The reason why the Master hasn’t been here recently…


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I was finking I may be looking far too serious for here!

I wouldn't necessarily call that a "serious" face... looks more like you just heard Regan had been seen at the Spirit Airlines counter purchasing a one-way ticket to Scotland. That's the face of someone who never expected their online flirtations to escalate into a consummation and yet suddenly their e-paramour is en route with a head full of sweet nothings and not-so-subtle innuendos.

Serious? No.
More like scared, but in an excited way.

Don't forget to take lots of photos for us; I'm sure you'll make an adorable couple.


Factory Bastard
I wouldn't necessarily call that a "serious" face...

I was obviously (I mean how obvious does it need to be), pointing to Ukraine and all the dying and dead children.

I also had a similar photo taken when I was pointing to an Iraqi wedding that subsequently got bombed by righteous democratic nobility in 2008.


Factory Bastard
Well I am still pretty at 56, and I still make it all work.

Do you know the only thing you need to be V? You.

One of the best that ever was.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Dammit, you know I hate when you do that which is why you do it and I hate that I understand that too.

Now I need to go do something demeaning lest my ego swell to unseemly proportions.

<walks away grumbling>


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sometimes I think you don't like me Proxy. I know, how could you not?... but all this attention just makes your attention more or less worthless.

I enjoy my brief encounters wiff you, and you obviously enjoy your long convoluted stalking of me, but we do at some point just have to lay down your arms, call a ceasefire while I call you a no-spark cunt, and then we can move on from your pink lipstick infused attention whoring.

I like you too Proxy. Always remember dat!

You don't even know who I am, for fucks sake. You mix up two distinct people, one who wastes time...too much time in my opinion...posting useless crap akin to wall scribbles found in a gas station bathroom...and, laisse-moi expliquer, moi, who is quite comfortable creating and collaborating with others by way of Soundcloud on a well-established website designed for such content.

This dump means nothing to me, I come and go as I please, otherwise I am elsewhere.

I couldn't send you a photo of us because you were too afraid to share your email, surely you don't expect me to post family album pictures in this godforsaken hell hole, how uncivilized.

I honestly believe that many of you are complete idiots who post nothing but superficial garbage or completely boring nonsense like what you had for breakfast. I see little to no chance of finding someone walking on two legs at this forum, let alone someone intellectually stimulating. Have you read the shoutbox chat logs? They're depressing.

But that is the main reason that you're here, in this nearly empty, squalid shack crammed with all the failures of previous forums.

How many seasons of the Walking Dead walking into fences can one take before the show is mercifully canceled? How many lame posts can someone make before realizing they're a worthless loser?

Is your ego so starved for nourishment that forum dumpster diving is the only option for food...trapping you in a cycle of talentless nonsense. Scrounging among a a lot of rabid assholes foaming at the mouth because they mistake shit for caviar.

Like all proud members of the dead horses society, you enjoy lying in the street being kicked day after day. But after a few kicks...I get bored. That is why your community has died, and you are forced to cannibalize what is left of it.

You're either blissfully unaware of how ridiculous this all is, or you enjoy wallowing in your infantile state.

And if you have anything else to say to me besides "Thank you for noticing me and filling my terrible day with some enlightened chatter," make it interesting.

Damn, now that I've actually responded to you yet again, I'm feeling sorry for myself, and to make amends...I'll never make that mistake again. Perhaps...


Factory Bastard
You don't even know who I am, for fucks sake.

That's where I got too before I sped read, have you spent an hour writing that drivel?

I know who you are, you are Proxy. You are multiple accounts of yerself. You are not much we can claim to write home about from here.

You dae look stunning in desperate though Proxy.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Damn, now that I've actually responded to you yet again, I'm feeling sorry for myself, and to make amends...I'll never make that mistake again.

You owe me for a new bullshit detector and be thankful I'm not including the price of repairing/replacing everything damaged by shrapnel when it exploded.


I'd buy a few rounds of whatever ya drink but this ain't a pub so what's the point in getting along without a few drinks..or several rounds of drinks?


Factory Bastard
Because the two most important days of your grief, is the day you are born, and the day you realised you shouldn't hae been.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's where I got too before I sped read, have you spent an hour writing that drivel?

I know who you are, you are Proxy. You are multiple accounts of yerself. You are not much we can claim to write home about from here.

You dae look stunning in desperate though Proxy.

