The Beaver Blogs


Domestically feral
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United states
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?


My vagina you twat. Come taste it. I'll show you.

How many times are you going to try this worn out lesbo shit with me? You are exactly what Dovey describes when she talks about "predators."

I've been fucking Dovey up, while your Orca sized ass is over here sexually harassing me. No seriously, according to Dovey's definition of being a "sexual predator" you fit the mold.

Let me guess?

Your vagina is way better than mine because yours tastes like Oscar Meyer Wieners?

You are fucking yourself up. Look at you....a gotdamn humorless mess who demands PI on fucking kids.

Watching you post is like watching a live psychotic breakdown and you are either too stupid or too narcissistic to get it. Or both....narcs are always stupid as fuck.

The cut/pasting of your glory days in 2006 from some dumb ass failed board no one cares about is just sad as fuck.

You are the poster slob for why trolls will ALWAYS be better than "flamers". Getting the best of you mental midgets is so easy
....its not even fair. You are so self obsessed and entitled that you are absolutely no match for anyone here. Even Benzo reduced you.

Stupid narc. Dont worry still got Seaboob and Casket to help you cyber stalk people who hurt your feelz on the internet. You big iconic FlameTard. :LOL1:

Succi's vagina is way better than that maggot looking clit thing you call a dick.

Let me guess... I sound mad? And you have your kids tho. I bet they are in the back yard digging holes to shit in because its cleaner thsn the alternative....while you "fuck people up" on a board that sees you as a joke.

You arent shit but a mentally busted up, discarded predator who cant do shit but look like a desperate braindead psycho online. Your shit looks more like a TLC episode on internet addiction than anything from a "flamer".

Go die of chinese aids.

Yet. I'm not the one that just got nuked off the planet by ONE King Martini post. See, Kevin didn't need to come out here and throw up some clever quips about your mothering skills, it has been well documented by more than one of your former online "friends" that you are indeed a shit mother.

Dovey said:
You are fucking yourself up. Look at you....a gotdamn humorless mess who demands PI on fucking kids.

I don't think so, dear. You see. Me letting everyone know that you're a shitty mother. Along with how Child Protective Services had to come in and take away your children for their protection isn't "demanding P.I. on children."

Your retarded defense is that everyone is a "sexual predator" because you say so. Well that's just not good enough. One because it couldn't be farther from the truth. Two, if I really wanted information on your children that bad I could just contact CPS and let them know I'm interested in fostering all your children while also leaving the door open for possible adoption. Imagine that. Me adopting your children.

Dovey said:
Watching you post is like watching a live psychotic breakdown and you are either too stupid or too narcissistic to get it. Or both....narcs are always stupid as fuck.

Just reading your redundant lies and accusations make me smile. I know you really have to be upset and angry that I'm able to pick you apart mentally, while you try in vain to bump out responses that aren't the same sounding. I am really impressed how you're able to recycle "psycho" and "narcissistic" in every one of your stupid responses.

Dovey said:
The cut/pasting of your glory days in 2006 from some dumb ass failed board no one cares about is just sad as fuck.

So. You do "read" my posts. I thought you stated "no one is interested...or going to read shit from...?" That really isn't the case is it?

Again, while trying your best to sound "smart," you go off and hamstring yourself by openly contradicting yourself by running your stupid fat fucking mouth. Like you've done your entire time out here.

Dovey said:
You are the poster slob for why trolls will ALWAYS be better than "flamers". Getting the best of you mental midgets is so easy
....its not even fair. You are so self obsessed and entitled that you are absolutely no match for anyone here. Even Benzo reduced you.

You're calling yourself a "troll" now? That's like saying you're one hell of a parent.

Yeah. I don't think so, Dovey. You slept with 2 of your "victims." No. A good troll never meets their counterparts, let alone fuck them.

What you are is a miserable, sad and lonely person that has burned all her RL bridges and is now moving to the online realm to make "friends." Lets also not forget that three of your former online "friends" hate your guts.

