WT actual F


An Claidheam Anam
You're a broken record and repeat the same things years later. It's as if you haven't read a book since 1972.

You apply it to everything, whether it addresses the topic or not.
Universal Truths do not change whether you first read them in 1972 or just yesterday.

Oh wait! You're a Leftist and Truth is whatever your betters tell is truth on any given day.

In any case, let's try a different tack since you insist on remaining stubbornly ignorant.

Did negroes "benefit" from being slaves in the United States? Let's ponder that question with a thought experiment.

Imagine a typical black person living in the most squalid ghetto in any Democrat-run American city like Chicago, LA, New York, Detroit ... any one will do. Then imagine a typical black person living in West Africa, where the ancestors of todays American blacks were "harvested" from by muslim Arabs and other black Africans engaged in the slave trade back in the day.

Which one has it better?

To put it more baldly, if you had to trade shoes with one of these typical black persons, one living in taxpayer-funded public housing in an American city and the other living in a mud hut in Sierra Leone, which would you choose to trade shoes with?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Universal Truths do not change whether you first read them in 1972 or just yesterday.

Oh wait! You're a Leftist and Truth is whatever your betters tell is truth on any given day.

In any case, let's try a different tack since you insist on remaining stubbornly ignorant.

Did negroes "benefit" from being slaves in the United States? Let's ponder that question with a thought experiment.

Imagine a typical black person living in the most squalid ghetto in any Democrat-run American city like Chicago, LA, New York, Detroit ... any one will do. Then imagine a typical black person living in West Africa, where the ancestors of todays American blacks were "harvested" from by muslim Arabs and other black Africans engaged in the slave trade back in the day.

Which one has it better?

To put it more baldly, if you had to trade shoes with one of these typical black persons, one living in taxpayer-funded public housing in an American city and the other living in a mud hut in Sierra Leone, which would you choose to trade shoes with?

Sorry, not sorry. We're talking about history and not present day Africa or US. Where Blacks are today (and let's not address the huge gaps between whites in blacks in every category, wealth, health, education, etc) has nothing to do with what was suffered by Africans that were basically kidnapped from their homes and enslaved in the US, those that made it that is.


An Claidheam Anam
Sorry, not sorry. We're talking about history and not present day Africa or US. Where Blacks are today (and let's not address the huge gaps between whites in blacks in every category, wealth, health, education, etc) has nothing to do with what was suffered by Africans that were basically kidnapped from their homes and enslaved in the US, those that made it that is.

So a simple thought experiment that you refuse to participate in destroys your feeble attempt at making a point?

You used to be better at this.

Why do you think there are "huge gaps between whites in blacks in every category, wealth, health, education, etc ...)?

Is it - <gasp> - "Systems of White Supremacy " specifically designed to keep the BIPOCs down?

Please explain to me how that works because if I'm supposed to have specific advantages just because I'm white, I want to know where I sign up for them.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
So a simple thought experiment that you refuse to participate in destroys your feeble attempt at making a point?

You used to be better at this.

Why do you think there are "huge gaps between whites in blacks in every category, wealth, health, education, etc ...)?

Is it - <gasp> - "Systems of White Supremacy " specifically designed to keep the BIPOCs down?

Please explain to me how that works because if I'm supposed to have specific advantages just because I'm white, I want to know where I sign up for them.

Why? You're not open to any new information. You'll just squawk about Gramsci again. It's your default response.


An Claidheam Anam
Why? You're not open to any new information. You'll just squawk about Gramsci again. It's your default response.

I'm not? I just asked for new information, you thick dunce. I want to know where I can secure these advantages I have because I am white. You people say that America was built one slavery and is designed to create and support "systems of white supremacy" and that white people have an inherent advantage in society. I just asked where I sign up for these advantages.

That would be "new information."


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm not? I just asked for new information, you thick dunce. I want to know where I can secure these advantages I have because I am white. You people say that America was built one slavery and is designed to create and support "systems of white supremacy" and that white people have an inherent advantage in society. I just asked where I sign up for these advantages.

That would be "new information."

When new information is provided you squawk rather than actually consider it.

The scholar that brought "white privilege" to the forefront was Peggy McIntosh, why don't you look it up yourself and get back to me.

Then we can have a chat.


An Claidheam Anam
When new information is provided you squawk rather than actually consider it.

The scholar that brought "white privilege" to the forefront was Peggy McIntosh, why don't you look it up yourself and get back to me.

Then we can have a chat.

"Peggy McIntosh (born November 7, 1934) is an American feminist, anti-racism activist, scholar, speaker, and senior research scientist of the Wellesley ... "

Is she a communist academic cunt? Sounds like it just by that sentence. She's part of the problem of communist vermin infecting academia. Why would I bother reading any of her screed when I already know the basis of her disgusting Leftist ideology better than she -- or you - do?

