Welcome to Hell, Elon


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
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the things you own end up owning you

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That's fantastic!

Tesla reported a $3.29 billion net profit in that quarter. Toyota earned 434.2 billion yen -- the equivalent of $3.15 billion based on the average exchange rate for the period of 138 yen to the dollar.
Over the last two years, Tesla has been able to consistently deliver profits every quarter with increasingly impressive free cash flow, which reached a record of over $3 billion last quarter.
And toyota delivered 8 times more cars, so do the math.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Modern day leftists hate free speech.

I’m a moderate. Elon is supportive of racist hate speech and numerous public figures are walking away since he has taken over.

I prefer to not endure racially charged hate speech on social media, but since I’ve never been a fan of Twitter.. the change of power was an obvious flex by the Rightey whities.

But this was coming… it was coming the day Twitter and all other social media platforms recognized it was their civic duty to shut Trump down. It’s a rich fuck power flex that proves they can and will do whatever they want…
Well, except pay you a fair wage and their taxes. God condemn any and everyone to the 11th degree of hell who wants them to do that…


Factory Bastard
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Dude, it was a mutation. Light skin and eyes are mutations. Look at most of the world, it's dark eyes, hair and darker skin than blinding white.

Fair skin is not a mutation... it's a recessive gene. Learn the difference.

You remind of dumb meghan markle calling her podcaste Archetypes when she means Stereotypes.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Fair skin is not a mutation... it's a recessive gene. Learn the difference.

You remind of dumb meghan markle calling her podcaste Archetypes when she means Stereotypes.

It was a mutation thousands of years ago.

Originally, our ancestors out of Africa had dark skin.

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Factory Bastard
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Homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism etc are all part of jewish culture.

Most influential feminists and LGBT activists over the years have been jewish.

Oh ffs... feminism doesn't have any thing to do with Jews Dumbarse... you are just as thick as fucking Lily and admin you come out with blatant crapolla!!!

I can't believe the shit that comes out of your ignorant gob.. talk about obsessed and one eyed.

FEMINISM has been going on over 125 years.. Cope!!


Factory Bastard
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It was a mutation thousands of years ago.

Originally, our ancestors out of Africa had dark skin.

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Well I believe that Adam an Eve were brown / swarthy/ olive skinned and in there genes they threw fairer skinned and darker skinned persons...

One of Noah's sons was black...

Since humans stated in Iraq.... The Bible describes where Eden was...that is where we come from.

I do not ascribe early humans to anywhere else but where the Bible says they came from.

In Australia, Australians are taught man originated in Australia... of course that is bullshit but that is what is being taught.n


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Well I believe that Adam an Eve were brown / swarthy/ olive skinned and in there genes they threw fairer skinned and darker skinned persons...

One of Noah's sons was black...

Since humans stated in Iraq.... The Bible describes where Eden was...that is where we come from.

I do not ascribe early humans to anywhere else but where the Bible says they came from.

In Australia, Australians are taught man originated in Australia... of course that is bullshit but that is what is being taught.n

I don't plan on having a genetic mutation vs biblical discussion on the validity of my statement.

Mine is based on scientific evidence. Not stories from the Bible.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Well I believe that Adam an Eve were brown / swarthy/ olive skinned and in there genes they threw fairer skinned and darker skinned persons...

One of Noah's sons was black...

Since humans stated in Iraq.... The Bible describes where Eden was...that is where we come from.

I do not ascribe early humans to anywhere else but where the Bible says they came from.

In Australia, Australians are taught man originated in Australia... of course that is bullshit but that is what is being taught.n
Baby Jesus is described in the Bible like a black person.

But all the whiteys are up in arms screaming that GAWD forbid a black girl play a fucking mermaid.

Mermaids aren’t real… but racism in the US is alive and well.


Factory Bastard
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I will welcome with joy the day white Australians treat aborigines as if they actually mattered.

I will welcome the day they start treating each other and everyone else with respect instead of drunkingly abusing women and children... and murdering .

If they want respect then they should learn respectability.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Here you go...

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How do you feel about the aboriginals?

I ask because we are similar in that I’m a white woman living on land that belonged to the indigenous people of this area. I also share a bed with one of those savages and all I can say is GAWD damn he is one beast of a man :Happy5:


Factory Bastard
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It's total crap Murdie.... they came down island hopping from India.. there is PLENTY of evidence to show they did...

And if they did DNA testing... I WOULD have the scientific evidence...


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
It's total crap Murdie.... they came down island hopping from India.. there is PLENTY of evidence to show they did...

And if they did DNA testing... I WOULD have the scientific evidence...
What is it that they do that is so bad? I’ve only ever seen them in movies.


Factory Bastard
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How do you feel about the aboriginals?

I ask because we are similar in that I’m a white woman living on land that belonged to the indigenous people of this area. I also share a bed with one of those savages and all I can say is GAWD damn he is one beast of a man :Happy5:

People my age and older I have respect for...

