
I'm in jail, send hamberders
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She is a blithering idiot. What else can ya say?
You make an excellent point.

The Pic The WH doesn't want you to see.



I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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It must really be difficult to shill for a complete fuck up like Biden

I guess it takes some in-depth familiarity with being a total fuck up yourself

carry on, fuckup


Factory Bastard
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Are you on the shallow end of the spectrum pool, Joe?

I'm neither Democrat nor Republican or favor any of the above.

If I were an American, I'd likely be what they call an 'Independent'.

And that is why I think Liar @Joe is one of the funniest things about this place.

Well @The Gaslighter I just say what I think.

And the Democrats will likely pay a steep price in the upcoming 2022 Congressional Midterm Elections. They were foolish for allowing AOC to run their energy policy with her Green New Deal.

She must have given Biden a blow job to get her platform advanced & all those major energy projects scuttled/cancelled.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
youre gonna be so fukin butt hurt when he wins a third term!!!! :LOL3:

Your St. Trump would be better off running during the primaries, racking up delegates & then pulling the plug on his campaign at some point & throwing his delegates behind a hand picked successor @Lokmar under the condition that he or she buys advertising spots and products from the Trump News Network.

...because in your country the election industry in the billion$.

why would Trump spend/blow all his money on another election when he could make million$ on the next one?

Plus he would have the say to choose his successor.
In other words, the person who's gonna carry out his wishes or agenda.
that's just as good as being President or in power, because that person would do his bidding.

Plus he's heavily in debt and some of his assets are basically under water.

I can see why he is out there in the media promoting himself.

But if he was a smart businessman who wants to pay off his debts and strengthen his business empire & leave a strong legacy for his children, that's what I'd do if I were him.

In addition, the Democrats look very creaky these days and I suspect many American voters blame them for the high price of gas, largely because they didn't approve the Keystone pipeline.

Whether the pipeline would have relieved gas prices is another debate, but it's been the magnet which the Republicans have used to tar and feather the Democrats who made themselves the targets because of poorly thought out energy strategy.
Trump 2024, dumbass.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
youre gonna be so fukin butt hurt when he wins a third term!!!! :LOL3:

Your St. Trump would be better off running during the primaries, racking up delegates & then pulling the plug on his campaign at some point & throwing his delegates behind a hand picked successor @Lokmar under the condition that he or she buys advertising spots and products from the Trump News Network.

...because in your country the election industry in the billion$.

why would Trump spend/blow all his money on another election when he could make million$ on the next one?

Plus he would have the say to choose his successor.
In other words, the person who's gonna carry out his wishes or agenda.
that's just as good as being President or in power, because that person would do his bidding.

Plus he's heavily in debt and some of his assets are basically under water.

I can see why he is out there in the media promoting himself.

But if he was a smart businessman who wants to pay off his debts and strengthen his business empire & leave a strong legacy for his children, that's what I'd do if I were him.

In addition, the Democrats look very creaky these days and I suspect many American voters blame them for the high price of gas, largely because they didn't approve the Keystone pipeline.

Whether the pipeline would have relieved gas prices is another debate, but it's been the magnet which the Republicans have used to tar and feather the Democrats who made themselves the targets because of poorly thought out energy strategy.
Energy strategy? oil and gas are sky high all over the world, it's not "stupid democrats" it's market pressures we are recovering from a pandemic that has messed up all kinds of supply lines.
market pressures that would have been lessened by drilling and the keystone. FACT! PWN3D!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
youre gonna be so fukin butt hurt when he wins a third term!!!! :LOL3:

Your St. Trump would be better off running during the primaries, racking up delegates & then pulling the plug on his campaign at some point & throwing his delegates behind a hand picked successor @Lokmar under the condition that he or she buys advertising spots and products from the Trump News Network.

...because in your country the election industry in the billion$.

why would Trump spend/blow all his money on another election when he could make million$ on the next one?

Plus he would have the say to choose his successor.
In other words, the person who's gonna carry out his wishes or agenda.
that's just as good as being President or in power, because that person would do his bidding.

Plus he's heavily in debt and some of his assets are basically under water.

I can see why he is out there in the media promoting himself.

