Speaking of states decending into third world status


Factory Bastard
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Ghettos in California aren’t as disgusting and vile as the shit going on in the Midwest.
@Biggie Smiles ~ you’re THEE biggest boohoo’er about the homeless… now you’re applauding liberals for vandalizing a home of a mayor trying to do something about the homeless pandemic…. Yet you piss and moan about Antifa vandalizing shit DAFUQ *smh*
Too little, Too late.

Liberals let the savages run the show and now they're paying for it.

I bounced to a red state shortly after Arnold Swastica was elected…. working in a red state was the WORST. Never again. The weather is horrendously BS too. People died in a hail storm while I was there.

The problem with the liberals is they are all high on oxygen from hiking and hugging trees trying to save the planet. Most of them are vegan, so if you can’t handle the slaughter of the pig for bacon… you’re going to be a bleeding heart for every druggie zombie reject too cause philosophically/logically it doesn’t make sense to care about animals more than humans.

But the ghettos in red states are way worse than anything on this side and I’ve been to Portland to witness the aftermath. That ain’t shit compared to what’s going down in the ghetto near the Mississippi River where Lokmar lives. My ex almost had a heart attack when the GPS diverted us off the freeway due to construction and he called my mother in hysterics talking about he was scared they were gonna pull me outta the car. It was so bad they didn’t even have streetlights and the stop signs were held by zip ties. That’s a racist state for you!

Nothing on skid row (which is slowly turning hipster art movement due to the spike in rent to $3,500 for a 1 bedroom apartment that was built in the 1940s and hasn’t been renovated since) will ever compare. But you’re always going to have issues where homeless shelters are and that’s just inevitable.
Look tramp, my job takes me to The Chicongo AND St Louis. BOTH are libtard shitholes. East St.Louis is in Illinois and its ALMOST as bad as the bad part of the chi, but not quite... I've also been in Cali recently. L.A. is far worse than the Chi as far as bums go. I mean no fukin comparison whatsoever. The Chi is more violent. St Louis is like a mini watts in SOME places. Most of St. Louis is peaceful.

I don’t live in Downtown, douche. I’m in Santa Monica in the nicest part of LA.

St. Louis is in Missouri and Missouri is a RED state, you slack-jawed MORON. The Missouri side of STL ends at Lacleds Landing on the river… but Illinois was so fucking podunk that they kept the city name on their side too. DUH. Same shit with Kansas. The only thing Illinois has going for it is Chicago… and that’s cause Wrigley is one of the BEST party areas that stays open till 4 am and hosts one of the best Pride festivals I’ve ever been to LOFuckingLz

You seem like someone who would have been completely out of their element in LA. Perhaps you should stay in the corn fileds where your ignorance is less apparent. That’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change, limp dick.
Sorry dumbass, but look up the crime stats....The WORST crime in St Louis is in EAST Saint Louis, and thats in ILLINOIS, a state as BLUE and in debt as any left coast shithole. Then there's the roads! Red state missouri has better roads in its niggertown than Illinois has ANYWHERE! You made the airclaim that red states were bigger problems. All that did was make you look like the braindead bimbo we all know you are.

Idiot, Wrigley isnt exactly the safest area and every bar in illinois closes by 3am, period.

Living in the nice part of town means jack shit when the subject is, are blue states more unsafe than red and who runs the shit part of ANY state. ( crime infested shitholes are ALL democrat ran FYI) When you tally up all the crime, homelessness, fiscal irresponsibility, taxes, and all the other things that are a detriment to the quality of life, blue states are always the worst overall as are any big metro ran by democrats. There's always a common theme, liberal democrats. YOU PEOPLE TURN THINGS TO SHIT!

Me being in or out of my element has nothing to do with jack shit and not fawning all over some town bike tramp has no reflection on how "muh dik" works. You sound like a dumb nigger.

thank you for proving my point that Illinois fucking sucks… the fact that you called me a dumbass for reiterating my points for me gives it so much more flare:LOL3:
Yes dummy, Illinois sucks just like Cali, Oregon, Washington, and all the other libbie run shitholes. And for the same reason too. You people! PWN3D!

Nice backpedal….

I don’t think California sucks and I have lived on the other side of the river to your shithole state…. You came to Cali for a business meeting which was the only shit hole your company could afford. FACT.

