This thread is not about Dovey!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Now let me be clear here, just so Poxy can understand. I don't give a fuck aboot you. I don't, nor ever have tailgated any of your posts. I respond when you always, always respond to me. On multiple sites, I can always rely on a one up for you, not a thumbs up, just your turned down hospital corners that inevitably result in you trying to be better than you are.

I write too much, I don't write enough, I shouldn't be writing at all. You use the same three perspectives to give you a one dimensional overview about what you have become fixated on.

I always liked dat about ye. Seriously. I can always rely on you never to put me on ignore, after troll....why wid ye?
Could you maybe condense some of your spam into fewer posts? Its diluting the Dovey.

Well whether I write one sentence, or forty, I always dilute da Nurse Dovey.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Now let me be clear here, just so Poxy can understand. I don't give a fuck aboot you. I don't, nor ever have tailgated any of your posts. I respond when you always, always respond to me. On multiple sites, I can always rely on a one up for you, not a thumbs up, just your turned down hospital corners that inevitably result in you trying to be better than you are.

I write too much, I don't write enough, I shouldn't be writing at all. You use the same three perspectives to give you a one dimensional overview about what you have become fixated on.

I always liked dat about ye. Seriously. I can always rely on you never to put me on ignore, after troll....why wid ye?

it's in your nature to be boring.

too bad we can't trade you out for Brent and Cunty and Pumba, even Johnny Storm would be a huge improvement from your repetitious dick slaps


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Too bad that you in your internet life have become so pre-occupied with a boring poster, that you inevitably feel the need to quote what you claim to be bored wiff.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I recall da days when ye could slap JooDug aboot fur shit and giggles, and could have a wank on the same visit.

And there was a porn site a clickbaited white panel vanned wet wipe away.

Halcyon days indeed!

You used to stroke your dick reading Joo's posts?

Didn't you?

I like when we can coalesce around your idioms of self worth.

Nope. I used to just touch myself sometimes while I had him on the phone. And I had consent to do so.

I set my own self worth, Bland. It's not exactly up to you to decide my worth. As alien of a concept that is to you, right?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I recall da days when ye could slap JooDug aboot fur shit and giggles, and could have a wank on the same visit.

And there was a porn site a clickbaited white panel vanned wet wipe away.

Halcyon days indeed!

You used to stroke your dick reading Joo's posts?

Didn't you?

I like when we can coalesce around your idioms of self worth.

I set my own self worth, Bland.

Can you quote a post where you have?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I recall a time that never was,
abused and confused by what might have been,
When titans roamed across the land,
And frightened children hid behind their hands.

When those who could not account,
for anything but a multiple discount,
on everything they ever said or done,
while raping what they never become.

I recall a time that never was,
when forum soldiers were absolved,
from duties they once marched toward,
were surrendered to a coming hoard.

A hoard that begged for but one brief glimpse,
of a rosette or the regret of a solitary plinth,
Where confusion and talent once resided,
in an era of time long neglected.

I recall a time that never was,
when Foxy once owned a set of balls.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I recall da days when ye could slap JooDug aboot fur shit and giggles, and could have a wank on the same visit.

And there was a porn site a clickbaited white panel vanned wet wipe away.

Halcyon days indeed!

You used to stroke your dick reading Joo's posts?

Didn't you?

I like when we can coalesce around your idioms of self worth.

I set my own self worth, Bland.

Can you quote a post where you have?

I dont have to post it. I assert it.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I recall da days when ye could slap JooDug aboot fur shit and giggles, and could have a wank on the same visit.

And there was a porn site a clickbaited white panel vanned wet wipe away.

Halcyon days indeed!

You used to stroke your dick reading Joo's posts?

Didn't you?

I like when we can coalesce around your idioms of self worth.

I set my own self worth, Bland.

Can you quote a post where you have?

I dont have to post it. I assert it.

Just like you asserted you were a Nurse in training?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
After all, why let fact get in the way of a horrific opinion.

We all see you arent about to mess with facts that ruin your horrid opinions.

What facts specifically.

Jesus or your lies in regard to empathy and caring, unless ye are white?

Basically you are saying that people who see the world differently than you are sociopathic liars. Basically you are projecting.

I'm honestly happy I'm not your definition of caring.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You will have a like fur yer own optimism in your own horrific understanding of empathy.

Tell us what ye really fink about black and brown people, and the yellow ones. Especially the Yellow ones. I was married to a yellow one.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Jesus never saw the world differently Sandra, it's only you and your Klu Klux who gives a fuck dat do.