Will California Governor Gavin Newsom be recalled?


Factory Bastard
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I would like to point out it is virtually every Democrat controlled city which has been turned into a shithole. Just look at Boston.

Still too stupid to understand the concept of cause and effect, or of "follow the money."


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not just law but written into the state constitution.

I think that's not really an election.

It's more like a coup.

There should be another formal election.

Actually I think the next US state which may experience a similar situation might be New York.
Given the way the Democratic Party there knifed Cuomo in the back and installed their own puppet.

Those situations often don't end well either.

A coup is a military take over. Following the legal constitution as it was set up is in no way a coup. It is the legal constitutional system working as designed.

BS. This is a coup. An attempted one anyway.

Ok, so you are so delusional you think following the state constitution is some how a military "coup". You are a fucking idiot. The people are using the constitutionally provided remedy for situations like this and that is not a coup.

"The people" are being whingers and losers and acting like little tyrants. They are overturning democracy in a way that is inappropriate. California needs to restructure this recall process and make it sane.

So you still are lying and trying to claim that following the state constitution is some how wrong and "overturning democracy" when it is the fully legal and constitutional manifestation of democracy? This is why people call you stupid, Lotusbud.


Factory Bastard
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I would like to point out it is virtually every Democrat controlled city which has been turned into a shithole. Just look at Boston.

Still too stupid to understand the concept of cause and effect, or of "follow the money."

The cause of 80%-90% of this is drug abuse and liberals enabling drug abuse. The effect is all the street junkies, dumb ass.


Factory Bastard
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Larry Elder is a complete prick. He detests working Americans, especially teachers. Fuck him right up the ass with a claw hammer.

In his 2000 book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America, Elder laid out a 10-point plan to "save America". He called for abolishing the
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, creating a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%, ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.
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Elder opposes minimum wage laws, arguing that "The ideal minimum wage is $0.00."
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He opposes
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Elder opposes California's unpaid family leave law.
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In his 2020 film
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, Elder criticizes the
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Factory Bastard
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Not just law but written into the state constitution.

I think that's not really an election.

It's more like a coup.

There should be another formal election.

Actually I think the next US state which may experience a similar situation might be New York.
Given the way the Democratic Party there knifed Cuomo in the back and installed their own puppet.

Those situations often don't end well either.

A coup is a military take over. Following the legal constitution as it was set up is in no way a coup. It is the legal constitutional system working as designed.

BS. This is a coup. An attempted one anyway.

Ok, so you are so delusional you think following the state constitution is some how a military "coup". You are a fucking idiot. The people are using the constitutionally provided remedy for situations like this and that is not a coup.

"The people" are being whingers and losers and acting like little tyrants. They are overturning democracy in a way that is inappropriate. California needs to restructure this recall process and make it sane.

So you still are lying and trying to claim that following the state constitution is some how wrong and "overturning democracy" when it is the fully legal and constitutional manifestation of democracy? This is why people call you stupid, Lotusbud.

I didn't say it's not legal. I said it's undemocratic. Have you ever pondered the concept that some laws are wrong? You know, like legal segragation? Oh, but I bet you loved that.


Factory Bastard
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Did I mention that the corrupt Gavin Newsom tried to illegally use one of his political appointees to illegally block Larry Elder from running because Newscum was afraid of a black Republican. Even the state Supreme Court, which is hyper liberal, unanimously ruled that the move was illegal and unlawful. They even ruled that the attempt to block elder from running was so blatantly illegal that the state had to pay all court fees and attorneys costs.

That just shows how corrupt and how much Democrats like Newscum routinely abuse the powers of their office.



Factory Bastard
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Suspending CEQA by an emergency proclamation is a great idea.



Domestically feral
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United states

If these Democrats/leftists genuinely cared about black Americans they would be supporting policies that help and benefit black Americans.

They dont care though. They care about using black people to get votes by lying about the opposition being racist, trying to eliminate opposing parties by smearing and lying that they are "white supremacists".....all while supporting bad policies that harm black people and supporting movements that have destroyed communities where black people are the majority.

They manufacture racism and use it for political power. And none of the people who are stuck on this narrative are ever going to start caring enough to take an honest look at policies. Policies are not exciting or dramatic enough to keep them interested. They enjoy the high of "revolution" and feeling superior to other people. They create the dragon they are working to "slay".

They aren't ever going to do anything that HELPS anyone ever. They wont even own the harm they've supported and accomplished.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Larry Elder is a complete prick. He detests working Americans, especially teachers. Fuck him right up the ass with a claw hammer.

