The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Factory Bastard
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Something Paul Pelosi seems to have brought into his home and said was his friend to the police right before he told the police everything is fine.

If you try really hard you may be able to follow simple sentences in English.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Something Paul Pelosi seems to have brought into his home and said was his friend to the police right before he told the police everything is fine.

If you try really hard you may be able to follow simple sentences in English.

Please understand, you and your link are full of shit. How would you feel if the same happened to Lindsey Grahams gay lover?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Something Paul Pelosi seems to have brought into his home and said was his friend to the police right before he told the police everything is fine.

If you try really hard you may be able to follow simple sentences in English.
The dude told the cops he broke in, and that he had a hit list, you brain damaged moran.


Domestically feral
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United states
The son of David Depape said he father was very left wing, has been addicted to hard drugs for decades, and works as a gay prostitute to pay for his drug habit. Depape specialized in being a "slave" for older, rich, gay men.

Democrats are still hiding all of the video while the left wing media has gone silent on the whole story.

As we have seen so many times it doesnt matter what the guys views and motives were. He is a right wing Trump maga extremist no matter what.

The guy could come out and say "I'm not a maga Republican. I hate Trump" and that wont matter. The guys son is saying it ....doesnt matter.

Our side brings meaningful opposition that threatens establishment power so whatever they can use to demonize and smear innocent people they will use. Notice this story kinda dropped.

Just like that 40 some year old drunk partisan wack job who murdered an 18 year old boy over politcs.

They wont discuss the violence unless its been spun into "right wing" whatever. A scary amount of them believe the violence is justified.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Please understand, you and your link are full of shit. How would you feel if the same happened to Lindsey Grahams gay lover?

So you are claiming that Paul Depape's son is lying about his own father? Notice how you nonces always refuse to look at any evidence which goes against your desired take? That is not logical and leads one to reach false conclusions (something you seem to do very often).


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
So you are claiming that Paul Depape's son is lying about his own father? Notice how you nonces always refuse to look at any evidence which goes against your desired take? That is not logical and leads one to reach false conclusions (something you seem to do very often).

As I said you and your link are full of shit.


Domestically feral
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United states
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Actual domestic terrorists getting actually convicted

And? Are you still claiming these boogaloo people are Trump supporters?

Of course you fucking are. I love how you sit on a fucking high horse and blame innocent people and expect people to just accept the hateful labels you slap on everyone while YOU sit silent on all the violence you CANT twist into ammo against regular people who reject your party.

Funny you wont deeper into this issue to even know what kind of group these men associate with and the unethical methods used by the FEDS to suck these idiots into plots they have no realistic way to actually carry out. Are the Feds who actually plotted this and enlisted these fuck knuckles also being charged? Probably not but who cares right?

You know groups like this will attach to whatever "side" they think will start the civil war the government the fastest? Your precious antifa thugs had boogaloo people right up in the rights stabbing police and burning buildings.

Whatever Admin. Good luck finding any one willing to defend these one does. But yeah blame us because I want my family to have lower living costs and more affordable medical insurance.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Please understand, you and your link are full of shit. How would you feel if the same happened to Lindsey Grahams gay lover?

I don't think Seamajor is even able to understand that his side was the only one lying and hiding evidence in this case. Thus why they lied and tried to pretend a far left nudist activist, BLM activist, and gay "slave" prostitute (not to mention life long drug addict) was some how "right wing". Or that Paul Pelosi told the police that the gay prostitute, "slave", and drug addict was his "friend" and that "everything is fine". That is also why Democrats buried all the numerous videos to this very day.

He refuses to acknowledge any of that. The cognitive dissonance in his head must be debilitating and all he is doing now is projecting. A classic case of confession through projection.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As I said you and your link are full of shit.

What part of the suspects son's public statements are "full of shit"? Do you think he does not know his own father? Do you think he is lying about his own father? What do you base such wild conspiracy theories on other than your own wishes? Any evidence?

It is cases like this when you know you are dealing with a zombie who just refuses to think or present any logical argument. Such people are to be pitied.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I don't think Seamajor is even able to understand that his side was the only one lying and hiding evidence in this case. Thus why they lied and tried to pretend a far left nudist activist, BLM activist, and gay "slave" prostitute (not to mention life long drug addict) was some how "right wing". Or that Paul Pelosi told the police that the gay prostitute, "slave", and drug addict was his "friend" and that "everything is fine". That is also why Democrats buried all the numerous videos to this very day.

He refuses to acknowledge any of that. The cognitive dissonance in his head must be debilitating and all he is doing now is projecting. A classic case of confession through projection.
So explain why Paul Pelosi's gay lover slammed a hammer into Pelosi's head in full view of LEO?

Ask your Doctor if you might be mentally retarded too.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And? Are you still claiming these boogaloo people are Trump supporters?