Seriously, you really suck at this.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
"Peggy McIntosh (born November 7, 1934) is an American feminist, anti-racism activist, scholar, speaker, and senior research scientist of the Wellesley ... "

Is she a communist academic cunt? Sounds like it just by that sentence. She's part of the problem of communist vermin infecting academia. Why would I bother reading any of her screed when I already know the basis of her disgusting Leftist ideology better than she -- or you - do?

Seriously, you really suck at this.

This is why you're not taken seriously. If you don't even "listen" to another perspective, why should anyone bother?


An Claidheam Anam
This is why you're not taken seriously. If you don't even "listen" to another perspective, why should anyone bother?
Right. Like I care if I'm taken seriously on BF, or TBC, or SG or CBT or TV or CO of any of the other obscure message boards where the same crew always seems to show up.

Why would I "listen" to a vapid old lesbian communist cunt when I already know she is incapable of sparking any interest from me in what she might have to say? And that has less to do with her being a Leftist than it does with her being vapid and a lesbian cunt.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Right. Like I care if I'm taken seriously on BF, or TBC, or SG or CBT or TV or CO of any of the other obscure message boards where the same crew always seems to show up.

Why would I "listen" to a vapid old lesbian communist cunt when I already know she is incapable of sparking any interest from me in what she might have to say? And that has less to do with her being a Leftist than it does with her being vapid and a lesbian cunt.

Gramps is outraged, more Jello coming right up...

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Just of curioskidy - Is there Black privilege in majority black countries, or Asian privilege in majority Asian countries, or Muslim privilege in majority muslim countries, or is it only in majority white countries that this happens?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I have pondered and come to this conclusion after seeing a painting by Banksy with the painted cotton picking female slave cut out of the plantation cotton-field canvas, placed seated in the corner smoking a cigarette deep in thought…

History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from it. If it offends you, even better because you will be less likely to repeat it. It is not ours to erase or destroy.


An Claidheam Anam
Just of curioskidy - Is there Black privilege in majority black countries, or Asian privilege in majority Asian countries, or Muslim privilege in majority muslim countries, or is it only in majority white countries that this happens?
The is an interesting question, Holliday, and I've pondered it myself.

It seems that only in countries with majority populations descended from northwestern europeans are there issues regarding "white privilege" and claims that "white supremacy" undergirds the "white power structures" of these nations. Only in these countries is "diversity" pushed as a societal virtue. Only in these countries is mass immigration by "black and brown" people from inferior third world shit holes encouraged and praised.

Why do you think that is, Holliday?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The is an interesting question, Holliday, and I've pondered it myself.

It seems that only in countries with majority populations descended from northwestern europeans are there issues regarding "white privilege" and claims that "white supremacy" undergirds the "white power structures" of these nations. Only in these countries is "diversity" pushed as a societal virtue. Only in these countries is mass immigration by "black and brown" people from inferior third world shit holes encouraged and praised.

Why do you think that is, Holliday?

We are the only country where white settlers racialised the notions of citizenship and immigration.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Just of curioskidy - Is there Black privilege in majority black countries, or Asian privilege in majority Asian countries, or Muslim privilege in majority muslim countries, or is it only in majority white countries that this happens?

You don't think the Ughyurs might find themselves disadvantaged in China and believe the " Chinese" majority to have privileges they don't? I'm sure Tibetans feel similarly.

I'm convinced this phenomenon occurs in all sorts of ethnic or racial conflicts all over the world.

They may use different vocabulary, but it's essentially the same thing.

All one has to do is see what is right in front of us. All it takes is a bit of humility and empathy.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Only the "white settlers" were evil? Not any of the brown ones?

I’m not aware of “brown settlers.” I do know that the indigenous were granted citizenship through the 1924 Native American Citizenship Act. Mexico was part of America 169 years ago, which is not long in the scheme of nation building. Today’s Latinos who have become the face of undocumented citizenship are the descendants of these indigenous people.

However, the white foreigners we are referring to as “white settlers” carried no immigration papers (unless a papal bull or magisterial decree count). Now.. as for the assertion the first white settlers were evil ~ not sure if it was premeditated. I’m sure life was extremely difficult in the colonies. I’m convinced slaughtering and the people who helped you survived doesn’t help prove otherwise.


An Claidheam Anam
I’m not aware of “brown settlers.” I do know that the indigenous were granted citizenship through the 1924 Native American Citizenship Act. Mexico was part of America 169 years ago, which is not long in the scheme of nation building. Today’s Latinos who have become the face of undocumented citizenship are the descendants of these indigenous people.

However, the white foreigners we are referring to as “white settlers” carried no immigration papers (unless a papal bull or magisterial decree count). Now.. as for the assertion the first white settlers were evil ~ not sure if it was premeditated. I’m sure life was extremely difficult in the colonies. I’m convinced slaughtering and the people who helped you survived doesn’t help prove otherwise.

All of the injuns are "brown settlers," dear. They immigrated to the Americas from Siberia and slaughtered all the big game animals in north and south America and slaughtered and enslaved each other for thousands of years before white europeans came here to create a nation.

