier quality…. Said nobody. “ That sucked,you big fag “ was followed by a bunch of drivel that was so bad, if they gave his lemon head looking ass a breathalyzer that detected complete shit, he would have blew straight diarrhea.

Toe at least makes funny chops.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Oh yeah, and to answer your question..

Yes, I knew DumbCrud was here. Knew for awhile he was. Brent’s here too. So is Nozz, Nazi Admin, and a couple others.

Get rid of the shit posters and they will all come out the wood work.

Been saying that for awhile now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh yeah, and to answer your question..

Yes, I knew DumbCrud was here. Knew for awhile he was. Brent’s here too. So is Nozz, Nazi Admin, and a couple others.

Get rid of the shit posters and they will all come out the wood work.

Been saying that for awhile now.

Dude, Evil Blood is here too.


Factory Bastard
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KM still has not delivered on his podcast, doubt this match is going to happen.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Oh yeah, and to answer your question..

Yes, I knew DumbCrud was here. Knew for awhile he was. Brent’s here too. So is Nozz, Nazi Admin, and a couple others.

Get rid of the shit posters and they will all come out the wood work.

Been saying that for awhile now.

Dude, Evil Blood is here too.
Nah, he isn’t.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
KM still has not delivered on his podcast, doubt this match is going to happen.
I doubt the match happens.

As for the podcast, I haven’t even started editing it to just the part about this forum. WWE shit has gotten in the way and that’s where the money is.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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So is Nozz

How, and more importantly - why? - do you remember that goink? He was let into the Regs because was Australian. Days after, he told the open board that he wasn't ready to fuck with Buzzsaw, or any of the other heavy hitters anywhere. Weeks later, he left BH forever once he found out that Regs didn't even like each other in the Regs room. It was a graveyard back there, not some sorta Welcome to the Club where we all party and get along like nobody really knows!" Whaaaat a fuckin' pussy and example of how Australians are in RL.

I TK on any multiplayer game I'm playing unless I feel like pushing for pointless wins. The funnest part is causing mayhem and getting banned from one of the serves, only to bounce right back on another one to be even nastier. If Nozzer, unfortunately, shows up here thinking that it was a get-together for genuine old BH Regs, which he was the one genuine embarrassment to, he won't stick around for more than a few miserable days. I'm sure the know that by now though...

- I want the others to return to show the posters here how it was and should always be like
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