Of course you fucking are. I love how you sit on a fucking high horse and blame innocent people and expect people to just accept the hateful labels you slap on everyone while YOU sit silent on all the violence you CANT twist into ammo against regular people who reject your party.

Funny you wont deeper into this issue to even know what kind of group these men associate with and the unethical methods used by the FEDS to suck these idiots into plots they have no realistic way to actually carry out. Are the Feds who actually plotted this and enlisted these fuck knuckles also being charged? Probably not but who cares right?

You know groups like this will attach to whatever "side" they think will start the civil war the government the fastest? Your precious antifa thugs had boogaloo people right up in the rights stabbing police and burning buildings.

Whatever Admin. Good luck finding any one willing to defend these one does. But yeah blame us because I want my family to have lower living costs and more affordable medical insurance.

Bugaloo boys support armed revolution and showed up to support most BLM and Antifa riots/"protests" yet the radical left claims they are some how neo-Nazis instead of radicals who support anarchist goals. As usual the left is completely lying.

They are certainly useful idiots for the radical left and if the desired communist revolution ever actually happened then they would be treated exactly like the Menchoviks or the Trotskites; which is to say they would be liquidated in death camps. That is what communist revolutionaries always do to theor useful idiots.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Bugaloo boys support armed revolution and showed up to support most BLM and Antifa riots/"protests" yet the radical left claims they are some how neo-Nazis instead of radicals who support anarchist goals. As usual the left is completely lying.

They are certainly useful idiots for the radical left and if the desired communist revolution ever actually happened then they would be treated exactly like the Menchoviks or the Trotskites; which is to say they would be liquidated in death camps. That is what communist revolutionaries always do to theor useful idiots.
You are surpassing levels of retardation that are baffling the worlds best brain surgeons!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Bugaloo boys support armed revolution and showed up to support most BLM and Antifa riots/"protests" yet the radical left claims they are some how neo-Nazis instead of radicals who support anarchist goals. As usual the left is completely lying.

They are certainly useful idiots for the radical left and if the desired communist revolution ever actually happened then they would be treated exactly like the Menchoviks or the Trotskites; which is to say they would be liquidated in death camps. That is what communist revolutionaries always do to theor useful idiots.

Do you really believe that? Your credibility hinges on it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
What part of the suspects son's public statements are "full of shit"? Do you think he does not know his own father? Do you think he is lying about his own father? What do you base such wild conspiracy theories on other than your own wishes? Any evidence?

It is cases like this when you know you are dealing with a zombie who just refuses to think or present any logical argument. Such people are to be pitied.

You really need to relay this to your friends at the Cashew.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Bugaloo boys support armed revolution and showed up to support most BLM and Antifa riots/"protests" yet the radical left claims they are some how neo-Nazis instead of radicals who support anarchist goals. As usual the left is completely lying.

They are certainly useful idiots for the radical left and if the desired communist revolution ever actually happened then they would be treated exactly like the Menchoviks or the Trotskites; which is to say they would be liquidated in death camps. That is what communist revolutionaries always do to theor useful idiots.
Hey dickless read it and weep


Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
That's exactly what they do. By the time people figure out the dude was a leftwing activist or nonbinary theyve been blathering about "right wing extremism" for weeks.

Remember that guy who shot up a grocery store who literally wrote in his manifesto that he absolutely LEFT WING? That he HATED Trump? In his own damn words?

They are the only violent people in the country right now. Even their rhetoric is violent. In their minds everyone who doesnt support them is an extremist. While they want to "dismantle" the liberal order and put us all under the full rule of government.

Another thing that is pretty incredible is they dont understand the various stances. They dont the difference between holocaust denial and actual "neo nazism". And while Admin blathers about rando fringe people in the country and his team is openly militant and violent....he doesnt care about the actual nazi connections in our own damn government. You know....because America literalky brought actual nazis here to America and employed them in very important fields. High levels of government. NASA. The medical field.

We literally learned propaganda from legit nazis and all the mind control experiments happened after WW2.

But that's all a conspiracy. Even though it's been declassified and is right there documented. Because Admins holy and flawless government would never ever lie or manipulate. They would never be authoritarian scum who would attack our constitution. All they want is to take away the rights we have that complicate "effective government" and to provide every American(except evil right wingers) with everything they need to live and love and acceptance and all that. They just wanna bring utopia. And progress.
The truth is irrelevant to these woke cultists, if it clashes with their deranged narrative, they will deny, deflect and outright lie in order to stifle it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

We just don't care, Admin. We remember this


None of you have a moral high ground here. You are just outraged because another party of standing up to your preferred bags of establishment shit.

If people like Susan Rosenbem here bomb the Capitol....that's okay with you because you agree with her.

It's such a damn joke when you guys whine about politcal violence while ignoring all of the violence on the psycho left. You have NO problem with it if it's from your own bullshit side.

Maybe if left terror groups weren't out there destroying property, communities and attacking people wouldnt see opposition groups.