Speaking of states decending into third world status

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.
IKR? You would think those with nothing, would rather spend the winters in Northern Wisconsin or Minnesota instead of some place where it's warm and sunny most of the time.
why don't you invite them over to your house then ?


Factory Bastard
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4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.

I am 4th gen, my kids are 5th gen. So don't feel to special.


Domestically feral
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United states
Admin will simp my post.

Because his ivory tower smug ass has never been poor like them and was never denied opportunities like their children.

So why the fuck should he care as long as poor black Americans keep existing to fuel his virtue signals.


Domestically feral
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United states
Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

Walk us through how that will work, K?

I know you are stupid but even you should be able to figure this out. Yes, the top schools will remain competitive but religious schools generally are not as are most private schools. Where as local charters still serve and given area but freed from the regulations and political garbage of the local teacher's unions they offer another option for local parents.

Where as in your system all parents are stuck with their loc school no matter what. If it is a shit hole then there is no escape unless the parents can afford to move to a better area. More choice means more competition and more freedom for parents and students to find what suits their children.

They dont give a fuck. They'd serve feces to these families before letting another party accomplish something good for them.

Libs are totally beholden to teacher unions. And nobody hates children more than those unions.

They dont want to lose that tax payer money and have to actually work.


Factory Bastard
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I live in a 2800 sq ft beach shack about 6 blocks from the beach north of where they filmed Threes Company.

Im going to renovate my house with ca$h… hence my business meeting with my father recently, who was willing to bankroll my adventure with one of his commercial properties… but I don’t feel like arguing with all of my brothers when he goes… so I’m going to do it on my own and avoid a reconveyance to remain grandfathered in on tax circa 1949.

I could have rented this place for $11,000 per month if I took his offer… and stayed in Seattle. I loved Seattle, but I missed the sunshine. I prefer to be around the upper middle class too. Less homeless issues.

For the record your grandparents place is worth more then. Hopefully it is free and clear and in your name.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.

How is San Diego?

Any worse? Any Better?

Or do most of them live outside the City Limits?

It got a bit bad here as well because of that idiot judge in Idaho who made it illegal to move the homeless and prevent encampments unless you had free shelter to offer them first. Under our former Republican mayor he spent a lot on building shelter space and forcing homeless to either use it or keep moving along. Leftists hated him for that but it worked and the homeless population actually went down by double digits each year he was mayor.

Then covid hit, the CDC gave its horrible let people build encampments every where order, and encampments just exploded. Leftists thought this was a humanitarian victory and celebrated. Then when crime, public drug use, exploded and both tourists and locals started complaining now Dems are back tracking and timidly trying to stand up to the left wing extremists who wanted it to just be a free for all.

Why would anyone hate shelter space for homeless? Wtf is wrong with them?

They didn't dislike the shelter space, per say, they did dislike him not just letting the drug zombies squat where ever the hell they wanted.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I live in a 2800 sq ft beach shack about 6 blocks from the beach north of where they filmed Threes Company.

Im going to renovate my house with ca$h… hence my business meeting with my father recently, who was willing to bankroll my adventure with one of his commercial properties… but I don’t feel like arguing with all of my brothers when he goes… so I’m going to do it on my own and avoid a reconveyance to remain grandfathered in on tax circa 1949.

I could have rented this place for $11,000 per month if I took his offer… and stayed in Seattle. I loved Seattle, but I missed the sunshine. I prefer to be around the upper middle class too. Less homeless issues.

For the record your grandparents place is worth more then. Hopefully it is free and clear and in your name.

I stand to inherit a lot more property here… so it doesn’t matter if it isn’t lol

But it’s been mortgage free since the 1960s.


Factory Bastard
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4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.

I am also a fourth generation Californian. Well, my great grandparents moved there from the Midwest. Whatever that makes me. I think it's appalling how prices have spiraled out of control and homelessness is also out of control. It was a much better place to live when I was growing up, before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.

I am also a fourth generation Californian. Well, my great grandparents moved there from the Midwest. Whatever that makes me. I think it's appalling how prices have spiraled out of control and homelessness is also out of control. It was a much better place to live when I was growing up, before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.
But when it was time for you sell your property and take your winnings to Portugal you sold at fair market value did you not?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.

