This thread is not about Dovey!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Fucktard Flynn has been ranting for MONTHS about how I believe in a "small business oligarchy"

So the dumb fuck was told to link it.

The fucking retarded wackjob went and dug it out and brought here.... posted it like 20 times like he really did something. All confident in how fucking stupid he is.

Then lily shows up and must have explained to this specail ed mental patient why he is fucking stupid.

And now its "Well is doesnt matter how she posts" :LOL3:

The retard does nothing BUT rant like a stupid tard about how people posts. And is consistently too fucking stupid to even understand most of it.

Crack and alcohol during his mother pregnancy. That's gotta be it.

The fucking retard.

Just a reminder.

It's post #20 and here's the link:

Now. Can you explain to me what the "Small business oligarchy" is?


It's the thing on the shelf at the pharmacy next to Glasnost


Factory Bastard
Raven this, Raven that... BOO HOO SQUEAL PIGGY :LOL3: :BlandePig::BlandePig::BlandePig:

Wow. You used that like 99 times on Saturday n
Bout as much as you spamming Dovey with the same ole shit... You boring, fuckwit :GiggleBitch:

You know when a troller has run outr of material when he is compelled to use "boring" or "gay" or goes full Complain wiff da emoticons.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I own you Dovey.


Everyone owns Dovey, she is part of the proletariats relief package.

Pretentious arsewipe.

By pretentious I merely am left to assume that because you cannot keep up, I should slow down?

I'd punch your face in if I saw you speak down like that to someone. I would kick your pimply arse out of the labour party...

I don't vote Labour...and while we are fantasising, when did you ever beat anyone up on a forum?

Look at this level of delusion on display. He actually believes people are getting beat up on the forum.

But they are, I slap you about in PM as you beg my attention there, what is it 5 posts today, and Flynn is hard at work here. It's simple Karma.

you are not talking to me in PM, that's the funny part.

No you are talking me, you are posting to me, respectively and respectively, wid ye like me to post the link?

You sure the fuck aint talkikng to me in PM, if you did not notice that huge, grammatical and tone change, you really are a drugged out crack whore.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.


Factory Bastard
I own you Dovey.


Everyone owns Dovey, she is part of the proletariats relief package.

Pretentious arsewipe.

By pretentious I merely am left to assume that because you cannot keep up, I should slow down?

I'd punch your face in if I saw you speak down like that to someone. I would kick your pimply arse out of the labour party...

I don't vote Labour...and while we are fantasising, when did you ever beat anyone up on a forum?

Look at this level of delusion on display. He actually believes people are getting beat up on the forum.

But they are, I slap you about in PM as you beg my attention there, what is it 5 posts today, and Flynn is hard at work here. It's simple Karma.

you are not talking to me in PM, that's the funny part.

No you are talking me, you are posting to me, respectively and respectively, wid ye like me to post the link?

You sure the fuck aint talkikng to me in PM, if you did not notice that huge, grammatical and tone change, you really are a drugged out crack whore.

But it's your account of yourself, with a little less help from Poppet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.


You have no idea how many times I've been called stupid by morons in the last 15 years...

Like Aryan who doesn't apparently know that his supposedly Christian name is Jewish and melts down when it has been pointed out to him.

How does anyone not know that some of the most common names among Westerners are biblically derived?! How are you 40 years old and not know that?

Unfathomable to me.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.


You have no idea how many times I've been called stupid by morons in the last 15 years...

Like Aryan who doesn't apparently know that his supposedly Christian name is Jewish and melts down when it has been pointed out to him.

How does anyone not know that some of the most common names among Westerners are biblically derived?! How are you 40 years old and not know that?

Unfathomable to me.

I have to agree with you. I guess "Christian Names" have no meaning to them. Or maybe they just don't care because they're too busy on here trying to fool people in regard to how smart they really are.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: