So basically Ohio knows mental illness when they see it

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.

You did when you responded to my post "I'm questioning your judgement. If you dont like it, dont post"

Instead of addressing what I SAID, you once again directed your focus on me as a person and what you think I'm feeling.

You do this A LOT. It is an ad hom. When you ignore points made and take a shot or judgement on the person and not the words...that's what an ad hom is.

That's funny because I also kinda think you are the stupidest person that pretends to be smart. Only I dont need to SAY that to demonstrate its truth lol.

Coming from someone that does nothing than make ad hom attacks to several posters all day long, that's rich.

No one of team blue even makes any arguments, so you are wrong on that.

If they did make arguments I would simply wreck those. But when they just spew partisan insults and memes.....that's not an argument.

And in our exchanges it's always you that starts the personal jabs.

You're an easy target. You're a stupid woman that posts authoritatively, as if what you said means something in the real world. It doesn't even mean anything online.

Right and you find that difficult to deal with, so you resort to tantrums and personal attacks.

You read like the kind of controlling person who cant tolerate strong stances, so rather than dealing with those productively your tactics are to try to beat your opponent down mentally and emotionally and degrade them to a level you find more comfortable.

I can promise you, you will NEVER put me "in line". You will always be the one who gets emotional and angry.

Start dealing with the arguments. If you are anywhere near as intelligent as you see wouldn't need to make every discussion that doesnt go your way personal. I'm not interested in what you think of ME.

I'm interested in what you think of human rights.

I'm not angry or emotional whatsoever. You're the one writing novels here justifying your meaningless existence.

Right you aren't angry or emotional.

You are just sitting here blowing an exchange about fundamental human rights(that you are losing horribly) into "novels justifying ones meaningless existence' lol.

Such drama.

Maybe your core issue here is a narcissistic tendency to see yourself as one in a position to determine the worth of other human beings?
Do you own a mirror, perchance?

Translation: Dovey isnt nice to me when I shit on her posts and insult her. Therefore shes a hypocrite!!!

You're a narcissist because all you do is post about yourself, your life, your period, your hygiene products, your trashy trailer, your this and your that. What you are is a narcissistic train wreck.

Sounds awful.

Sorry that happened.

You good?

Just pointing out the behavior to support my statement.

No one cares though. That's not what the talk is about.

You are trying to derail the issue because you cannot deal with it. So you resort to ad hom personal attacks.

You are the one making this exchange about ME.

You are a completely foolish, emotional, weak person.

I bet there is more than one person on this forum that does care.

I can support my statement and I have. Abortion is legal and you cannot refute that. There is no other argument that amounts to a hill of beans.
abortion is legal murder

there are other forms of legal murder. Like in the instance of Kyle Rittenhouse just to name one


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.

Vapid doesn't mean what you think it means.

Okay I'll be more descriptive.

Your personal attacks lack stimulation, spice, flavor, interest..... you a basic bitch. Yanno....vapid.


I know, I'm not bipolar like you. It's a terrible flaw on my part.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Right. So none of my arguments have been addressed but I've been called

1. One whose existence is meaningless

2. Narcissistic

3. Bipolar.

All from people who weren't even asked about their personal opinions of me but rather their low opinions of human rights.

Maybe next we can hit the pro abort favorite "your mother should have aborted you!"



I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.


I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.
The left truly despises people who take responsibility for their lives and try to change for the better.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But in all honesty.....its not about winning an argument.

Everyday brutality is occurring on the weakest members of humanity in the darkness under the LIE of "womens rights". Little human beings are torn limb from limb, their skulls crushed. Burned alive with saline. Thrown in metal pans to die.

It's a reality so evil it's hard to fully enter into it. I have sobbed many tears over my own child I allowed this to happen to. As well as knowing this is happening everywhere over and over.

I dont want to win an argument or "out smart" anyone. I just want mercy and compassion and real justice and true equality.

God says whoever hates Him, loves death. God says He HATES the hands that shed innocent blood. He says the shed blood of the innocent cries out to Him from the soil.

