The Second Amendment was about Freedom from Tyranny


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
"Oh, look! [*INHALE*] They're setting up [*INHALE*] a gallows to hang [*INHALE*] the Veep. [*HOLD*] [*HOLD*] [*HOLD*] [*EXHALE*] Far out, man!"


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
At this time, I feel we are at a greater height of tyranny, than ever before. The American Political system is no more, as they have been bought and paid for by forces outside of our country. We are being destroyed from within, by outside forces.

But, Blaze, regardless of how you "feel," "at this time," do you have any solid proof that what you're claiming is actually the case?


Put your glasses on!
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At this time, I feel we are at a greater height of tyranny, than ever before. The American Political system is no more, as they have been bought and paid for by forces outside of our country. We are being destroyed from within, by outside forces.

But, Blaze, regardless of how you "feel," "at this time," do you have any solid proof that what you're claiming is actually the case?



Domestically feral
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United states
You men can grapple with this, but until women are not at a physical disadvantage and attacked by men on a regular basis....leave us with our equalizers.

I noticed all the fuss over Kyle Rittenhouse having a gun legally in Kenosha with NO complaints or even mentions of the fact that several rioters present that night had guns.....illegally, guys. In fact Grosscruse or whatever the fuck his name is was a felon, someone who physically abused his mother, had a gun and almost used it.

You guys wont make anyone safer.

I think that Judge Bruce Schroeder erred.

He should have thrown the book at all of them to set an example.

Favored neither Kyle nor his attackers.

Made them all do time - not necessarily prison, but perhaps probation and conditional sentences.

By favoring/coddling Kyle Rittenhouse like he did, now it's opened the Pandora's Box and validated the whims of mass shooters and homicidal maniacs.

And the outcomes are an indication of this poor ruling.

Joe, you dont do time for defending yourself. And a person that defends ones self, is neither a mass shooter or a homicidal maniac.

I've explained to him how our self defense laws work, how it normally works when self defense is claimed and what the laws in WI were. I've told him just the fact a trial occurred was politcal and an attack on rights. I've explain that when someone defends themselves with a gun, they report it immediately and then an investigation occurs. If anything in that investigation looks off or false with the claim....the prosecution then brings charges. If the claim checks charges are brought.

He doesnt wanna hear that at all. He thinks that if we shoot someone in self defense we always have a trial and go to jail.

It's very odd but he is sticking to it. So. I cant say anything.


Domestically feral
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United states


Lol Murican gun owners are the biggest cowards on the planet... as far as "tyranny" goes... who were the cowards who sat back stroking their guns while the gov. threw people in prison for weed for 20+ years for decades? Remember when they come for you and your guns I'll show just as much concern for you losers. :-)

Stupidest fucking comment. Are you serious right now?

Of course you are.

Btw most of us are why weed is legal now....thanks. At least in MI. Isnt everything legal in OR now? Did you do anything besides call people nazis maybe burn down some black owned business? Just asking.


Bastard of the Century
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Dovey, it's high time you understand something about Joe that Mr. Prowler got right off the bat: Joe is strictly an emitter, never a receiver. Joe doesn't read the opinions of others and, if he does, he casts them only in the light of his own vacuum-packed rebuttals.


Domestically feral
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United states
Dovey, it's high time you understand something about Joe that Mr. Prowler got right off the bat: Joe is strictly an emitter, never a receiver. Joe doesn't read the opinions of others and, if he does, he casts them only in the light of his own vacuum-packed rebuttals.

That's what throws me....I'm not even giving any politcal opinion here. I'm just going through how it works when someone uses a gun in self defense.

The only time charges are brought is after an investigation is made and evidence is found that contradicts the self defense claim. That's not politcal that's just how that works.


Put your glasses on!
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You do?

Let's see it.

Better late than never, I guess.

I cant right now, the black helicopters are swirling overhead.


For real though, I've BEEN posting things.

(hands Blurt the special glasses) here, put these on!


Domestically feral
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United states
I also really feel like Joe doesnt hear me on why I oppose the sex industry and seems to think it's because I'm a prude or I dont want people to enjoy themselves.

And the whole "you did it and no one judges you" . I mean you should have some judgements on this

I also used to short cocaine and bang heroin. That doesnt mean I should want to see other human beings go down that road.

I cannot bring myself to support things I know destroy other people. I cant do it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yeah, all except it has nothing to do with the second amendment

Ya sure? Cause Im pretty sure it says "shall not be infringed".

Also pretty sure, that if I dont get vaxxed, and I get called "mentally ill", and have my guns taken away cause I wont get jabbed....... yeah, pretty sure that is tyranny at work.