I’ll tell you wut Cali doesn’t have.. King Martini’s DNA lol

PS Illinois is where skanky flamers go to cuckhold their husbands

I said "Illinois sucks just like Cali, Oregon, Washington" and THATS a back pedal? Did you bump your head this morning when you flipped your mattress to the "more clean" side? :Sad:

By the way terd, I came to Cali because I have relatives there, to visit Disney, and where my deceased relatives including my idiot libtard dad is buried.....the living relatives mostly say its a shithole these days too. If I could resurrect the dead ones, they'd die from the shock of what Cali's become.

Illinois sucks because it’s next to a red state.. all the garbage went east, you dumbshit
No dummy, Illinois sucks because democRAT's raised taxes and spent it all like a crack whore.

You are too fucking stupid to live. Missouri is literally the MOST red state in all the US and admittedly Illinois is a shithole. It’s too bad natural selection hasn’t taken course.
The 2 parts of missouri you've mentioned are BOTH represented by black democRATs, retard. Not exactly "The most Red"

The fact remains that I wouldn’t ever live there again… so what is your point?
democRATs turn everything, everywhere, to absolute shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
FUCK the flat ass Midwest.

Do you know I actually worked with a republican attorney there who defended a white man for exposing himself to black children in front of a glass weather screen? The argument was that he didn’t know if the children playing were prostitutes. Who defends that kinda shit?

a cracker ass REPUBLITARD does
Yea? I didnt realize Hillary Clinton was a Republican.....fukin dope!


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
FUCK the flat ass Midwest.

Do you know I actually worked with a republican attorney there who defended a white man for exposing himself to black children in front of a glass weather screen? The argument was that he didn’t know if the children playing were prostitutes. Who defends that kinda shit?

a cracker ass REPUBLITARD does
Yea? I didnt realize Hillary Clinton was a Republican.....fukin dope!

and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK… but the Hilary tapes received more due diligence than required… do you get it yet, Cracker Jack? LOL

PS ~ I hate Democrats almost as much as I hate Republitards:LOL3:


Domestically feral
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United states
FUCK the flat ass Midwest.

Do you know I actually worked with a republican attorney there who defended a white man for exposing himself to black children in front of a glass weather screen? The argument was that he didn’t know if the children playing were prostitutes. Who defends that kinda shit?

a cracker ass REPUBLITARD does
Yea? I didnt realize Hillary Clinton was a Republican.....fukin dope!

I guess she hasnt figured out her state made it legal for men to expose their dicks to little girls in female spaces.

There was just a whole protest about it. That antifa attacked.

Men can rape women in prison now in CA.

Even "Republicans" in CA are leftards. Except O.

Hillary Clinton got a rapist let go by saying his 12 year old victim wanted it.

Bad angle....but they try lol.


Domestically feral
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United states
Ummm......Biden eulogized a kkk member

Kkk were always democrats. "The party of the white man".

Rebranding doesn't work.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Peeing in public in Cali will get you an indecent exposure charge that puts you on a PLEASE ASS BOX ME! tracker list… maybe ^^^ should walk her dizzy ass back across 8 mile….

I don’t plan on going to prison. In the interim…. I’m not going to be a savage applauding modern day lynchings in the streets at the hands of people doing their jobs half-assed on the news while everyone else is at work earning a living.


Domestically feral
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United states
and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK…

no no dear, Biden is our current president.. unfortunately

Jim crow joe. The segregation supporter who said "poor kids are just as smart as white kids" and was disqualified from one of his early runs over racist remarks.

But it's the Democrats time to shine once again. By telling us black people cant be expected to have ID.


Domestically feral
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United states
Shit emoji facts doesnt make them less facts.

CA is allowing whole ass men to go into womens areas and expose their dicks to little girls. Without getting arrested.

And letting men in womens prison.

Progressives literally holding women and girls down for predators and attacking them when they speak out.

None of us are tolerant of sex abusers just because they are on our "side". That's the left.

Old finger rapist jim Crow joe and his prison rape bills.

No point getting mad at people for saying what's true.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
7 to 1 whites v blacks in the dismal shit hole that once was Motor City… fuck that place too.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Shit emoji facts doesnt make them less facts.

CA is allowing whole ass men to go into womens areas and expose their dicks to little girls. Without getting arrested.

And letting men in womens prison.

Progressives literally holding women and girls down for predators and attacking them when they speak out.