Anyone who knows God will look at this scourge with righteous anger and deep sorrow.

America deserves every bad thing that happens so long as we allow for legal slaughter of the weakest.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

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Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can. I dont see left wingers who get butt hurt by him saying this push back against radical BLM thugs openly saying all white people should be selective outrage doesnt move me.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

True, Dovey. But you also know your frequent diatribes are not going to change anyone here, either, right? There are those who agree with you and those who don't. Nothing you have ever posted has ever convinced anyone to change their minds about any of the stuff you rant about. Especially abortion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.
The left truly despises people who take responsibility for their lives and try to change for the better.

Oh come on with that shit, Deport. I have always taken responsibility for my life, as have all of my liberal friends and family. You misinterpret everything I believe in. Disappointing.


I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.
The left truly despises people who take responsibility for their lives and try to change for the better.

Oh come on with that shit, Deport. I have always taken responsibility for my life, as have all of my liberal friends and family. You misinterpret everything I believe in. Disappointing.
I don't consider you one of them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.
The left truly despises people who take responsibility for their lives and try to change for the better.


They have certain ideas about people in my socioeconomic status that we are hapless victims and uneducated trash to be used to boost their sense of self serving altruism.

There is not much they hate more than someone they look down on challenging them successfully.

They will always resort to personal attacks.....with me, all the low hanging fruit like "trailor trash", "ex stripper/drug addict" so on.

If I were black, it would be abusive racial slurs(I see this all the time).

They have an elitest and classist view and you see it the most in the way they DENY it. These people always make a point of saying they "dont judge" but the minute someone not meeting their life standards locks horns with them....the judgements roll out.

It's so predictable I could legit just insult myself for them to get it out of the way and MAYBE we could get to the substance of the argument.

Like someone should give me a title like "white trailor trash ex stripper dug user who is narcy, bipolar, and has borderline personality" so they are not so distracted from meaningful discussions about serious issues.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.
The left truly despises people who take responsibility for their lives and try to change for the better.

Oh come on with that shit, Deport. I have always taken responsibility for my life, as have all of my liberal friends and family. You misinterpret everything I believe in. Disappointing.
I don't consider you one of them.

Well, I am definitely left. Much more so than those corporate, identity politics Dems.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

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Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can. I dont see left wingers who get butt hurt by him saying this push back against radical BLM thugs openly saying all white people should be selective outrage doesnt move me.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

True, Dovey. But you also know your frequent diatribes are not going to change anyone here, either, right? There are those who agree with you and those who don't. Nothing you have ever posted has ever convinced anyone to change their minds about any of the stuff you rant about. Especially abortion.

It's really ashame that you call longer thoughtful responses "diatribes" and then admit no one here is capable or willing to ask themselves hard questions or consider what others have to say. But they are happy to come here everyday and post the same VAPID insults over and over.

What do you think that says? That its preferable to waste time spewing hate than put any effort into doing better.

At least I TRY.

And I actually have gotten people to change their minds. So I KNOW it can happen.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

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Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can. I dont see left wingers who get butt hurt by him saying this push back against radical BLM thugs openly saying all white people should be selective outrage doesnt move me.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

True, Dovey. But you also know your frequent diatribes are not going to change anyone here, either, right? There are those who agree with you and those who don't. Nothing you have ever posted has ever convinced anyone to change their minds about any of the stuff you rant about. Especially abortion.

It's really ashame that you call longer thoughtful responses "diatribes" and then admit no one here is capable or willing to ask themselves hard questions or consider what others have to say. But they are happy to come here everyday and post the same VAPID insults over and over.

What do you think that says? That its preferable to waste time spewing hate than put any effort into doing better.

At least I TRY.

And I actually have gotten people to change their minds. So I KNOW it can happen.

Have any of my thoughtful posts ever opened your mind to my pov? No, you just want others to agree with you.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean this is why people just trash you guys. You guys consistently ignore arguments in favor of personal attacks and then act like other people do the same when they insult back.

