There are things that are difficult to know about each other, since most of us invest a lot of energy in acting like assholes on the boards.
Share something here. (And not so we can use it against you, but so we can love you a little more than we did before)
One time, when I was a lad studying under a renowned professor of Meso-American anthropology, I had the opportunity to attend a viewing of a rare Mayan codex that is housed at the University of Chicago. After the Professor was finished with a rather lengthy lecture regarding every aspect and detail of the codex -- (it's the one some of you may have seen pictures of where the Mayans are sacrificing people to their awful gods and fighting the evil white conquistadors) -- I got to hang out in the rare book room and wander the stacks.
I love books, you see, always have, and back in those days before the inter webs we had no google to find anything at our fingertips. If you wanted to find knowledge back in those days, you had to find it in books. Real books.
Sorry. I digressed again. So anyway, as I wandered the stacks of old and rare books housed in a special locked room in the heart of the University library, I reached for one on a whim. It was an old leather-bound edition of Caesar's Gallic Commentaries. As I reverently cracked the binding and began leafing through the pages I learned the book was printed in London in 1853 and it was in near perfect condition. The onionskin paper had not yellowed even a little bit in the 130-odd years since it had been printed, and as I fanned through the bulk of the pages suddenly the fanning stopped at a marker.
There, tucked into the pages, was a $5 bill. It was a very old $5 bill. A silver certificate $5 bill from 1899 and it had an indian on it. I pocketed the bill and put the book back on the shelf. Turned out the bill was quite rare and I eventually sold it for a tidy profit of just over $4,000. I know I should feel some kind of guilt, and I sometimes wonder who it was that tucked that five bucks into that book back in 18-fucking-99, but then I think about the 4 grand and I feel better.