Should I unban Biggie?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
With great power, comes great responsibility.

As this community’s only influencer, I take that responsibility very seriously knowing my decisions effect you, the members here on the biggest forum of this community more so then everyone else outside of pure alpha Dilf.

On that note, we also have to consider the mental health of those who have failed at every chance they get to make a name for themselves.

We, oh glorious members, winners, need to think of the losers of this community. I am referring to Biggie Smalls.

Yes, he is a failure.
Yes, he is a loser.
Yes, everything he touches turns to shit.

Should we allow him to come back here and see just how green the grass of success actually is?

If so, we need to appoint somebody to moderate him. Who would be up to that task?

I leave it to you, winners


Factory Bastard
With great power, comes great responsibility.

As this community’s only influencer, I take that responsibility very seriously knowing my decisions effect you, the members here on the biggest forum of this community more so then everyone else outside of pure alpha Dilf.

On that note, we also have to consider the mental health of those who have failed at every chance they get to make a name for themselves.

We, oh glorious members, winners, need to think of the losers of this community. I am referring to Biggie Smalls.

Yes, he is a failure.
Yes, he is a loser.
Yes, everything he touches turns to shit.

Should we allow him to come back here and see just how green the grass of success actually is?

If so, we need to appoint somebody to moderate him. Who would be up to that task?

I leave it to you, winners



Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Is Biggie attached to you now?
There you go on again about the size of my cock. I realise that I made your bellend moist, but goddamn, pull yourself together man.

Go take a cold shower or sumting!
Go listen to some Aretha Franklin…

I’m going surfing, it’s already 9am with all the prattle you’ve been serving me.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
There you go on again about the size of my cock. I realise that I made your bellend moist, but goddamn, pull yourself together man.

Go take a cold shower or sumting!
Go listen to some Aretha Franklin…

I’m going surfing, it’s already 9am with all the prattle you’ve been serving me.


Factory Bastard
I lived in Manchester fur 12 years in the 90's and early 00's, and admired Joy Division at the Hacienda on many a night wiff my first wife.

However there was so much more to that time, than even waiting for godot could subscribe too.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I lived in Manchester fur 12 years in the 90's and early 00's, and admired Joy Division at the Hacienda on many a night wiff my first wife.

However there was so much more to that time, than even waiting for godot could subscribe too.

Joy Division's last live performance 16 days before the suicide of the lead singer Ian Curtis. This version was recorded on the 2nd May 1980 in Birmingham University. It was the last song ever to be performed live by Joy Division....It is available on the album 'Still' released in 1981.

Ian's last words to an Audience after singing this song, Thank you, good night.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
If that baitless hook gets any nibbles from its intended target the only thing it will signify is proof positive that trolling is just as ridiculously dead as flaming.

Entirely fucking useless at every angle from which one cares to look at it.



> you
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. o O
To ban or not to ban? Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous flooding, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them…” - Fractured Shakespeare


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Why are you lookin' at me like that?
Time's still ticking and no one knows what the future will bring.

Making declarative statements like that isn't just tempting fate...'s seducing the wench with flowers and chocolates.

Yep, all true. I don't feel badly about being banned. It's sort of a feather in my cap.

I will channel one of our fellow posters: "Ban me? Pfft, this place will shut down without yours truly. I made this forum what it is, we all know it!"



Factory Bastard
To ban or not to ban? Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous flooding, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them…” - Fractured Shakespeare

If only you had lived up to dat!


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
With great power, comes great responsibility.

As this community’s only influencer, I take that responsibility very seriously knowing my decisions effect you, the members here on the biggest forum of this community more so then everyone else outside of pure alpha Dilf.

On that note, we also have to consider the mental health of those who have failed at every chance they get to make a name for themselves.

We, oh glorious members, winners, need to think of the losers of this community. I am referring to Biggie Smalls.

Yes, he is a failure.
Yes, he is a loser.
Yes, everything he touches turns to shit.

Should we allow him to come back here and see just how green the grass of success actually is?

If so, we need to appoint somebody to moderate him. Who would be up to that task?

I leave it to you, winners

Ha we used to have a system

And FYI the adopter is responsible..