Why Does Herbert R McMaster Hate Trump?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@Lokmar ~ how does one row a mattress without water so it can stay afloat? Oh that’s right. It won’t. It will sink.

So I’m supposed to believe that I can use an oar to scooch my way across concrete all the way to the other side of this continent on a just a mattress? Your wack ass writing lacks lack believability.

While you fumble with that… I’ll remind you I’ve got two all natural 100% usda choice PFD’s hung right over my lungs… so why would I even need the mattress? I can hitchike across… just one problem, Donnie Dump is a white boy and I prefer brown.
I damn near typed "dont play dumb" LMFAO! Dumb bimbo!

Will Donnie be tucking you in tonight?
LOL! Dont be so bitter, slunt.
This Heeeeeeeerbert. Why is it relevant? Please explain?

He was a national security advisor who Trump replaced.

While H screeches about how WE are "putanists" who want the one party government, he himself only listens to and validates information that fits into his hyperpartisan biases.

The entire military could hate Biden(and at this point they might) and H would focus on the one who slammed Trump even if it's a falsehood....as some evidence HE is right.

As corporate elites, the media, and all the establishment politicains hate and smear Trump, as Trump supporters are labeled "terrorists", as they have been publically attacked, fired from jobs, kicked out of classrooms or college....as people who were present at the Capitol on the 6th are tossed in jail for months, put in solitary confinement and their only charge would be tresspassing.....H is actually enough of an arrogant shit for brains to accuse US of everything his "side" is doing.

The only valid voices to him are the ones that agree with him. Which is how they all think.

I asked him to support his claim that Trump was authoritarian and a "wanna be dictator" with any policy or legislation from the Trump administration that infringed on our rights or could be authoritarian. Of course he had nothing. Then he said "he only had 4 years"(stupidest shit I've seen him say).

And then when he gets trapped in his own mental vomit, he starts demanding I list the 40 some people who died as a result of the BLM riots, so he can show off his delusions by denying it was because of BLM AND laying the blame on "far right white supremacists".

You cant reason with someone who is so detached from reality that they will devolve into conspiracy theories while having the audacity of criticizing other conspiracy theories.

Really his whole issue is he has a vile and unwarranted hatred of conservatives, of any religious people, and anyone who doesnt just parrot his preferred narrative. So he will say anything he thinks is a justification for that hate....no matter how false or wacked out it is.

Too long no one read.