None of us are tolerant of sex abusers just because they are on our "side". That's the left.

Old finger rapist jim Crow joe and his prison rape bills.

you haven’t even been to Cali… or anywhere for that matter that a man isn’t willing to take you in like a stray… yet you’re the expert on what it’s like to live EVERYWHERE

You’re going back on ignore… you hyper vigilant pelvic thrust of thirst


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
FUCK the flat ass Midwest.

Do you know I actually worked with a republican attorney there who defended a white man for exposing himself to black children in front of a glass weather screen? The argument was that he didn’t know if the children playing were prostitutes. Who defends that kinda shit?

a cracker ass REPUBLITARD does
Yea? I didnt realize Hillary Clinton was a Republican.....fukin dope!

and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK… but the Hilary tapes received more due diligence than required… do you get it yet, Cracker Jack? LOL

PS ~ I hate Democrats almost as much as I hate Republitards:LOL3:
Spare me the lotus tactics and the deflections. You supported democrats and anything to the left of them all your life. One of those assholes, hillary clinton, defended and even got a child rapist acquitted. Drop dead, skank! Trumps been linked to the KKK? Pfffttt! LMFAO!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
FUCK the flat ass Midwest.

Do you know I actually worked with a republican attorney there who defended a white man for exposing himself to black children in front of a glass weather screen? The argument was that he didn’t know if the children playing were prostitutes. Who defends that kinda shit?

a cracker ass REPUBLITARD does
Yea? I didnt realize Hillary Clinton was a Republican.....fukin dope!

and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK… but the Hilary tapes received more due diligence than required… do you get it yet, Cracker Jack? LOL

PS ~ I hate Democrats almost as much as I hate Republitards:LOL3:
Spare me the lotus tactics and the deflections. You supported democrats and anything to the left of them all your life. One of those assholes, hillary clinton, defended and even got a child rapist acquitted. Drop dead, skank! Trumps been linked to the KKK? Pfffttt! LMFAO!

And the Equality Act. Dont forget the women in prison getting raped today.

And the letting men come into female spaces.

Just a few weeks ago CA refused to arrest a predatory for showing his semi hard dick to a little girl. And antifa violently defended it.

But its OKAY to show your dick to children if the LEFT allows it, apparently.


Domestically feral
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United states


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK…

no no dear, Biden is our current president.. unfortunately

I said former and do you really need me to destroy you in this argument here AGAIN?


Christ Almighty, what has BLM done with my friend

you know his father was in the KKK.. which was my point

I see Dove is still dry humping my every post… so she is back on ignore. If I wanted to endure her BS I would have returned to SG after I was allowed back in.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK…

no no dear, Biden is our current president.. unfortunately

I said former and do you really need me to destroy you in this argument here AGAIN?


Christ Almighty, what has BLM done with my friend

you know his father was in the KKK.. which was my point

I see Dove is still dry humping my every post… so she is back on ignore. If I wanted to endure her BS I would have returned to SG after I was allowed back in.

And Biden considered the leader of the KKK his mentor. That was my point


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK…

no no dear, Biden is our current president.. unfortunately

I said former and do you really need me to destroy you in this argument here AGAIN?


Christ Almighty, what has BLM done with my friend

you know his father was in the KKK.. which was my point

I see Dove is still dry humping my every post… so she is back on ignore. If I wanted to endure her BS I would have returned to SG after I was allowed back in.

And Biden considered the leader of the KKK his mentor. That was my point

I hate him too. I refuse to align with racists. They are what got us to the BLM movement that I abandoned after protesting for justice for 1 day.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
and in the mean time our former commander in chief was linked to the KKK…

no no dear, Biden is our current president.. unfortunately

I said former and do you really need me to destroy you in this argument here AGAIN?


Christ Almighty, what has BLM done with my friend

you know his father was in the KKK.. which was my point

I see Dove is still dry humping my every post… so she is back on ignore. If I wanted to endure her BS I would have returned to SG after I was allowed back in.

And Biden considered the leader of the KKK his mentor. That was my point

Which makes sense, considering the kkk has ALWAYS been made up of Democrats. That's just fact.

And the few kkk members that still exist help the Democrats. You know why? They dont want more "colors" in private, charter and suburban schools. And they know democrats oppose School Choice. They know democrats destroyed the black family with the welfare state. They dont want more of them getting an education and getting out of the hood.