As far as BEnzo goes, everyone knows the truth, therefore I don't even have to dignify your massively retarded statement with a response.

Dovey said:
Stupid narc. Dont worry still got Seaboob and Casket to help you cyber stalk people who hurt your feelz on the internet. You big iconic FlameTard. :LOL1:

Can you finally explain to me what a "stupid narc" is? Is that a Michigan thing? I have no idea what you are even talking about when you try and accuse me of being a, "narc." Is that like an undercover cop or something?

Speaking of Seamajor. I saw that when you couldn't turn Seamajor over to the darkside, you started calling him a "pedophile," just like Biggie Cuntface was doing for the last 4 weeks. And you two bitches say I'm "repetitive." You guys are funnay!

Why are you bad mouthing Caskur? I personally enjoyed watching Caskur make you lose your shit over her little truthful comments about your terrible mothering skills. Caskur is a better parent than you AND HER SON FUCKING DIED!

Who's the one "owned" now, bitch?

Dovey said:
Succi's vagina is way better than that maggot looking clit thing you call a dick.

So we're still on the Flynn is Martini angle? How fucking high are you? It has been fucking proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Martini and myself are two different people. Only you and that faggot dwarf think that Martini is running around and scroll bombing himself. Idiot.

I either have a "clit" or I don't. How original of you. Next you'll be accusing me of being Seamajor and Caskur in drag.

Dovey said:
Let me guess... I sound mad? And you have your kids tho. I bet they are in the back yard digging holes to shit in because its cleaner thsn the alternative....while you "fuck people up" on a board that sees you as a joke.

No. I wasn't going to say that. What I was going to say was:

You sound mad? Guess what? I have my kids, "tho."

What my children do in the privacy of our "backyard" should be none of your concern, stalker. ARE YOU TRYING TO GET PI ON MY CHILDREN?

Why do you want to know what kind of sand is in their sandbox? Only a prevert would talk about children and sandboxes. You're a sick fuck you narcissistic psycho. Who asks what kind of sand my children children like playing in? I'm gonna report you to myself and then bitch about it all fucking day on a forum. Psycho!

Dovey said:
You arent shit but a mentally busted up, discarded predator who cant do shit but look like a desperate braindead psycho online. Your shit looks more like a TLC episode on internet addiction than anything from a "flamer".

WOW! Did you just call me a "psycho" and "predator" again? Talk about "repeating" yourself! Only someone psycho who lost their children to CPS would continue repeating themselves like a Dovey stuck on stupid.

I'm good enough to smack your oversized melon up and down these fucking forums cunt, and bitchslap any number of your enablers back to the fucking Ming Dynasty you fucking sorry excuse for a human.

Dovey said:
Go die of chinese aids.

Why? Is there an American version that's weaker? Are you a communicable diseases expert?

Are you thinking that your many "run ins" with STD's makes you kind of a self styled expert?

P.S.-Do you know that I have custody of my children?

Complete waste of time, psycho.

I ain't reading none of your blathering ass cry fests longer than a sentence or two.

It's just that it looks emotional and I dont give a fuck about your feelings.

Say what you gotta say in one or two sentences or scroll on by. I'm not reading this dumb shit.

Don't lie. You read it.

Nope. I dont read most of your unhinged, delusional drivel.

No one does. lmao.

Go suck Caskets polluted twat and die mad.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

Oh yes he did. Right through your dumb proxy.

Flea can barely manage a no....she cannot help you here.

CW would see your proxy and not be assed to do what Big did.....but you are not melting down and making threats on FT. So.
CW would see the ip address of a proxy at marvel at herself because she could plug the IP address into ARIN and discover it was part of a TOR exit node network.


Whereas I am the real deal and can force the web applets embedded within powershell to open an entirely new connection to the destination of my choice and record the source. Without you even knowing it was happening

Unless of course you had taskmanager open the whole time examining suspicious cmd.exe progs starting spontaneously.