It's like some sort of group hysteria that only you guys buy into. Other people barely waste time trying to address you guys as if you are thinking people.

Once again......completely ignoring arguments you know you cant deal with.

@Admin did you buy chance answer my question regarding when the Fredrick Douglass statue became a confederate monument? As well as Lincolns?
your argument about slavery was spot on and too difficult to address obviously.

Seems to have sent poor lily into panic mode

It always does. That's usually the point where the vapid personal attacks begin.
And the irony is that the poaster who howls the most about PI in the history of the internets is the fastest to try and win arguments with personal insults.

If I had a dollar for every angry left leaning female who attacked my chatacter instead of my arguments and diagnosed me with some sort of mental illness.... I'd be able to buy another junkie old trailor to butt up against this one and make a quadruple wide.....20 times :D

I'm like the apex over here.
The left truly despises people who take responsibility for their lives and try to change for the better.

You misinterpret everything I believe in. Disappointing.

It's just as disappointing when you guys do that all day to us.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can. I dont see left wingers who get butt hurt by him saying this push back against radical BLM thugs openly saying all white people should be selective outrage doesnt move me.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

True, Dovey. But you also know your frequent diatribes are not going to change anyone here, either, right? There are those who agree with you and those who don't. Nothing you have ever posted has ever convinced anyone to change their minds about any of the stuff you rant about. Especially abortion.

It's really ashame that you call longer thoughtful responses "diatribes" and then admit no one here is capable or willing to ask themselves hard questions or consider what others have to say. But they are happy to come here everyday and post the same VAPID insults over and over.

What do you think that says? That its preferable to waste time spewing hate than put any effort into doing better.

At least I TRY.

And I actually have gotten people to change their minds. So I KNOW it can happen.

Have any of my thoughtful posts ever opened your mind to my pov? No, you just want others to agree with you.

Anytime you get asked questions about your POV, you go off calling us partisan hacks, calling us bat shit crazy or stupid.

Are people not allowed to ask questions? When people question my stance, I just answer them. You guys go off like questions are some personal attack when people are just trying to understand the POV better.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can. I dont see left wingers who get butt hurt by him saying this push back against radical BLM thugs openly saying all white people should be selective outrage doesnt move me.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

True, Dovey. But you also know your frequent diatribes are not going to change anyone here, either, right? There are those who agree with you and those who don't. Nothing you have ever posted has ever convinced anyone to change their minds about any of the stuff you rant about. Especially abortion.

It's really ashame that you call longer thoughtful responses "diatribes" and then admit no one here is capable or willing to ask themselves hard questions or consider what others have to say. But they are happy to come here everyday and post the same VAPID insults over and over.

What do you think that says? That its preferable to waste time spewing hate than put any effort into doing better.

At least I TRY.

And I actually have gotten people to change their minds. So I KNOW it can happen.

Have any of my thoughtful posts ever opened your mind to my pov? No, you just want others to agree with you.

Anytime you get asked questions about your POV, you go off calling us partisan hacks, calling us bat shit crazy or stupid.

Are people not allowed to ask questions? When people question my stance, I just answer them. You guys go off like questions are some personal attack when people are just trying to understand the POV better.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
That's simply not true. And if you were an actual open-minded thinker, you would know it's not.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That's simply not true. And if you were an actual open-minded thinker, you would know it's not.

It is true. And right there you show what I'm talking about.

Only "actual open minded thinkers" apparently understand leftism and anyone who asks questions isnt that. You guys are so elitest it's amazing. Maybe to you, calling people stupid, crazy, et....isnt an "insult" because you guys genuinely look down on all non leftists. So you think it's just an observation.

But yeah everytime I start asking you guys more about your stance or pointing out valid concerns the insults start.

Honestly I dont see any of you as open minded thinkers. You guys are mean, condescending, elitist people who actively and intentional mischaracterize everyone who disagrees with you guys. I genuinely view the left as a cult and that's based on how I've watched leftists treat people for 5 years straight now.