But if he was a smart businessman who wants to pay off his debts and strengthen his business empire & leave a strong legacy for his children, that's what I'd do if I were him.

In addition, the Democrats look very creaky these days and I suspect many American voters blame them for the high price of gas, largely because they didn't approve the Keystone pipeline.

Whether the pipeline would have relieved gas prices is another debate, but it's been the magnet which the Republicans have used to tar and feather the Democrats who made themselves the targets because of poorly thought out energy strategy.
Trump 2024, dumbass.

No. May Klitschko triumph over Evil in 2022. May he defeat Putin.

Your St Trump praised the devil Putin @Lokmar.

That was unforgivable Bud.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
youre gonna be so fukin butt hurt when he wins a third term!!!! :LOL3:

Your St. Trump would be better off running during the primaries, racking up delegates & then pulling the plug on his campaign at some point & throwing his delegates behind a hand picked successor @Lokmar under the condition that he or she buys advertising spots and products from the Trump News Network.

...because in your country the election industry in the billion$.

why would Trump spend/blow all his money on another election when he could make million$ on the next one?

Plus he would have the say to choose his successor.
In other words, the person who's gonna carry out his wishes or agenda.
that's just as good as being President or in power, because that person would do his bidding.

Plus he's heavily in debt and some of his assets are basically under water.

I can see why he is out there in the media promoting himself.

But if he was a smart businessman who wants to pay off his debts and strengthen his business empire & leave a strong legacy for his children, that's what I'd do if I were him.

In addition, the Democrats look very creaky these days and I suspect many American voters blame them for the high price of gas, largely because they didn't approve the Keystone pipeline.

Whether the pipeline would have relieved gas prices is another debate, but it's been the magnet which the Republicans have used to tar and feather the Democrats who made themselves the targets because of poorly thought out energy strategy.
Trump 2024, dumbass.

No. May Klitschko triumph over Evil in 2022. May he defeat Putin.

Your St Trump praised the devil Putin @Lokmar.

That was unforgivable Bud.
Liar. I disproved your lie with 2 links from the very source that did the interview. The interviewer says what you say is a lie on the link I posted.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Fuck that faggot cocksucker fuckwit....

I lost all respect for Arnie after witnessing his vaxx shilling....

Actually @Adam Hitler I'm not anti vax as much as I'm anti Pfizer/Pig Pharma. Given the high number of breakthrough cases, it's self evident that Pfizer is pushing an unsafe & ineffective product while colluding with the FDA CDC & WHO to prevent other treatments from reaching the market.

So i think they are actually trying to prolong the Pandemic & profit from it rather than end it.

Cripes half the Democratic party in the States like AOC, Obama, Kamala Harris/spouse Elizabeth Warren are coming down with COVID these days & they were the ones pushing Pfizer.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Fuck that faggot cocksucker fuckwit....
I lost all respect for Arnie after witnessing his vaxx shilling....
Actually @Adam Hitler I'm not anti vax as much as I'm anti Pfizer/Pig Pharma. Given the high number of breakthrough cases, it's self evident that Pfizer is pushing an unsafe & ineffective product while colluding with the FDA CDC & WHO to prevent other treatments from reaching the market.

So i think they are actually trying to prolong the Pandemic & profit from it rather than end it.

Cripes half the Democratic party in the States like AOC, Obama, Kamala Harris/spouse Elizabeth Warren are coming down with COVID these days & they were the ones pushing Pfizer.

And that is why I say Liar @Joe could not follow a conversation if his life depended on it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Fuck that faggot cocksucker fuckwit....
I lost all respect for Arnie after witnessing his vaxx shilling....
Actually @Adam Hitler I'm not anti vax as much as I'm anti Pfizer/Pig Pharma. Given the high number of breakthrough cases, it's self evident that Pfizer is pushing an unsafe & ineffective product while colluding with the FDA CDC & WHO to prevent other treatments from reaching the market.

So i think they are actually trying to prolong the Pandemic & profit from it rather than end it.

Cripes half the Democratic party in the States like AOC, Obama, Kamala Harris/spouse Elizabeth Warren are coming down with COVID these days & they were the ones pushing Pfizer.

And that is why I say Liar @Joe could not follow a conversation if his life depended on it.

Did you say something @The Gaslighter?