Why Breakfall ejaculates into his mom.



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?

Trying to explain to you high IQ educated smucks WHAT Aryans morals actually ARE isnt the same as defending them. I have ZERO doubt that I'm among the ONLY ones here who could not just understand his opinions....but effectively challenge them.

And it's not a "need". It sometimes hurts my head to see really ignorant and emotionally driven people constantly cast aspersions on the intelligence of others all the while being dumb as shit.

Yeah we make fun of you guys. Because for all your self important gloating.....its obvious you live in bubbles and have very little to no experience with actual human beings.


And PS....Reaper is not Biggie.
And it's obvious that you're too fucking stupid to run a forum after what happened last night at your shitty message board. You're probably the dipshit that left the doors and windows wide open at SG.

Until you can properly run a forum without exposing your posters to breaches, you should shut the fuck up about "IQ" points you fucking retarded slag.

You have proven year after year that you're dumber than a bag of flaccid dicks.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Cas, don't conflate an extensive vocabulary with grammatical adequacy.

The rules of English grammar fit into a slim paperback volume.

Then again, accessing even this presupposes an ability to read.
You’ve used conflate out of context there Blurtie! Confuse…would’ve more than sufficed.
I find it comical that some of the posters here who pat each other on the back for their creative writing skills consistently produce sub-par material.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I guess the Squeaky Wheel Fat Pig gets the grease special treatment.

Fat @Lily is going to have a lot more to.


About this.



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Cas, don't conflate an extensive vocabulary with grammatical adequacy.

The rules of English grammar fit into a slim paperback volume.

Then again, accessing even this presupposes an ability to read.
You’ve used conflate out of context there Blurtie! Confuse…would’ve more than sufficed.
I find it comical that some of the posters here who pat each other on the back for their creative writing skills consistently produce sub-par material.
So why do you pat yourself on the back, then?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
So why do you pat yourself on the back, then?
Fat Lily gets all quiet when someone mentions "pat yourself on the back".

That fat cow has not been able to reach her back in 2 decades.

She said this just a few nights ago in a "private" chat on Discord: "I am very flexible, but I can hardy bend because my fat rolls get in the way."


Factory Bastard
So why do you pat yourself on the back, then?
Fat Lily gets all quiet when someone mentions "pat yourself on the back".

That fat cow has not been able to reach her back in 2 decades.

She said this just a few nights ago in a "private" chat on Discord: "I am very flexible, but I can hardy bend because my fat rolls get in the way."
Is your wife bald too ? Who fucks who ? LOL

No One

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?

Trying to explain to you high IQ educated smucks WHAT Aryans morals actually ARE isnt the same as defending them. I have ZERO doubt that I'm among the ONLY ones here who could not just understand his opinions....but effectively challenge them.

And it's not a "need". It sometimes hurts my head to see really ignorant and emotionally driven people constantly cast aspersions on the intelligence of others all the while being dumb as shit.

Yeah we make fun of you guys. Because for all your self important gloating.....its obvious you live in bubbles and have very little to no experience with actual human beings.


And PS....Reaper is not Biggie.
And it's obvious that you're too fucking stupid to run a forum after what happened last night at your shitty message board. You're probably the dipshit that left the doors and windows wide open at SG.

Until you can properly run a forum without exposing your posters to breaches, you should shut the fuck up about "IQ" points you fucking retarded slag.

You have proven year after year that you're dumber than a bag of flaccid dicks.

Guests having the ability to change posts for 40 minutes isnt a big deal. No one gives a shit.

However trying to breech or hack a board under your own IP and handing all your PI to the owner of that board is pretty fucking next level stupid.

You couldnt be stupider if you tried. You are a complete fucking retard. In fact you are in the top three dumbest motherfuckers we have seen on forums.

That's definately why you are always shitting yourself trying to accuse other people of being stupid. It's a glaring insecurity to you. AND Oak.
Which is a pretty funny thing to exploit, if you weren't so fucking stupid you wouldnt be so easy.

Maybe you should kick my ass a few more times

Lulz. Reeeee tard.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
It gets harder and harder to take her srsly...

