Well - where is the fake evidence?I think it has something to do with him being a liberal pedophile repetitive piece of shitI wonder when that's going to happenWe're going to begin relocating disruptive members to the ASS BOX where they belong.
or have Duhv, Bigly and Blazesnore been relocated?
Hey, guess you're going too, ya pole smokin' fucktard!
Let me ask you a question, how does it feel knowing you paid money to bail someone out, only to find out he got banned for a year shortly right after release :Grin3:
Epic FAIL!!!
Exactly why did Q get banned for a year? Can you explain?
I could be off by an adjective or two tho
Wait....Q is banned for a year??? Banned as in BANNED??? I thought he was just assboxed. Hell, banned is even better!!!! Forum party at Casey's house!!! Woooooohooooo!!!!!
Member with most Kills against 'em get's a one year ban.
1) One year ban. Member with the most Kills will be immediately removed.
What is the point of doing that? Trying to shut the forum down?
Um, to get rid of people who ARE actively trying to shut the forum down?
I've already stated multiple times the crimes he committed. He was found guilty by his peers. Case closed.
If people are actually doing that, why not just ban them? Why have a poll about it? That makes the accusation very suspect. I, for one, don't think he actually did what people say he did. I saw people posting a lot of conjecture, but no evidence. Peers who find people guilty are supposed to do so based on evidence, not hysteria.
Were you talking to BastardFactory about it all? Dont think so. TRUST ME, he had it coming.
The Purge was for fun. BF had already put in effort to have some fun with it, but things escalated quite quickly there at the end. It was decided we would have our fun anyway :Grin3:
Based on the hysteria I've seen on the boards, I highly doubt there was any real evidence. Jesus, Brainfail has a fucking meltdown on the daily about me posting about politics, yet he has those meltdowns ON THE POLITICS SUBFORUM, A PLACE HE DOESN'T HAVE TO VISIT, and he claims I am ruining the board and keeping lurkers from joining (What was the excuse before I joined? Oh, yeah, that's in this very thread. He blamed threadjacking for it. I mean Bastard Factory did. Hehe.). If that isn't an example of hysteria, I don't know what is.
I wish he'd just ban me and get it over with.
So you think him trying to expose a member's location, then come back as alt, and try to do the same shit again, is ok? THAT was fucking MaxiRoach!!!
Come on, Blasétard - this is a comedy thread. Make us laugh.
Take a look up shithead, Raven just BOOMed you, SwallowGay. Slurp on that, bitch.
Explain what that proves. I don't know who reported Raven, and more importantly, I don't nkow what was wrong
Notice how liberals defend pedophilia tooth and nail
Notice how you're so fucking stupid you mistake demanding proof of pedophilia for defense of pedophilia. No, Biggie BrainDamage. Pedophilia is disgusting and I codemn it 1000%. I also condemn false accusations, something that escapes the ability of your damaged brain's ability to comprehend.
Fuck, you are a dumb cuss.