Welcome to Hell, Elon

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
No, but I can read data and have.

14.5% is a significant minority population, it's far from being overrun however. 85.6% of the UK is white.

According to the
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(ONS) based on population survey figures from 2019, people from ethnic minority backgrounds make up 14.4% of the United Kingdom (16.1% for England, 5.9% for Wales, 5.4% for Scotland and 2.2% for Northern Ireland).
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Those stats are bullshit.

Read up about the Dover illegal immigrant crossings.

Make no mistake, it's an invasion.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

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Elon Musk The Richest Welfare Queen ever!

And he voted democrat until recently, and you're willing to prostitute yourself out to daddy MAGA himself to "get elon". The real problem with elon is that he's not cucked to the establishment and took their biggest and most impotant toy away from them, and manbabies like you are just throwing a tantrum because you now anybody with 8$ can get that coveted blue checkmark-the thing leftists regasrded as a social status symbol.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you

And he voted democrat until recently, and you're willing to prostitute yourself out to daddy MAGA himself to "get elon". The real problem with elon is that he's not cucked to the establishment and took their biggest and most impotant toy away from them, and manbabies like you are just throwing a tantrum because you now anybody with 8$ can get that coveted blue checkmark-the thing leftists regasrded as a social status symbol.

TLDR, Good effort, great hustle!



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

And he voted democrat until recently, and you're willing to prostitute yourself out to daddy MAGA himself to "get elon". The real problem with elon is that he's not cucked to the establishment and took their biggest and most impotant toy away from them, and manbabies like you are just throwing a tantrum because you now anybody with 8$ can get that coveted blue checkmark-the thing leftists regasrded as a social status symbol.

To get Elon? Elon spent $44 billion to "Own the libs".



Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you

And he voted democrat until recently, and you're willing to prostitute yourself out to daddy MAGA himself to "get elon". The real problem with elon is that he's not cucked to the establishment and took their biggest and most impotant toy away from them, and manbabies like you are just throwing a tantrum because you now anybody with 8$ can get that coveted blue checkmark-the thing leftists regasrded as a social status symbol.

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senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
To get Elon? Elon spent $44 billion to "Own the libs".

When did Elon ever say he wanted to "own the libs"? now you're just making shit up.
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It seems Elon the true liberal has every 'lib' pissed he wants free speech and healthy debate. Are you insinuating the modern ÈliberalÈ hstes free speech or something of that nature?

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
TLDR, Good effort, great hustle!

thats why they got locked them out in the first place. thy just proved elon correct to do so, and the twitter employee that did that fucked themself out of 3 months worth of severence and health insurance.
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Oh no! what a tyrant for giving every laid off employee 3 months worth of salary and health insurance! btter act like a manbaby because "getting elon" is worth more than 3 months worth of severence and health insurance, and something elon can have reversed in less than a minute. ya really showed em!

Thanks for proving elon's point.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
thats why they got locked them out in the first place. thy just proved elon correct to do so, and the twitter employee that did that fucked themself out of 3 months worth of severence and health insurance.
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Oh no! what a tyrant for giving every laid off employee 3 months worth of salary and health insurance! btter act like a manbaby because "getting elon" is worth more than 3 months worth of severence and health insurance, and something elon can have reversed in less than a minute. ya really showed em!

Thanks for proving elon's point.
ONLY Because that is State and Federal Law!!!

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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
When did Elon ever say he wanted to "own the libs"? now you're just making shit up.
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It seems Elon the true liberal has every 'lib' pissed he wants free speech and healthy debate. Are you insinuating the modern ÈliberalÈ hstes free speech or something of that nature?

Of course he wants to own the libs. All he's done is whine about free speech, that he now wants to charge $8. It was easy for him to talk about free speech and now he's whining about loss of revenue.

Apparently, his bullshit tweet about Paul Pelosi turned off a lot of advertisers. He's not being an adult about his company, he's trolling...

Own the Libs now, biatch.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
ONLY Because that is State and Federal Law!!!