I am averaging 10 poasts per year.

I've never taken this idiot spazz seriously. I don't see how anyone could.

If dumb and desperate was a person, it would be Plynn.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
So why do you pat yourself on the back, then?
Fat Lily gets all quiet when someone mentions "pat yourself on the back".

That fat cow has not been able to reach her back in 2 decades.

She said this just a few nights ago in a "private" chat on Discord: "I am very flexible, but I can hardy bend because my fat rolls get in the way."
Is your wife bald too ? Who fucks who ? LOL
His wife is a bull moose that he glued a wig onto (Canuckistan has VERY liberal marriage laws). Do you really want to start shit with a guy who can take 40 inches of Canadian moose cawk by insulting his wife by calling it "bald"? Do you really want to mess with the guy who does on the regular that killed a guy caling himself "mr. hands" died just attempting to do once with a smaller animal? Do you really want to mess with that? Do you really want to lay your head down at night with an ear open for the sound of a really angry and really horny moose after the munchkin cockleeve translastes it from english to moose? Do you want an angry, minivan-sized moose crashing through your wall like the fucking koolaid man and turn you into a human-sized moose cum balloon?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
So why do you pat yourself on the back, then?
Fat Lily gets all quiet when someone mentions "pat yourself on the back".

That fat cow has not been able to reach her back in 2 decades.

She said this just a few nights ago in a "private" chat on Discord: "I am very flexible, but I can hardy bend because my fat rolls get in the way."
Is your wife bald too ? Who fucks who ? LOL
His wife is a bull moose that he glued a wig onto (Canuckistan has VERY liberal marriage laws). Do you really want to start shit with a guy who can take 40 inches of Canadian moose cawk by insulting his wife by calling it "bald"? Do you really want to mess with the guy who does on the regular that killed a guy caling himself "mr. hands" died just attempting to do once with a smaller animal? Do you really want to mess with that? Do you really want to lay your head down at night with an ear open for the sound of a really angry and really horny moose after the munchkin cockleeve translastes it from english to moose? Do you want an angry, minivan-sized moose crashing through your wall like the fucking koolaid man and turn you into a human-sized moose cum balloon?



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
So this whole” youz just gavez all’s urz PIz to tehz ownerz” shit is a weak ass troll.

With this stupid logic, anybody with an admin panel has everyone’s PI.

And if that shit hole had open admin privy’s then anybody could have everyone’s PI.

Srsly, make your fucking site seem that much more fucking unstable.

This is why there’s always double the members here then at that spittoon. They only beat this place in bots.

Haw Haw


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?

Trying to explain to you high IQ educated smucks WHAT Aryans morals actually ARE isnt the same as defending them. I have ZERO doubt that I'm among the ONLY ones here who could not just understand his opinions....but effectively challenge them.

And it's not a "need". It sometimes hurts my head to see really ignorant and emotionally driven people constantly cast aspersions on the intelligenceshittwat.others all the while being dumb as shit.

Yeah we make fun of you guys. Because for all your self important gloating.....its obvious you live in bubbles and have very little to no experience with actual human beings.


And PS....Reaper is not Biggie.
And it's obvious that you're too fucking stupid to run a forum after what happened last night at your shitty message board. You're probably the dipshit that left the doors and windows wide open at SG.

Until you can properly run a forum without exposing your posters to breaches, you should shut the fuck up about "IQ" points you fucking retarded slag.

You have proven year after year that you're dumber than a bag of flaccid dicks.

Guests having the ability to change posts for 40 minutes isnt a big deal. No one gives a shit.

However trying to breech or hack a board under your own IP and handing all your PI to the owner of that board is pretty fucking next level stupid.

You couldnt be stupider if you tried. You are a complete fucking retard. In fact you are in the top three dumbest motherfuckers we have seen on forums.

That's definately why you are always shitting yourself trying to accuse other people of being stupid. It's a glaring insecurity to you. AND Oak.
Which is a pretty funny thing to exploit, if you weren't so fucking stupid you wouldnt be so easy.