Honestly I think you guys have lived in leftists clusters so long that you no longer see others as valid, thinking human beings with diverse views. It's either we are part of the left wing "open minded thinking" echoing the hive.....or we are what? All kinds of stupid and evil.

That's how you guys treat people. Like total garbage. You guys have collectively become everything you claim to hate. And it's sad.
Last edited:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can. I dont see left wingers who get butt hurt by him saying this push back against radical BLM thugs openly saying all white people should be selective outrage doesnt move me.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

True, Dovey. But you also know your frequent diatribes are not going to change anyone here, either, right? There are those who agree with you and those who don't. Nothing you have ever posted has ever convinced anyone to change their minds about any of the stuff you rant about. Especially abortion.

It's really ashame that you call longer thoughtful responses "diatribes" and then admit no one here is capable or willing to ask themselves hard questions or consider what others have to say. But they are happy to come here everyday and post the same VAPID insults over and over.

What do you think that says? That its preferable to waste time spewing hate than put any effort into doing better.

At least I TRY.

And I actually have gotten people to change their minds. So I KNOW it can happen.

Have any of my thoughtful posts ever opened your mind to my pov? No, you just want others to agree with you.
your posts are not thoughtful. In fact, not only are they not thoughtful they are heaping piles of steamy dogshit


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Sinners which is all basically what we are if they want to be footstep followers of Christ, make-up their minds to not PRACTICE sin anymore. Do they fall short? Of course they fall short sometimes but they keep improving. You cannot keep using the excuse of being born a sinner. You have to have faith and works, not just faith and not just works, BOTH TOGETHER.

Faith without works is dead, James 2:26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

Works without faith is dead... James 2:14-26


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
OK so this thread turned into another abortion rights thread... I'm bailing out.

The planet is struggling under 7-8 billion people and forests are nearly all but 15% gone.

If this planet makes it to 2030, it'll shock the shit outta me!~
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
OK so this thread turned into another abortion rights thread... I'm bailing out.

The planet is struggling under 7-8 billion people and forests are nearly all but 15% gone.

If this planet makes it to 2030, it'll shock the shit outta me!~
this world ain't making it to 2030 the way it's going. No way.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Sinners which is all basically what we are if they want to be footstep followers of Christ, make-up their minds to not PRACTICE sin anymore. Do they fall short? Of course they fall short sometimes but they keep improving. You cannot keep using the excuse of being born a sinner. You have to have faith and works, not just faith and not just works, BOTH TOGETHER.

Faith without works is dead, James 2:26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

Works without faith is dead... James 2:14-26

Christians following Christ need to be connected into a biblical based church and have their pastor.....not strangers on the them as their spiritual authority as the bible intended.

YOU think I'm giving "excuses" because you think I owe forums something for decisions I made in my private life, and I dont.

So you need to get past that and accept that people do fall and sin, but unless it's someone in your life sinning against really have no place expecting from me what belongs to other people(my own husband, pastor, et).

You are not even on intimate enough terms with me or anyone involved to even know anything about what occurred.

You have the words and convoluted versions of a pathological lying man who had zero problem getting involved with a "married woman", who doesn't take care of his own family, who has no real life friends, no job, who is divorced because he is an abuser. These words are satisfactory to you and that's your free choice to make.

I owe absolutely no one here a single thing. You are absolutely free to think whatever it is you want but I'm not obligated to receive it when you attempt to put it on me. Its lies and I'm not wasting anymore time on it.

Maybe it's best to move past that entirely and not continually revisit this convo. If you are genuinely concerned with my off board spiritual condition, I have a wonderful bible based reformed church family that we are very involved with.....but I dont place that up for discussion on boards because trolls are generally very disrespectful and shitty regarding the topic and it's a fruitless endeavor.


OK so this thread turned into another abortion rights thread... I'm bailing out.

The planet is struggling under 7-8 billion people and forests are nearly all but 15% gone.

