This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


not sure what the hell this is all about but But BUT @Dove for the WIN:) this round any way. You got WIN all over you. Thats not a bad thing its a GREAT thing:)


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

I don't even pay for it.

I run it on a free cloud box along with a multitude of other virtual hosts

I could arsed running a board. The whining and constant complaining is not for me


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

ok... so I have to admit that I trolled KM @ FT about this... I said I declared Slitchella but that you were trolling as soon as you logged into SG

he has clearly ran with it lololol


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

I don't even pay for it.

I run it on a free cloud box along with a multitude of other virtual hosts

I could arsed running a board. The whining and constant complaining is not for me

No kidding.

It's ridiculous. Grown ass adults nonstop crying over other posters. Get a fucking grip.

I wouldnt want that shit if you begged me to own it. If it were up to me, I would throw it back at her and bail to saner....less viscious and childish epastures.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

ok... so I have to admit that I trolled KM @ FT about this... I said I declared Slitchella but that you were trolling as soon as you logged into SG

he has clearly ran with it lololol

Doesnt even matter.

The response to it is so ghoulish and over the top I dont ever want a thing to do with her. I dont even want to read her shit.

I cannot even imagine being that fucking.....that. No thanks!


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Anyone who knows you realizes that being tied down to any forum goes against everything you stand for.

But I know why he chose you... you see through all of the fuckery and you don’t make it personal.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
wait.. wasnt caskur a mod at Pooper's board?


lol... no wonder it lasted two weeks ... even those obnoxious little freaks on fortnite couldn't stand her


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

ok... so I have to admit that I trolled KM @ FT about this... I said I declared Slitchella but that you were trolling as soon as you logged into SG

he has clearly ran with it lololol

Doesnt even matter.

The response to it is so ghoulish and over the top I dont ever want a thing to do with her. I dont even want to read her shit.

I cannot even imagine being that fucking.....that. No thanks!

I wish that you guys would make amends. There is no reason to end longterm friendships over forum BS.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Imagine glorifying a fucking message board like it's some kind of desirable accomplishment to have one or be staff at one.

I just dont get it. Dumbest fucking shit I swear. These people have more issues than playboy.

It's a board. Either post on it or dont. The world will still turn.

It's not some huge life event lol.


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
wait.. wasnt caskur a mod at Pooper's board?


lol... no wonder it lasted two weeks ... even those obnoxious little freaks on fortnite couldn't stand her

I imagine her hissing and putting curses on the little milenial turds when they approach her as the “cougar” Pooftard promised lolololol

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles, if you don’t want SG, ill pay you for it. I’ll pay you to transfer to another host and I’ll take care of the website certificate and bring it back from the dead. Murdock is more than welcomed to stay.


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Imagine glorifying a fucking message board like it's some kind of desirable accomplishment to have one or be staff at one.

I just dont get it. Dumbest fucking shit I swear. These people have more issues than playboy.

It's a board. Either post on it or dont. The world will still turn.

It's not some huge life event lol.

forum ownership isn’t anything to be proud of these days...

you’re a glorified customer service rep to the crybabies who can’t hack it in this game

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Imagine glorifying a fucking message board like it's some kind of desirable accomplishment to have one or be staff at one.

I just dont get it. Dumbest fucking shit I swear. These people have more issues than playboy.

It's a board. Either post on it or dont. The world will still turn.

It's not some huge life event lol.

forum ownership isn’t anything to be proud of these days...

you’re a glorified customer service rep to the crybabies who can’t hack it in this game

true. I just thought I’d throw the idea out there.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles, if you don’t want SG, ill pay you for it. I’ll pay you to transfer to another host and I’ll take care of the website certificate and bring it back from the dead. Murdock is more than welcomed to stay.
I can fix the certificate thing in 5 minutes. Just been too lazy to logon to the server and do it.

Plus the hysterics it's been producing among a wide variety of victims is enjoyable.

you really want the headache of running a board again?


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
@Biggie Smiles, if you don’t want SG, ill pay you for it. I’ll pay you to transfer to another host and I’ll take care of the website certificate and bring it back from the dead. Murdock is more than welcomed to stay.

I really like the idea of Flea returning to SG and reclaiming her title

I think you 3 should work out your personal issues and keep Dove on as an Admin.... but that’s just my $0.02

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles, if you don’t want SG, ill pay you for it. I’ll pay you to transfer to another host and I’ll take care of the website certificate and bring it back from the dead. Murdock is more than welcomed to stay.
I can fix the certificate thing in 5 minutes. Just been too lazy to logon to the server and do it.

Plus the hysterics it's been producing among a wide variety of victims is enjoyable.

you really want the headache of running a board again?

Now that I’m thinking of all the crying and complaining, nahhhh. My bad

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles, if you don’t want SG, ill pay you for it. I’ll pay you to transfer to another host and I’ll take care of the website certificate and bring it back from the dead. Murdock is more than welcomed to stay.
I can fix the certificate thing in 5 minutes. Just been too lazy to logon to the server and do it.

Plus the hysterics it's been producing among a wide variety of victims is enjoyable.

you really want the headache of running a board again?

Now that I’m thinking of all the crying and complaining, nahhhh. My bad
let someone else deal with that shit

plus, all the crybabies would no longer be able to hop around on one hoof asking for updates to the security certificate

I've snagged at least 8 gullible simpletons with that one.


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Implement a 24 hour ban for anyone who can’t keep the Dovid-19 drama off the board.

Require a panel vote for all bannings lasting longer than 24 hours.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I wonder if Dove is going to allow everyone to see the texts that I saw

You know, since looking up rental debts and other personal details doesn't seem to be off limits according to some?

Screen shot them and send them to my phone dear

I'll post them.

Oh yeah because that went so well last time.

He just starts spazzing that we photochopped them and then starts claiming my "friends" are the ones sending him PI on me at random while my husband gets hang up phone calls at work.

He needs psych intervention.
I love watching him flap violently like a guppy out of water

BTW.....were you aware that you GAVE SG to me? I sure the fuck wasnt. I just thought you asked me to admin at YOUR board. That you pay for and keep up.

I had no clue it was somehow mine now. Probably because its fucking NOT.

Latest conspiracy, I worked to coerce Flea to leave her board so I could make you give it to me for.....reasons. This is the stupid reason for the latest ghoulish and psychotic hatred. It's always gotta be something with drama whores who love being pissed and hateful.

I'm surprised these people havent accidently killed themselves trying to flush the toilet. Well at the least the two that DO flush the toilet.

Incredible what people are willing to believe in order to justify their hate. Sad.

ok... so I have to admit that I trolled KM @ FT about this... I said I declared Slitchella but that you were trolling as soon as you logged into SG

he has clearly ran with it lololol

Doesnt even matter.

The response to it is so ghoulish and over the top I dont ever want a thing to do with her. I dont even want to read her shit.

I cannot even imagine being that fucking.....that. No thanks!

I wish that you guys would make amends. There is no reason to end longterm friendships over forum BS.

I'm not ending a friendship over a forum.

Im axing someone who turned like a rabid dog over something that's not only not true.....but not even a reason to flip out like that. I'm not interested.

The important thing is....I am NOT, or ever was or ever will be the owner of ANY forum...least of all SG. Its Joos board. Anyone wants to discuss it....go to him.