Maybe you should kick my ass a few more times

Lulz. Reeeee tard.
Oh? If "guests" having to option to change other member's posts isn't a big deal, then why didn't you fucking clowns leave it that way? No need to answer, everyone know the fucking answer you excuse making twat.

Yeah. I'm sure you have all of my "P.I" along with all of my vital details. Here let me pull a you:

"Durrrr, by the power of GraySkull, I Flynn give you permission and a notorized online statement to post up all my information."

Sound familiar you fucking retard?

Yea, I'm sooo fucking "stupid," that I go around using "words" like "stupider." Yeah, I'm sooo fucking "stupid" that I left a whole forum wide the fuck open for anyone to fuck up and then downplay the sheer incompetence of it all. I guess, I'm just soooo fucking "stupid," that I use words in the wrong context while also not knowing how to spell them.

I've "kicked your ass" up and down the forums highlighting your mammoth stupidity with examples. You on the other hand just copy what I post to you and use as your own. If that's not "kicking your ass," I don't know what is. Maybe if you suck a few more dicks and cunts off the forums, maybe you could raise that army to finally "kick my ass."

Is fucking members off the forums a sign you don't take the forums seriously?

Last edited:


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.
It’s really not that big a deal.

If somebody would have hard deleted all the threads then it would have been a big deal.

Which is kind of what I think those idiots wanted. I’m sure they quickly realized reopening a forum that was DOA four years ago was a stupid idea and tried to get somebody to delete it so they didn’t have to and look like clowns was the goal.

But that’s just moi


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.
You can bet on it, just like her having STD's.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.
It’s really not that big a deal.

If somebody would have hard deleted all the threads then it would have been a big deal.

Which is kind of what I think those idiots wanted. I’m sure they quickly realized reopening a forum that was DOA four years ago was a stupid idea and tried to get somebody to delete it so they didn’t have to and look like clowns was the goal.

But that’s just moi
Yeah. Apparently no one cared enough to take the 4.5 seconds it would have taken to perform that menial task.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.
It’s really not that big a deal.

If somebody would have hard deleted all the threads then it would have been a big deal.

Which is kind of what I think those idiots wanted. I’m sure they quickly realized reopening a forum that was DOA four years ago was a stupid idea and tried to get somebody to delete it so they didn’t have to and look like clowns was the goal.

But that’s just moi
Yeah. Apparently no one cared enough to take the 4.5 seconds it would have taken to perform that menial task.
That’s the funny thing.

The place is so lifeless nobody even bothered to hard delete one fucking post.

That’s like the biggest slap in the face out of everything.



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.
It’s really not that big a deal.

If somebody would have hard deleted all the threads then it would have been a big deal.

Which is kind of what I think those idiots wanted. I’m sure they quickly realized reopening a forum that was DOA four years ago was a stupid idea and tried to get somebody to delete it so they didn’t have to and look like clowns was the goal.

But that’s just moi
Yeah. Apparently no one cared enough to take the 4.5 seconds it would have taken to perform that menial task.
That’s the funny thing.

The place is so lifeless nobody even bothered to hard delete one fucking post.

That’s like the biggest slap in the face out of everything.

They actually thought they were going to steal members from here. That to me is the grand failure of it all. Sure, they got Raven but she was shit.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
No one got the axe too???
I dindu nuffin...
You should be next on the chopping block you spamming fuckwit. I may go whine to BH to see if I can have you axed.

There goes Plynn. Still mentally and emotionally stuck in his BH cult.

And wanting people banned as usual.
So much for you spotting sarcasm. Way to once again show off your single digit I.Q.

She's "stupider" than most at this forum. It was probably Duhv that left the new forum wide open.
It’s really not that big a deal.

If somebody would have hard deleted all the threads then it would have been a big deal.

Which is kind of what I think those idiots wanted. I’m sure they quickly realized reopening a forum that was DOA four years ago was a stupid idea and tried to get somebody to delete it so they didn’t have to and look like clowns was the goal.

But that’s just moi

You're right, the outcome wasn't that big of a deal because Flynn wasn't malicious about it.

Leaving it wide open is a big deal. It's a security breach.