But I doubt simple flynn was doing any of that as I was baiting her.

or should I say him


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I think this psychos next big "revenge" move is trying to locate me(continue to try to locate me) and file a maliscious CPS report claiming I do drugs and he is "worried about my kids".

So I've covered all those bases. I am absolutely prepared to defend my kids from this demonic piece of miserable shit.

He does disgusting shit like this.

You forgot one very important aspect to your Goonies like plan.

You first have to have custody of your children first before anyone can go calling CPS about your children. It looks as though someone already called CPS on you.

Hey, Dovey? This is fun, amirite?

And you forgot the MOST important aspect of this.

No one gives a fuck what you think is going on in their real lives.

I'm sure you do find obsessing over the kids "fun". You should seriously consider banging your fucking head with that piss crusted toilet seat until you are dead or not a stupid sociopath anymore.

Which is why you're now claiming that Biggie Nimrod has done all these wonderful technological things to the forum, yet he couldn't even update a simple security certificate.

What's the next story? You gaining custody of your children?
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Or you would have used that for your benefit.

She wouldn't if I asked her not to.

I asked her not to.

sometimes it's just best to let things run their course

How long did I let cunt squeal about a hacked database? :ROFL:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?


My vagina you twat. Come taste it. I'll show you.

How many times are you going to try this worn out lesbo shit with me? You are exactly what Dovey describes when she talks about "predators."

I've been fucking Dovey up, while your Orca sized ass is over here sexually harassing me. No seriously, according to Dovey's definition of being a "sexual predator" you fit the mold.

Let me guess?

Your vagina is way better than mine because yours tastes like Oscar Meyer Wieners?

You are fucking yourself up. Look at you....a gotdamn humorless mess who demands PI on fucking kids.

Watching you post is like watching a live psychotic breakdown and you are either too stupid or too narcissistic to get it. Or both....narcs are always stupid as fuck.

The cut/pasting of your glory days in 2006 from some dumb ass failed board no one cares about is just sad as fuck.

You are the poster slob for why trolls will ALWAYS be better than "flamers". Getting the best of you mental midgets is so easy
....its not even fair. You are so self obsessed and entitled that you are absolutely no match for anyone here. Even Benzo reduced you.

Stupid narc. Dont worry still got Seaboob and Casket to help you cyber stalk people who hurt your feelz on the internet. You big iconic FlameTard. :LOL1:

Succi's vagina is way better than that maggot looking clit thing you call a dick.

Let me guess... I sound mad? And you have your kids tho. I bet they are in the back yard digging holes to shit in because its cleaner thsn the alternative....while you "fuck people up" on a board that sees you as a joke.

You arent shit but a mentally busted up, discarded predator who cant do shit but look like a desperate braindead psycho online. Your shit looks more like a TLC episode on internet addiction than anything from a "flamer".

Go die of chinese aids.

Yet. I'm not the one that just got nuked off the planet by ONE King Martini post. See, Kevin didn't need to come out here and throw up some clever quips about your mothering skills, it has been well documented by more than one of your former online "friends" that you are indeed a shit mother.

Dovey said:
You are fucking yourself up. Look at you....a gotdamn humorless mess who demands PI on fucking kids.

I don't think so, dear. You see. Me letting everyone know that you're a shitty mother. Along with how Child Protective Services had to come in and take away your children for their protection isn't "demanding P.I. on children."

Your retarded defense is that everyone is a "sexual predator" because you say so. Well that's just not good enough. One because it couldn't be farther from the truth. Two, if I really wanted information on your children that bad I could just contact CPS and let them know I'm interested in fostering all your children while also leaving the door open for possible adoption. Imagine that. Me adopting your children.

Dovey said:
Watching you post is like watching a live psychotic breakdown and you are either too stupid or too narcissistic to get it. Or both....narcs are always stupid as fuck.

Just reading your redundant lies and accusations make me smile. I know you really have to be upset and angry that I'm able to pick you apart mentally, while you try in vain to bump out responses that aren't the same sounding. I am really impressed how you're able to recycle "psycho" and "narcissistic" in every one of your stupid responses.