The younger ones are ugly on the inside due to not being treated equally but have been treated exceptionally/especially.

My sister is married to a man whose mother was part abo so my sisters husband is quarter abo.. he also has an aboriginal brother that was given away at birth (the mother played up with an aboriginal man)... I met him a few years back... he was brought up by white adopted parents. He is a skilled boiler maker. A VERY nice gentleman.

The Europeans that came here from Europe and the UK ALWAYS mixed with aborigines, got married, had children and so forth.

Your country might have been segregated... but in the 1960s, I was sitting in class with abos.


Factory Bastard
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What is it that they do that is so bad? I’ve only ever seen them in movies.
[quote author="@stellar" source="/post/66473/thread" timestamp="1659247653"]

Honestly, there really is no hope for these people.

Apparently a different "mix" of Indigenous groups were originally placed together in the past by missionaries.

Former Labor Member for Daly, Rob Knight said that mix of people has led to a “pressure cooker” effect when the community is cut off from the rest of the Northern Territory during the wet season.

This effectively refutes the claim by abos and the woke left that aboriginal tribes all love one another and constitute a "nation." Nothing is further from the truth. The tribes hate one another. And the violence at Wadye continues ....


Factory Bastard
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What is it that they do that is so bad? I’ve only ever seen them in movies.

[quote author="@stellar" source="/post/67564/thread" timestamp="1662757857"]

@caskur ,Since I have lived on my current property since 1984 (and my husband since 1956) abos have, 1. stolen my Commodore station wagon, 2. Stolen my sons Mountain Bike,.. 3. Stabbed my husband with a screwdriver. 4 Burned my house down murdering my much loved pets and destroying priceless family heirlooms. they even robbed my property after that before we rebuilt. 5. Stole our GMH Crewman and did thousands in damage plus ran up 2 traffic offences while in it. 6. Robbed all my jewelry 2 years ago.

Oh I hate them alright and I am absolutely sickened to my core when certain posters like Jack who are clueless hacks daring to accuse us of any impropriety.

That's exactly what the Abos get up to. They have no fear of the courts. They have this belief that they own everything and they can do whatever they like. And they actually get away with it too.

When my son used to live in Bathurst, he took me up to see a new suburb development. He explained that just after everyone had moved in, without any notification, graders and bulldozers arrived and started clearing the crown land opposite some of the streets. This surprised all the residents as crown land cannot be built on because of the endangered flora and fauna. Anyway, after all the trees were cleared, whole rows of townhouses started to be erected. By now the residents were getting worried and with good reason because it was becoming apparent that the townhouses were to be inhabited by aboriginals.

Once the Abos had moved in, the crime statistics which had been zero up to then, suddenly shot up almost overnight. The residents who all worked and had mortgages, came home to find their houses and garages had been broken into, possessions stolen, cars stolen, damage caused everywhere. The Abos all of whom NEVER WORKED were up all night, partying, drinking, fighting, lighting bonfires and having barbecues, taking drugs and carrying on in typical Abo fashion. Plus - all their rellies from wherever suddenly lobbed in to stay on extended visits. This is something Abos do all the time because in their culture what's yours is mine. ThIis always causes fights when they've been drinking. They'd also break into their fellow Abo neighbour's house and steal items and then the neighbour would break into their house to steal them back plus a few other goods. This just went on and on relentlessly. It caused massive disruptions to everyone else's lives living in that vicinity.

By now, after only 18 months of the Abos moving in, their beautiful new townhouses were TRASHED!! Rubbish everywhere. Lawns and gardens neglected, grass never mowed. Items and rubbish dumped all over the property. Some townhouses had been set on fire. It was unbelievable but I saw it myself. My son was showing me exactly what the Abos do. Trash and burn. But it's all good - none of them ever have to pay for any of it themselves. The govt will get contractors in to fix all the places up and then they can trash and burn them again.


This happens all over the country and it costs the govt - ie the taxpayers - 30 billion dollars and rising every year! Jack of course in his pig ignorance, will say it doesn't happen. But of course Jack spent a lifetime down a coalmine which in his opinion makes him eminently suitable to deny this. [/quote]
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It's total crap Murdie.... they came down island hopping from India.. there is PLENTY of evidence to show they did...

And if they did DNA testing... I WOULD have the scientific evidence...

So what? They were the original inhabitants of the continent by thousands of years. Everyone came from somewhere else.


Factory Bastard
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So what? They were the original inhabitants of the continent by thousands of years. Everyone came from somewhere else.

since when did that give them the right to break laws THEY SIGNED up to?.... ya know like raping babies to death, stealing, bashing each other over their heads breaking into homes.... ya know,.... common law and decency. Stuff like that.

And the weren't here for thousands of years..... 400 max....