Proof that cows hold lifelong grudges when they feel they've been scoffed by a male

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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How vile does a pig have to be to

a) say children murdered by a maniac deserved it
b) support a guy who stores pics of children in very questionable context on his photobucket
c) another tard who is on record saying a child should be used as a sex toy

and notice how she cannot deny any of what I say happened.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Why do you keep repeating this when the whole damn forum knows it’s not true? She’s not the one dragging kids in these fights.

And if anyone has a problem with me pointing out the obvious, step the fuck up and say something.
Just yesterday the Pig brought her own grandson into the conversation then cried because he was referenced :Crazy:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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my tic tic bomb that went off a few weeks back.
Tic tic time bomb? Must have been a real dud cause I didn't notice it

deary, if you are indeed hearing a tapping noises which can be misconstrued with "tic tic" inside your vacuous skull perhaps that is the hamster knocking on the inner walls asking for some water before continuing to run the wheel


Domestically feral
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United states

She has done this since I can remember….

The fact that Big defends it and jumped in the middle to side with her just proves to me she has something even bigger on him than my tic tic bomb that went off a few weeks back.

But it doesn’t matter what you say to her. It NEVER will. She is theeeeeeeeeeeeeeee biggest fucking know it all. You can’t get a word in edgewise. It’s like trying to yell “pump the breaks!” to an oppositional defiant tweener. It’s so frustrating and then we have to endure her here 24/7/365. I would rather give myself paper cuts on my eyeballs tbh.

I’m just glad that a man has never sat in his car outside my home cringing about coming inside. I know she can’t say the same.

Turd if my husband scrolls this thread, as he does sometimes... and sees YOU attempting to say ANYTHING on his behalf he might just come in here and explain exactly why he sees you as a desperate, two faced skag and didnt want me talking to you.

Because even HE thinks your chasing of Biggie was pathetic and a blight on your character.

In fact that night you were hammered on the phone and you were yelling and crying about Trayvon Martin and BLM and you were NOT registering a single one of my calm, rational and thought out responses to your whole forcing that was HIM who took the phone, hung it up and said "not anymore"

In fact this says something about you I've been saying. You are controling and insufferable and self obsessed. If your man....victim.. man baby...needed HIS time to find his center after a stressful day so he could come in ready to enjoy his family you would be out there bitching and nagging and making it about YOU. Putting another persons needs above your wants isnt a thing you grasp, is it? YOU would think a person needing to shake the day off before coming on has GOTTA be about you, right?

Notice how I rarely if ever feel a bizzare and sudden need to start some diatribe mid flame exchange about how good my marriage is and how awesome my husband is or anything very deep on it and ask yourself if you wanna go down that road after you've spent days trying to convince us your life and relationship isnt miserable. Because girl its OBVIOUS you on here being fake as fuck.


Domestically feral
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United states
The chickens will come home to roost. It's just how things work.

And another threat.

Welp there it is! Two CA Karen cunts who vote for predators and child abuse have decided they dont approve of how another family exists so they want teh cHiCkeNs tO rOoSt.

This means 1 or both is probably legitimately stalking my family.


Domestically feral
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United states
Got the cows mooing now

Not a good look supporting two dudes that are on record posting questionable material? :LOL3:

It's amazing, isnt it?

There they go. All mad because they wanna be the moral authorities dammit! But I just keep bouncing that dumb shit off!


Domestically feral
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United states
Dovey’s better than me. Cuz mannnnn

I dont give a shit what these pathetic moo twins say.

If either of them approach anyone in my life they will have a problem though. It definately wouldnt go down the way they may be deluding themselves it would. And it's not like i dont know who they are.


Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
And another threat.

Welp there it is! Two CA Karen cunts who vote for predators and child abuse have decided they dont approve of how another family exists so they want teh cHiCkeNs tO rOaSt.

This means 1 or both is probably legitimately stalking my family.
I read her comment as more of a self fulfilling prophecy than anything else

eventually her belligerence will create the rift between her and Murd as it has happened with

You, flea, breakfall, deport_liberals, moon, Bone, rancid, everyone at CO, lotusbud, Reaper, me, and even the late Peachy - hell there are probably thousands of others across the web and real life who can attest to the same

and when that day comes not even their deep rooted envy will be enough to keep the bond together

The Countess

Hood with it
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Honestly, this isn’t on Oak. There is some deep resentment here that seems to have started wayyyyyy before Oak came around. I’m just being honest.