I am also a fourth generation Californian. Well, my great grandparents moved there from the Midwest. Whatever that makes me. I think it's appalling how prices have spiraled out of control and homelessness is also out of control. It was a much better place to live when I was growing up, before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.

I know you are ignorant but you do realize leftists on the state court ordered those hospitals closed, right? They claimed locking up crazy people who can't care for themselves was a violation of human rights. The court also ruled that they could be cared for in the community except most had no family support and refused to take their meds so they mostly just ended up on the street again.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
That’s just on my dad’s side… my mother has her own will/trust for her playa house and rentals here and in Vegas and Palm Springs.


Domestically feral
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United states

4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.

I am also a fourth generation Californian. Well, my great grandparents moved there from the Midwest. Whatever that makes me. I think it's appalling how prices have spiraled out of control and homelessness is also out of control. It was a much better place to live when I was growing up, before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.

Yes and a lot of that could be solved by voting differently......just sayin.

State mental hospitals were deemed inhumane by....leftists.

CA is a blue progressive state and HAS been. All that mess is a result. Now prison rape and predators in female spaces is a thing. Thanks to prog policy.


Domestically feral
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United states

4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.

I am also a fourth generation Californian. Well, my great grandparents moved there from the Midwest. Whatever that makes me. I think it's appalling how prices have spiraled out of control and homelessness is also out of control. It was a much better place to live when I was growing up, before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.

I know you are ignorant but you do realize leftists on the state court ordered those hospitals closed, right? They claimed locking up crazy people who can't care for themselves was a violation of human rights. The court also ruled that they could be cared for in the community except most had no family support and refused to take their meds so they mostly just ended up on the street again.

It's like a massive cognitive dissonance where they vote for all this shit.....and when it all goes poorly they deny they supported it and blame the closest Republican lol.

It's insane. They should start actually reading bills.....and not just voting for what feels right and then ignoring it.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Since when did the right concern themselves with the safety and well-being of incarcerated criminals… they must not be black pedestrians minding their own business :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That’s just on my dad’s side… my mother has her own will/trust for her playa house and rentals here and in Vegas and Palm Springs.

One of my regrets is that my grandparents vacation home on Santa Catalina got sold after they died. Four daughters all who wanted cash and didn't want to keep it as a very low cost island vacation home. A rather sad decision by my mother and he sisters. They also ended up selling their parents home in Rolling Hills Estates which had been in the family since the 1950's.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
That’s just on my dad’s side… my mother has her own will/trust for her playa house and rentals here and in Vegas and Palm Springs.

One of my regrets is that my grandparents vacation home on Santa Catalina got sold after they died. Four daughters all who wanted cash and didn't want to keep it as a very low cost island vacation home. A rather sad decision by my mother and he sisters. They also ended up selling their parents home in Rolling Hills Estates which had been in the family since the 1950's.

I’m sorry, that sucks… it’s hard to convince the whole family to make decisions that benefit the entire tribe. Some people just don’t get it.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.

Got any proof Regan was solely responsible for the closure of all those California mental institutions?

He allowed a leftist policy.

So it's his fault like handing a knife to a retard would be killing them.
Ah yes, the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act. I could see though why a liberty loving patriot would support a bill which barred the government from seizing the rights and freedoms of free persons based on the questionable diagnosis of some bureaucrat quack like Dr Fauci

So it was this bill that made their current legislator adopt polices that literally encourage the homeless to rob hardworking Americans?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
before that shit Reagan closed down the mental hospitals.

Got any proof Regan was solely responsible for the closure of all those California mental institutions?

He allowed a leftist policy.

So it's his fault like handing a knife to a retard would be killing them.
Ah yes, the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act. I could see though why a liberty loving patriot would support a bill which barred the government from seizing the rights and freedoms of free persons based on the questionable diagnosis of some bureaucrat quack like Dr Fauci

So it was this bill that made their current legislator adopt polices that literally encourage the homeless to rob hardworking Americans?

