How many Americans have died on Alheimer joe's watch?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
Maybe after he gives millions of criminal immigrants green cards
What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
Why the fuck should they come here? We got our own to heal and regroup
They come because americans offer them jobs. Usually the jobs the americans do not want.

Now it's your turn to answer my question: What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
So you are fine with labor exploitation/trafficking?

Because that's what that is.
I did not say that. I was asking a question and answering one.

But if you want to know: no. I am not fine with labor exploitation and/or trafficking
Well, unfortunately that is the reason we have this ongoing illegal immigration, and mass immigration in general. All to satisfy the conservative business community who long ago forgot that businesses serve the community in which they operate, and have made it into let's stuff our pockets with as much money as possible no matter whose life it damages. Take a look at who is actually promoting mass immigration.
Ya got yer Commerce Depatment, yer Cato Inst, all yer big corporations who are so beloved by Repoolickers - who are the big employers of illegals, oh Tyson Farms, housing industry, Donald Tinyhands.
To the degree that Democraps have in more recent times gotten on board with it, it is that they have become corporatists also (a major reason I no longer support them - and I mean for decades). Of course there is a bit of a shell game being played by the parties and their conservative capitalist masters (the real Deep State). All for one and me for me.
It would of course be confusing for any objective person who knows only of LibiConism to understand that the true Liberal position is that of border protection and protection of the American worker, but that is the genuine Liberal position which I have espoused for over 40 years.
It's like - things are so on there heads in these times - for example:
Enviromentalism should rightly be the cause of Repukes since they are most often rural people and dependent on the natural environment, and one would think, think it was incumbent upon them to protect it rather than support its trashing as they do. Then again - they are stupid people.
You are very right in the illegal immigration part: if nobody would hire them, they would not come. It's pure greed from the already rich people to pay less in wages, even if it hurts the local community and even the country. To stop illegal immigration you should take away the reason to migrate illegally.
In the end it's the large companies who are running the country, which indeed is becoming a problem. All they seem to care about is money and the short term.

This is going to be the bigges problem of the US, but the US is not alone in this. The same goes for other countries
I am along time advocate of big fines and jail time for those who lure illegals with the promise of jobs.
Jobs w/o worker protections or legal min wages, mind you.

This country need to employ its able body welfare recipients, and educate those who can learn new skills, rather than put them on the gobermit dole, and import cheap labor.
This is yet another way that the rich get richer, and the transfer of wealth from the working class to the wealthy goes on. This is how wealth disparity is supported by immigration policy.

Any reason why you dont normally post things like this rather than calling people who likely agree with you all kinds of shitty names because you are hung up on partisan labels?

Are you still studying to be a Nurse, or is that history too?

Sea exactly what does my life off of these boards have to do with my post that you quoted?

How is that any of your business?

Not being able to appropriately to my post does not give you any liberties with me to hound me about my off board business.

Guess you bailed. Was hoping you were still involved.

You shouldnt bother yourself with what I do or dont do off of message boards unless I decide to share it openly.

And since you are totally okay with posters harassing other posters at their jobs and in their life......dont hold your breath waiting for me to ever openly share anything. I'm not putting out anything for you nutty ass freaks who abuse PI to run on.

You think whatever you want. If you were in any sort of position to know, you wouldnt need to ask on the forum.

Stick to the topics.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
Maybe after he gives millions of criminal immigrants green cards
What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
Why the fuck should they come here? We got our own to heal and regroup
They come because americans offer them jobs. Usually the jobs the americans do not want.

Now it's your turn to answer my question: What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
So you are fine with labor exploitation/trafficking?

Because that's what that is.
I did not say that. I was asking a question and answering one.

But if you want to know: no. I am not fine with labor exploitation and/or trafficking
Well, unfortunately that is the reason we have this ongoing illegal immigration, and mass immigration in general. All to satisfy the conservative business community who long ago forgot that businesses serve the community in which they operate, and have made it into let's stuff our pockets with as much money as possible no matter whose life it damages. Take a look at who is actually promoting mass immigration.
Ya got yer Commerce Depatment, yer Cato Inst, all yer big corporations who are so beloved by Repoolickers - who are the big employers of illegals, oh Tyson Farms, housing industry, Donald Tinyhands.
To the degree that Democraps have in more recent times gotten on board with it, it is that they have become corporatists also (a major reason I no longer support them - and I mean for decades). Of course there is a bit of a shell game being played by the parties and their conservative capitalist masters (the real Deep State). All for one and me for me.
It would of course be confusing for any objective person who knows only of LibiConism to understand that the true Liberal position is that of border protection and protection of the American worker, but that is the genuine Liberal position which I have espoused for over 40 years.
It's like - things are so on there heads in these times - for example:
Enviromentalism should rightly be the cause of Repukes since they are most often rural people and dependent on the natural environment, and one would think, think it was incumbent upon them to protect it rather than support its trashing as they do. Then again - they are stupid people.
You are very right in the illegal immigration part: if nobody would hire them, they would not come. It's pure greed from the already rich people to pay less in wages, even if it hurts the local community and even the country. To stop illegal immigration you should take away the reason to migrate illegally.
In the end it's the large companies who are running the country, which indeed is becoming a problem. All they seem to care about is money and the short term.