Domestically feral
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United states
I read her comment as more of a self fulfilling prophecy than anything else

eventually her belligerence will create the rift between her and Murd as it has happened with

You, flea, breakfall, deport_liberals, moon, Bone, rancid, everyone at CO, lotusbud, Reaper, me, and even the late Peachy - hell there are probably thousands of others across the web and real life who can attest to the same

and when that day comes not even their deep rooted envy will be enough to keep the bond together

That's the second time shes done that shit. And with Murds fucking hysterical and bizzare claims that shes being stalked? You know they blame people for they themselves are doing.

Remember the last time Turd flipped on me over nothing and was trying to get you to approve of her reaching out to my husband and YOU told her absolutely no?

You know what they do....they claim its "concern".

Man I hope he is next to me when he opens some creepy rando email or message on FB and sees Turdy Murdys dumb face and gets this "Hey sir I'm really worried about your wife....shes dragging us on BF. You should look at these screen shots!" Because I wanna see his "WTF did you do to these people" face lol



Domestically feral
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United states
Honestly, this isn’t on Oak. There is some deep resentment here that seems to have started wayyyyyy before Oak came around. I’m just being honest.

Yeah I dropped a pretty long post directly addressing the Biggie thing. In another thread.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Honestly, this isn’t on Oak. There is some deep resentment here that seems to have started wayyyyyy before Oak came around. I’m just being honest.
I never fully understood what exactly made Murd exit the building. Mentally. And flip on Dove and then me the way she did

But no one can say I wasn't extremely patient with all of her unprovoked attacks on me, but finally enough is enough and I decided to hit back

Oak may not be the actually genesis but she sure is culpable for egging murd on into this full, all out betrayal we see before us today.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
round one.

Lily says I'm a liar. But notice her initial reaction to children being murdered a Christmas parade in Wisconsin

"kinda instant Karma for Wisconsin..." - were her exact words.

Karma for what Lily?

Exactly what context calls for children to be murdered by a maniac?

Before you answer let us take a brief look at what the word Karma means

noun: karma
  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    "a buddha is believed to have completely purified his karma"
    • informal
      destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
      "there's something highly satisfying when karma strikes"

So in what way did these children have their fate coming you low life animal? And in what way were YOU highly satisfied witnessing Karma befall these innocent children?


What kind of vile and nasty piece of subhuman filth do you have to be to say something like this? About children. But I'm lying?

No Pig, you're the one that is lying any time you attempt to pass yourself off as a normal human being with anything but a dark and charcoal soul.

Other instances of such wanton hatred and belligerence will be forthcoming


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Why do you keep repeating this when the whole damn forum knows it’s not true? She’s not the one dragging kids in these fights.

And if anyone has a problem with me pointing out the obvious, step the fuck up and say something.
I reapet it because he is a creep that constantly uses kids, CONSTANTLY ..a little fucking perv, if you have a prob with that sorry


Domestically feral
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United states
I'll be sure to send the sumo sisters posts about kids and families in there X to make sure you get your pages worth.

It's annoying when people have bias and double standards. It kinda makes you a bitch.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'll be sure to send the sumo sisters posts about kids and families in there X to make sure you get your pages worth.

It's annoying when people have bias and double standards. It kinda makes you a bitch.
I don't know why you bother talking to that clown. He's completely useless and silly


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
round one.

Lily says I'm a liar. But notice her initial reaction to children being murdered a Christmas parade in Wisconsin

"kinda instant Karma for Wisconsin..." - were her exact words.

Karma for what Lily?

Exactly what context calls for children to be murdered by a maniac?

Before you answer let us take a brief look at what the word Karma means

noun: karma
  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    "a buddha is believed to have completely purified his karma"
    • informal
      destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
      "there's something highly satisfying when karma strikes"

So in what way did these children have their fate coming you low life animal? And in what way were YOU highly satisfied witnessing Karma befall these innocent children?


What kind of vile and nasty piece of subhuman filth do you have to be to say something like this? About children. But I'm lying?

No Pig, you're the one that is lying any time you attempt to pass yourself off as a normal human being with anything but a dark and charcoal soul.

Other instances of such wanton hatred and belligerence will be forthcoming

Hate begets hate. That's what I said then and I stand by it now. We see it at this forum.


Domestically feral
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United states

Bland....."nazism" is socailism. The National Socailists.

That's completely opposed to "right wing ideology".

What do you mean I "disown any man who brought me to my knees"? Who are all these men who have "fested me"?


So Blandy who are REALLY talking to here? What woman in your past have I reminded you of? I'm not getting the vibes you are hearing anything I've actually said lol.