It's that all or nothing mentality with no compromise.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
And by hardworking Americans… you must mean people who make good money, but their parents didn’t plan adequately for their retirement lolz


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Since when did the right concern themselves with the safety and well-being of incarcerated criminals… they must not be black pedestrians minding their own business :LOL3:

I will say Reagan, as state governor refused to appeal the state Supreme Court decision about the state mental hospitals. He did see a way to cut public spending but the Dems in the state legislature clearly all agreed because they also voted to close them and didn't bother to appeal either.

The dems thought they were doing something noble freely the loonies while Reagan wanted to cut spending. It was a place both sides agreed.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Since when did the right concern themselves with the safety and well-being of incarcerated criminals… they must not be black pedestrians minding their own business :LOL3:

I will say Reagan, as state governor refused to appeal the state Supreme Court decision about the state mental hospitals. He did see a way to cut public spending but the Dems in the state legislature clearly all agreed because they also voted to close them and didn't bother to appeal either.

The dems thought they were doing something noble freely the loonies while Reagan wanted to cut spending. It was a place both sides agreed.

there were major liability issues due to decade long budget cuts. Why releasing a bunch of mental/societal rejects into the streets was the better option has way more to do with Repulican’s frugality than it does to the working class’ understanding of the issue.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You have to remember the left removed the whole duty to care provisions from the law. They also were pushing the idea about care in the community at the time as an alternative to locking them up in institutional care. So agreeing to let the left do what it wanted hardly makes everything his fault.

Even though now ignorant people like Lotusbud do try to pretend it was all his fault and ignores all the context and backing by her side. I guess partisan hacks will always be partisan hacks though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ghettos in California aren’t as disgusting and vile as the shit going on in the Midwest.
@Biggie Smiles ~ you’re THEE biggest boohoo’er about the homeless… now you’re applauding liberals for vandalizing a home of a mayor trying to do something about the homeless pandemic…. Yet you piss and moan about Antifa vandalizing shit DAFUQ *smh*
Too little, Too late.

Liberals let the savages run the show and now they're paying for it.

I bounced to a red state shortly after Arnold Swastica was elected…. working in a red state was the WORST. Never again. The weather is horrendously BS too. People died in a hail storm while I was there.

The problem with the liberals is they are all high on oxygen from hiking and hugging trees trying to save the planet. Most of them are vegan, so if you can’t handle the slaughter of the pig for bacon… you’re going to be a bleeding heart for every druggie zombie reject too cause philosophically/logically it doesn’t make sense to care about animals more than humans.

But the ghettos in red states are way worse than anything on this side and I’ve been to Portland to witness the aftermath. That ain’t shit compared to what’s going down in the ghetto near the Mississippi River where Lokmar lives. My ex almost had a heart attack when the GPS diverted us off the freeway due to construction and he called my mother in hysterics talking about he was scared they were gonna pull me outta the car. It was so bad they didn’t even have streetlights and the stop signs were held by zip ties. That’s a racist state for you!

Nothing on skid row (which is slowly turning hipster art movement due to the spike in rent to $3,500 for a 1 bedroom apartment that was built in the 1940s and hasn’t been renovated since) will ever compare. But you’re always going to have issues where homeless shelters are and that’s just inevitable.
Look tramp, my job takes me to The Chicongo AND St Louis. BOTH are libtard shitholes. East St.Louis is in Illinois and its ALMOST as bad as the bad part of the chi, but not quite... I've also been in Cali recently. L.A. is far worse than the Chi as far as bums go. I mean no fukin comparison whatsoever. The Chi is more violent. St Louis is like a mini watts in SOME places. Most of St. Louis is peaceful.

I don’t live in Downtown, douche. I’m in Santa Monica in the nicest part of LA.

St. Louis is in Missouri and Missouri is a RED state, you slack-jawed MORON. The Missouri side of STL ends at Lacleds Landing on the river… but Illinois was so fucking podunk that they kept the city name on their side too. DUH. Same shit with Kansas. The only thing Illinois has going for it is Chicago… and that’s cause Wrigley is one of the BEST party areas that stays open till 4 am and hosts one of the best Pride festivals I’ve ever been to LOFuckingLz

You seem like someone who would have been completely out of their element in LA. Perhaps you should stay in the corn fileds where your ignorance is less apparent. That’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change, limp dick.
Sorry dumbass, but look up the crime stats....The WORST crime in St Louis is in EAST Saint Louis, and thats in ILLINOIS, a state as BLUE and in debt as any left coast shithole. Then there's the roads! Red state missouri has better roads in its niggertown than Illinois has ANYWHERE! You made the airclaim that red states were bigger problems. All that did was make you look like the braindead bimbo we all know you are.

Idiot, Wrigley isnt exactly the safest area and every bar in illinois closes by 3am, period.

Living in the nice part of town means jack shit when the subject is, are blue states more unsafe than red and who runs the shit part of ANY state. ( crime infested shitholes are ALL democrat ran FYI) When you tally up all the crime, homelessness, fiscal irresponsibility, taxes, and all the other things that are a detriment to the quality of life, blue states are always the worst overall as are any big metro ran by democrats. There's always a common theme, liberal democrats. YOU PEOPLE TURN THINGS TO SHIT!

Me being in or out of my element has nothing to do with jack shit and not fawning all over some town bike tramp has no reflection on how "muh dik" works. You sound like a dumb nigger.

thank you for proving my point that Illinois fucking sucks… the fact that you called me a dumbass for reiterating my points for me gives it so much more flare:LOL3:
Yes dummy, Illinois sucks just like Cali, Oregon, Washington, and all the other libbie run shitholes. And for the same reason too. You people! PWN3D!

Nice backpedal….

I don’t think California sucks and I have lived on the other side of the river to your shithole state…. You came to Cali for a business meeting which was the only shit hole your company could afford. FACT.

I’ll tell you wut Cali doesn’t have.. King Martini’s DNA lol

PS Illinois is where skanky flamers go to cuckhold their husbands

I said "Illinois sucks just like Cali, Oregon, Washington" and THATS a back pedal? Did you bump your head this morning when you flipped your mattress to the "more clean" side? :Sad:

By the way terd, I came to Cali because I have relatives there, to visit Disney, and where my deceased relatives including my idiot libtard dad is buried.....the living relatives mostly say its a shithole these days too. If I could resurrect the dead ones, they'd die from the shock of what Cali's become.

Illinois sucks because it’s next to a red state.. all the garbage went east, you dumbshit
No dummy, Illinois sucks because democRAT's raised taxes and spent it all like a crack whore.

You are too fucking stupid to live. Missouri is literally the MOST red state in all the US and admittedly Illinois is a shithole. It’s too bad natural selection hasn’t taken course.
The 2 parts of missouri you've mentioned are BOTH represented by black democRATs, retard. Not exactly "The most Red"


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Ghettos in California aren’t as disgusting and vile as the shit going on in the Midwest.
@Biggie Smiles ~ you’re THEE biggest boohoo’er about the homeless… now you’re applauding liberals for vandalizing a home of a mayor trying to do something about the homeless pandemic…. Yet you piss and moan about Antifa vandalizing shit DAFUQ *smh*
Too little, Too late.

Liberals let the savages run the show and now they're paying for it.

I bounced to a red state shortly after Arnold Swastica was elected…. working in a red state was the WORST. Never again. The weather is horrendously BS too. People died in a hail storm while I was there.

The problem with the liberals is they are all high on oxygen from hiking and hugging trees trying to save the planet. Most of them are vegan, so if you can’t handle the slaughter of the pig for bacon… you’re going to be a bleeding heart for every druggie zombie reject too cause philosophically/logically it doesn’t make sense to care about animals more than humans.

But the ghettos in red states are way worse than anything on this side and I’ve been to Portland to witness the aftermath. That ain’t shit compared to what’s going down in the ghetto near the Mississippi River where Lokmar lives. My ex almost had a heart attack when the GPS diverted us off the freeway due to construction and he called my mother in hysterics talking about he was scared they were gonna pull me outta the car. It was so bad they didn’t even have streetlights and the stop signs were held by zip ties. That’s a racist state for you!

