Post Your BMI


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Your weight (naked on a scale, *ahem*) x 703 (odd number [homonymn]) % Your height in inches, squared (another funky, large number that might make you think your calculator is broken, certainly nothing you did wrong)

This is where it gets humbling. The number that pops up makes sudden sense and sucks for most Americans/Texans. I couldn't fucking believe mine. The article above says that 24.9 is just fine, while 25 means you sit in front of computers flaming the innocent, the insignificant, and fat faggots whose BMI soars into the 70s.

Mine? Exactly 25.21341056.


Sir NO sir! I play with one pound that disappears and reappears outta nowhere. I've also squeezed a half-inch on my height. I've gotten it "down" to 25.01. Still a fucking blob according to this formula undoubtedly created by tiny gooks who register at the lowest yet fittest numbers across the world. "I need to use nukes, I can't kill you all by my hands!" ~ GWAR.

Go on, talk some shit about my untanned 25.+. Without posting your REAL BMI? That'll just give yours away, in a sense...

- post it


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17.9 - - - -- - - - -