This is going to be the bigges problem of the US, but the US is not alone in this. The same goes for other countries
I am along time advocate of big fines and jail time for those who lure illegals with the promise of jobs.
Jobs w/o worker protections or legal min wages, mind you.

This country need to employ its able body welfare recipients, and educate those who can learn new skills, rather than put them on the gobermit dole, and import cheap labor.
This is yet another way that the rich get richer, and the transfer of wealth from the working class to the wealthy goes on. This is how wealth disparity is supported by immigration policy.

Any reason why you dont normally post things like this rather than calling people who likely agree with you all kinds of shitty names because you are hung up on partisan labels?

Are you still studying to be a Nurse, or is that history too?

why are you posting PI?


No American should entertain the Russian Troll Farm posters, or putinist insurrectionists.
.Trump and those mentioned stormed the Capitol Building on the 6th.

..and they post here in the name of Putin.
The one most obvious, I call Duhv.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Seamajor is posting PI. What someone does for a living or is studying for, that shouldn’t be broadcasted by anyone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No American should entertain the Russian Troll Farm posters, or putinist insurrectionists.
.Drumpf and those mentioned stormed the Capitol Building on the 6th.

..and they post here in the name of Putin.
The one most obvious, I call Duhv.
You loon, being let into the Capitol by the police isnt what a normal person would call insurrection. You parrot that bullshit cause your puppeteers tell you to. Fukin toolbag! :LOL2:


Seamajor is posting PI. What someone does for a living or is studying for, that shouldn’t be broadcasted by anyone.
So no one should say...
mention that I like fishing.

Cause, ya know - PI.
.............................................right, lolz



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No American should entertain the Russian Troll Farm posters, or putinist insurrectionists.
.Drumpf and those mentioned stormed the Capitol Building on the 6th.

..and they post here in the name of Putin.
The one most obvious, I call Duhv.

So your brain is mushed from swallowing divisive propaganda. Got it.


No American should entertain the Russian Troll Farm posters, or putinist insurrectionists.
.Drumpf and those mentioned stormed the Capitol Building on the 6th.

..and they post here in the name of Putin.
The one most obvious, I call Duhv.
You loon, being let into the Capitol by the police isnt what a normal person would call insurrection. You parrot that bullshit cause your puppeteers tell you to. Fukin toolbag! :LOL2:
Good point, lokturd - Capitol police were some complicit and will face charges and hopefully the noose.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seamajor is posting PI. What someone does for a living or is studying for, that shouldn’t be broadcasted by anyone.
So no one should say...
mention that I like fishing.

Cause, ya know - PI.
.............................................right, lolz

He has zero business hounding anyone with unsolicited and off topic personal questions.

You guys are hateful, shitty people though so I dont really expect boundaries to be a thing recognizable to either of you.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No American should entertain the Russian Troll Farm posters, or putinist insurrectionists.
.Drumpf and those mentioned stormed the Capitol Building on the 6th.

..and they post here in the name of Putin.
The one most obvious, I call Duhv.
You loon, being let into the Capitol by the police isnt what a normal person would call insurrection. You parrot that bullshit cause your puppeteers tell you to. Fukin toolbag! :LOL2:
Good point, lokturd - Capitol police were some complicit and will face charges and hopefully the noose.
noose.... sure dummy. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA! You'll be lucky if they get more than a slap on the wrist.

Hey, wait a minute...noose is a racist term! You talkin about hangin jigs, yo?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.


Seamajor is posting PI. What someone does for a living or is studying for, that shouldn’t be broadcasted by anyone.
So no one should say...
mention that I like fishing.

Cause, ya know - PI.
.............................................right, lolz

Notice how he went quiet.

Oh, yeah - because no one ever goes to take a leak, or make a sammich.

What is know is that Duhv has tried to pass itself off as a healthcare professional though it is obvious to those of us with some insight that it has no more than a smattering of knowledge of mainstream medicine and little of real healing techniques.

She's not only a fraud, but again - to those of us with insight - obviously working for the Russian Troll Farms, sowing discord and disinformation where and when it can.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Seamajor is posting PI. What someone does for a living or is studying for, that shouldn’t be broadcasted by anyone.
So no one should say...
mention that I like fishing.

Cause, ya know - PI.
.............................................right, lolz

Notice how he went quiet.

Oh, yeah - because no one ever goes to take a leak, or make a sammich.

What is know is that Duhv has tried to pass itself off as a healthcare professional though it is obvious to those of us with some insight that it has no more than a smattering of knowledge of mainstream medicine and little of real healing techniques.

She's not only a fraud, but again - to those of us with insight - obviously working for the Russian Troll Farms, sowing discord and disinformation where and when it can.

It’s still real life info. The same type that Seamajor reports and gets people banned over. Why does he get a pass?

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?


Seamajor is posting PI. What someone does for a living or is studying for, that shouldn’t be broadcasted by anyone.
So no one should say...
mention that I like fishing.

Cause, ya know - PI.
.............................................right, lolz

Notice how he went quiet.

Oh, yeah - because no one ever goes to take a leak, or make a sammich.

What is know is that Duhv has tried to pass itself off as a healthcare professional though it is obvious to those of us with some insight that it has no more than a smattering of knowledge of mainstream medicine and little of real healing techniques.

She's not only a fraud, but again - to those of us with insight - obviously working for the Russian Troll Farms, sowing discord and disinformation where and when it can.

It’s still real life info. The same type that Seamajor reports and gets people banned over. Why does he get a pass?

It's all very obvious inference. The confirmation comes when people object to it.
As I said - it clearly knows nothing and by its own admission does not work in the field.
One wonders why - was it incompetence, was it carrying out a Russian operative's mission and dismissed?

Was it just a career change when it was offered more money to troll Russian disinformation than to be a healing angel?
Last edited:

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?
Yea you have, don't lie. And not just once, either. Sticking your nose in where it didn't belong and I/we chopped it off.
I don't forget shit-


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biden death clock, takin off like a rocket!!!! His only hope of not surpassing SaintTrump is if he dies in a year! Decisions, decisions! LOL! :Sad:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?
Yea you have, don't lie. And not just once, either. Sticking your nose in where it didn't belong and I/we chopped it off.
I don't forget shit-

Exactly where, then?

Show me. I certainly do not recall a single thing resembling what you are talking about.

Are you drunk and confusing me with someone else? Because I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
SlowJoe death clock, takin off like a rocket!!!! His only hope of not surpassing SaintTrump is if he dies in a year! Decisions, decisions! LOL! :Sad:

Yeah. Then we are left with Harris.

Which happen in 2 years anyway when they 25th Segregation Joe.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?
Yea you have, don't lie. And not just once, either. Sticking your nose in where it didn't belong and I/we chopped it off.
I don't forget shit-

Exactly where, then?

Show me. I certainly do not recall a single thing resembling what you are talking about.

Are you drunk and confusing me with someone else? Because I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Drunk? No.
TRF for one. I ripped your skinny ass up a flagpole so well peeps claimed I was EB. Remember? You forgot we crossed paths previously at CO and maybe BH.
At SG we warred as well. You might find something there if you look.
So, stop LYING.
Easy enough to prove you lie, just ask Dorian Gay, Martini, anybody at BC.. lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?
Yea you have, don't lie. And not just once, either. Sticking your nose in where it didn't belong and I/we chopped it off.
I don't forget shit-

Exactly where, then?

Show me. I certainly do not recall a single thing resembling what you are talking about.

Are you drunk and confusing me with someone else? Because I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Drunk? No.
TRF for one. I ripped your skinny ass up a flagpole so well peeps claimed I was EB. Remember? You forgot we crossed paths previously at CO and maybe BH.
At SG we warred as well. You might find something there if you look.
So, stop LYING.
Easy enough to prove you lie, just ask Dorian Gay, Martini, anybody at BC.. lol

Fucking THIRD RAIL? You are mad at me over shit from TRF that I dont even remember and probably was not even serious?!

All of us have talked shit to eachother. When did i ever make it personal and resort to being malicious with you or "stick my nose where it didnt belong"? We ALL talked shit to eachother for fun at no dont particularly remember you from there.

I spent like....10 minutes on BH. Long enough to see Casket up by herself in the shout box at 2am casting hexes on someone.

The only time I can remember butting heads with you on SG is ironically when YOU decided to stick YOUR nose in where it didnt belong and jump on me over a fight Murd and I were having.

