Trees are racist. Yep, you heard it


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
My boyfriend and I are contemplating getting a shih tzu. The debate is do we want to lockdown with a dog now when his kids will be off to college in a few years and give up the freedom to travel and not rush home to let the dog out? Since we don’t intend on having children (he has been fixed since after his twins were born) I wanted a sweet, docile snuggle bug to love on. He hates little dogs because of their incessantly obnoxious barking ~ and I totally agree with him here, hence my interest in this breed specifically….

He sent me a video of an all white shih tzu. I’m white, he is Mexican… so I told him “babe, our fur baby needs to be mixed white and brown like her mommy AND daddy!” He agrees lol

We're facing the dilemma of the dog/travel thing. The key is to find someone you trust (before you adopt the dog) to dogsit.

PS, PLEASE adopt, don't shop. Millions of dogs are due to be euthanized every single day.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
It least in some states people are fighting back and winning against left wing racism.

That’s insane!

I don’t support anyone losing their jobs over inverted racism. I just want racism to STOP. Period.

SMH ~ people have lost their damn minds.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
My boyfriend and I are contemplating getting a shih tzu. The debate is do we want to lockdown with a dog now when his kids will be off to college in a few years and give up the freedom to travel and not rush home to let the dog out? Since we don’t intend on having children (he has been fixed since after his twins were born) I wanted a sweet, docile snuggle bug to love on. He hates little dogs because of their incessantly obnoxious barking ~ and I totally agree with him here, hence my interest in this breed specifically….

He sent me a video of an all white shih tzu. I’m white, he is Mexican… so I told him “babe, our fur baby needs to be mixed white and brown like her mommy AND daddy!” He agrees lol

We're facing the dilemma of the dog/travel thing. The key is to find someone you trust (before you adopt the dog) to dogsit.

PS, PLEASE adopt, don't shop. Millions of dogs are due to be euthanized every single day.

That’s why we are stuck… being parents for as long as we have been, we just don’t want to have to arrange things to leave town for a weekend like we have a small child lol

I will consider the adoption option when we make a final decision. We just aren’t there yet….

But I had the cutest puppy whose owner was chasing behind her come up to me on the beach here in Playa Del Rey and she was TO DIE FOR. Cuteness overloaded! She was sweet and playful and then fell asleep in my arms. I didn’t want to put her down.

It’s going to be VERY hard to resist a teacup Shih Tsu puppy. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
So, ropes are racist too? What about wood planks? I mean, they could be use to beat a black person down?

German shepherds? Pretty sure I've seen pics of those biting colored folks before

Heck, let's make cops illegals, we all know they do terrible things to those blacks criminals

Being rich sure as hell is racist too. All the money and riches that America ever made come from blacks. It's not like America was an economical powerhouse and crib of modern technology in the 20th century, we owe it all to those people who picked some cotton and grew some peaches after being sold by their brothers in Africa.

So, it's time for whites to move to the ghettos, vacate your homes in burbs and move to Baltimore.

Chop chop

Dogs are colorblind and only see teeth and eye whites with black people, so they are scared.

Dogs are racist AF lol
r they really color blind or is that just a myth? as apex predators i would think distinguishing colors is pretty important

So, do you think white dogs refuse to associate with black dogs, then?

Big dogs don't like little dogs... they run up to them and piss on them.... or if the big is nasty, they'll grab it, shake it and tear it to bits.

I don’t blame the little dogs for being scared tho…. Can you imagine having come hyper beast run up to you that towers over and is 10x your size? I would be shook too!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have to remove some trees in the yard before winter and I'll probably plant at least 1 new one in spring. Can anyone tell me what tree scares away niggers the most?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
I remember a race battery claiming public parks are racist because blacks don't go to them. He honestly claimed blacks were afraid of trees because it reminded them of a lynching 100 years ago. He said that without any evidence; he just didn't want any more spent on national parks.
Blacks just need to behave better. They tend to get too loose and rambunctious on the piss. BLM doesn’t help their cause either.

Most blacks are cool... it's just the odd minority of mentally ill sorts, like our white snowflakes...

You see that many blacks living in Africa, even though they're a lot poorer than their counterparts living in the western world, are a lot less violent and had a completely different mindset.

But in places like the US and Brazil, blacks are put on a leash and brainwashed, so the left can have their votes and their voices.

Just observe, no matter how much is done, they always make the so called "racism" issue always bigger, even though society does more and more to help blacks.

