Whit I realise about KM now....


Factory Bastard
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Haemophilia occurs in 1 in 6,000-10,000 males internationally.

So 1 Russian Prince back last century had a pair of cousins marry (his great grandparents) ⁹and haemophilia is spread by the aristocracy....lol...

If you have haemophilia you must belong to the aristocracy.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You have the ability to put a person to sleep in less than 30 seconds of your drooling mess. You have one of the shittest indecipherable accents on the entire fucking planet. Learn to shut the fuck up for once you white fucking nigger!

It's pretty thick isn't it?


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
It's pretty thick isn't it?
Isn’t it just!? And all he does is bitch and moan about this place. What an insufferable twat.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yes, yes... he hardly ever writes anything positive.

But realistically, they eat sheep balls so whaddya expect? He's a devourer haggis.


Factory Bastard
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Errrrrm, you haven't been reading me for 20 years Lord Haggis muncher. Nice try though.

I know for a fact Perth WA is more cosmopolitan than any place in Scotland. We have toilets that flush unlike you lot who squat in the back lanes in the mud to take a dump. And don't deny it either. We heard it first hand from Jimmy Barnes of Cold Chisel fame.


Factory Bastard
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Serial sheep diddlers and botherers flock here looking for hope. They rep each other for moral support.

BLANDSCAPE basically confessed he looks for hope. And he confessed to looking right here at BASTARD FACTORY for that very hope.

We have hard evidence via his strange tongue on a tapped message.. His foreign tongue which is not of the gentry class. More like some sort of tarten sock wearing class. More like a sheep shearer.

He thinks Kurt shears sheep and if Kurt hadn't broken his back in two places in car accident at 18 he might have been a good sheep shearer.... alas the poor man is but a mere metal worker...
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Scotty is nothing more than a traveling freak show attraction who spent years performing the same bloviated act on one failed forum after another until he ran out of venues and is now stuck here indefinitely.

I find his blustering and bragging to be nothing more than a flimsy facade hiding a shallow and, to be honest, mentally unbalanced personality...to put it another way, the only thing that distinguishes him from every other forum asshole is that he passes a much larger quantity of gas.

His vocaroos sound like lost entries from a madman's diary, and his voice is as bad as nails scraping a chalkboard. Can anyone think of one memorable and worthwhile thing he's written in his so called flaming career? I found four lines from one of his poems to be a worthy prompt from which I created something completely different, which was no doubt seen and heard by far more people than will ever read his stale prose here...but that was the end of it, reading his daily bluster is exhausting and makes the eyes tired from all the rolling that they do when confronted with his pathetic attempts at feigned superiority.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Scotty is nothing more than a traveling freak show attraction who spent years performing the same bloviated act on one failed forum after another until he ran out of venues and is now stuck here indefinitely.

I find his blustering and bragging to be nothing more than a flimsy facade hiding a shallow and, to be honest, mentally unbalanced personality...to put it another way, the only thing that distinguishes him from every other forum asshole is that he passes a much larger quantity of gas.

His vocaroos sound like lost entries from a madman's diary, and his voice is as bad as nails scraping a chalkboard. Can anyone think of one memorable and worthwhile thing he's written in his so called flaming career? I found four lines from one of his poems to be a worthy prompt from which I created something completely different, which was no doubt seen and heard by far more people than will ever read his stale prose here...but that was the end of it, reading his daily bluster is exhausting and makes the eyes tired from all the rolling that they do when confronted with his pathetic attempts at feigned superiority.
He was so energetically full of shit at FT, that I thought he was younger than me. Never would I have thought that he was actually pushing 60! He must live a stupefyingly bland existence up there in Shitsville.

Fucking koont actually had the hide for calling me out on lacking “content” and that I should trrrrrrry harrrrrrrrrderrrr! Lol…when he brown_nosed King Poofter and stated that the sod was a brilliant poster…I knew dementia must surely be kicking in with this Scottish dropkick!
