Why Breakfall ejaculates into his mom.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Lily's lunch lady arms look like a whirling ceiling fan when she loses her shit.

If you really want to fuck her up, place mustard packets on her keyboard and watch her eat her fists afterwards....
Hey man…um…I can’t say anything! But that’s….erm pretty clever. Wait….fuck it! Lolololololololololol :LOL3:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The best part about Flea is that she's done worse than me. Someone should ask about the people she's doxxed years ago. Flea acts like she's an innocent bystander in the world of "flame." Don't let the cunt fool you, she's done her work as well.

I know that already. She's done some fucked up shit in real life she's posted about. I don't fall for that crap for one second.

As they say in Spanish (I'll translate) Para cuando vayas, yo ya fue 7 vine.

"By the time you go, I've already gone and returned. "

I don’t care what you fall for. There is a reason why everyone loves and respects me and why they hate you.

Unlike you, I care about being loved in my real life. Not online. I don't live here.
If shit goes down, none of these fools will be there for you, me or anyone else beyond a "thoughts and prayer" bullshit post online.

And that's what's actually up.

If that was true, you wouldn’t need ONLINE dating sites to find someone to love you. Period

That's dating aimed at meeting people. I don't come to fuck or romance anyone on a forum. Tonta.

No, you look to fuck on fling.com. LOL

Lies, Ms. Mature...

Yet you had BF delete the fucking proof. LOL

I had him delete lies. My actual picture has stayed up. My chopped picture has remained up.

Find it bitch if it's so true...

If it was a lie, why delete it?

Because it's a lie. Find me if I'm online...go ahead. If it's true, why can't you find it?

You deleted your profile, dummy. Everyone knows it was really you. If it was a lie, you wouldn’t have cared. Nobody bothers asking for lies to be deleted.

You retards are making the assertion. So prove it.

It was proven. You had BF delete it. Ouch

You proved nothing. What was proved was that someone registered an account with my picture that was out there because of Farmer at CO.

That's all that was proven, dummy. Don't pretend you don't know what level people will go to to "own", well, themselves.

haha.... they've done that to me too.

In real life... I'd have them chopped up and used as bait in lobster pots.

politics and religion can put wedges in peoples lives. At all times, seek common ground with the sisterhood.

Yeah, same shit different day.
It's not just politics and religion, it's the men behind them. There's a strong whiff of male influence in all these broken chains between women.
Shush, you baker's dozen donut swilling muffin topped misandrist.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Lily's lunch lady arms look like a whirling ceiling fan when she loses her shit.

If you really want to fuck her up, place mustard packets on her keyboard and watch her eat her fists afterwards....
Hey man…um…I can’t say anything! But that’s….erm pretty clever. Wait….fuck it! Lolololololololololol :LOL3:

Now you've done it....


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Fat Lily just rolled her eyes.

Which concludes her day's exercise regime.

Tomorrow she's going to give someone the bird.

She calls it cali-lily-sthenics


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Kalis Fishing boat habour....yes, yes... squid rings and prawns and scallops here I come!!!
Clancy’s Fish Pub was my haunt. Half restaurant and half music and dance floor! Looks a lot more developed since I was last there…



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Fat Lily is so large that if you slapped roller-skates on her hands and feet, stripped her down stark naked, then gave her a push.... she'd look like a brown 70's Lowrider (complete with dingleberries around her rear window)....


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
You do better....

Have some fibre ffs..

You're so backed up that you're not-NOT yourself.

Have something besides a dozen daily Snickers so that YUO can doo doo better, you constipated half baked jumbo pouch of couch sharding papas fritas....

Your Kmart undies will thank you for it....

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
The funniest part about this is that Flynn thinks he is "mean". Bahahahahaha!

So Plynn did you pixel beat the fuck out Breaky with that ghoulish necrophilia rant?

Maybe you should take some time and just scream at me about buttsex and 3.5k for another year or so. Because this is total fucking garbage even more than your usual. I mean Plynn....I've misspelled way more words than just the few you've been spamming about for years. Maybe go back through my posts and find a few. I KNOW you need to be googling them and all....but you need a time out..

Good grief. See this is how gross and fucking retarded some of these "flamers" who still wanna be "flamers" are. Fuck Knuckle Flynn thinks this shit is good and thinks its "mean".

This is contents lmao.

Will Breaks dead mother also have to pay to get the switch out of pawn? Lulz.
How many of us through the years have crossed swords and not seen eye to eye? But when it’s all said and done…have a laugh and move on. This Flynn character fucking reeks of King Poofter. A little man that got his arse served by a Dove xx

He brought his ass on the platter himself and had a 4 year long tantrum because he didnt get his way.

They've been blathering and ranting for 4 years and they just pretend they "beat the fuck" out of everyone they drool on. Plynn is way too stupid to realize how he actually looks to normal thinking people.

I think the conflict comes from a very very different view of the boards. We are from troll board where we laugh when we get people bleeding out their assholes with hurt and rage. Plynn is from a board of mentally disordered people who rant angry insults at eachother as a form of ghetto therapy.

So naturally the stupid twat thinks talking about fucking a corpse is a way to BURN you lmao.

I see Oak finally flipped on you. Didnt I tell you she does that? Lol.
Everyone told me that re: Oak! One minute it was Happy Father’s Day…the next it was FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUU! I can’t stop people saying what they want to say. All this drama, because I told her that I was surprised that she defended this Flynn over this debased thread?

Now I’m a big baby because I had a few red wines and got a tad emotional about it? Jesus Christ…I’m not infallible!

I didn't defend. What I didn't do is choose sides, fuck head. You demanded that I choose sides like a spoilt child. Over a meaningless post on the internet, fucking drama queen.

It's okay for you to be "infallible" but no on else, right, crybaby?
This coming from the daft bitch who threatened to sue another forum over hurt feelz.