The Second Amendment was about Freedom from Tyranny


Domestically feral
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United states
Yeah, all except it has nothing to do with the second amendment

Ya sure? Cause Im pretty sure it says "shall not be infringed".

Also pretty sure, that if I dont get vaxxed, and I get called "mentally ill", and have my guns taken away cause I wont get jabbed....... yeah, pretty sure that is tyranny at work.

Yeah, it also says "well regulated militia" and you guys freak out at any suggestion of regulated. You are not anything like a well regulted militia. You're a bunch of nutjobs.

"Regulated militia" means organized. Not state controlled.

Do you even know any militias or do you just assume they are all "wack jobs" and "white supremacists"?

There is still violence in areas with strict gun control. Only law abiding citizens just have to get raped and killed because they are the ones disarmed.

It's like you guys just simply dont care about what happens to other people. You have your ideology and we all have to get on board and if it does nothing but harm innocent people....oh well. Right? Because you guys wont even discuss anything.

You want to dictate what rights people should have and how their lives should be and anyone who wants a voice in their own rights should just be smeared and mocked and name called.

Da WHiTE sUprEmAciEs!!!!!

People that claim to want "intelligent conversation" literally never engage in any sort of conversation with people who disagree with them.

Shit posting insults and posting songs. Like its clever or intelligent.


Factory Bastard
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You men can grapple with this, but until women are not at a physical disadvantage and attacked by men on a regular basis....leave us with our equalizers.

I noticed all the fuss over Kyle Rittenhouse having a gun legally in Kenosha with NO complaints or even mentions of the fact that several rioters present that night had guns.....illegally, guys. In fact Grosscruse or whatever the fuck his name is was a felon, someone who physically abused his mother, had a gun and almost used it.

You guys wont make anyone safer.

I think that Judge Bruce Schroeder erred.

He should have thrown the book at all of them to set an example.

Favored neither Kyle nor his attackers.

Made them all do time - not necessarily prison, but perhaps probation and conditional sentences.

By favoring/coddling Kyle Rittenhouse like he did, now it's opened the Pandora's Box and validated the whims of mass shooters and homicidal maniacs.

And the outcomes are an indication of this poor ruling.


Factory Bastard
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It's a form of tyranny forcing everyone to live in fear because some of you are needlessly paranoid and only feel good about yourselves when you're ARMED and have another 50 firearms at home. It's sick.

Darling, you have no idea of the ways of the world.

By your logic, my Mom should've lived in fear by NOT being armed, when we lived in the ghetto.

I have a strong sense that none of you Lefty's ever lived in Section 8, and it shows.

One gun for protection is all you needed. No one, including me, ever said no one should have a gun for protection. You people are paranoid, hysterical, angry, and hateful.


Bastard of the Century
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Nothing like being paranoid, hysterical, angry, and hateful AND owning two or more guns.


Put your glasses on!
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You men can grapple with this, but until women are not at a physical disadvantage and attacked by men on a regular basis....leave us with our equalizers.

I noticed all the fuss over Kyle Rittenhouse having a gun legally in Kenosha with NO complaints or even mentions of the fact that several rioters present that night had guns.....illegally, guys. In fact Grosscruse or whatever the fuck his name is was a felon, someone who physically abused his mother, had a gun and almost used it.

You guys wont make anyone safer.

I think that Judge Bruce Schroeder erred.

He should have thrown the book at all of them to set an example.

Favored neither Kyle nor his attackers.

Made them all do time - not necessarily prison, but perhaps probation and conditional sentences.

By favoring/coddling Kyle Rittenhouse like he did, now it's opened the Pandora's Box and validated the whims of mass shooters and homicidal maniacs.

And the outcomes are an indication of this poor ruling.

Joe, you dont do time for defending yourself. And a person that defends ones self, is neither a mass shooter or a homicidal maniac.


Put your glasses on!
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It's a form of tyranny forcing everyone to live in fear because some of you are needlessly paranoid and only feel good about yourselves when you're ARMED and have another 50 firearms at home. It's sick.

Darling, you have no idea of the ways of the world.

By your logic, my Mom should've lived in fear by NOT being armed, when we lived in the ghetto.

I have a strong sense that none of you Lefty's ever lived in Section 8, and it shows.

One gun for protection is all you needed. No one, including me, ever said no one should have a gun for protection. You people are paranoid, hysterical, angry, and hateful.

Come into my arms dear, let me caress and sooth your feels.

You straight trippin' boo!

You trying to tell me that all gun owners are paranoid, hysterical, angry, and hateful?

Hank sang about a shotgun, a rifle, and a 4 wheel drive. He also sang about shootin' with a .45. Thats how you survive, Hank said so lol.


Put your glasses on!
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Are you surrounded by murderers killers, ruthless outlaws?

Could be I suppose.....