If this planet makes it to 2030, it'll shock the shit outta me!~
this world ain't making it to 2030 the way it's going. No way.
4 moar years of TRUMP, especially if he can do whatever he wants, and I can die happy anyway.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No

Christians following Christ need to be connected into a biblical based church and have their pastor.....not strangers on the them as their spiritual authority as the bible intended.

YOU think I'm giving "excuses" because you think I owe forums something for decisions I made in my private life, and I dont.

So you need to get past that and accept that people do fall and sin, but unless it's someone in your life sinning against really have no place expecting from me what belongs to other people(my own husband, pastor, et).

You are not even on intimate enough terms with me or anyone involved to even know anything about what occurred.

You have the words and convoluted versions of a pathological lying man who had zero problem getting involved with a "married woman", who doesn't take care of his own family, who has no real life friends, no job, who is divorced because he is an abuser. These words are satisfactory to you and that's your free choice to make.

I owe absolutely no one here a single thing. You are absolutely free to think whatever it is you want but I'm not obligated to receive it when you attempt to put it on me. Its lies and I'm not wasting anymore time on it.

Maybe it's best to move past that entirely and not continually revisit this convo. If you are genuinely concerned with my off board spiritual condition, I have a wonderful bible based reformed church family that we are very involved with.....but I dont place that up for discussion on boards because trolls are generally very disrespectful and shitty regarding the topic and it's a fruitless endeavor.

I'm not judging you... I seriously don't care BECAUSE, everyone gets a turn standing before God and certainly isn't up to me to judge.

I mainly wrote what I did, to the OTHER people here as I was going through the posts. I was clearing up their points about judging or whatever it is that was concerning them. You gave me the impression you thought 1 Corinthians 6 condemns EVERYONE on another thread on another sub board here. It doesn't, it talks to the sinners of those times about them throwing off their old sinful personalities and adopting a Christ-like personality. It is also for present day Christian too.

People say here at this board such and such should die (for whatever bad act they're doing) but I say people can change. I wished all people could change for the better but I don't think most will.

I wasn't talking to you in the first post I mentioned your name here, I was talking about you thinking YOU didn't have the FULL meaning of 1 Corinthians from comments you made elsewhere.

People make mistakes... they wear it, or fix it, or sadly die from bad mistakes.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No

Christians following Christ need to be connected into a biblical based church and have their pastor.....not strangers on the them as their spiritual authority as the bible intended.

YOU think I'm giving "excuses" because you think I owe forums something for decisions I made in my private life, and I dont.

So you need to get past that and accept that people do fall and sin, but unless it's someone in your life sinning against really have no place expecting from me what belongs to other people(my own husband, pastor, et).

You are not even on intimate enough terms with me or anyone involved to even know anything about what occurred.

You have the words and convoluted versions of a pathological lying man who had zero problem getting involved with a "married woman", who doesn't take care of his own family, who has no real life friends, no job, who is divorced because he is an abuser. These words are satisfactory to you and that's your free choice to make.

I owe absolutely no one here a single thing. You are absolutely free to think whatever it is you want but I'm not obligated to receive it when you attempt to put it on me. Its lies and I'm not wasting anymore time on it.

Maybe it's best to move past that entirely and not continually revisit this convo. If you are genuinely concerned with my off board spiritual condition, I have a wonderful bible based reformed church family that we are very involved with.....but I dont place that up for discussion on boards because trolls are generally very disrespectful and shitty regarding the topic and it's a fruitless endeavor.

I'm not judging you... I seriously don't care BECAUSE, everyone gets a turn standing before God and certainly isn't up to me to judge.

I mainly wrote what I did, to the OTHER people here as I was going through the posts. I was clearing up their points about judging or whatever it is that was concerning them. You gave me the impression you thought 1 Corinthians 6 condemns EVERYONE on another thread on another sub board here. It doesn't, it talks to the sinners of those times about them throwing off their old sinful personalities and adopting a Christ-like personality. It is also for present day Christian too.