And anyone can SEE this if they just got the fuck over themselves and were honest. WERE do these "systemic racist" issues exist? Fucking democrat inner cities.

I do not understand the powerful emotional attachment these people have to defending them. Batting for team jim crow and trying to pretend its the other parties is just.....well its fucking retarded.

What is wrong with them? Will their whole idenity and self worth crumble if they notice team blue are scammers who are destroying the country?

Its whatever I guess. It will just get worse and I guess we will see who developes a spin enough to put the country over partisanship.


Domestically feral
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United states
It's a darn shame that based on education metrics, "School choice" doesn't really achieve anything.

But if your little Angel doesn't have to sit next to a brown person, then it's all good!

I voted FOR those black and brown kids to sit next to mine.

You know you people are disgusting racists, right?

Yeah a leftwing rag told you School Choice doesnt work. So it MUST be true. I guess that makes it okay to rip options away from poor minorities and just let them rot away in shit schools cuz...."deerrr medium said it didnt matter". Makes sense for white middle class progs to use children and other human beings as political pawns. You can sit on your lazy, self absorbed asses and rip choices away from struggling communities and shrug it off fighting "cons" on the internet.

It's just sad and disgusting. I pray everyday these people realize this game and start pushing back.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I hate him too. I refuse to align with racists. They are what got us to the BLM movement that I abandoned after protesting for justice for 1 day.
BLM is more detrimental to the black community in this day and age than the KKK


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I love the Golden State.

I was recently travelling on Interstate 10 into CA around Beaumont late at night. The interstate was at a complete stop from semi-trucks driving into the port of Los Angeles by way of the interstate for miles and miles, thousands of trucks. I thought about the CA haters who wouldn't get their consumer products without the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland and I am guessing San Diego as well.

40% of all goods imported to the US come into one port alone: Los Angeles. SMH at the haters.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

He is talking about St.Louis in IL....not St Louis MO.

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Why are Californians like this? Like at least look something up or ask a question. They constantly think they know every fucking thing.

Who wouldnt take cornfields over being stuck in a state fast tracking to 3rd world status populated by psychopaths who suffer the worst smug self importance in the country. Smh.

Yes yes everyone else is just stupid and dumb white rural trash red necks unless they agree with the cancer called "progressive". We know. The great and powerful judges of all have spoken from their 3rd world thrones. Sure....homeless are openly using drugs on sidewalks, and the disparities get worse every month, and yeah....its now legal to steal as long as it's no more than 950 bucks in one trip. And yes, predatory men can legally access spaces for women and girls and expose their semi hard dicks or get lighter sentences and be placed in womens prisons if they claim to identify as women. And yeah....some female inmates are getting raped but shhhhhh......its all for progress.

Like we are supposed to care when these people claim they dont respect us or claim WE are ignorant and rural white trash. Like they genuinely think THAT highly of themselves.
Too Salad Didn't Read

If her post is more than a 3 or 4 sentence paragraph, I skip right over it. She's a cracker: an obnoxious bloviator
It's not racial slur, since it dates back to Shakespeare.

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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I hate him too. I refuse to align with racists. They are what got us to the BLM movement that I abandoned after protesting for justice for 1 day.
BLM is more detrimental to the black community in this day and age than the KKK

You realize you’re attributing the BLM movement turned Antifa anti police riots to the acquittal of George Zimmerman then … and I tried to warn you that it was a dangerous precedent to set way back when we were debating this headline story on TV


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I hate him too. I refuse to align with racists. They are what got us to the BLM movement that I abandoned after protesting for justice for 1 day.
BLM is more detrimental to the black community in this day and age than the KKK

The end results of a BLM "potest" yield the same results as when the klan used to show up.

Burning and destroying black businesses. Black communities. Beating up and murdering black people.

No one who supports these things ever fucking honestly looks at the end results ever.

BLM is a scam for middle class progressive whites to get high on superioty while destroying small business competition for corporations. Which is exactly why all the elites support it and why the founders are now wealthy AF using the money to buy mansions in mostly white areas.

Not a single fucking penny went towards rebuilding the communities and businesses destroyed when BLM shows up.

And even the family members of some of these people shot by cops have came out and called BLM a scam. Like Taylor's mother and Floyd's brother.

They just stomp on the backs of other peoples pain to spread destruction, unhinged hatred and profit off of it.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

He is talking about St.Louis in IL....not St Louis MO.