Yeah, it also says "well regulated militia" and you guys freak out at any suggestion of regulated. You are not anything like a well regulted militia. You're a bunch of nutjobs.
Why not define regulated as means to you and let’s see who freaks out

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Yeah, all except it has nothing to do with the second amendment

Ya sure? Cause Im pretty sure it says "shall not be infringed".

Also pretty sure, that if I dont get vaxxed, and I get called "mentally ill", and have my guns taken away cause I wont get jabbed....... yeah, pretty sure that is tyranny at work.

Yeah, it also says "well regulated militia" and you guys freak out at any suggestion of regulated. You are not anything like a well regulted militia. You're a bunch of nutjobs.

What is regulted?

Please consult your spell checker....... nutjob.

You are a perfect example, of why we dont need folks like you deciding who has guns.

So, tell me, why are we sending guns to Ukraine, into the hands of unregulated militia members? Or why Biden left millions of dollars of arms, into the hands of unregulated militia members? Or perhaps you could tell me about Obama's "Fast and Furious" program, where thousands of guns were put into the hands of criminals.... aka unregulated militia members.

Nah, I'll keep my guns, thank you very much.
and the sound of crickets

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Lol Murican gun owners are the biggest cowards on the planet... as far as "tyranny" goes... who were the cowards who sat back stroking their guns while the gov. threw people in prison for weed for 20+ years for decades? Remember when they come for you and your guns I'll show just as much concern for you losers. :-)
That's cause we don't give a fuck about druggies


Domestically feral
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United states
Back then "regulated" didnt mean state controled and it didnt mean infringing either.

It meant well organized. Like the militias that were going after the red coats.

What I dont understand is demanding policies that dont work when we could prevent shootings and preserve peoples rights. Leftists get an idea they like and they will not budge or even consider anything else or any compromise. Its gotta be their way or you are an idiot asshole.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Lol Murican gun owners are the biggest cowards on the planet... as far as "tyranny" goes... who were the cowards who sat back stroking their guns while the gov. threw people in prison for weed for 20+ years for decades? Remember when they come for you and your guns I'll show just as much concern for you losers. :-)
That's cause we don't give a fuck about druggies

It's a hypocritical stance. If people didnt go fight for legal weed (even though people have been for years) than Sindy doesnt care if constitutional rights are trampled.

Weed is comparable to a constitutional right. And if people didnt fight for legal weed.....well fuck the constitution I guess.

It's not about tyranny. It's about getting what they want. These same people are silent and still villanizing other Americans while the crime bill author who helped build the war on drugs sits in the WH and fucks up everyones lives. With a VP who actually kept nonviolent black males in prison for weed to use them for free state slave labor.

But yeah let these people infringe our constitutional rights.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm all for some level of regulations regarding firearm ownership

some of my list of regulations would include

1. Must be 21 to purchase a firearm of any kind. If you need to be 21 to drink you should be 21 to own a firearm
2. There needs to be a class some kind of competency exam both written and in person like I had to undergo to obtain my concealed carry license.
3. Extensive background checks which include the same background reviews performed on candidates for important jobs (ie social media history, medical history, mental history etc etc). And this should be a surcharged tacked on to the price of the weapon NOT a tax to the state.
4. The purchaser must prove either they've been a full time student for at least 2 years or gainfully employed for the same amount of time
5.A non context specific mental health evaluation performed by a professional derived from a random pool of mental health professionals

There, I listed some very solid and pretty strict regulations and didn't even "freak out" while I typed it



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm all for some level of regulations regarding firearm ownership

some of my list of regulations would include

1. Must be 21 to purchase a firearm of any kind. If you need to be 21 to drink you should be 21 to own a firearm
2. There needs to be a class some kind of competency exam both written and in person like I had to undergo to obtain my concealed carry license.
3. Extensive background checks which include the same background reviews performed on candidates for important jobs (ie social media history, medical history, mental history etc etc). And this should be a surcharged tacked on to the price of the weapon NOT a tax to the state.
4. The purchaser must prove either they've been a full time student for at least 2 years or gainfully employed for the same amount of time
5.A non context specific mental health evaluation performed by a professional derived from a random pool of mental health professionals

There, I listed some very solid and pretty strict regulations and didn't even "freak out" while I typed it


That's pretty much what we already have in nearly every state.

The only issue I have is with the super strict ones that require insurance and a bunch of shit that just make it impossible for poor people who have to live in high crime areas to access their rights.

