Why Breakfall ejaculates into his mom.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Get some sleep idiot.
Just tell her she's pretty already so she can pass out and annoy her entire zipcode with reckless snoring
She thinks that I’m trolling her and posting under your username to Biggie over at the other forum??? That’s why she has turned on me…

Her stupid reasons for being a turn cost, 800 pound chapped cunt lip always change.

She probably never liked you and just felt bad for you the whole time.

When her and Plynn turn on eachother its gonna be hilarious lulz.

Probably? Cunt, you don't know shit.

Act like there's an emergency, demand a call and then roll around drunk and pathetic...you have crossed a line.

Is this where you lose your shit and start blathering nonsense and lies?

Wtf is this shit? Are now trying to say I "acted like there was an emergency"(wut?) "Demanded a call"....ummm....nope. And no one here who has talked to me for years would believe I was "demand a call" over some idiotic forum "emergency". That's shit YOU DO. I have never once, in over 15 years, ever considered shit on a fucking forum to be "an emergency" and I dont demand calls.

And I rarely drink, and when I do....I do not get drunk.

Perhaps you been hitting the sauce and you are confusing me with Murd.

Try again, Planet Oink.

I'm talking about him you stupid cunt. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

lmao, you're so incredibly dense

Oh well you probably should have made that clear, since you quoted ME and were talking about me.

You probably should have put his name in front of that sentence.

Really maybe ask yourself if others ARE actually dense....or it's just your piss poor communication and tendency to exaggera
Funny thing about all these Dove quotes about her daughter is that she let him go on and didn't say a word. Weird...no? So I guess it depends on who talks about her daughters.
What you fail to quote Flynn…is all the pe.do jibes towards me. But that’s not the point. Again…we’ve all being subjected to this kind of trolling; I felt that it needed to stop. Quite simple really.

I think I’ve already explained this all to you.

Big and I both were going right back at you.

This fantasy I "let" you is just typically Plynn gaslighting.

Plynn wants to try to justify this disgusting admission he fucks corpses by bringing some dumb shit you understood was vile and apologized for.

Flynn is too stupid and gutter ratchet to understand that.
We all knew what we were doing there, but it was mainly because we all held the same belief that family should be kept out of the trolling aspect. Totally.

So many of us have copped it. But a handful of weak-arsed trolls feel the need to rehash it.

I’ve copped it for years.

The posts that Flynn made of my daughter have been removed…but they were seedy as hell. This was Friday(Australia) evening. I just didn’t even want to broach that topic.
There were no posts about your troglodyte daughter that were removed. Quit fucking lying.

The best thing about this whole thing is that Breakfall wanted me to stand by him when the most he's said in my defense it that he likes big women.

As if that was about me and not actually about his own tastes. bwaaaaaa hahahahahahahaha
I can’t defend you when 9/10 people that I get along with are ragging you. What do I say? “Awww…shucks folks, don’t call Lily fat…she’s just chubby?” That will just make it even more comical.

It’s like my chin. We all know my chin doesn’t look like fucking Jay Leno’s…but if I posted a close-up to justify it, I’ll end up with a fucking cock or something photoshopped onto it.

Do you ever wonder why 9/10 people that you get along with are fucking dicks?
Lily logic: Anyone who doesn't like her is a dick!

Jesus, what a cope. Who knew that 90% of the human race are dicks...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
That's a very conservative estimate.... Lily hates conservatives. Better up it to 99%....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
For Dinner, Kalis... YUM..

Food food food...

Shen Li is an eater of pets. Hide your pets.

Bring Shen Li back. We have no Asians to torment.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's a very conservative estimate.... Lily hates conservatives. Better up it to 99%....

I do too now. The way conservatives speak to people is horrendous. I hope someone comes along and gases them righties. I do!~~

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Speaking of gas...

Lily the Leaker's neighbourhood is in High Alert because of the amount of butt gas that comes out of that fat cow's shitter.

She is gonna blow!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Speaking of gas...

Lily the Leaker's neighbourhood is in High Alert because of the amount of butt gas that comes out of that fat cow's shitter.

She is gonna blow!!!

If you combined her gas, Flynn's gas, and Joe's gas then dropped it on the Kremlin... K-boom... Putin could disappear for good!~


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I know we make fun of everyone here and even in some cases ourselves, but Flynn and Joe don't deserve to be lumped in with the likes of Oak.