In his 2000 book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America, Elder laid out a 10-point plan to "save America". He called for abolishing the
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, creating a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%, ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.
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Elder opposes minimum wage laws, arguing that "The ideal minimum wage is $0.00."
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He opposes
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Elder opposes California's unpaid family leave law.
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In his 2020 film
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, Elder criticizes the
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So your complaint is he actually knows economics? Funny, that is a major selling point for the rest of us. Also, he is right that we must have school choice and that you supposed "teachers" and your unions are complete failed shit shows of unaccountability. Thus why 80% of students aren't even close to proficient at grade level and 70% of minority students don't want their children to go to LAUSD.

Give parents the freedom to choice with vouchers, make schools compete for students and their dollars, and suddenly garbage "teachers" and their unions will either have to start doing their jobs or just dry up and become irrelevant. That is an excellent policy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Not just law but written into the state constitution.

I think that's not really an election.

It's more like a coup.

There should be another formal election.

Actually I think the next US state which may experience a similar situation might be New York.
Given the way the Democratic Party there knifed Cuomo in the back and installed their own puppet.

Those situations often don't end well either.

A coup is a military take over. Following the legal constitution as it was set up is in no way a coup. It is the legal constitutional system working as designed.

BS. This is a coup. An attempted one anyway.

Ok, so you are so delusional you think following the state constitution is some how a military "coup". You are a fucking idiot. The people are using the constitutionally provided remedy for situations like this and that is not a coup.

"The people" are being whingers and losers and acting like little tyrants. They are overturning democracy in a way that is inappropriate. California needs to restructure this recall process and make it sane.

So you still are lying and trying to claim that following the state constitution is some how wrong and "overturning democracy" when it is the fully legal and constitutional manifestation of democracy? This is why people call you stupid, Lotusbud.

I didn't say it's not legal. I said it's undemocratic. Have you ever pondered the concept that some laws are wrong? You know, like legal segragation? Oh, but I bet you loved that.

We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. That means the rights and liberties of the individual are protected and the tyranny of the majority cannot trample on the minority.

Legal segregation is something democrats have been supporting. Segregation Joe wants it. He opposes School Choice. And the woke left is obsessively focused on separating by race and sexuality. They oppose unity and commonality.

And in the way we have a democracy, the democrats and left constantly attack it by working very hard at smearing, fighting and stomping the rights of everyone that disagrees with them. You guys are constantly trying to get rid of any politicain elected by people whose views and needs are not leftwing.

Kinda how leftwing rioters were enabled and bailed out of jail but then Trump supporters have been in jail...and placed in solitary confinement....and the only possible charge is tresspassing.

Democrats and leftwingers have gone full blown fascist and are trying to create a 1 party government.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Larry Elder is a complete prick. He detests working Americans, especially teachers. Fuck him right up the ass with a claw hammer.

In his 2000 book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America, Elder laid out a 10-point plan to "save America". He called for abolishing the
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, creating a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%, ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.
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Elder opposes minimum wage laws, arguing that "The ideal minimum wage is $0.00."
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He opposes
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Elder opposes California's unpaid family leave law.
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In his 2020 film
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, Elder criticizes the
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So your complaint is he actually knows economics? Funny, that is a major selling point for the rest of us. Also, he is right that we must have school choice and that you supposed "teachers" and your unions are complete failed shit shows of unaccountability. Thus why 80% of students aren't even close to proficient at grade level and 70% of minority students don't want their children to go to LAUSD.

Give parents the freedom to choice with vouchers, make schools compete for students and their dollars, and suddenly garbage "teachers" and their unions will either have to start doing their jobs or just dry up and become irrelevant. That is an excellent policy.

Its frustrating when the only "people" who matter are the ones who agree with the leftwing ideology but all the rest of the regular working people who dont agree with it are just racists, extremists insurgents who deserve to be ostracized and who should never have representation in government.

What's undemocratic again?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Larry Elder is a complete prick. He detests working Americans, especially teachers. Fuck him right up the ass with a claw hammer.

In his 2000 book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America, Elder laid out a 10-point plan to "save America". He called for abolishing the
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, creating a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%, ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Elder opposes minimum wage laws, arguing that "The ideal minimum wage is $0.00."
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He opposes
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Elder opposes California's unpaid family leave law.
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In his 2020 film
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, Elder criticizes the
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So your complaint is he actually knows economics? Funny, that is a major selling point for the rest of us. Also, he is right that we must have school choice and that you supposed "teachers" and your unions are complete failed shit shows of unaccountability. Thus why 80% of students aren't even close to proficient at grade level and 70% of minority students don't want their children to go to LAUSD.

Give parents the freedom to choice with vouchers, make schools compete for students and their dollars, and suddenly garbage "teachers" and their unions will either have to start doing their jobs or just dry up and become irrelevant. That is an excellent policy.

You know....you would think with CA being drove into the ground like it is, they would be open minded enough to try to understand these positions much better and consider working with it and trying something new.