So we have a bunch of single moms who sometimes will have a gun illegally just in case an intruder comes in. All thr criminals have guns no problem but that sweet old woman at the end of the street cant. It sucks.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm all for some level of regulations regarding firearm ownership

some of my list of regulations would include

1. Must be 21 to purchase a firearm of any kind. If you need to be 21 to drink you should be 21 to own a firearm
2. There needs to be a class some kind of competency exam both written and in person like I had to undergo to obtain my concealed carry license.
3. Extensive background checks which include the same background reviews performed on candidates for important jobs (ie social media history, medical history, mental history etc etc). And this should be a surcharged tacked on to the price of the weapon NOT a tax to the state.
4. The purchaser must prove either they've been a full time student for at least 2 years or gainfully employed for the same amount of time
5.A non context specific mental health evaluation performed by a professional derived from a random pool of mental health professionals

There, I listed some very solid and pretty strict regulations and didn't even "freak out" while I typed it


That's pretty much what we already have in nearly every state.

The only issue I have is with the super strict ones that require insurance and a bunch of shit that just make it impossible for poor people who have to live in high crime areas to access their rights.

So we have a bunch of single moms who sometimes will have a gun illegally just in case an intruder comes in. All thr criminals have guns no problem but that sweet old woman at the end of the street cant. It sucks.
Here in Florida I was able to walk in an purchase an AR-15, a 410, 2 9mm handguns and a .40 caliber on the same day and all I had to do was provide my personal information and wait three days.

I don't agree with it being THAT easy.

But yeah, taxes and insurance are way out of line for firearm ownership. Sensible options to weed out the mentally ill are the way to go in my mind


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm all for some level of regulations regarding firearm ownership

some of my list of regulations would include

1. Must be 21 to purchase a firearm of any kind. If you need to be 21 to drink you should be 21 to own a firearm
2. There needs to be a class some kind of competency exam both written and in person like I had to undergo to obtain my concealed carry license.
3. Extensive background checks which include the same background reviews performed on candidates for important jobs (ie social media history, medical history, mental history etc etc). And this should be a surcharged tacked on to the price of the weapon NOT a tax to the state.
4. The purchaser must prove either they've been a full time student for at least 2 years or gainfully employed for the same amount of time
5.A non context specific mental health evaluation performed by a professional derived from a random pool of mental health professionals

There, I listed some very solid and pretty strict regulations and didn't even "freak out" while I typed it


That's pretty much what we already have in nearly every state.

The only issue I have is with the super strict ones that require insurance and a bunch of shit that just make it impossible for poor people who have to live in high crime areas to access their rights.

So we have a bunch of single moms who sometimes will have a gun illegally just in case an intruder comes in. All thr criminals have guns no problem but that sweet old woman at the end of the street cant. It sucks.
Here in Florida I was able to walk in an purchase an AR-15, a 410, 2 9mm handguns and a .40 caliber on the same day and all I had to do was provide my personal information and wait three days.

I don't agree with it being THAT easy.

But yeah, taxes and insurance are way out of line for firearm ownership. Sensible options to weed out the mentally ill are the way to go in my mind

Yeah there are not much for regulation on rifles.

What's the violent crime rate in FL? And as compared to Chicago?

Here in Michigan you have to have a liscence for handguns.

For a very very long time in America it was easier than that to get guns. Our culture changed.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm all for some level of regulations regarding firearm ownership

some of my list of regulations would include

1. Must be 21 to purchase a firearm of any kind. If you need to be 21 to drink you should be 21 to own a firearm
2. There needs to be a class some kind of competency exam both written and in person like I had to undergo to obtain my concealed carry license.
3. Extensive background checks which include the same background reviews performed on candidates for important jobs (ie social media history, medical history, mental history etc etc). And this should be a surcharged tacked on to the price of the weapon NOT a tax to the state.
4. The purchaser must prove either they've been a full time student for at least 2 years or gainfully employed for the same amount of time
5.A non context specific mental health evaluation performed by a professional derived from a random pool of mental health professionals

There, I listed some very solid and pretty strict regulations and didn't even "freak out" while I typed it


That's pretty much what we already have in nearly every state.

The only issue I have is with the super strict ones that require insurance and a bunch of shit that just make it impossible for poor people who have to live in high crime areas to access their rights.

So we have a bunch of single moms who sometimes will have a gun illegally just in case an intruder comes in. All thr criminals have guns no problem but that sweet old woman at the end of the street cant. It sucks.
Here in Florida I was able to walk in an purchase an AR-15, a 410, 2 9mm handguns and a .40 caliber on the same day and all I had to do was provide my personal information and wait three days.

I don't agree with it being THAT easy.

But yeah, taxes and insurance are way out of line for firearm ownership. Sensible options to weed out the mentally ill are the way to go in my mind

Yeah there are not much for regulation on rifles.

What's the violent crime rate in FL? And as compared to Chicago?

Here in Michigan you have to have a liscence for handguns.

For a very very long time in America it was easier than that to get guns. Our culture changed.
Most of the violent crimes are committed with guns obtained illegally ... but we have far less of this throughout the state than you see in Chicago