Thank God Robert E. Crimo III had a gun


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Why would a leftie go to Trump rallies and drape himself in Trump flags? Why would a leftie (you know, a gun opponent) take a gun anywhere?

Oh I dunno, perhaps to infiltrate the rally and get information or cause a nuisance?

Do you actually possess a fully functioning brain?

You guys will do incredible gymnastics to try to twist other people into believing that mass murders aren't a CON thing. But the only people you're fooling are yourselves.

You are literally ignoring shit tons of info that should tell you the guy was a wackjob who aligned more with democrats and progressives.

You are using a picture in which he was making fun of Trump supporters as if its proof?

The fact is you dont see any of the actual violence committed by leftwing activists, dont hear all the incitement, and YOU need to think mass murders are a "con" thing.

Even when we have all witnessed MULTIPLE violent attacks from leftwing activists.

What purpose does this serve? Do you think you saying this is going to accomplish anything besides making you look completely blind and daft?

We already KNOW there are completely unhinged people who associate with our end of the politcal spectrum. We have no problem saying it's not defensible and wrong. You guys have mobs of activists who destroy entire communities, call for violence, brutally beat or murder innocent people and you have absolutely nothing to say about it.

And with the left violence is woven into the whole ideology. You guys pretend its "blow back" so it's okay. You dont condemn it or realize it's an unsustainable problem.

You should hold yourselves to higher standards than constantly resorting to manipulation, hatred, insults and yes.....violence.

It's such a joke that you guys actually think if you somehow do enough mental gymnastics to make some random shooter who does NOT align with any of our values out to be some "right winger".....even he was, that's somehow proof violence is "our thing" while months of riots and brutal beatings and tons of calls for violence on socail media and tik tok, I mean AOC just called for violence over Roe....go on and on on the LEFT.

The left is globally known for violence at this point. And you are in total denial pretending that 1 or 2 shooters who are "right wing" somehow (when they are not) makes shootings a "con thing".

Even if I agreed with any leftwing politcs....I would have to be politically homeless because I cannot and will not support politcal violence and I wont be associated with groups that enage in it and defend it.

What really floors me is how leftists engage in and support politcal violence while directly attacking peoples rights to defend themselves. Basically everyone has to be disarmed and if attacked by leftists they should have to take the "blow back" and if they die.....they die. And that shit isnt gonna fly. If you dont condemn politcal violence, dont complain when people defend themselves and be glad conservatives are NOT violent. If they were....antifa would be gone.

Crazy people come from both sides of the political spectrum @Dove.

This kI'd was nuts.

I find it really hypocritical that when the violence comes from some possible "rightie"(and this guy clearly isnt) it's all about how unhinged and violent the "far right" is (and no can answer what far right even is)

But when it's a lefty or left wing mobs who have destroyed communities or bombed government buildings its "well there are crazy people on both sides"

Guess what? WE are the ones who know that. The double standards are ridiculous. Another reason I'll never respect the left. Cant even own when the violence is on their end without STILL pointing the finger.

Sure there are crazy people on both ends but one end has a habit of inciting and engaging in politcal mob violence. The more people fail to directly condemn that the less I believe any of you care about human beings.

There is no issue at all when one of you wants to blame "cons" for things but when it comes to criticizing leftists the MOST anyone will do is some version "but it's both sides".

Show me where any conservatives were burning down communities and beating up elderly people? Punching children? Threatening rape and violence against women? Because I can sit here and fill pages of direct examples of ONE sides violent ideology.

And how do you know this kid didn't have right wing sympathies?

He seemed mixed up & could have latched onto the Extreme Left or Right. And his activities appeared to have elements of both.

There is no definitive profile yet which designates what political bias he belonged to.

If he draped himself in a Trump flag, it seems that he's got some sympathies. Maybe it's for both extremes of the political spectrum.

I think that, and his murders, makes him :Crazy:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh dear. MAGA all the way. Ask his Daddy who helped.

Those images show items that aren't what "lefties" would wear.

It is clearly him trying to make fun of Trump supporters. You are also avoiding the dozens of leftist posts and pictures he made and the fact that he said he was a liberal, did the communist red salute, and took pictures dressed in Antifa black bloc.