So.....yeah Benz... I really have no fucking clue what you are talking about and i would like to see where i got personal and malicious with you. I honestly had no idea you felt this way.

And that's kinda along the lines of what I first meant. If I develope a personal problem with someone, I take it up with them privately. I do not flip script on anyone, if I'm genuinely upset or pissed I will let that person know it directly.

What I dont do is run on the boards and get shitty and personal and start reporting people or attacking them unprovoked. And I challenge you to prove I have.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?
Yea you have, don't lie. And not just once, either. Sticking your nose in where it didn't belong and I/we chopped it off.
I don't forget shit-

Exactly where, then?

Show me. I certainly do not recall a single thing resembling what you are talking about.

Are you drunk and confusing me with someone else? Because I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Drunk? No.
TRF for one. I ripped your skinny ass up a flagpole so well peeps claimed I was EB. Remember? You forgot we crossed paths previously at CO and maybe BH.
At SG we warred as well. You might find something there if you look.
So, stop LYING.
Easy enough to prove you lie, just ask Dorian Gay, Martini, anybody at BC.. lol

Fucking THIRD RAIL? You are mad at me over shit from TRF that I dont even remember and probably was not even serious?!

All of us have talked shit to eachother. When did i ever make it personal and resort to being malicious with you or "stick my nose where it didnt belong"? We ALL talked shit to eachother for fun at no dont particularly remember you from there.

I spent like....10 minutes on BH. Long enough to see Casket up by herself in the shout box at 2am casting hexes on someone.

The only time I can remember butting heads with you on SG is ironically when YOU decided to stick YOUR nose in where it didnt belong and jump on me over a fight Murd and I were having.

So.....yeah Benz... I really have no fucking clue what you are talking about and i would like to see where i got personal and malicious with you. I honestly had no idea you felt this way.
^Blah blah blah^
All of a sudden the bitch 'remembers'.
My point made,
Nothing more to see-


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To people Seaboobs likes, he portrays himself as some cool hippie surfer guy who believes in kindness and respect for others. Which is frankly bullshit.

To people he doesnt like, he is a vindictive and malicious manipulator who will start getting personal and trying to get you in trouble. He is pretty vapid and judgmental.

I have zero doubt that he reported this board for hatespeech, hoping to get Freud permanently banned.

He just isnt at all who he pretends to be when he likes you.
Jesus Dove, you described yourself.

Ever see me get personal with someone who didnt already get visciously personal with me?

I'm very upfront and blunt person, so your assessment really misses the mark. If I have issue with someone I go directly to them.
Yea, you've attacked me many times when Joo needed support. Came out of nowhere.
That's a plain fact.

I have NEVER attacked you.

Link it.

You are the one who announced here that you and I "dont exactly like eachother".....which was certainly news to me because I've never had an issue with you.

You think me arguing against your political views means I'm attacking you? Is that it?
Yea you have, don't lie. And not just once, either. Sticking your nose in where it didn't belong and I/we chopped it off.
I don't forget shit-

Exactly where, then?

Show me. I certainly do not recall a single thing resembling what you are talking about.

Are you drunk and confusing me with someone else? Because I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Drunk? No.
TRF for one. I ripped your skinny ass up a flagpole so well peeps claimed I was EB. Remember? You forgot we crossed paths previously at CO and maybe BH.
At SG we warred as well. You might find something there if you look.
So, stop LYING.
Easy enough to prove you lie, just ask Dorian Gay, Martini, anybody at BC.. lol

Fucking THIRD RAIL? You are mad at me over shit from TRF that I dont even remember and probably was not even serious?!

All of us have talked shit to eachother. When did i ever make it personal and resort to being malicious with you or "stick my nose where it didnt belong"? We ALL talked shit to eachother for fun at no dont particularly remember you from there.

I spent like....10 minutes on BH. Long enough to see Casket up by herself in the shout box at 2am casting hexes on someone.

The only time I can remember butting heads with you on SG is ironically when YOU decided to stick YOUR nose in where it didnt belong and jump on me over a fight Murd and I were having.

So.....yeah Benz... I really have no fucking clue what you are talking about and i would like to see where i got personal and malicious with you. I honestly had no idea you felt this way.
^Blah blah blah^
All of a sudden the bitch 'remembers'.
My point made,
Nothing more to see-

Really? What did "the bitch" remember? Be specific.

I'm legit floored you have carried a grudge against me for a fucking decade just because I talked some stupid shit to you.....just like I've done with everyone and everyone has done with fucking CO and TRF.

That's wild, Benzo.

But you are accusing me of making it personal and being malscious.....which I have never done. So....if you directly explain when and how, you are the one with the problem you are trying to justify.