As with every blustering flamer, stating something does not make it true. However, they say that ignorance is bliss...and all that is on display here is ignorance, right?

Another letdown, you folded like a chair.


Factory Bastard
As with every blustering flamer, stating something does not make it true. However, they say that ignorance is bliss...and all that is on display here is ignorance, right?

Another letdown, you folded like a chair.

But you claimed to be a flamer, right up until you acknowledged you could not ignore the fact you are a troller.

Dat's your burden to bear.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You owe me for a new bullshit detector and be thankful I'm not including the price of repairing/replacing everything damaged by shrapnel when it exploded.

Oh, Gary, you were abused more than the only dildo in a women's prison during your service in the Knights of Fire WebTV debauchery. Do you remember those times, or have they been erased from your memory?

You appear even more ridiculous than usual, quite a feat I might say...

Perhaps you could PM me your email address so I can send you the photos instead, as the Scottish man is all talk and no action.


Factory Bastard
Oh, Gary, you were abused more than the only dildo in a women's prison during your service in the Knights of Fire WebTV debauchery. Do you remember those times, or have they been erased from your memory?

You appear even more ridiculous than usual, quite a feat I might say...

Perhaps you could PM me your email address so I can send you the photos instead, as the Scottish man is all talk and no action.

Thank you for your contribution to the thread Proxy.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Perhaps you could PM me your email address so I can send you the photos instead, as the Scottish man is all talk and no action.

An intriguing offer except for the fact that I don't know you from Rancidmilko's 3rd cousin twice removed and for all I know you could be sending me screenshots of people from various online catalogs.

I may not be smart but I'm not that stupid.


Site Supporter
Fanks, it was taken in a Scottish snowstorm last week, which involves a whiteout with intermittent periods of 31 degrees of blisteringly briliant sunshine in between flurries.

Had to be quick K.
Why is your head rather bulbous ??
are you a fucking gourd LOL


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well the thing with Pickles is he isn’t in any hurry to come back to this shit, nor is there any guarantee he’s going to stick around. That’s on you guys for turning this community into a piss trough, not moi.

I do have a comic he made but I’ll wait to post it. Until the quality of content moves up a few pegs there’s no point in wasting excellent content on the dolts here.

I find it interesting that a poster that produces less than nothing of interest wants to be entertained, almost demands it.


I find it interesting that a poster that produces less than nothing of interest wants to be entertained, almost demands it.
No job. No prospects. Sits at home living that fantasy that he is a star on the grandest stages on Youtube but just staring at the wall in his basement chained up by momma in his 50's...

Although I don't encourage it to be clear lol he should just take to fentanyl(dirt cheap even for his momma to get him)and be found dead in an alley way with all the other junkies in Chi-town. Who really would miss him? nobody. Like real talke he probably doesn't even know what his daughter looks like...but yet he knows EVERYONE online and their private lives that says it all about him

Hope you are having a pleasant day Lily.. Yup off the wagon but unlike the likes of say @Breakfall I won't touch alcohol for another few weeks or so..

Ok rambling now STFU'ing right now... well for 5 mins at least.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
No job. No prospects. Sits at home living that fantasy that he is a star on the grandest stages on Youtube but just staring at the wall in his basement chained up by momma in his 50's...

Although I don't encourage it to be clear lol he should just take to fentanyl(dirt cheap even for his momma to get him)and be found dead in an alley way with all the other junkies in Chi-town. Who really would miss him? nobody. Like real talke he probably doesn't even know what his daughter looks like...but yet he knows EVERYONE online and their private lives that says it all about him

Hope you are having a pleasant day Lily.. Yup off the wagon but unlike the likes of say @Breakfall I won't touch alcohol for another few weeks or so..

Ok rambling now STFU'ing right now... well for 5 mins at least.

Oh sorry, I was talking about the person he was replying to. That guy offers nothing, completely nothing to any forum other than gossip and more gossip.

He wants comics and to be entertained, while offering nothing in return. All he has to do is look in the mirror to find "nothing". That would make a person think about what he demands of others, but not this one. He is a complete 0.


Oh sorry, I was talking about the person he was replying to. That guy offers nothing, completely nothing to any forum other than gossip and more gossip.

He wants comics. All he has to do is look in the mirror to find "nothing".
Well I totally knew that.. Lmao..obviously not drunk yet lol

I will be rambling on in the next BF street over I won't get in your way. Cheers to you and life LILY