After all, how would people like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and other make money if there was no more racism?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yet Democrats always make education worse and block school choice so that parents could actually pick a school they want their children to go to. Instead Democrats are slaves to the evil and out of control teachers unions that keep students locked in failed schools.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Yet Democrats always make education worse and block school choice so that parents could actually pick a school they want their children to go to. Instead Democrats are slaves to the evil and out of control teachers unions that keep students locked in failed schools.

I don’t agree that forcing these inner city children to go to school outside of their communities is the answer.

There have been so many cut backs that public school looks more like prison than a place of learning.

What happened to the arts and extra curricular money? Where did recess go? Children need socialization, fresh air and exercise in addition to their education.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
What about the charter schools?

I’ve been out of education for a minute, but I coached softball from every level of little league through HS varsity and used to donate my time as a pitching coach at an LA inner city school. I will say those girls were all black and concerned with their education and going to college, which I fully encouraged and supported.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Years ago, when we lived in a different location, we had our youngest attend a charter school because the local schools in that area (North Park in San Diego) sucked. The charter was better with the test scores to prove it. The unions hate charters and corrupt union dominated school boards have made it almost impossible to create new charters.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.

The race card, the violence, the poverty, the lack of family structure and pretty much everything that plagues the blacks are the consequences, not the causes.

The US treated blacks entirely different than here in Brazil.

I remember well, history was a very important subject and parents used to pay a lot of attention to what was being told. I remember quite all, all schools taught the history of slavery the same way.

Blacks were enslaved by their brothers in Africa and sold to the whites. There was no sides. It was the Portuguese buying slaves from Africans. In a certain away, we were taught that those were NOT the same people that lived in Brazil. So there was no finger pointing between races.

Poverty was seen as something "colorless" and to this day, you'll see whites, mestizos and blacks living together in favelas.

And it worked fine, we were united as a people and we knew who the enemy was. The enemies were the oligarchs, the politicians and criminals.

All that started changing in the early 2000s'. History books here today paint Europeans as devils. No mention of who was capturing and selling the African people. No mention that the tribal warlords always demanded for tobacco and sugarcane liquor in exchange for the slaves.

I saw it on my stepson's history books and on my daughters. It starts were "Starting in the 1540s, black slaves started being brought in large numbers from Africa" and from that on, they focus solely on the punishment and mistreatment.

SO the result here is starting to be the same as in the US, white people who hate themselves and blacks always seeing themselves as victims.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.

The race card, the violence, the poverty, the lack of family structure and pretty much everything that plagues the blacks are the consequences, not the causes.

The US treated blacks entirely different than here in Brazil.

I remember well, history was a very important subject and parents used to pay a lot of attention to what was being told. I remember quite all, all schools taught the history of slavery the same way.

Blacks were enslaved by their brothers in Africa and sold to the whites. There was no sides. It was the Portuguese buying slaves from Africans. In a certain away, we were taught that those were NOT the same people that lived in Brazil. So there was no finger pointing between races.

Poverty was seen as something "colorless" and to this day, you'll see whites, mestizos and blacks living together in favelas.

And it worked fine, we were united as a people and we knew who the enemy was. The enemies were the oligarchs, the politicians and criminals.

All that started changing in the early 2000s'. History books here today paint Europeans as devils. No mention of who was capturing and selling the African people. No mention that the tribal warlords always demanded for tobacco and sugarcane liquor in exchange for the slaves.

I saw it on my stepson's history books and on my daughters. It starts were "Starting in the 1540s, black slaves started being brought in large numbers from Africa" and from that on, they focus solely on the punishment and mistreatment.

SO the result here is starting to be the same as in the US, white people who hate themselves and blacks always seeing themselves as victims.

I’m a white woman and a law abiding citizen. This is no longer my issue. It was only my issue when a black man was killed by a police officer and no investigation was ensuing.

I’m not going to change my opinion on this. If someone is murdered by a police officer, there needs to be a FULL investigation EVERY. DAMN. TIME.

This has nothing to do with race. This is about justice and preserving our most basic civil rights.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Total trans Atlantic slave trade numbers: 12 million. Virtually all bought from black Africans who always practiced slavery. Total transported by Portugal 6.5 million. Total transported to the US 500,000. The rest mostly went to the Caribbean.

BTW total Islamic slave trade of black Africans 80 million over 1300 years. Most muslim slaves lasted less than one year before they died.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
Most muslim slaves lasted less than one year before they died.