People say here at this board such and such should die (for whatever bad act they're doing) but I say people can change. I wished all people could change for the better but I don't think most will.

I wasn't talking to you in the first post I mentioned your name here, I was talking about you thinking YOU didn't have the FULL meaning of 1 Corinthians from comments you made elsewhere.

People make mistakes... they wear it, or fix it, or sadly die from bad mistakes.

Got it.

I mean I said it condemns everyone because it does. Paul was directly speaking to the church in Corinth ......but think about what he listed. Everyone has committed sins like that. But Paul goes on to say "and such were some of you BUT..." and goes on to point to the redeeming power of Christ.

Scripture says in many ways that everyone is a sinner. It says in John that if you say you have no sin, you are a liar and the truth is not in you.

I didnt say that as a way to say "Eh we all screw it". Those who are in Christ will always repent of that sin and turn from it. I point to that chapter when Lok starts discussing OT executions of sinners to show that some of those people in the Corinth church were active homosexuals who repented. The early church and the apostles were not executing these people. And they dont say that we... .gentiles even.....should be doing it. Instead we are told to go and make disciples of all nations, and if the gospel is mocked to shake the dust off our feet and leave them. Its important to note the Corinth church were dealing with heavy persecution and very wicked times and homosexuality, rape and murder and all kinds of perversion was rampant.

I dont think anyone can change on their own. I dont think people would even be motivated to change on their own......but.....I believe God can radically change anyone and the desire alone comes from Him.

I definately dont say we are all sinners as an excuse for sin or an excuse to continue. I say it because it's true and Jesus is the answer and cure to it all. None of us will ever be righteous on our own. I dont want to fall into a mindset that there is anything about me that's better than anyone.....the only difference is Christ.

The Apostle Paul called himself the "Chief of sinners". And Paul was actively slaughtering and persecuting the early church. The redeeming power of God made him what he was. We cant rule follow our way into Gods good graces......Gods good grace's touch us first and from that, we have a new desire to go into battle with our sin and turn from it. I fully believe only God can do that. When we call out the sins of others, it should always speaking the truth in love with the intention of pointing them to Jesus. We have all been there, we all struggle with sin, and Jesus is the answer to that. I would never want to find myself thinking that I'm righteous enough on my own. I know that I'm completely dependent on Christ to keep me. There is the calling out sin to beat and condemn people....which is sinful, because since we are all sinners, there is no reason for God to think higher of one sinner than another. And He doesnt. God doesnt have mercy on one sinner because that one sinner is better than the other sinner....He shows mercy because that who He is. That's why I say that, we all start off in opposition to God and are children of wrath by nature. God would be right to condemn us ALL. Instead He redeems. He changes people. We dont always know who those people are, so running around in condemnation of people rather than calling to them Christ is unrighteousness judgement. As we see who wont inherite the kingdom of Heaven, it's important to remember such were some of us. But we were redeemed in Christ, and its duty to point others to Christ and show the grace God shows to us. Jesus only came to save if you are not sinner, I guess Jesus didnt come for you. Which is a horrible thought.

That's where I'm coming from when I say that. And the chapter isnt in a vacuum, this is all throughout the bible from Genesis to Revelation.

That being said I DO support the death penalty in the cases of very heinous crimes. Torture, rape and murder of children is definately a death penalty crime. Give that person the gospel and send them right to the Lord to deal with.

Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife and two little girls. He is in prison right now using some BS Christian conversion to manipulate others and to to trying to get let out. He murdered his own children! If he were truly repentant he would be in deep grief of what he did and he would be sitting there accepting his consequences and using his remaining time to try to bring others in prison to Christ. Not trying to appeal and find ways of getting out and trying to make people feel sorry for him. If he were a genuine part of the body of Christ, he would be endlessly grateful to God for the mercy he doesnt deserve and would be glad to accept the consequences for the mercy he didnt show to his own children. He would be doing Gods work where he is. He wouldnt even TRY to get out.

I genuinely think that guy is a demon, tbh.


Domestically feral
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United states
This totally belongs here