Dovey said:
The cut/pasting of your glory days in 2006 from some dumb ass failed board no one cares about is just sad as fuck.

So. You do "read" my posts. I thought you stated "no one is interested...or going to read shit from...?" That really isn't the case is it?

Again, while trying your best to sound "smart," you go off and hamstring yourself by openly contradicting yourself by running your stupid fat fucking mouth. Like you've done your entire time out here.

Dovey said:
You are the poster slob for why trolls will ALWAYS be better than "flamers". Getting the best of you mental midgets is so easy
....its not even fair. You are so self obsessed and entitled that you are absolutely no match for anyone here. Even Benzo reduced you.

You're calling yourself a "troll" now? That's like saying you're one hell of a parent.

Yeah. I don't think so, Dovey. You slept with 2 of your "victims." No. A good troll never meets their counterparts, let alone fuck them.

What you are is a miserable, sad and lonely person that has burned all her RL bridges and is now moving to the online realm to make "friends." Lets also not forget that three of your former online "friends" hate your guts.

As far as BEnzo goes, everyone knows the truth, therefore I don't even have to dignify your massively retarded statement with a response.

Dovey said:
Stupid narc. Dont worry still got Seaboob and Casket to help you cyber stalk people who hurt your feelz on the internet. You big iconic FlameTard. :LOL1:

Can you finally explain to me what a "stupid narc" is? Is that a Michigan thing? I have no idea what you are even talking about when you try and accuse me of being a, "narc." Is that like an undercover cop or something?

Speaking of Seamajor. I saw that when you couldn't turn Seamajor over to the darkside, you started calling him a "pedophile," just like Biggie Cuntface was doing for the last 4 weeks. And you two bitches say I'm "repetitive." You guys are funnay!

Why are you bad mouthing Caskur? I personally enjoyed watching Caskur make you lose your shit over her little truthful comments about your terrible mothering skills. Caskur is a better parent than you AND HER SON FUCKING DIED!

Who's the one "owned" now, bitch?

Dovey said:
Succi's vagina is way better than that maggot looking clit thing you call a dick.

So we're still on the Flynn is Martini angle? How fucking high are you? It has been fucking proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Martini and myself are two different people. Only you and that faggot dwarf think that Martini is running around and scroll bombing himself. Idiot.

I either have a "clit" or I don't. How original of you. Next you'll be accusing me of being Seamajor and Caskur in drag.

Dovey said:
Let me guess... I sound mad? And you have your kids tho. I bet they are in the back yard digging holes to shit in because its cleaner thsn the alternative....while you "fuck people up" on a board that sees you as a joke.

No. I wasn't going to say that. What I was going to say was:

You sound mad? Guess what? I have my kids, "tho."

What my children do in the privacy of our "backyard" should be none of your concern, stalker. ARE YOU TRYING TO GET PI ON MY CHILDREN?

Why do you want to know what kind of sand is in their sandbox? Only a prevert would talk about children and sandboxes. You're a sick fuck you narcissistic psycho. Who asks what kind of sand my children children like playing in? I'm gonna report you to myself and then bitch about it all fucking day on a forum. Psycho!

Dovey said:
You arent shit but a mentally busted up, discarded predator who cant do shit but look like a desperate braindead psycho online. Your shit looks more like a TLC episode on internet addiction than anything from a "flamer".

WOW! Did you just call me a "psycho" and "predator" again? Talk about "repeating" yourself! Only someone psycho who lost their children to CPS would continue repeating themselves like a Dovey stuck on stupid.

I'm good enough to smack your oversized melon up and down these fucking forums cunt, and bitchslap any number of your enablers back to the fucking Ming Dynasty you fucking sorry excuse for a human.

Dovey said:
Go die of chinese aids.

Why? Is there an American version that's weaker? Are you a communicable diseases expert?

Are you thinking that your many "run ins" with STD's makes you kind of a self styled expert?

P.S.-Do you know that I have custody of my children?

Complete waste of time, psycho.

I ain't reading none of your blathering ass cry fests longer than a sentence or two.

It's just that it looks emotional and I dont give a fuck about your feelings.

Say what you gotta say in one or two sentences or scroll on by. I'm not reading this dumb shit.

Don't lie. You read it.

Nope. I dont read most of your unhinged, delusional drivel.

No one does. lmao.

Go suck Caskets polluted twat and die mad.

You lie too much. I know you read it.

Did you know I have my kids? Do you?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think this psychos next big "revenge" move is trying to locate me(continue to try to locate me) and file a maliscious CPS report claiming I do drugs and he is "worried about my kids".

So I've covered all those bases. I am absolutely prepared to defend my kids from this demonic piece of miserable shit.

He does disgusting shit like this.

You forgot one very important aspect to your Goonies like plan.

You first have to have custody of your children first before anyone can go calling CPS about your children. It looks as though someone already called CPS on you.

Hey, Dovey? This is fun, amirite?

And you forgot the MOST important aspect of this.

No one gives a fuck what you think is going on in their real lives.

I'm sure you do find obsessing over the kids "fun". You should seriously consider banging your fucking head with that piss crusted toilet seat until you are dead or not a stupid sociopath anymore.

Which is why you're now claiming that Biggie Nimrod has done all these wonderful technological things to the forum, yet he couldn't even update a simple security certificate.

What's the next story? You gaining custody of your children

Now if you had a modicum of intelligence you might be asking yourself why... a security certificate that only has a shelf life of 3 months which had been changed several times previously was suddenly left unattended this last time around

lolz.... some people can be deliciously simple at times

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Flynn certainly looks like she's not having fun anymore


no worries hon, there's lots more where all that came from

I'm only just beginning to toy with you


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.

Absolute fucking rubbish. Everyone knows this.

realgrimm knows this, and so does Bastard Factory. I give both of these people permission to answer if my i.p. address and Martini's are the same.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.

Absolute fucking rubbish. Everyone knows this.

realgrimm knows this, and so does Bastard Factory. I give both of these people permission to answer if my i.p. address and Martini's are the same.
of course they are not the same.

Anyone can install two browsers on their desktop simultaneously

so many choices too


etc etc


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn certainly looks like she's not having fun anymore


no worries hon, there's lots more where all that came from

I'm only just beginning to toy with you

No one is scared. This is what you two pull when you two get fucked up on the boards.

Just like when you deleted my account for Dovey at SG. I lived through that. I imagine I can live through another one of your temper tantrums, midget man.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.

Absolute fucking rubbish. Everyone knows this.

realgrimm knows this, and so does Bastard Factory. I give both of these people permission to answer if my i.p. address and Martini's are the same.
of course they are not the same.

Anyone can install two browsers on their desktop simultaneously

so many choices too


etc etc



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I think this psychos next big "revenge" move is trying to locate me(continue to try to locate me) and file a maliscious CPS report claiming I do drugs and he is "worried about my kids".

So I've covered all those bases. I am absolutely prepared to defend my kids from this demonic piece of miserable shit.

He does disgusting shit like this.

You forgot one very important aspect to your Goonies like plan.

You first have to have custody of your children first before anyone can go calling CPS about your children. It looks as though someone already called CPS on you.

Hey, Dovey? This is fun, amirite?

And you forgot the MOST important aspect of this.

No one gives a fuck what you think is going on in their real lives.

I'm sure you do find obsessing over the kids "fun". You should seriously consider banging your fucking head with that piss crusted toilet seat until you are dead or not a stupid sociopath anymore.

Which is why you're now claiming that Biggie Nimrod has done all these wonderful technological things to the forum, yet he couldn't even update a simple security certificate.

What's the next story? You gaining custody of your children

Now if you had a modicum of intelligence you might be asking yourself why... a security certificate that only has a shelf life of 3 months which had been changed several times previously was suddenly left unattended this last time around

lolz.... some people can be deliciously simple at times

No. It's just that I don't fucking care.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.
You sniffin' glue?
I've known that for ten years.
Unless you see the isp it could be Gunz.

There are two others who drive it but they dont deserve to be named. But it's not Gunz.

It's been Kevin mostly. Hence the obsessive autistic screeching at and about me.

He does this so he can manipulate naive people into getting them to think I'm the crazy one. Narcs do this. He can have his psycho tantrums without attaching his name to it.
You saying Gunz doesn't run Flynn basically, correct?

Yes you fucking retard. They are saying I am king Martini and not "Gunz."

This outta be good.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Flynn certainly looks like she's not having fun anymore


no worries hon, there's lots more where all that came from

I'm only just beginning to toy with you

No one is scared. This is what you two pull when you two get fucked up on the boards.

Just like when you deleted my account for Dovey at SG. I lived through that. I imagine I can live through another one of your temper tantrums, midget man.
No one wants you to be scared

Just want you to act out of character everytime I say boo

which is exactly what you are doing

lol .... Grim knows... ask bastard factory he'll tell you !!!!!! Turn those machines back ONNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think this psychos next big "revenge" move is trying to locate me(continue to try to locate me) and file a maliscious CPS report claiming I do drugs and he is "worried about my kids".

So I've covered all those bases. I am absolutely prepared to defend my kids from this demonic piece of miserable shit.

He does disgusting shit like this.

You forgot one very important aspect to your Goonies like plan.

You first have to have custody of your children first before anyone can go calling CPS about your children. It looks as though someone already called CPS on you.

Hey, Dovey? This is fun, amirite?

And you forgot the MOST important aspect of this.

No one gives a fuck what you think is going on in their real lives.

I'm sure you do find obsessing over the kids "fun". You should seriously consider banging your fucking head with that piss crusted toilet seat until you are dead or not a stupid sociopath anymore.

Which is why you're now claiming that Biggie Nimrod has done all these wonderful technological things to the forum, yet he couldn't even update a simple security certificate.

What's the next story? You gaining custody of your children

Now if you had a modicum of intelligence you might be asking yourself why... a security certificate that only has a shelf life of 3 months which had been changed several times previously was suddenly left unattended this last time around

lolz.... some people can be deliciously simple at times

No. It's just that I don't fucking care.
Is that why you mention it so often?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I think this psychos next big "revenge" move is trying to locate me(continue to try to locate me) and file a maliscious CPS report claiming I do drugs and he is "worried about my kids".

So I've covered all those bases. I am absolutely prepared to defend my kids from this demonic piece of miserable shit.

He does disgusting shit like this.

You forgot one very important aspect to your Goonies like plan.

You first have to have custody of your children first before anyone can go calling CPS about your children. It looks as though someone already called CPS on you.

Hey, Dovey? This is fun, amirite?

And you forgot the MOST important aspect of this.

No one gives a fuck what you think is going on in their real lives.

I'm sure you do find obsessing over the kids "fun". You should seriously consider banging your fucking head with that piss crusted toilet seat until you are dead or not a stupid sociopath anymore.

Which is why you're now claiming that Biggie Nimrod has done all these wonderful technological things to the forum, yet he couldn't even update a simple security certificate.

What's the next story? You gaining custody of your children

Now if you had a modicum of intelligence you might be asking yourself why... a security certificate that only has a shelf life of 3 months which had been changed several times previously was suddenly left unattended this last time around

lolz.... some people can be deliciously simple at times

No. It's just that I don't fucking care.
Is that why you mention it so often?

I mentioned it three times today in 34 posts.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?

Well I might dabble in it from time to time

in between fares of course.

Don't hack and drive

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think this psychos next big "revenge" move is trying to locate me(continue to try to locate me) and file a maliscious CPS report claiming I do drugs and he is "worried about my kids".

So I've covered all those bases. I am absolutely prepared to defend my kids from this demonic piece of miserable shit.

He does disgusting shit like this.

You forgot one very important aspect to your Goonies like plan.

You first have to have custody of your children first before anyone can go calling CPS about your children. It looks as though someone already called CPS on you.

Hey, Dovey? This is fun, amirite?

And you forgot the MOST important aspect of this.

No one gives a fuck what you think is going on in their real lives.

I'm sure you do find obsessing over the kids "fun". You should seriously consider banging your fucking head with that piss crusted toilet seat until you are dead or not a stupid sociopath anymore.

Which is why you're now claiming that Biggie Nimrod has done all these wonderful technological things to the forum, yet he couldn't even update a simple security certificate.

What's the next story? You gaining custody of your children

Now if you had a modicum of intelligence you might be asking yourself why... a security certificate that only has a shelf life of 3 months which had been changed several times previously was suddenly left unattended this last time around

lolz.... some people can be deliciously simple at times

No. It's just that I don't fucking care.
Is that why you mention it so often?

I mentioned it three times today in 34 posts.

you went back and counted?

like you just learned a trick?


now gimme your paw


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?

Well I might dabble in it from time to time

in between fares of course.

Don't hack and drive

Riddle me this dipshit.

It's "don't hack and drive?"

How about "No podcasting and driving?"

Remember that? You sound like what the tooth fairy would sound like if they were born in Brooklyn.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

"GUNZ" has never been in this account. Neither has Kevin. Flea unfortunately can validate this, so can CW at FT.

What a desperate moron. No wonder your kids were taken the fuck away.
You think so?

Would this be the same CW who couldn't protect her database from my antics? Or the flea who left all that difficult techie stuff to me because she didn't know the difference between an IP address and a can of goya beans?

Let me get this straight. Not only are you a millionaire who drives a cab just because you get bored with all your fancy cars, but you're a computer hacker as well?

Well I might dabble in it from time to time

in between fares of course.

Don't hack and drive

Riddle me this dipshit.

It's "don't hack and drive?"

How about "No podcasting and driving?"

Remember that? You sound like what the tooth fairy would sound like if they were born in Brooklyn.
Talking and driving is difficult for you?

Do you drive with both hands AND your feet on the steering wheel too? Just to be sure?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Or you would have used that for your benefit.

She wouldn't if I asked her not to.

I asked her not to.

sometimes it's just best to let things run their course

How long did I let cunt squeal about a hacked database? :ROFL:


Just like when you say you can see over the steering wheel unassisted.
oh.. caps

you must feel strongly about it.

Bet you still have your kids tho... right?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did anyone else enjoy Flynn's, I mean Martini's, meltdown over at Flametruth?

read a lot like the meltdowns that are happening here atm


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

You understand Big traced this and knows for fact who it is?

Does Gunz have the same location and ip as Kevin?

Gunz hasnt been in the Flynn HQ for a while.


Biggie Slimebag did no such thing you lying tramp.

Oh yes he did. Right through your dumb proxy.

Flea can barely manage a no....she cannot help you here.

CW would see your proxy and not be assed to do what Big did.....but you are not melting down and making threats on FT. So.

No. He didn't.

Or you would have used that for your benefit. Which you have not, which tells me you're full of shit once again.

Look at your crazy childless ass, out here on the forums making up stupid stories not even you believe.

P.S.-Did you know I have custody of my children?

He did tho.

You are like one of those creepy ass stalker stories from Reddit that gets referenced in psych articles on malignant narcissism.

The fuck do we need a "benefit" for? Lmaoooo.

Your brain is all narc scrambled and you are protecting your stupid line of psycho logic onto us again. Normal healthy people dont think like you.

We DO know how narcs think, tho....yanno?
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Did anyone else enjoy Flynn's, I mean Martini's, meltdown over at Flametruth?

read a lot like the meltdowns that are happening here atm

I never go over there. I have absolutely no interest in any of their hypocritical and nasty bullshit.

When I do go over there I stick to Cunt and Danny's political discussions. I stay away from Kevin's stupid drama and Flea and Caskets miserable hateful dramas.

Let me it another entitled narc tantrum?

He really is a disgusting, awful person who lies and manipulates.