Bastard of the Century
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I get the "armed" part; it's the "disciplined" part I'm still waiting to see.


Put your glasses on!
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I get the "armed" part; it's the "disciplined" part I'm still waiting to see.

Im very disciplined Blurt!!! VERY!!!!

Being "disciplined" in arms, means you are safety conscious with your arm, as well as skilled from practice and being a sharp shooter.


Factory Bastard

Lol Murican gun owners are the biggest cowards on the planet... as far as "tyranny" goes... who were the cowards who sat back stroking their guns while the gov. threw people in prison for weed for 20+ years for decades? Remember when they come for you and your guns I'll show just as much concern for you losers. :-)


Put your glasses on!
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Are you surrounded by murderers killers, ruthless outlaws?

Could be I suppose.....


What a way to live. Is it paranoia? Thought Kentucky was peaceful

You really have no idea Sea. Its not all palm trees and sandy beaches everywhere man.

Im in by God Virginia! The southwest part of the state.

For the most part, rural is peaceful. Except for some wild critters like bear, coyotes, and bobcats.

In the city is a different story. Its progressively gotten worse over the past couple years. Gang wars and shit. Hell, just last weekend, the city was crawling with undercover cops in an attempt to thwart a gang war that was suppose to take place. Told my younger friend it would be in her best interest to leave downtown that night.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I get the "armed" part; it's the "disciplined" part I'm still waiting to see.

Im very disciplined Blurt!!! VERY!!!!

Being "disciplined" in arms, means you are safety conscious with your arm, as well as skilled from practice and being a sharp shooter.

I guess I have a different read on this. "Disciplined" ties back to a "well-regulated militia," to my mind. It's not so much about how to use your weapon but more about when to use it. It has more to do with civics than it does with personal reparations (or with the need to obviate such).

Citizens, according to George Washington, are expected to be able to defend themselves against tyrannical entities. The American political system, whether controlled by conservatives or liberals (or by an unlikely mixture of the two) is not, by definition, a tyrannical entity. And only Continental philosophers with a decidedly Existentialist bent will consider individuals to be tyrannical entities and, even so, would not recommend shooting them in the face so much as have a sit-down with them and explore their respective viewpoints over a large bowl of café au lait.


Factory Bastard
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Right on. I do prefer palm trees sandy beaches, and never feeling threatened. Seems only the cops have guns, and I think most are non functional


Put your glasses on!
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Lol Murican gun owners are the biggest cowards on the planet... as far as "tyranny" goes... who were the cowards who sat back stroking their guns while the gov. threw people in prison for weed for 20+ years for decades? Remember when they come for you and your guns I'll show just as much concern for you losers. :-)

Hello Sindy.

I blame fluoride in the water supply, too many have become docile and compliant lol.

I have been very vocal against tyranny myself.

I have also been a strong advocate for the Mary Jane for 27 years. Its a racist law, because they literally outlawed it to get rid of the Mexicans. Look it up.

Its a very good natural remedy for things, and was used as such for thousands of years around the world. No one should be going to jail, for simple mary jane possession.

No one gets violent toking. Unless you count raiding the kitchen for munchie foods lol.

One of my favorite bible verses, that I saw in an issue of High Times at an early age, is.... "In the end of days, people will look across the river to the tree of life, and the leaves of the tree shall be the healing of the nations". And I truly believe that.



Put your glasses on!
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I get the "armed" part; it's the "disciplined" part I'm still waiting to see.

Im very disciplined Blurt!!! VERY!!!!

Being "disciplined" in arms, means you are safety conscious with your arm, as well as skilled from practice and being a sharp shooter.

I guess I have a different read on this. "Disciplined" ties back to a "well-regulated militia," to my mind. It's not so much about how to use your weapon but more about when to use it. It has more to do with civics than it does with personal reparations (or with the need to obviate such).

Citizens, according to George Washington, are expected to be able to defend themselves against tyrannical entities. The American political system, whether controlled by conservatives or liberals (or by an unlikely mixture of the two) is not, by definition, a tyrannical entity. And only Continental philosophers with a decidedly Existentialist bent will consider individuals to be tyrannical entities and, even so, would not recommend shooting them in the face so much as have a sit-down with them and explore their respective viewpoints over a large bowl of café au lait.

Nah, you're right, and I meant to include that too.... "when to use it" is a part of that too.

One must be a Gentleman with an arm. One does not whip out their arm willy nilly like :GiggleBitch:

At this time, I feel we are at a greater height of tyranny, than ever before. The American Political system is no more, as they have been bought and paid for by forces outside of our country. We are being destroyed from within, by outside forces.


Put your glasses on!
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Right on. I do prefer palm trees sandy beaches, and never feeling threatened. Seems only the cops have guns, and I think most are non functional

Looks purdy there, from the pics you've posted.

I reckon its mostly big cities that are problem areas.