I understand your desire to try to deny these evil murdering leftist is one of yours but facts are facts and he is yours. Own that shit.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Crimo was all over the fucking map. He had no real political associations to anything... The only thing that seems steady to me is his schizophrenia, which had obviously worsened and was untreated...

A voice of reason among the right. Finally.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh dear. MAGA all the way. Ask his Daddy who helped.

Those images show items that aren't what "lefties" would wear.

It is clearly him trying to make fun of Trump supporters. You are also avoiding the dozens of leftist posts and pictures he made and the fact that he said he was a liberal, did the communist red salute, and took pictures dressed in Antifa black bloc.

I understand your desire to try to deny these evil murdering leftist is one of yours but facts are facts and he is yours. Own that shit.

Again, he's all over the map. He's crazy. Sane people don't mow down people. Get a grip.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I posted that pages ago written by someone who claimed to know him in real life (though five years ago).


Factory Bastard
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You can't ignore the fact that left wing terrorism is the main form of terrorism in the US and has been for years. Dems have been lying and denying about this for a long time now.



Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
A voice of reason among the right. Finally.
It's just common sense. Understand that I don't lean right on every issue though... Just most of them.

The Uncle was living in the same house as the kid was, and he stated the kid was normal. Yet 20 seconds later stated that the only correspondents was a 'Hi' and 'Bye' every few weeks, or more likely years if I'm predicting reality...

White people are really bad at taking in their own, and helping them fix themselves... Mentoring them. Helping them to succeed in this world. We throw our own out into the world, unprepared, and with no backup.

The kid was most likely certifiable, and should have been. But more important things always happen, like running a business, or having to watch over your slut wife slutting around...

And it ends like this.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
@Aryan Albert Einstein was Jewish & he had a 200 IQ. But his son was a schizophrenic. While those kinda genes can produce geniuses they have crazy variants too.

Einstein wasn't as smart as he's been portrayed to be. Many of his ideas and theories were poached from others.

Post proof of this please.

Why? So you can find some way to dismiss it and claim it isn't true? No thanks, it's pointless trying to tell you anything.

Feel free to research it yourself though.


Factory Bastard
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@Aryan Albert Einstein was Jewish & he had a 200 IQ. But his son was a schizophrenic. While those kinda genes can produce geniuses they have crazy variants too.

Einstein wasn't as smart as he's been portrayed to be. Many of his ideas and theories were poached from others.

Post proof of this please.

Why? So you can find some way to dismiss it and claim it isn't true? No thanks, it's pointless trying to tell you anything.

Feel free to research it yourself though.

No, for god's sake. Because I want to see your source. I don't believe in making claims like that without some kind of evidence. It's intellectually dishonest. You hate all Jews, so of course your hatred impels you to diss Einstein. I want to know if there's actual truth in what you say, and not just blind hatred.

You made the claim. It's on YOU to post the source. Otherwise, I will believe you are a liar.


Factory Bastard
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So, it turns out the mother is Jewish (which of course makes the shooter Jewish also) and the news channel tried blurring her necklace, Oy Vey...


Your sources go to great lengths with this shit, dont they. Here's a pic of his mother from the conservative NY Post:


No fucking necklace at all.

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Factory Bastard
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In addition to being seen at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump flag,

"The suspect also reportedly engaged in
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on a channel named “SS.” It is said to be an abbreviation of a Nazi group Schutzstaffel. "

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Domestically feral
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United states
In addition to being seen at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump flag,

"The suspect also reportedly engaged in
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on a channel named “SS.” It is said to be an abbreviation of a Nazi group Schutzstaffel. "

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Nazis are left wing. They are socailists....ffs.

Here in the modern western right wing.....its SMALL government that is supported.

The further right you go, the less and less government exists. The further left you go, the more government exists.

It might help a bit if everyone is using the language the same way. Just a suggestion.


Factory Bastard
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United States
In addition to being seen at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump flag,

"The suspect also reportedly engaged in
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on a channel named “SS.” It is said to be an abbreviation of a Nazi group Schutzstaffel. "

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Nazis are left wing. They are socailists....ffs.