Nothing on skid row (which is slowly turning hipster art movement due to the spike in rent to $3,500 for a 1 bedroom apartment that was built in the 1940s and hasn’t been renovated since) will ever compare. But you’re always going to have issues where homeless shelters are and that’s just inevitable.
Look tramp, my job takes me to The Chicongo AND St Louis. BOTH are libtard shitholes. East St.Louis is in Illinois and its ALMOST as bad as the bad part of the chi, but not quite... I've also been in Cali recently. L.A. is far worse than the Chi as far as bums go. I mean no fukin comparison whatsoever. The Chi is more violent. St Louis is like a mini watts in SOME places. Most of St. Louis is peaceful.

I don’t live in Downtown, douche. I’m in Santa Monica in the nicest part of LA.

St. Louis is in Missouri and Missouri is a RED state, you slack-jawed MORON. The Missouri side of STL ends at Lacleds Landing on the river… but Illinois was so fucking podunk that they kept the city name on their side too. DUH. Same shit with Kansas. The only thing Illinois has going for it is Chicago… and that’s cause Wrigley is one of the BEST party areas that stays open till 4 am and hosts one of the best Pride festivals I’ve ever been to LOFuckingLz

You seem like someone who would have been completely out of their element in LA. Perhaps you should stay in the corn fileds where your ignorance is less apparent. That’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change, limp dick.
Sorry dumbass, but look up the crime stats....The WORST crime in St Louis is in EAST Saint Louis, and thats in ILLINOIS, a state as BLUE and in debt as any left coast shithole. Then there's the roads! Red state missouri has better roads in its niggertown than Illinois has ANYWHERE! You made the airclaim that red states were bigger problems. All that did was make you look like the braindead bimbo we all know you are.

Idiot, Wrigley isnt exactly the safest area and every bar in illinois closes by 3am, period.

Living in the nice part of town means jack shit when the subject is, are blue states more unsafe than red and who runs the shit part of ANY state. ( crime infested shitholes are ALL democrat ran FYI) When you tally up all the crime, homelessness, fiscal irresponsibility, taxes, and all the other things that are a detriment to the quality of life, blue states are always the worst overall as are any big metro ran by democrats. There's always a common theme, liberal democrats. YOU PEOPLE TURN THINGS TO SHIT!

Me being in or out of my element has nothing to do with jack shit and not fawning all over some town bike tramp has no reflection on how "muh dik" works. You sound like a dumb nigger.

thank you for proving my point that Illinois fucking sucks… the fact that you called me a dumbass for reiterating my points for me gives it so much more flare:LOL3:
Yes dummy, Illinois sucks just like Cali, Oregon, Washington, and all the other libbie run shitholes. And for the same reason too. You people! PWN3D!

Nice backpedal….

I don’t think California sucks and I have lived on the other side of the river to your shithole state…. You came to Cali for a business meeting which was the only shit hole your company could afford. FACT.

I’ll tell you wut Cali doesn’t have.. King Martini’s DNA lol

PS Illinois is where skanky flamers go to cuckhold their husbands

I said "Illinois sucks just like Cali, Oregon, Washington" and THATS a back pedal? Did you bump your head this morning when you flipped your mattress to the "more clean" side? :Sad:

By the way terd, I came to Cali because I have relatives there, to visit Disney, and where my deceased relatives including my idiot libtard dad is buried.....the living relatives mostly say its a shithole these days too. If I could resurrect the dead ones, they'd die from the shock of what Cali's become.

Illinois sucks because it’s next to a red state.. all the garbage went east, you dumbshit
No dummy, Illinois sucks because democRAT's raised taxes and spent it all like a crack whore.

You are too fucking stupid to live. Missouri is literally the MOST red state in all the US and admittedly Illinois is a shithole. It’s too bad natural selection hasn’t taken course.
The 2 parts of missouri you've mentioned are BOTH represented by black democRATs, retard. Not exactly "The most Red"

The fact remains that I wouldn’t ever live there again… so what is your point?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
FUCK the flat ass Midwest.

Do you know I actually worked with a republican attorney there who defended a white man for exposing himself to black children in front of a glass weather screen? The argument was that he didn’t know if the children playing were prostitutes. Who defends that kinda shit?

a cracker ass REPUBLITARD does