Flynn is a troll and Joe is just simply Joe.

They don't come unhinged if somebody doesn't piss in their pockets.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Cas, don't conflate an extensive vocabulary with grammatical adequacy.

The rules of English grammar fit into a slim paperback volume.

Then again, accessing even this presupposes an ability to read.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Cas, don't conflate an extensive vocabulary with grammatical adequacy.

The rules of English grammar fit into a slim paperback volume.

Then again, accessing even this presupposes an ability to read.

The English language has evolved and evolved. Same with other languages. Only a snob would get picky about grammar... but I know you are not a snob, amirite?



Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Cas, don't conflate an extensive vocabulary with grammatical adequacy.

The rules of English grammar fit into a slim paperback volume.

Then again, accessing even this presupposes an ability to read.
You’ve used conflate out of context there Blurtie! Confuse…would’ve more than sufficed.


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
Cas, don't conflate an extensive vocabulary with grammatical adequacy.

The rules of English grammar fit into a slim paperback volume.

Then again, accessing even this presupposes an ability to read.
You’ve used conflate out of context there Blurtie! Confuse…would’ve more than sufficed.

Sorry Sporto, but 'conflate' is perfectly acceptable in that context because she was treating them as synonymous (combined).

She was essentially trying to pour them both into the same bucket and that is, by definition, conflating.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I know we make fun of everyone here and even in some cases ourselves, but Flynn and Joe don't deserve to be lumped in with the likes of Oak.

Flynn is a troll and Joe is just simply Joe.

They don't come unhinged if somebody doesn't piss in their pockets.


Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?
You do realise that Reaper isn't Biggie?

Ironic that you're once again being a snooty condescending twat and massaging your own ego by playing the insufferable grammar communist when you're not even astute enough to know who it is that you're bitching about.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?

Trying to explain to you high IQ educated smucks WHAT Aryans morals actually ARE isnt the same as defending them. I have ZERO doubt that I'm among the ONLY ones here who could not just understand his opinions....but effectively challenge them.

And it's not a "need". It sometimes hurts my head to see really ignorant and emotionally driven people constantly cast aspersions on the intelligence of others all the while being dumb as shit.

Yeah we make fun of you guys. Because for all your self important gloating.....its obvious you live in bubbles and have very little to no experience with actual human beings.


And PS....Reaper is not Biggie.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Fat lily is too stupid to realize how she cornered herself into throwing a friend under a bus


she's dumb and silly like that
Not to bright that one now is she.
^ The comedy writes itself.
Ooooh a spelling mistake!!! How terrible. I trust you've contacted the internet grammar communist hotline to express your outrage?
Oh, it's more than a spelling mistake, Sconce. Ol' Biggle is trying to cast aspersions on the intelligence of another poster while he himself is unable to wield the English language. Never mind his inability to differentiate between the words "to" and "too"... it's like he's never heard of commas and question marks.

Your need to defend Biggle's use of bad English reminds me of Dovey's need to defend your repulsive morals (such as they are). Untermenschen love underdogs, it seems.

Guess that makes the lot of you none too bright now, doesn't it?

Trying to explain to you high IQ educated smucks WHAT Aryans morals actually ARE isnt the same as defending them. I have ZERO doubt that I'm among the ONLY ones here who could not just understand his opinions....but effectively challenge them.

And it's not a "need". It sometimes hurts my head to see really ignorant and emotionally driven people constantly cast aspersions on the intelligence of others all the while being dumb as shit.

Yeah we make fun of you guys. Because for all your self important gloating.....its obvious you live in bubbles and have very little to no experience with actual human beings.


And PS....Reaper is not Biggie.
A grammmerrrr lame really isnt worth responnnding two Dovey.i noticed it butt couldnnt bee arsed two rise two teh baite.

Old Blurtster just got his pretty little pink panties in a bunch about something.Perhaps big lil has promished to send him her solied panties.

I like the way Flynn likes to have big Lil as a pretend friend.It's what these 5 of 10 gals do nowadays.They know they can't attract anything but filthy niggers, so they have a big fat best mate around to make them feel better about themselves.It's quite sad really you know.