Whit I realise about KM now....



Factory Bastard
He was so energetically full of shit at FT, that I thought he was younger than me. Never would I have thought that he was actually pushing 60! He must live a stupefyingly bland existence up there in Shitsville.

Fucking koont actually had the hide for calling me out on lacking “content” and that I should trrrrrrry harrrrrrrrrderrrr! Lol…when he brown_nosed King Poofter and stated that the sod was a brilliant poster…I knew dementia must surely be kicking in with this Scottish dropkick!




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

I was enthralled by the part where you said I needed you...that was a true rolling on the floor laughing moment...especially since you're one of those weirdo flamers with a prolapsed ego dragging out your ass. I need my collaborators to constantly improve my Soundclouds, I need my fellow dark writers for inspiration, that is about it...why would I need you or anyone in these troll forums, what a bizarre statement. With that kind of talk, you sound like a cult leader.

That you rely on these stupid forums for meaning and purpose is truly heartbreaking.

Who do you think you're talking to, no seriously? You appear to have misidentified me as someone of low intelligence and skill, such as yourself. Some straw person you've created out of pure troll fantasy. It really reflects back on you, all your hand wringing and exclamations about posting worthwhile material on an obscure troll forum.

You're either insane or not using a full deck, or a combination of the two...


Factory Bastard
I was enthralled by the part where you said I needed you...that was a true rolling on the floor laughing moment...especially since you're one of those weirdo flamers with a prolapsed ego dragging out your ass. I need my collaborators to constantly improve my Soundclouds, I need my fellow dark writers for inspiration, that is about it...why would I need you or anyone in these troll forums, what a bizarre statement. With that kind of talk, you sound like a cult leader.

That you rely on these stupid forums for meaning and purpose is truly heartbreaking.

Who do you think you're talking to, no seriously? You appear to have misidentified me as someone of low intelligence and skill, such as yourself. Some straw person you've created out of pure troll fantasy. It really reflects back on you, all your hand wringing and exclamations about posting worthwhile material on an obscure troll forum.

You're either insane or not using a full deck, or a combination of the two...



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

I sincerely hope you found some value in your silly voice recordings...a small bit of sunshine on your dinner plate.

What does "beating you up in words" even mean, you silly little man? What are words if they do not elicit emotion or joy, or convey a deeper meaning through written work?

Please elaborate on what you believe you have accomplished in your community. Do you have a collection of your best prosaic prose available for purchase on Amazon so that a wider audience can read it?

You've done and accomplished nothing, a minor peon on obscure flame forums is what you be...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Are you seriously offended by being called a worthless piece of shit, but you're posting here which sort of goes with being a worthless piece of shit...no?

Then you bring up some other poster talking about your silly worth and how offended you were by being called a worthless piece of shit.

Listen, Scotty, everything posted in places like this is mostly useless...open your eyes, shit is all around you...literally.

You shouldn't have spent all this time doing disturbing drunk uncle Vacaroo bits for me, it only further proved that flamers really need a safe exit strategy from these forums otherwise, they will gradually go insane, and you are the unfortunate proof of this.

Nothing you post here has any worth or greater artistic value...you know that, right? Everything is just verbal masturbation fueled by your insatiable desire for attention.

When describing your own sad state of forum stagnation, never speak for me...especially when everything you think you know about me is so far off base. You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and you should know that I value a very sharp knife. Instead of attempting to project your own mental instabilities onto others, you should try writing something mildly entertaining...that may be asking too much but it is worth a try.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land

I’m just an ordinary bloke.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Definitely had a turn of phrase or two that amused me. I wish more people could play with language at the forum, you, Aylana, and Garraty do have the gift.

You all make me smile, smirk and sometimes chuckle outright...it makes it worth being at the forum. There's a law of awful offal to shovel through to get there, but it is there.

@18Holliday81 can be creative as well. We need more.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Definitely had a turn of phrase or two that amused me. I wish more people could play with language at the forum, you, Aylana, and Garraty do have the gift.

You all make me smile, smirk and sometimes chuckle outright...it makes it worth being at the forum. There's a law of awful offal to shovel through to get there, but it is there.

@18Holliday81 can be creative as well. We need more.
You’re all fucking noobs on my forum!