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you mean 50% MORE than the law says he has to give. Again, I really don't get why you don't like this guy. He's everything the left claims to want.
Were you hoping he treated his workers like the billionaires you like treat workers?

So, you hate the guy so far because
-He bought twitter
-laid off half the workforce and offered them 50% more than legally required in Gavin newsom's and joe biden's red hot economy and will have all great jobs before their severence is even done
-supports free speech for ALL
-Selling blue checkmarks for 8$ per month(you can still use the site for free, by the way)
Its almost as if your REAL problem is that Elon Musk is a
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Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Don't expect any kind of rational or remotely intelligent response. Aidsman is a braindead fuckwit.

Him and his fellow woke Starbucks dwellers hate Musk because CNN told them to. In case you haven't noticed, modern lefties are nothing more than shock troops for the globohomo cause.

The (((establishment))) aka the jews, hate Musk because the main basis for his purchase of Twitter is to enforce free speech. Free speech is something which jews are terrified of. The reason being because it means that people can expose them, without being censored for "hate speech" or anti-Semitism. You see, it doesn't matter to these people whether an allegation is true or not, if it's critical of jews then it's automatically anti-Semitic and so therefore deserves to be censored.

See why free speech is so important? Whenever there's a massive campaign underway to stifle it, you can bet your ass that jews are orchestrating it.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Of course he wants to own the libs. All he's done is whine about free speech, that he now wants to charge $8. It was easy for him to talk about free speech and now he's whining about loss of revenue.

Apparently, his bullshit tweet about Paul Pelosi turned off a lot of advertisers. He's not being an adult about his company, he's trolling...

Own the Libs now, biatch.

The (((ADL))) are the ones pressuring advertisers to drop Twitter.

See why kikes get removed from countries?

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
oh, but i just heard something really intersting:

that explains A LOT! Imagine being some Celeb or big social media stars and paying 15 grand for a little blue checkmark, only to have somebody like elon to come out and start selling it for 8 bucks per month. wouldn't you be extremely pissed?


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
oh, but i just heard something really intersting:

that explains A LOT! Imagine being some Celeb or big social media stars and paying 15 grand for a little blue checkmark, only to have somebody like elon to come out and start selling it for 8 bucks per month. wouldn't you be extremely pissed?

Do you have Elon attached to you in some way at this time?

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Do you have Elon attached to you in some way at this time?
watched a 14 minute video in 8 or so minutes? ok, clearly you didn't, but here are the cliffnotes
-Twitter employees were taking bribes of 15 000 dollars to get a blue checkmark
-ALL of the jobs elon cut were created in the last 2 years, and there are still more jobs at twitter than in 2019
-The people you were praising pretty much ran jack dorsey out, and then ran the company into the ground from its peak in the early 2010's.
You should be thanking elon for getting it away from a bunch of idiots that were shitting all over jack's hard work, but nope!


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
watched a 14 minute video in 8 or so minutes? ok, clearly you didn't, but here are the cliffnotes
-Twitter employees were taking bribes of 15 000 dollars to get a blue checkmark
-ALL of the jobs elon cut were created in the last 2 years, and there are still more jobs at twitter than in 2019
-The people you were praising pretty much ran jack dorsey out, and then ran the company into the ground from its peak in the early 2010's.
You should be thanking elon for getting it away from a bunch of idiots that were shitting all over jack's hard work, but nope!
Are you carrying Elon's seed?


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
watched a 14 minute video in 8 or so minutes? ok, clearly you didn't, but here are the cliffnotes
-Twitter employees were taking bribes of 15 000 dollars to get a blue checkmark
-ALL of the jobs elon cut were created in the last 2 years, and there are still more jobs at twitter than in 2019
-The people you were praising pretty much ran jack dorsey out, and then ran the company into the ground from its peak in the early 2010's.
You should be thanking elon for getting it away from a bunch of idiots that were shitting all over jack's hard work, but nope!
The Self Proclaimed FREE SPEECH ABSOLUTIST, bans a cute little Commedian/Actress being the mean tiny lady made a funny about him.

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