But you see, the muslims won't allow a bunch of scumbags that would destroy the fabric of society to make a buck stirring hate about stuff that happened centuries ago.

Only a permissive, incredibly incautious people like the westerners today would do such a stupid thing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.

People have no fucking idea what teachers actually do. It's stunning how they decide that they know it all, and that teachers are worthless slackers. Just stunning.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.
Thankfully, we did without even when we were poor and still sent our kids to private schools. While public screwel kids were home and remote learning, ours were still at school. Amazingly, they didnt die.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.

People have no fucking idea what teachers actually do. It's stunning how they decide that they know it all, and that teachers are worthless slackers. Just stunning.
I know I'd never want my kid to learn anything from an indoctrinated skag like you!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.
Thankfully, we did without even when we were poor and still sent our kids to private schools. While public screwel kids were home and remote learning, ours were still at school. Amazingly, they didnt die.

Every private school that I know from Washington to California shut down. The private was the most prepared for remote learning tbh.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.

People have no fucking idea what teachers actually do. It's stunning how they decide that they know it all, and that teachers are worthless slackers. Just stunning.
I know I'd never want my kid to learn anything from an indoctrinated skag like you!

I would. She is wise and empathic. She doesn’t push propaganda either.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.

People have no fucking idea what teachers actually do. It's stunning how they decide that they know it all, and that teachers are worthless slackers. Just stunning.

I know what primary school teachers teach online here since the 1st to 6th lockdown... because it's all Webex meetings that I'm invariably forced to listen to in the background... half or more based on "feelz" and the rest in dodgy maths, subpar English, and a whole lot of shooting the breeze.

Our teachers aren't much chop.... they peddle crap, and they model their curriculum on California.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.
Thankfully, we did without even when we were poor and still sent our kids to private schools. While public screwel kids were home and remote learning, ours were still at school. Amazingly, they didnt die.

Every private school that I know from Washington to California shut down. The private was the most prepared for remote learning tbh.
Was that because the state mandated private schools shut down or did they do that on their own?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.

People have no fucking idea what teachers actually do. It's stunning how they decide that they know it all, and that teachers are worthless slackers. Just stunning.
I know I'd never want my kid to learn anything from an indoctrinated skag like you!

I would. She is wise and empathic. She doesn’t push propaganda either.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

You are always wrong and you never seek actual data. That is why you are worthless as a human being.

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Why not just stop lying and start educating yourself? Are you to lazy and to partisan?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@rancidmilko ~ my boyfriend is of the opinion that the black community falls back on the race card a lot.

He understands why I protested for an investigation for Floyd. I was also shocked that officer was convicted after learning everything we now know about that day/arrest.

But I stand behind my statement that I was there to support due process and justice. I am not pro fuck the police or anything crazy like that.

I just feel that we have spent so much on correctional facilities and the problem is only getting worse. Poverty and drugs are major culprits, so it seems logical that pumping money into education for these communities is a better answer.

I don’t want to watch people die on the news. I think it’s detrimental to an already failing society.
Spending on public schools in this state is at record highs. The unions just devour all of it and then cut classes and electives. Hell, they have even outlawed A.P. and advanced classes now because blacks don't bother to take them so in the name of "equity" better students must be held back.

Increased competition and parents voting with theor feet will result in better outcomes. Also with school choice many will remain in their communities but will then opt for private or religious schools.

You do not know wtf you are talking about. You literally know nothing. Jesus Christ. There are a LOT of problems with education in CA, but you have no fricking idea what they actually are.

I wonder how many pandemic parents decided after a year of homeschooling that teachers deserve a HUGE raise….

I’m grateful my kids were off at college working on second and 3rd degrees when this all hit.

People have no fucking idea what teachers actually do. It's stunning how they decide that they know it all, and that teachers are worthless slackers. Just stunning.
I know I'd never want my kid to learn anything from an indoctrinated skag like you!

I would. She is wise and empathic. She doesn’t push propaganda either.

Thank you. I was a very empathetic teacher, with a lot of passion for my job. Nothing meant more to me than the students.

Also, I do not think either Democrats or Republicans are doing right by the students. I honestly think the only real solutions will come from a consortium of teachers -- not administrators or legislators -- and parents who are actually involved and know what's going on and do not have a political agenda.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Almost half of all education spending goes to over head and is not spent on in classroom instruction.

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It is so easy to check all of this yet that garbage human Lotusbutt never does. All she ever does is lie.