Satanic sick shit


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Those pics are so bad and gross, you’re straight denying they are you. I honestly pity you.

I would never take pics like that and I’m nowhere near as fat as you. Pregnant, I was nowhere near as fat as you. Instead of sitting here in denial about your size, go do something about it.

You’re way too invested in other people’s real lives. Where we live, our marriages, kids etc. Someone calling me a fat whore won’t have me seeking out their relatives or trying to get them fired. You guys ruin the fun of all of this cuz you take things way too personally. I’m guilty of things but I’ve never seeked out anyone in real life. I’m going to pray you get the healing that you need and someday find something in life that will make you happy and at peace.

You’re gonna stroke out if you continue with this unhealthy behavior.
Too PMS Did Not Read


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
I make no excuses for my shitty behavior…

But I knocked on Fupa’s door and her televangelist husband tried to convert me to fucktardism.

And when I offered him a carton of Newport’s he obliged.

Ass ownership feels a little depleted when you’re this far down the list and it’s blown out…

But cheers to pwnage, fools!


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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☠️Private Forum Access
Where The Alpha Men Are!
I make no excuses for my shitty behavior…

But I knocked on Fupa’s door and her televangelist husband tried to convert me to fucktardism.

And when I offered him a carton of Newport’s he obliged.

Ass ownership feels a little depleted when you’re this far down the list and it’s blown out…

But cheers to pwnage, fools!

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Does that delusion make you feel better? I'm retired and I live in California, a state you can't afford to live in...not anywhere in the state. Even the shitholes of this state are too expensive for you.
This cope is hilarious.... "Sure, my neighbourhood is a crime-riddled ghetto, full of niggers and other undesirables... but everything is super expensive, so therefore it must be great!".

Peak Poark logic. :Crazy: