How many Americans have died on Alheimer joe's watch?

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
He is literally worse than Hitler! How could he let this happen why isn't he doing anything about covid!

he's just standing there doing some fake cultural tradition which does nothing except promote viral infection. What a shame Mr. Talk tough about the virus but wants a giant crowd of people to stroke his ego.

He should be at home like the rest of us.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
He is literally worse than Hitler! How could he let this happen why isn't he doing anything about covid!

he's just standing there doing some fake cultural tradition which does nothing except promote viral infection. What a shame Mr. Talk tough about the virus but wants a giant crowd of people to stroke his ego.

He should be at home like the rest of us.
Are you now talking about God? :Confused3:


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
People still die from H1N1.

I guess we should charge Obama and SlowJoe for murdering those people.

Then everytime another H1N1 death occurs, we can pull them into court and charge them again.

Makes sense!
Well, there's a legal term for this: "negligence".
Meaning: "A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances "


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
Maybe after he gives millions of criminal immigrants green cards
What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
Why the fuck should they come here? We got our own to heal and regroup
They come because americans offer them jobs. Usually the jobs the americans do not want.

Now it's your turn to answer my question: What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Why you do the politics, this is Bastard Factory, Politics frightens and confuses us! Mommy make them staahp!




Dude - check out all these ferner posters with BDS talking politics politics politics.
This is awful - they're shitting up our board with this stuff. :Pissed5:

We gotta do something before it's too late.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Seamajor why did you thumb down my post?

Dont you view pandemic deaths as "murder" on behalf of the leader at the time?

Or does that only apply to a leader you dont like?

I know that whole authoritarian mindset that people you dont like should be stripped of all rights and ruthlessly punished for whatever bullshit reason you can pull out of your ass is pretty popular with the rise of modern nazism.

Right along with the sentiment that everyone who went to the Capitol and opposed The Party should be....what was that? Sent to the "gallows"?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
People still die from H1N1.

I guess we should charge Obama and SlowJoe for murdering those people.

Then everytime another H1N1 death occurs, we can pull them into court and charge them again.

Makes sense!
Well, there's a legal term for this: "negligence".
Meaning: "A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances "

Well here is the problem with that, it still wouldnt be murder charges.

Also absolutely none of you can provide any reasonable example of this "negligence", nor do you apply any of it to the appropriate people. Your issues should be with the experts whose advice influenced the decisions made as well as state governors.

Are the people who died in Michigan nursing homes because Covid positive patients were sent there on Don's hands? Or Whitmers? Shes being investigated by the DOJ for that but considering shes in line with Seas partisan preference he will not at all criticize her.... while he claims Don should be charged with murder.

Also Obama didnt do much if anything during H1N1 and his administration didnt even replenish the stock piles. It looks years to get a vaccine as well.

It's a big problem when people are willing to pervert the justice system to overly and harshly punish people for shit no rational person would find appropriate while completely ignoring more questionable and negligent acts.....depending on who supports your side of politics.

Its socailist nazi shit. It's so absurd and partisan it cannot be taken seriously.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
Maybe after he gives millions of criminal immigrants green cards
What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
Why the fuck should they come here? We got our own to heal and regroup
They come because americans offer them jobs. Usually the jobs the americans do not want.

Now it's your turn to answer my question: What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?

So you are fine with labor exploitation/trafficking?

Because that's what that is.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I don't come here for stoopit politics, I only come here for brainfails coprophile porn and the Gay Men's Chorus of homo-eotica.

You come here and shit post in the political subforum.

You did the same thing at SG.

It's because you are incapable of engaging in any meaningful discussions with those who see the world differently than you and you've been groomed to demonize anyone who does.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
People still die from H1N1.

I guess we should charge Obama and SlowJoe for murdering those people.

Then everytime another H1N1 death occurs, we can pull them into court and charge them again.

Makes sense!
Well, there's a legal term for this: "negligence".
Meaning: "A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances "

Well here is the problem with that, it still wouldnt be murder charges.

Also absolutely none of you can provide any reasonable example of this "negligence", nor do you apply any of it to the appropriate people. Your issues should be with the experts whose advice influenced the decisions made as well as state governors.

Are the people who died in Michigan nursing homes because Covid positive patients were sent there on Don's hands? Or Whitmers? Shes being investigated by the DOJ for that but considering shes in line with Seas partisan preference he will not at all criticize her.... while he claims Don should be charged with murder.

Also Obama didnt do much if anything during H1N1 and his administration didnt even replenish the stock piles. It looks years to get a vaccine as well.

It's a big problem when people are willing to pervert the justice system to overly and harshly punish people for shit no rational person would find appropriate while completely ignoring more questionable and negligent acts.....depending on who supports your side of politics.

Its socailist nazi shit. It's so absurd and partisan it cannot be taken seriously.
I'm not the lawyer here :)

As a human being I blame Tump for giving the WRONG advice, where he could have known it was incorrect. In my continent we all knew it was serious and we were amazed by him saying there was no problem.
Of ourse I am not claiming all 400,000 deaths could have been prevented and all those millions infected would have not have been infected, but the numers could have been a lot lower.
So yes I blame him for that

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
He is literally worse than Hitler! How could he let this happen why isn't he doing anything about covid!

he's just standing there doing some fake cultural tradition which does nothing except promote viral infection. What a shame Mr. Talk tough about the virus but wants a giant crowd of people to stroke his ego.

He should be at home like the rest of us.
Are you now talking about God? :Confused3:

I'm not talking to you! mentally ill leftist!

You people need a history lesson to remember all the war crimes Biden was involved in.





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Dictator of the Bastard Factory
When is he gonna stop COVID like he promised? :ROFL3:
Maybe after he gives millions of criminal immigrants green cards
What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
Why the fuck should they come here? We got our own to heal and regroup
They come because americans offer them jobs. Usually the jobs the americans do not want.

Now it's your turn to answer my question: What crimes did these "millions of criminal immigrants" commit?
So you are fine with labor exploitation/trafficking?

Because that's what that is.
I did not say that. I was asking a question and answering one.

But if you want to know: no. I am not fine with labor exploitation and/or trafficking


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
He is literally worse than Hitler! How could he let this happen why isn't he doing anything about covid!

he's just standing there doing some fake cultural tradition which does nothing except promote viral infection. What a shame Mr. Talk tough about the virus but wants a giant crowd of people to stroke his ego.

He should be at home like the rest of us.
Are you now talking about God? :Confused3:
I'm not talking to you!
Yes you were :)


I don't come here for stoopit politics, I only come here for brainfails coprophile porn and the Gay Men's Chorus of homo-eotica.
btw - It has become obvious that Duhv is working with the Russian troll farm to spread disinformation and sow confusion among the weak minded trumptardian putinists who attempted to overthrow the United States government and install Trump as puppet dictator.
Well thank God our Liberal Democratic institutions held and 81 million True Americans swept the threat aside.