My question, which remains unanswered by any Leftist here is why "white" northwestern europeans and only "white" northwestern europeans are singled out, by Leftists, for the evil crime of "white supremacy" and accused of having "white privilege?"

I already know the answer, but I'm curious if any of the Leftist vermin here understand where this ideology comes from.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
All of the injuns are "brown settlers," dear. They immigrated to the Americas from Siberia and slaughtered all the big game animals in north and south America and slaughtered and enslaved each other for thousands of years before white europeans came here to create a nation.

My question, which remains unanswered by any Leftist here is why "white" northwestern europeans and only "white" northwestern europeans are singled out, by Leftists, for the evil crime of "white supremacy" and accused of having "white privilege?"

I already know the answer, but I'm curious if any of the Leftist vermin here understand where this ideology comes from.

What whites are dominant in this country? That's the answer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
All of the injuns are "brown settlers," dear. They immigrated to the Americas from Siberia and slaughtered all the big game animals in north and south America and slaughtered and enslaved each other for thousands of years before white europeans came here to create a nation.

My question, which remains unanswered by any Leftist here is why "white" northwestern europeans and only "white" northwestern europeans are singled out, by Leftists, for the evil crime of "white supremacy" and accused of having "white privilege?"

I already know the answer, but I'm curious if any of the Leftist vermin here understand where this ideology comes from.
Archeology has found evidence of humans as far back as 18000 years.

It was settled when European (Spanish, Portuguese, English and French ) arrived. They didn't settle anything. They exploited what they found. Brought chattel slavery, state sponsored indenturetude(?) and all sorts of unsavory practices with them.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
All of the injuns are "brown settlers," dear. They immigrated to the Americas from Siberia and slaughtered all the big game animals in north and south America and slaughtered and enslaved each other for thousands of years before white europeans came here to create a nation.

My question, which remains unanswered by any Leftist here is why "white" northwestern europeans and only "white" northwestern europeans are singled out, by Leftists, for the evil crime of "white supremacy" and accused of having "white privilege?"

I already know the answer, but I'm curious if any of the Leftist vermin here understand where this ideology comes from.

I’m well aware that slavery has been going on since the beginning of time. I can trace my lineage back to 15th century England. Fortunately, we don’t have pictures of the barbaric nature of what went on 40,000 years ago.

But I have already provided my answer. So my question to this post is:

Why the need to write it out of the history books then?

Why not just stop perpetuating racism in all directions. That’s what I want and I’m a moderate. Although, I have anti-government tendencies.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
You don't think the Ughyurs might find themselves disadvantaged in China and believe the " Chinese" majority to have privileges they don't? I'm sure Tibetans feel similarly.
Absolutely, and the point of the question. Human history is largely the history of conquest - one people and culture overrunning and dominating another through numbers but mostly superior technology and aggression - the belief that it is their right to rule over others. I doubt very much that in most cases the rulers have thought much about such things as rights of the vanquished. But here in whiteyland, in a democratic society there has been some effort to do that. Actually, democracy has always crashed and burned but perhaps each new effort brings improvements that will later be built upon. I have little doubt that our whitey society will crumble and there will be something akin to the dark ages which followed the barbarian sacking of Rome, and I won't think it's a tragedy, because it's just the way human evolution proceeds, cycling forward then back before again moving forward.

...or as I am reminded, as Shakespeare put it "There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will". (or something like that)



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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All of the injuns are "brown settlers," dear. They immigrated to the Americas from Siberia and slaughtered all the big game animals in north and south America and slaughtered and enslaved each other for thousands of years before white europeans came here to create a nation.

My question, which remains unanswered by any Leftist here is why "white" northwestern europeans and only "white" northwestern europeans are singled out, by Leftists, for the evil crime of "white supremacy" and accused of having "white privilege?"

I already know the answer, but I'm curious if any of the Leftist vermin here understand where this ideology comes from.

And all the famine caused deaths were just a happy coincidence.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space

And all the famine caused deaths were just a happy coincidence.
Buffalo hunters like Bill Cody made loads of dough that way - and it's to my point re: technology, because they never could have killed so many running them off a cliff or with bow and arrow or spears.
Really though - disease did most of the killing throughout the Americas.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Buffalo hunters like Bill Cody made loads of dough that way - and it's to my point re: technology, because they never could have killed so many running them off a cliff or with bow and arrow or spears.
Really though - disease did most of the killing throughout the Americas.
In the early days of the buffalo slaughter campaign, rich boys would ride on a flatbed rr car and be pulled through the vast herds blanketing our Midwest and just blast away killing one after the other.


An Claidheam Anam
They exploited what they found. Brought chattel slavery, state sponsored indenturetude(?) and all sorts of unsavory practices with them.

The evil whites brought chattel slavery to the Americas? I don't think anyone told the owners of the slave markets in Tenochtitlan that Bernal Diaz wrote about that they weren't suppose to be engaged in chattel slavery in 1520 Mexico because it was a white man's gig.