But in all seriousness, I've been helping people when I can and if they really look to be in need.
With the pandemic, things that had disappeared are coming back, like kids selling candy in the traffic lights and people pushing trash carts around.
Last week I was coming back from the lake and I saw this very old man pushing a cart full of cardboard under the scorching sun. That kinda of stuff really breaks my heart. I stopped the car and went to talk to him. He told me he has been choosing between eating and taking his medication lately, because everything is just too expensive, so he has to push the cart to be able to do both. 73 years old.
I gave him all the money I had on me, 200 reals and change. That's less than 40 dollars these days, but it's almost the amount they're giving as pandemic financial support for people like him, monthly.
You know they deserve it because they always hesitate a little, you can see the shame in their eyes, these people have worked their whole lives while they could, but being the fucked up 3rd world hellhole we are, many have to live their last years suffering thru hell to continue living. I gave him my address and I told him to come once in a while. In Brazoo we have something called "the basic basket", which are sets of food itens that they pack together usually with a discount, it's enough for a family of 3 to pass a month or so. I'll buy and keep one here for him, it's better than giving them money. They get money from the government, so they can use it pay for other things. Giving them money sometimes is a temptation, some end up buying booze or drugs and family members sometimes will steal it from them.