THATS Democratic. Democracy isnt "just everyone who agrees with us!" and ruthlessly smearing the other parties and doing nothing but trying to get votes by spreading lies and hate.

They are so irrationally opposed to diverse thoughts, innovation, welcoming other ideas. It's always bad faith smears because all democrats want is power. It's not about the people.

Clearly their way isnt working and their additional ideas could do much deeper harm. You know it's about power and control when they will not even honestly assess how these policies are playing out and they refuse to entertain what could happen if we actually did all the things they want done.

The last I checked, we all have to fucking live here together. So these policies impact EVERYONE. And as it stands, the government already wastes trillions of OUR dollars. Democrats and the left not only refuse to let us have a single say in how our government is ran or how our money is used....they also constantly twist and demonize everything we stand for and want for the country.

Its laughable whenever they pull the democracy card. I dont know what they think democracy is, but it sure the fuck isnt one party power grabbing and stomping out the other party and attacking all the people whose voices they dont like. Censoring voices they dont like. It's not book burnings and campus tantrums when another pov is presented. It's not destructive riots and violence on communities and it's not hatred and attacking people who run for other parties. It's not shutting down conversations about these topics because someone doesnr agree with you and you've decided they are too stupid to talk to....when really you just cant refute them.

Nah that's total bullshit. They literally villanize us and make us an enemy as if none of us are also working people who live here too and like we dont care about our own communities. It's just bullshit. We are EVERY bit the people they are. But they just want to force their ideas with no compromise and tax us all harder and let the government have more abusive reach into all our lives.

They wont work with half the country and they really believe they are superior even though they are passing policies that are destroying the states they run. It's insane.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

...Interesting thing about the recording of Slave Fountain Hughes - he speaks better than most Blacks (and Whites too) today & he didn't appear to have any formal education. I also detect a bit of British accent. I've heard Americans used to speak with British accents but gradually lost them. Even the slaves spoke the 'Queen's English' I s'ppose.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

...Interesting thing about the recording of Slave Fountain Hughes - he speaks better than most Blacks today & he didn't appear to have any formal education. I also detect a bit of British accent. I've heard Americans used to speak with British accents but gradually lost them. Even the slaves spoke British English i s'ppose.

The welfare state the democrats passed did a lot of damage to the black family.

And decades of democrat state ran inner schools are to blame. Illiteracy is sadly high.

And we managed to finally get school choice....but jim crow joe trashed it so there that went. It's just SAD.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"We use language as a TOOL to DESCRIBE reality. We rely on facts and reasoned arguments to convince others of our worldview.

The Woke use language as a WEAPON to CONSTRUCT a reality. They rely on the force of words and linguistic manipulation to compel ideological submission."

A teacher pushing back against ideology in the classroom posted this. "Democracy"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
L.A. Prosecutor's Office announces there will be no charges against Larry Elder as there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate the wild claims. So the hotel at the crappy, hyper partisan, and lying L.A. Times gets their hot job headlines and the next day it all gets laughed away by the professionals.

Obviously, it was just another political hit piece as trying to lie and claim a black man was a white supremacists backfired badly on the Democrats.

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
L.A. Prosecutor's Office announces there will be no charges against Larry Elder as there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate the wild claims. So the hotel at the crappy, hyper partisan, and lying L.A. Times gets their hot job headlines and the next day it all gets laughed away by the professionals.

Obviously, it was just another political hit piece as trying to lie and claim a black man was a white supremacists backfired badly on the Democrats.

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I would like to point out it is virtually every Democrat controlled city which has been turned into a shithole. Just look at Boston.

Still too stupid to understand the concept of cause and effect, or of "follow the money."

Lemme guess on this cause and effect you speak of

It is invariably some republican somewhere at sometime who is at fault for the current deterioration of a municipality controlled by a democrat and not the incumbent. This is true regardless of how much time said incumbent has spent in their respective position. And this of course applies to any and all positions of leadership at any level, in any capacity, as having a direct influence on offices both upstream and downstream from said republican

Meaning: A forth grader supporting the republican party could have been elected class president in some bumfuck hick town in the deserts of Cali in 1975 and it would unquestionably be her fault for the homelessness crisis plaguing Los Angeles today

you are the true and supreme definition of disingenuous, Lotus. Truly.


Factory Bastard
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No, lies and smears are never good. By encouraging them you just enable more corruption from the out of control state Democratic Party.


Factory Bastard
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I am seeing lots of these on Twitter. Can we all agree that this shouldn't be happening yet it is because Democrats want it to happen?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Anecdotal data proves nothing but when some hyperpartisan skankzoid comes out of the woodwork 30 years after the fact to claim a supreme court justice nominee touched her we are to believe her

as long of course, that nominee is a conservative

you libs are loathsome stinky degenerates. all of you.