Here in the modern western right wing.....its SMALL government that is supported.

The further right you go, the less and less government exists. The further left you go, the more government exists.

It might help a bit if everyone is using the language the same way. Just a suggestion.
Me and momma are the law in the country in ohio

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
You seriously think this child was acting of his own accord?
I think not.
This is akin to pallets of bricks showing up in the middle of the night along major streets across the country back when Fentynl Floyd cried for his momma and couldn't breathe.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

How is Robert Crimo non-white?
You tell me.

And if you think little "Bobby" was an aspiring rapper... you as dumb as the news you watch.

I'm not the one making the claim. He seems Caucasian to me.

You don't know what I watch, so I suggest you pull you head out of your ass.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

And these people exist and are a threat to law abiding citizens and these guys think we should give up our gun rights.

This shooter is a reason for me to KEEP my guns.

Because we ALL know when dems/progs make it VERY hard to have guns....and get their policies passed.....they will flat out IGNORE spiking gun violence. And rapes.

It comes down to this. They exploit mass shootings for the purpose of removing rights from law abiding citizens. That's why they dont give a fuck about any of the violence that occurs in places like Chicago.

Only criminals and the gang of violent racists we call police (so these people say) are the only people the left wants armed.

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

How is Robert Crimo non-white?
You tell me.

And if you think little "Bobby" was an aspiring rapper... you as dumb as the news you watch.

I'm not the one making the claim. He seems Caucasian to me.

You don't know what I watch, so I suggest you pull you head out of your ass.
Prove to me my statements are wrong. Then we'll discuss.

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

And these people exist and are a threat to law abiding citizens and these guys think we should give up our gun rights.

This shooter is a reason for me to KEEP my guns.

Because we ALL know when dems/progs make it VERY hard to have guns....and get their policies passed.....they will flat out IGNORE spiking gun violence. And rapes.

It comes down to this. They exploit mass shootings for the purpose of removing rights from law abiding citizens. That's why they dont give a fuck about any of the violence that occurs in places like Chicago.

Only criminals and the gang of violent racists we call police (so these people say) are the only people the left wants armed.
You're making @Lily's vajaja gush sand.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

How is Robert Crimo non-white?
You tell me.

And if you think little "Bobby" was an aspiring rapper... you as dumb as the news you watch.

I'm not the one making the claim. He seems Caucasian to me.

You don't know what I watch, so I suggest you pull you head out of your ass.
Prove to me my statements are wrong. Then we'll discuss.

Crimo is obstensibly of Italian descent. How are Italians not white? They are European.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

And these people exist and are a threat to law abiding citizens and these guys think we should give up our gun rights.

This shooter is a reason for me to KEEP my guns.

Because we ALL know when dems/progs make it VERY hard to have guns....and get their policies passed.....they will flat out IGNORE spiking gun violence. And rapes.

It comes down to this. They exploit mass shootings for the purpose of removing rights from law abiding citizens. That's why they dont give a fuck about any of the violence that occurs in places like Chicago.

Only criminals and the gang of violent racists we call police (so these people say) are the only people the left wants armed.
You're making @Lily's vajaja gush sand.

Yes, if anyone could dry it out, it would be her and her ilk, which I suppose includes you.

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
Yet another NON white, that was on the RADAR, due too PREVIOUS encounters, with the LAW, and was OVERLOOKED.

Who's paying for all these 20 somethings and their guns?

And these people exist and are a threat to law abiding citizens and these guys think we should give up our gun rights.

This shooter is a reason for me to KEEP my guns.

Because we ALL know when dems/progs make it VERY hard to have guns....and get their policies passed.....they will flat out IGNORE spiking gun violence. And rapes.

It comes down to this. They exploit mass shootings for the purpose of removing rights from law abiding citizens. That's why they dont give a fuck about any of the violence that occurs in places like Chicago.

Only criminals and the gang of violent racists we call police (so these people say) are the only people the left wants armed.
You're making @Lily's vajaja gush sand.

Yes, if anyone could dry it out, it would be her and her ilk, which I suppose includes you.
No wonder you failed at being a mod. You can't stay on topic without slinging shit if you tried.
Though, I do give you a thumbs up for your effort.