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Why are Californians like this? Like at least look something up or ask a question. They constantly think they know every fucking thing.

Who wouldnt take cornfields over being stuck in a state fast tracking to 3rd world status populated by psychopaths who suffer the worst smug self importance in the country. Smh.

Yes yes everyone else is just stupid and dumb white rural trash red necks unless they agree with the cancer called "progressive". We know. The great and powerful judges of all have spoken from their 3rd world thrones. Sure....homeless are openly using drugs on sidewalks, and the disparities get worse every month, and yeah....its now legal to steal as long as it's no more than 950 bucks in one trip. And yes, predatory men can legally access spaces for women and girls and expose their semi hard dicks or get lighter sentences and be placed in womens prisons if they claim to identify as women. And yeah....some female inmates are getting raped but shhhhhh......its all for progress.

Like we are supposed to care when these people claim they dont respect us or claim WE are ignorant and rural white trash. Like they genuinely think THAT highly of themselves.
Too Salad Didn't Read

If her post is more than a 3 or 4 sentence paragraph, I skip right over it. She's a cracker: an obnoxious bloviator
It's not racial slur, since it dates back to Shakespeare.

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he would be much less of a tyrant if she would have chosen sobriety, her family, and her church in 2018… but here we are… Kratom and psychosis bleeding out on every thread *smh*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

He is talking about St.Louis in IL....not St Louis MO.

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Why are Californians like this? Like at least look something up or ask a question. They constantly think they know every fucking thing.

Who wouldnt take cornfields over being stuck in a state fast tracking to 3rd world status populated by psychopaths who suffer the worst smug self importance in the country. Smh.

Yes yes everyone else is just stupid and dumb white rural trash red necks unless they agree with the cancer called "progressive". We know. The great and powerful judges of all have spoken from their 3rd world thrones. Sure....homeless are openly using drugs on sidewalks, and the disparities get worse every month, and yeah....its now legal to steal as long as it's no more than 950 bucks in one trip. And yes, predatory men can legally access spaces for women and girls and expose their semi hard dicks or get lighter sentences and be placed in womens prisons if they claim to identify as women. And yeah....some female inmates are getting raped but shhhhhh......its all for progress.

Like we are supposed to care when these people claim they dont respect us or claim WE are ignorant and rural white trash. Like they genuinely think THAT highly of themselves.
Too Salad Didn't Read

If her post is more than a 3 or 4 sentence paragraph, I skip right over it. She's a cracker: an obnoxious bloviator
It's not racial slur, since it dates back to Shakespeare.

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he would be much less of a tyrant if she would have chosen sobriety, her family, and her church in 2018… but here we are… Kratom and psychosis bleeding out on every thread *smh*

Frankly, I don't give a god damn, not really a problem for me. All I have to do is scroll past or snark when I want to poke her. Then she goes into a post rant and I giggle when I see it.


Domestically feral
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United states

He is talking about St.Louis in IL....not St Louis MO.

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Why are Californians like this? Like at least look something up or ask a question. They constantly think they know every fucking thing.

Who wouldnt take cornfields over being stuck in a state fast tracking to 3rd world status populated by psychopaths who suffer the worst smug self importance in the country. Smh.

Yes yes everyone else is just stupid and dumb white rural trash red necks unless they agree with the cancer called "progressive". We know. The great and powerful judges of all have spoken from their 3rd world thrones. Sure....homeless are openly using drugs on sidewalks, and the disparities get worse every month, and yeah....its now legal to steal as long as it's no more than 950 bucks in one trip. And yes, predatory men can legally access spaces for women and girls and expose their semi hard dicks or get lighter sentences and be placed in womens prisons if they claim to identify as women. And yeah....some female inmates are getting raped but shhhhhh......its all for progress.

Like we are supposed to care when these people claim they dont respect us or claim WE are ignorant and rural white trash. Like they genuinely think THAT highly of themselves.
Too Salad Didn't Read

If her post is more than a 3 or 4 sentence paragraph, I skip right over it. She's a cracker: an obnoxious bloviator
It's not racial slur, since it dates back to Shakespeare.

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It's because you guys cant discuss anything, so you all resort to personal attacks and the pure idiocy of addressing posts to say you didnt read it.

Probably why you guys dont read any of the shit you vote for. They dont have two sentence picture books to describe bills.